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Department of Information Technology


I am researching network protocols and systems for supporting mobile users. In laymen's terms it means that I want to find new ways to exchange information for users on the move, without the need for supporting infrastructure or elaborate configuration. Much of the research in my area, which is done theoretically or through simulation, stops short of trying things out in reality. In contrast, I want to make things "just work" in the real world. My approach is experimental, by building prototypes and testbeds and doing real world measurements.

I am currently involved in the Haggle project, where I am designing a new data centric communication architecture for mobile users, enabling communication even when traditional communication protocols do not work. I also study interest based dissemination in, so called, opportunistic networks.

Here is my complete CV.

Selected Publications

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Updated  2009-08-27 10:30:59 by Erik Nordström.