Student advisors at the IT department
We deal with questions about courses selection, programmes and different branches within programmes. If you have issues related to your studies, the student advisors are who you turn to.
Our reception is in room 103121, Ångströmlaboratoriet, House 10, floor 3.
Opening hours are 10.30 - 12.00, Monday - Wednesday.
CLOSED Tuesday April 2
You can also: E-mail the student advisors
Book a meeting
You can book a meeting with us through the booking-system and specify how you prefer to meet (at Campus, through Zoom or telephone) in the booking text. If you want to meet via Zoom
, you will be invited to the meeting in a mail. All students have access to Zoom via the university but it is not necessary to install the app. You may use your computer, your phone or your tablet.
Reception (drop in): Mondays 10.30-12.00. Other times only on appointment, please use the booking-system
Telephone 018 - 471 7631
Reception (drop in): Tuesdays 10.30-12.00. Other times only on appointment, please use the booking-system
Telephone 018 - 471 6234
Reception (drop in): Wednesdays 10.30-12.00. Other times only on appointment, please use the booking-system
Telephone 018 - 471 1030
Student advisors for students in our master programmes
Computer Science (Including Sino-Swedish): Liselott Dominicus and Anders Kronberg E-mail the student advisors
Embedded Systems: Liselott Dominicus E-mail the student advisors
Computational Science: Liselott Dominicus, E-mail the student advisors
Image Analysis and Machine Learning: Olga Kaj E-mail the student advisors
Data Science: Olga Kaj E-mail the student advisors