Mini-Symposium in Numerical Analysis
14.00 -- 16.00, June 5, 2013
Room 2446, IC, Uppsala University
Olof Widlund
, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA: "Domain Decomposition Algorithms for PDEs with Two Sets of Coefficients"
Raymond Chan
, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: "Linearized alternating direction method for constrained linear least-squares problem"
- Elisabeth Larsson, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University: "A Galerkin radial basis function method applied to the Schrödinger equation"
In connection to the presentations, some light refreshments will be served.
Olof Widlund has a long history of world-leading research on numerical algorithms for partial differential equations, especially in the field of domain decomposition methods. He has spent most of his career at the Courant Institute in New York, but he is also tightly connected to the early history of numerical analysis in Sweden and in Uppsala. In 1966, Olof presented his PhD thesis at the newly formed Department of Computer Sciences at Uppsala University. The title was "Studies on parabolic and alternating-direction-implicit difference schemes" and Olof´s advisor was Heinz-Otto Kreiss, one of the first professors in Numerical Analysis in Sweden. This was the first thesis at what was later going to become "TDB". Also world-wide, it was at this time uncommon to put forward a thesis in Numerical Analysis, a topic which was somehow considered as a rather obscure part of Mathematics. Raymond Chan is a chair professor and chairman of the Department of Mathematics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, focusing his research mostly on different aspects of numerical linear algebra. He obtained his PhD degree in Applied Mathematics at the Courant Institute in 1985, under the supervision of Olof Widlund. Elisabeth Larsson presented her PhD thesis at the Department of Information Technology at UU in 2000, with the title "Domain decomposition and preconditioned iterative methods for the Helmholtz equation". Elisabeth is currently an associate professor at our department and has during recent years focussed on radial basis methods for PDE and frameworks for parallel implementation of scientific computing problems.