Welcome New Masters Students!
This page provides important information for new masters students at the Department of Information Technology, starting this autumn 2023. Which meetings should you attend? How do you register for the program? Are there any welcome activities? Please study this page carefully and return to it often when planning your start of studies at the IT department, to ensure a smooth start of your studies.
Please note: The information below only applies to students enrolled in the Computer Science masters programme (or its specialisations Sino-Swedish), the Computational Science masters programme, the Embedded Systems masters programme, the Image Analysis and Machine Learning masters programme; or the Data Science masters programme (one of its specialisations Data Engineering or Machine Learning and Statistics). If you are a student in any other masters programme within the disciplinary domain of science and technology, you should check for more information at the Faculty of Science and Technology.
The 2023 autumn term will start with introductory meetings in the week of August 21. You are expected to attend the introductory meetings. In case you already know that your arrival in Uppsala will be delayed, you must get in touch with the coordinator of your master programme as soon as possible.
Roll Call: The roll call is the mandatory first meeting you must attend to claim your space in your programme. The specific time and place for each program meeting will be announced as they are decided. All students need to bring a valid ID (e.g., passport) to the roll call.
Enrolment Formalities to the courses After your selection of courses is finalized we will register you for your courses. It is mandatory to complete your course selection before orientation is over, August 25.
Student account: To participate in the programme it is very important that you have a student account. Read more about getting a student account.
Read programme-specific information, where you will find more information; on how to select your courses, on mandatory activities required to start your studies, about studying in Uppsala, and get a chance to meet with your new teachers and classmates are available here:
Master’s Programme in Computer Science and Sino-Swedish
Master's Programme in Embedded Systems
Master's Programme in Computational Science
Master's Programme in Image Analysis and Machine Learning
Master's Programme in Data Science
Finding Us: The Department of Information Technology is located at Ångström Laboratory. Most of the introductory events of the first week will take place in house 10. Find more information on how to get to Uppsala and the university.
More Information
When campus tuition eventually begins, you will spend most of your time at the department of Information Technology on the Ångström Laboratory. You will find a presentation of the Ångström Laboratory that is presented here.
In addition to the information provided here, it will be useful for you to have a look at Uppsala University's welcome pages.
Other Orientation Events
The Uppsala Union of Engineering and Science is organising a Master and Exchange Reception. Take the opportunity to interact with other students and find information about courses, events and many other activities relevant for a master student of Science and Technology.
Uppsala's 13 student nations regularly organize events to welcome new students and then throughout the year. Read more about Uppsala’s nations.
The Uppsala Student Union welcomes international students and offers help and advice every weekday. Read more about their services here.