NordConsNet: Events and Talks on Constraint Programming in the Nordic European Countries
- ... see the mailing list for more recent talk announcements ...
- The 3rd PhD Winter School on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
takes place in Örebro on 12-16 December 2016 and includes the topic Constraint-Based Reasoning for Robots.
- SCAN 2016
takes place in Uppsala on 26-29 September 2016.
- CoProD 2016
takes place in Uppsala on Sunday 25 September 2016.
- Joseph Scott of UU defends his PhD thesis Other Things Besides Number: Abstraction, Constraint Propagation, and String Variable Types
on Monday 14 March 2016 at 13:15 in room 2446 of ITC. The opponent is Michel Rueher
of University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (France).
- Jakob Nordström
of KTH gives the talk A Survey of Proof Complexity from a SAT Solving Perspective
on Wednesday 11 November 2015 at Uppsala University.
- The SOAK 2015
conference by the Swedish society for Operations Analysis (SOAF
) is held on Friday 23 October 2015 at Mälardalens Högskola in Västerås, including a tutorial and a session on constraint programming.
- Renaud Hartert
of Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) gives the talk Conflict Ordering Search
on Thursday 20 August 2015 at Uppsala University.
- Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh of UU defends his PhD thesis Constraint Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks
on Friday 13 March 2015 at 13:00 in room 2446 of ITC. The opponent is Ken Brown
of University College Cork (Ireland).
- Roberto Castañeda Lozano
of SICS defends his licentiate thesis Integrated Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling with Constraint Programming
on Thursday 27 November at KTH, Kista.
- Peter van Beek
of the University of Waterloo (Canada) gives the talk Constraint Programming in Compiler Optimisation: Lessons Learned:
- Özgür Akgün
of The University of St Andrews (UK) gives the talk Automated Modelling in Constraint Programming
on Tuesday 14 October 2014 at Uppsala University.
- Arnaud Gotlieb
of the Certus Centre for Software Verification & Validation, hosted by the SIMULA Research Laboratory (Norway), gives a talk on Tuesday 7 October 2014 at SICS (Electrum, floor 6, Room Knuth), Kista.
- Özgür Akgün
of The University of St Andrews (UK) gives the talk Automated Modelling in Constraint Programming
on 25 September 2014 at KTH, Kista.
- Guido Tack
of Monash University (Australia) gives the talk The libmzn MiniZinc Library Architecture
on 24 September 2013 at SICS, Kista.
- Pascal Van Hentenryck
of NICTA and the University of Melbourne (Australia) gives the public lecture Decide Different!
on 18 September 2013 at Uppsala University. (Facebook
- CP 2013
, the 19th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, is held on 16 - 20 September 2013 at Uppsala University.
- Ian Miguel
of The University of St Andrews (UK) gives the talk Constraint Solver Synthesis
on 13 September 2013 at Uppsala University.
- Jimmy Ho Man Lee
of The Chinese University of Hong Kong gave the talk Constraint Programming on Infinite Data Streams and Applications
on 11 June 2013 at Uppsala University.
- Jimmy Ho Man Lee
of The Chinese University of Hong Kong gave the talk Recent Advances in Global Cost Function Propagation in Cost Function Networks on 10 June 2013 at KTH.
- Jun He defended his PhD thesis Constraints for Membership in Formal Languages under Systematic Search and Stochastic Local Search
on 26 April 2013 at Uppsala University. The opponent was Yves Deville
of the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). The jury was composed of Christine Solnon
of INSA de Lyon (France), Ian Miguel
of The University of St Andrews (UK), and Tobias Wrigstad
of Uppsala University (Sweden).
- David Rijsman of Quintiq
(The Netherlands) gave the talk Setting a New Record for Vehicle Routing with Time Windows
on 17 December 2012 at Uppsala University.
- IPA'12
, Intervals Pavings and Applications, was held at Uppsala University on 15-17 October 2012.
