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Department of Information Technology

Software for identification of general nonlinear system described by state space ODEs

T. Wigren, "MATLAB Software for Recursive Identification and Scaling Using a Structured Nonlinear Black-box Model - Revision 7", available at , Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, December, 2021.

This software implements algorithms for identification of nonlinear systems on state space form together with supporting functionality.

Software for identification of nonlinear autonomous systems

T. Wigren, "MATLAB Software for Identification of Nonlinear Autonomous Systems - Revision 1", available at, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, April, 2014.

This set of software enables recursive and batch identification of nonlinear systems without an input signal. Typical systems of this kind that can and has been successfully modeled include nonlinear systems performing stable limit cycles, thereby generating a periodic signal. It can be proved that such systems can often be modeled by second order nonlinear ODEs, hence the software package is limited to operate on such models. The methods are described further in the research pages.

Software for identification of networked linear systems with quantized measurements and delay

T. Wigren, "MATLAB software for recursive identification of systems with output quantization - Revision 1 ", available at , Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, April, 2007.

This software implements algorithms for recursive identification of a linear dynamic system and an embedded delay, where the input and output measurements may be arbitrarily quantized. The delay can be large and fractional and it may be a part of the system itself, or be due to networked interface delays.

Software for identification of networked nonlinear systems with delay

T. Wigren, "MATLAB Software for Nonlinear and Delayed Recursive Identification - Revision 2", available at , Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, January, 2022.

This software implements a new algorithm for combined recursive identification of a nonlinear dynamic system and an embedded delay. The delay can be large and fractional and it may be a part of the system itself, or be due to networked interface delays. The nonlinear dynamic state space model is a continuous time ODE model with a parameterized output equation.

Software for identification of Wiener systems

T. Wigren, "MATLAB software for Recursive Identification of Wiener Systems - Revision 2", available at , Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, March, 2007.

This software implements algorithms for recursive identification of discrete time Wiener systems. The static nonlinearity may be known, or be estimated on-line.

Installation and documentation

First download the selected software package to a selected folder on Your computer. Then unzip the downloaded file. A .pdf file containing the manual of the software package then appears, together with the file contains the m-files of the selected software package. In order to use the package, unzip in the folder where the software is to be used and set up a path to this folder using MATLAB. The SW is then ready to be used. Please refer to the manual and the references therein.

Updated  2022-11-25 14:00:21 by Torbjörn Wigren.