I started as a PhD student in 2011 with Axel Målqvist as my supervisor. My research is about multiscale methods based on the local orthogonal decomposition (LOD) method. I am also interested in partial differential equations (PDEs) with uncertain data. More information about my and related reseach can be found at project homepage multiscale problems and uncertainty quantification.
- D. Elfverson, M. G. Larson, and A. Målqvist Multiscale methods for problems with complex geometry, (arXiv)
- D. Elfverson, F. Hellman, and A. Målqvist A multilevel Monte Carlo method for computing failure probabilities, (arXiv).
- D. Elfverson. A discontinuous Galerkin multiscale method for convection-diffusion problems, (arXiv).
- D. Elfverson, V. Ginting, and P. Henning. On Multiscale Methods in Petrov-Galerkin formulation, Numerische Mathematik (DOI,arXiv).
- D. Elfverson, D. J. Estep, F. Hellman, and A. Målqvist. Uncertainty quantification for approximate p-quantiles for physical models with stochastic inputs, SIAM/ASA JUQ (DOI).
- On Discontinuous Galerkin Multiscale Methods (Liceniate Thesis) 2013.
- D. Elfverson, E. H. Georgoulis, A. Målqvist, and D. Peterseim. Convergence of a Discontinuous Galerkin Multiscale Method, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., (DOI|arXiv).
- D. Elfveron, E. H. Georgoulis, and A. Målqvist. An Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Multiscale Method for Elliptic Problems, SIAM Multi. Model. Simul. (DOI).
- D. Elfverson and A. Målqvist. Finite Element Multiscale Methods for Possion's Equation with Rapidly Varying Heterogeneous Coefficients, in the Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (pdf).
(Extract from DIVA and google scholar profile.)
Events and presentations
- PhD defence, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2015-10-30, (pdf).
- BIT circus, Umeå University, Sweden, 26th - 27th Aug 2015, presentation 2015-08-27 (pdf)
- Visiting Umeå University, Sweden, 10th - 12th Feb and 20th - 22th May 2015.
- Visiting Universität Bonn, Germany, 4th - 8th May 2015, presentation 2015-05-07 (pdf)
- Visiting Bergen Uni research, Norway, 7th - 8th Jan 2015, presentation 2015-01-07 (pdf).
- Visiting Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 15th - 16th and Jun 7th - 8th Sep 2015.
- NA Seminar, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, 2014-12-11 (pdf).
- Visiting University of Bath, England, 8th - 10th Oct 2014, presentation 2014-10-10 (pdf).
- Visiting University of Nottingham, England, 6th - 7th Oct 2014, presentation 2014-10-06 (pdf).
- Visiting University of Sussex, England, 2th - 3th Oct 2014, presentation 2014-10-02 (pdf).
- Visiting UCL (University College London), England, 29th Sep - 1th Oct 2014, presentation 2014-10-01 (pdf).
- Summer school, Isogeometric Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications, 25th Jul - 27th Jul 2014
- WCCM14 conference, Barcelona, Spain, 20th Jul - 25th Jul 2014, presentation 2014-07-21 (pdf).
- Computational Mathematics Circus, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014-05-28, (pdf).
- SIAM UQ 14 conference, Savannah, US, 31th Mar - 3th Apr 2014, presentation 2014-04-01, (pdf).
- Visiting Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 8th - 9th Jan, 13th - 14th Feb, 26th - 27th Mar, 27th - 28th Aug, 22th - 23th Sep 2014, and 14th - 15th Oct 2014.
- Visiting Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 10th - 11th Sep and 1th - 2th Dec 2013.
- ENUMATH 13 conference, Laussane, Switzerland, 26th - 30th Aug 2013, presentation 2013-08-26, (pdf).
- SIAM GS 13 conference, Padova, Italy, 17th Oct - 20th Jun 2013, presentation 2013-06-18, (pdf).
- MAFELAP13 conference, London, England, 11th Oct - 14th Jun 2013, presentation 2013-06-12, (pdf).
- Licenciate thesis presentation, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2013-06-04, (pdf).
- TDB student seminar, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2013-01-19, (pdf).
- Visiting Colorado State University, Fort Collins, US, 1th Oct - 10th Oct 2012, presentation (pdf).
- WCCM12 conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8th Jul - 15th Jul 2012. presentation 2012-07-13 (pdf).
- Visiting Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 23th Jan - 3th Feb 2012, presentation 2012-02-01, (pdf).
- Visiting University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, 9th Nov - 16th Nov 2011, presentation 2011-11-12, (pdf).
- TDB student seminar, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2011-11-03, (pdf).
Co-authors and collaborators
Donald J. Estep, Emmanuil H. Georgoulis, Victor Ginting , Fredrik Hellman, Patrick Henning, Axel Målqvist, Daniel Peterseim.
- Short course in multiscale methods and uncertainty quantification at Petnica Science Center
- Finite element methods II
- Scientific Computing II (Intro miniprojekt 2).