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Department of Information Technology


Cybersecurity deals with the protection of information systems, and the services and operations that they support, against unauthorised access and disruption. Read more about our research in Cybersecurity.

Research areas Computer systems are a combination of hardware and software. Today's computer systems range from tiny sensing devices to extremely powerful supercomputers. All these computer systems rely on an efficient interaction between the hardware and the software. Furthermore, the communication between different computer systems is key in our digital society.
Computing Education Research addresses learning and teaching in the computing discipline. It is founded in an understanding of the discipline using theories and methods from education research and other relevant disciplines, such as psychology and sociology. Typical areas of study (related to the computing discipline) are learning and teaching core concepts and skills, curricula development, intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration, identities and inclusion.
The world around us changes in time and space. This is why we say it is dynamic. We observe these changes, analyse them, predict them, try to align with them or adjust them to our benefit. Since the complexity of the physical universe is overwhelming, it has to be studied in manageable parts that are called systems. Cybersecurity deals with the protection of information systems, and the services and operations that they support, against unauthorised access and disruption. Cybersecurity is essential in a highly digitalised society to protect devices and engineered infrastructures, from individual computers to complex socio-technical systems. It is a multidisciplinary research area, including aspects of information technology, human factors, ethics, law, policy, and risk management in the context of adversaries.
Data Science is about extracting knowledge from digital data. Given the ubiquitous availability of digital data, Data Science has a wide range of applications, from supporting scientific discoveries in the life sciences to understanding the mechanisms through which disinformation spreads in social media.
An embedded system is a computer system — a combination of hardware and software — that has a single or multiple dedicated functions within a larger technical system such as a car, an aircraft or a pacemaker. Because an embedded system typically controls physical operations of the technical system, which must satisfy real-time constraints, it is often known as an embedded and real-time system.
Human-machine interaction studies the interplay between people and machines (e.g., information technology, automation, robots and intelligent interfaces). From a global perspective, it aims to improve the relationship between people and technology and foster positive social change through technology.
Image Analysis is about developing computational methods for extracting meaningful information from images; mainly from digital images by means of digital image processing techniques, including e.g. convolutional neural networks. Solving an optimisation problem is about finding solutions that satisfy constraints, and one is often interested in best solutions. A solution might be an allocation of resources (say a personnel roster, with work regulations and employee preferences as constraints), a packing (say of containers), a plan, a set of routes (say of vehicles in logistics, or of dataflows in a communication network), a schedule (say a school timetable), or energy usage (say for the charging of electric buses).
Parallel and distributed computing is a foundational part of the toolbox for the computational scientist. Computational experiments and data processing often require large computing and storage facilities and there is a challenge in designing and implementing algorithms and software capable of efficiently leveraging high-performance computing and cloud computing systems.
A programming language is what a programmer uses to specify what a program should do. The program code acts as instructions for the computer, meaning that efficient code better utilises the resources of the computer. But programs are often developed over time by more than one person, and being able to write reusable code that is understandable by another human can be as important as writing code that makes the program run fast.
Semantics concerns the exact meaning of programming languages and other formal notations such as design descriptions. Verification concerns demonstrating the absence of bugs in computer programs and the correctness of models of computer systems. Formal verification can -- in contrast to testing -- in principle guarantee the correct behaviour of a program.
Software engineering is concerned with all aspects of software production. Software engineering is about methods, models, processes, and tools for the development, operation, and maintenance of software systems.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to systems that display intelligent behaviour by analysing their environment and taking actions to achieve specific goals.
In various disciplines such as biology, physics, medicine, economics, chemistry, and geology, simulation could be used to explore different processes. Simulating something means that instead of carrying out real-world experiments, the experiments take place virtually in a computer. Simulation is known as the third pillar of science (beside experiments and theory), and has revolutionised what you can study without expensive, bulky, and perhaps unethical experiments.

PhD Studies

Are you interested in PhD Studies? Our PhD students receive training of the high standard possible and our PhD programme is structured to prepare all our students for positions at the best universities, nationally and internationally, in industry, public agencies, and society in general.

Two degrees at different levels of research are awarded at the Faculty of Science and Technology: Doctor of Philosophy in Science and Licentiate of Science. PhD training is at the highest level of the education system. 

All our PhD students are paid employees at the Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. The position is for a maximum of five years and includes research at 80% and departmental duties (mainly teaching) at a level of at most 20%.

Find your PhD Programme

Research profiles

Nataša develops algorithms which enable to efficiently and reliably, by using computers, extract and interpret information from digital images.

The Department of Information Technology facilitates research into an immeasurable number of exciting questions and areas, covering a wide range of areas and methods for applying computers and data analysis in a variety of scientific and educational contexts. Our researchers simultaneously conduct individual inquires and drive collaborative projects with links to applications in a diverse spectrum of fields such as Engineering, Biology, Medicine, Economy and Psychology.

With these researcher profiles we invite you to get to know a few of the fantastic individuals behind that research.

IT@UU in the Press

Here we present the latest articles and press notices concerning the research at the Department of Information Technology.

Risk of cyber attack on the body when we are equipped with new technology
The body will be developed with its own communication network, according to researchers in Uppsala who are also working to prevent the network from being hacked. Thiemo Voigt is involved in the research project.
Full article can be found on this link

New Beijer Laboratory in AI at the Department of IT
The first Beijer Laboratory at the Faculty of Science and Technology was made possible by a donation from Kjell and Märta Beijer Foundation. The lab will be led by the Beijer professor of artificial intelligence. This position has been held by Thomas Schön since 2020.
Article with picture and comment from the Beijer Foundation

“And then what happens?” Promoting Children’s Verbal Creativity Using a Robot.
Researchers from dept. of IT recently published an article about AI and how robots can promote children's verbal creativity. The article was published in ACM.
See a YouTube clip about their findings and project

Åsa Cajander at Vi2 has recently been involved in writing a collection of knowledge about AI, robotics and the work environment. The knowledge collection is written together with Bengt Sandblad and Magdalena Stadin who also do research at Vi2. In an interview with Arbetsliv, Åsa talks about the need for more research in AI and robotics in how it affects us.
Read the interview with Åsa (Swedish only)


Updated  2023-11-21 08:15:41 by Olcay Yalcin.