Publications (including prior affiliations)
A Hybrid Static-Dynamic Classification for Dual-Consistency Cache Coherence
Ros A., Jimborean A.
In TPDS - IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Multiversioned Decoupled Access-Execute: the Key to Energy-Efficient Compilation of General-Purpose Programs
Koukos K., Ekemark P., Zacharopoulos G., Spiliopoulos V., Kaxiras S., Jimborean A.
In CC - International Conference on Compiler Construction
Best paper award
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Profiling-Assisted Decoupled Access-Execute
Waern J., Ekemark P., Koukos K., Kaxiras S., Jimborean A.
In HIP3ES - International Workshop on High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems
A Dual-Consistency Cache Coherence Protocol
Ros A., Jimborean A.
In IPDPS - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (2015)
Dynamic and Speculative Polyhedral Parallelization Using Compiler-Generated Skeletons
Jimborean A., Clauss Ph., Dollinger J.F., Loechner V., Martinez J.M
In IJPP - Springer's International Journal of Parallel Programming (2014)
Software-controlled Processor Stalls for Time and Energy Efficient Data Locality Optimization
Clauss Ph., Fassi I., Jimborean A.
In ICSAMOS - International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (2014), Samos, Greece
Speculative Program Parallelization with Scalable and Decentralized Runtime Verification
Sukumaran-Rajam A., Martinez Caamaño J. M., Wolff W., Jimborean A., Clauss Ph.
In RV - Runtime Verification (2014), Toronto, ON, Canada
Fix the code. Don't tweak the hardware: A new compiler approach to Voltage-Frequency scaling
Jimborean A., Koukos K., Spiliopoulos V., Black-Schaffer D., Kaxiras S. (Best presentation award)
In CGO - Code Generation and Optimization (2014), Orlando, FL, USA
Online Dynamic Dependence Analysis for Speculative Polyhedral Parallelization
Jimborean A., Clauss Ph., Martinez J.M, Sukumaran-Rajam A.
In Euro-Par (2013), Aachen, Germany
Dynamic and Speculative Polyhedral Parallelization of Loop Nests Using Binary Code Patterns
Jimborean A., Clauss Ph., Dollinger J.F., Loechner V., Martinez J.M
In ICCS - 13th International Conference on Computational Science (2013), Barcelona, Spain
VMAD: an Advanced Dynamic Program Analysis & Instrumentation Framework
Jimborean A., Mastrangelo L., Loechner V., Clauss Ph.
In CC - 21st International Conference on Compiler Construction (2012), Tallinn, Estonia
Adapting the Polyhedral Model as a Framework for Efficient Speculative Parallelization
Jimborean A., Clauss Ph., Pradelle B., Mastrangelo L., Loechner V.
In PPoPP - 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (2012), New Orleans, USA
Does dynamic and speculative parallelization enable advanced parallelizing and optimizing code transformations?
Clauss Ph., Jimborean A.
In DCE - 1st International Workshop on Dynamic compilation from SoC to Web Browser via HPC, in conjunction with HiPEAC (2012), Paris, France
Handling Multi-Versioning in LLVM: Code Tracking and Cloning
Jimborean A., Loechner V., Clauss Ph.
In WIR - 1st International Workshop on Intermediate Representations, in conjunction with CGO (2011), Chamonix, France
VMAD: a Virtual Machine for Advanced Dynamic Analysis of Programs
Jimborean A., Herrmann M., Loechner V., Clauss Ph.
In ISPASS - IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (2011), Austin, USA