Ryoko Asai's publications
Truth and reality in the digital lifeworld: Departure from reductionism
. I Ethics and Sustainability in Digital Cultures, pp 72-92, Routledge, London, 2024. (DOI
Care Robots and Humanity: How Can We Cope with The Indeterminacy and Ambiguity of Robot-Human Relationships?
. I Tethics 2023: Proceedings of the Conference on Technology Ethics 2023, volym Vol-3582 av CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp 1-10, CEUR-WS.org, 2023. (Proceedings
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The ascent of memetic movements: Social media, Levinasian ethics and the global spread of Q-anon conspiracy theories
. I Ethics and Sustainability in Digital Cultures, Routledge Series on Digital Spaces, pp 143-168, Routledge, Abingdon; New York, 2023. (DOI
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Robots and AI Artifacts in Plural Perspective(s) of Japan and the West: The Cultural–Ethical Traditions Behind People’s Views on Robots and AI Artifacts in the Information Era
. I The Review of Socionetwork Strategies, volym 15, nummer 1, pp 143-168, Springer, 2021. (DOI
Philosophy as the Road to Good ICT
. I This Changes Everything – ICT and Climate Change: What Can We Do?, volym 537 av IFIP AICT, pp 293-298, Springer, 2018. (DOI
Balancing between the conflicting interests of different stakeholders in research
. I European Business Ethics Network: Research, Deree, American College of Greece College, Athens, 2017. (Extern länk
Robots as companions in feelings and discussions
. I Retfærdighed – Justice, Robophilosophy, pp 42-42, Copenhagen, 2017. (Extern länk
Snowden’s revelations and the attitudes of students at Swedish universities
. I Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, volym 15, nummer 3, pp 247-264, 2017. (DOI
Between Insanity and Love
. I Computers & Society: The Newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society Special Issue on 20 Years of ETHICOMP, pp 154-158, 2015. (Extern länk
Ethical Competence and Social Responsibility in Scientific Research using ICT Tools
. I Computers & Society: The Newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society Special Issue on 20 Years of ETHICOMP, ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society Newsletter, pp 345-347, ACM Digital Library, 2015. (DOI
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Etikutbildning för ingenjörer: Övningar, verktyg, metoder
. I 5:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges Ingenjörsutbildningar, pp 30-31, Uppsala universitet, 2015. (Extern länk
, Proceedings
Judging the complexity of privacy, openness and loyalty issues
. I Computers & Society: The Newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society Special Issue on 20 Years of ETHICOMP, ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society Newsletter, pp 416-419, ACM Digital Library, 2015. (DOI
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Technology as Mask
. I , 2015.
The holding function of robots in highly technological society
. I Proceedings of Japan Society for Infomation and Management 70th Annual Conference, pp 65-68, 2015.
?????????????????? (The range of gender perspective in computer ethics research)
. I ??????? (The Japan Society of Management Information (JASMIN) Journal), volym 23, nummer 2, pp 158-161, The Japan Society for Management Information, Tokyo, 2014. (Extern länk
Philosophical method and the conflict liberty-security
. I Proceedings ETHICOMP 2014Li: berty and security in an age of ICTs, UPMC - Sorbonne Universités, Paris, 2014. (Extern länk
Responsibility and Competence in Political Ethics
. I Proceedings International Political Science Association, 23rd World Congress of Political Science, 2014: Challenges of contemporay governance, Montreal, 2014. (Extern länk
, Responsibility and Competence in Political Ethics
Supporting politicians’ skill to handle moral issues
. I Proceedings of IPSA 23rd Congress on Political Science, 2014: Challenges of contemporay governance, The International Political Science Association, Montreal, 2014. (Extern länk
?????????????????(What is "gender equal society"?): ??????????????? ???????????????? (Think about our life-style together)
. Sumida municipality (Tokyo metropolitan government), Tokyo, 2013. (Extern länk
, summary
Can machines make ethical decisions?
. I Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, volym 412 av IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp 693-699, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013. (DOI
Designing "Open Education": How does the ICT-based system function as a new medium of participation for sustainability?
. I The possibilities of ethical ICT, pp 33-36, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, 2013.
ICT supported crisis communication and dialog
. I The possibilities of ethical ICT, pp 37-41, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, 2013.
IT security and sustainability
. I ICT for Sustainability: Sustainability, Social Accountability and Computing, ETH, Zurich, 2013. (Extern länk
Methods for IT security and privacy
. I ICT, society and human beings, pp 155-158, IADIS Press, Prague, 2013.
Research in Computer/Information Ethics: A Gender Gap Analysis and Consequences
. I Ambiguous Technologies: Philosophical Issues, Practical Solutions, Human Nature, Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa, Lisbon, 2013.
Social Influence on Cooperation and Coordination
. I ICT-ethics: Sweden and Japan, volym 15 av Studies in Applied Ethics, pp 24-30, LiU Tryck, Linköping, 2013.
Social Media Supporting Democratic Dialogue
. I Ambiguous Technologies: Philosophical Issues, Practical Solutions, Human Nature, pp 36-43, Autónoma University, Lisbon, 2013.
Tools and methods for security: Stimulating the skill to philosophize
. I European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference: 2013, pp 163-165, IEEE Computer Society, 2013. (DOI
Do social media generate social capital?
. I ICT, society and human beings, pp 133-136, IADIS Press, Lisbon, 2012. (Extern länk
New form of social ties through communicating in social media (Sosharu media ga tukuru atarashii kizuna no katachi)
. I Information and Management 64th Conferenceedings Spring, pp 141-144, 2012. (Extern länk
Regulation of potentially harmful contents on minors
. I Equity, integrity and beauty in information law and ethics, Ionian Academy, Kerkyra, Greece, 2012. (Extern länk
Rethinking ICT's contribution to sustainability and education
. I New technologies, education for sustainable development and critical pedagogy, pp 232-235, ICTeESD, University of Crete, Rethymnon, Greece, 2012.
Social Media as Informal Public Spheres
. I Creating and applying socially, ethically and professionally acceptable ICT systems: Current challenges and what is next?, p 3, 2012. (Extern länk
Social movement and social media
. I Critique, democracy and philosophy in 21st century information society: Towards critical theories of social media, pp 76-77, 2012. (Extern länk
The paradoxical nature of privacy
. I Privacy in the social networked world, 2012. (Extern länk
Globalization and the change of employment system
. I Management systems, Nippon Hyoronsha, Tokyo, 2011.
ICT professionalism and gender
. I Management quality science, pp 181-184, Chuokeizaisha, Tokyo, 2011.
Social media as a tool for change
. I The social impact of social computing, pp 44-50, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 2011.
The revival of natural and cultural identity through social media
. I The computational turn: Past, presents, futures?, pp 329-331, MV-Wissenschaft, Münster, 2011.
Virtue as ethical competence
. I EBEN Annual Conference 2011, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, 2011. (Extern länk
Diversity in the construction of organization value
. I Which values for which organisations, 2010. (Extern länk