PROFUNDIS: Proofs of Functionality for Mobile Distributed Systems

Funded by EU proactive initiative FET-Global Computing
(Contract IST-2001-33100)

Project coordinator: Joachim Parrow, Uppsala University, Sweden.

[ Overview | Meetings | Visits | Events | Publications | Tools | Internal information | Deliverables]

PROFUNDIS is a FET GC project with the main goal to advance the state of the art of formal modelling and verification techniques to the point where key issues in mobile distributed systems, such as security protocols, authentication, access rights and resource management can be treated rigorously and with considerable automatic support. We shall implement automatic and partly automatic analysis methods for ascertaining correct behaviour of such systems. For this purpose we shall integrate and focus on several strands of ongoing theoretical work.

PROFUNDIS consists of three technical Work Packages (WPs), and a fourth WP which is devoted to project management. The project is divided among four sites: Uppsala (UU), Lisbon (FFCT), INRIA Sophia Antipolis and Pisa. Each site is active in all work packages, to a degree that varies between sites and over years. Each work package has an appointed leader. The Steering Committee consists of the co-ordinator and all site and work package leaders.

Partner sites

FFCT, Universidad Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (site leader Luis Monteiro)
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France (site leader Davide Sangiorgi)
Università di Pisa, Italy (site leader Ugo Montanari)
Uppsala University, Sweden (site leader Björn Victor)

Project clustering

The PROFUNDIS project is in a cluster with the following other FET-GC projects:
AGILE: Architectures fo Mobility
DART: Dynamic Assembly, Reconfiguration and Type-checking
DEGAS: Design Environments for Global applicationS
MIKADO: Mobile Calculi based on Domains
MRG: Mobile Resource Guarantees
MYTHS: Models and Types for Security in Mobile Distributed Systems
PEPITO: PEer-to-Peer: Implementation and TheOry
SECURE: Secure Environments for Collaboration among Ubiquitous Roaming Entities

Documents and deliverables

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