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Department of Information Technology


Conference papers

[C4] Johan Wågberg, Dave Zachariah, Thomas B. Schön, Petre Stoica, Prediction Performance After Learning in Gaussian Process Regression. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA April 2017, page 1264-1272. JMLR

[C3] Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Lindsten, Johan Dahlin, Johan Wågberg, Christian A. Naesseth, Andreas Svensson and Liang Dai, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for System Identification. In Proceedings of 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Beijing, China, October, 2015. ScienceDirect.

[C2] Johan Wågberg, Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön. Bayesian nonparametric identification of piecewise affine ARX systems. In Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Beijing, China, October 2015. ScienceDirect

[C1] Jack Umenberger, Johan Wågberg, Ian R. Manchester and Thomas B. Schön. On identification via EM with latent disturbances and Lagrangian relaxation. In Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Beijing, China, October 2015.


[MSc] Emanuel Walldén VIklund, Johan Wågberg, Continuous Occupancy Mapping Using Gaussian Processes, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University, 2013. LiTH-ISY-EX--12/4626--SE, DiVa

Updated  2017-09-08 14:32:57 by Johan Wågberg.