- Guido Tack
of Monash University (Australia) gave the talk Modelling with Functions
on 28 August 2012 at SICS, Kista.
- Nicolas Beldiceanu
of École des Mines de Nantes (France) gave the talk A Model Seeker: Extracting Global Constraint Models From Positive Examples
on 16 August 2012 at Uppsala University.
- Christian Schulte
of KTH gave a talk on search techniques for constraint programming on 17 April 2012 at SICS, Kista.
- Jean-Noël Monette of Uppsala University gave the talk Solving Scheduling Problems from High-Level Models
on 1 December 2011 at Uppsala University.
- Pascal Van Hentenryck
of Brown University (USA) gave the talk Last-Mile Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
on 26 August 2011 at Uppsala University.
- Justin Pearson gave his docent lecture on Symmetry Breaking in Combinatorial Search
toward Associate Professorship at Uppsala University on Tuesday 24 May 2011.
- Serdar Kadioglu
of Brown University (USA) gave the talk Simple and Efficient Search Procedures for Combinatorial Optimization
on 27 May 2010 at Uppsala University.
- Arnaud Gotlieb
of INRIA Rennes (France) gave the talk Constraint-Based Testing
on 19 May 2010 at Uppsala University.
- Tomas Axling of Tacton Systems AB
gave the talk "Constraint Technology for Solving Configuration Problems" on 12 October 2009 at Uppsala University.
- Mats Carlsson
of SICS gave his docent lecture on CP for packing problems
toward Associate Professorship at Uppsala University on 9 February 2009.
- Toni Mancini
of Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy) gave the talk Beyond NP: Reasoning on Quantified Constraints
on 20 January 2009 at Uppsala University.
- Guido Tack
of Saarland University (Germany) gave the talk A Systematic Approach to Propagating Boolean Set Constraints
on 11 December 2008 at Uppsala University.
- Mikael Lagerqvist
of KTH defended his licentiate thesis Techniques for Efficient Constraint Propagation
on 21 November 2008 at KTH.
- Marco Kuhlmann
of the Department of Linguistics and Philology at Uppsala University gave the talk Dependency Structures and Lexicalized Grammars
on 11 June 2008 at Uppsala University.
- Pierre Flener of Uppsala University gave the talk Constraint Programming: A Programming Paradigm on the Rise
on Wednesday 12 March 2008 at Uppsala University.
- Magnus Ågren of Uppsala University defended
his PhD thesis Set Constraints for Local Search
on 18 January 2008 at Uppsala University. The opponent was Gilles Pesant
of the École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada). The jury was composed of Thomas Stützle
of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Christian Schulte
of KTH (Stockholm, Sweden), and Gunilla Kreiss
of Uppsala University (Sweden).
- Thomas Stützle
of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) gave the talk Towards Engineering Stochastic Local Search Algorithms
on 18 January 2008 at Uppsala University.
- Helmut Simonis of CrossCore Optimization
(UK) gave the talks Constraint Applications in Networking, Constraint Based Resilience Analysis, and Constraint Programming Models for some Japanese Puzzles on 23 October 2007 at SICS, Kista.
- Roland Yap
of the National University of Singapore gave the talk Modelling and Solving Problems using Non-binary Constraints
on 30 May 2006 at Uppsala University.
- Waldemar Kocjan defended his licentiate thesis Symmetric Cardinality Constraints on 16 December 2005 at Mälardalen University.
- Justin Pearson of Uppsala University gave the talk Financial Portfolio Optimisation with Constraint Programming
on 12 December 2005 at Uppsala University.
- Meinolf Sellmann
of Brown University (USA) gave the talk Structure and Symmetry in Constraint Programming
on 24 November 2005 at Uppsala University.
- Magnus Ågren of Uppsala University defended his licentiate thesis High-Level Modelling and Local Search
on 29 September 2005 at Uppsala University.
- CSCLP'05
, the Joint Annual Workshop of ERCIM/CoLogNet on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, took place on 20-22 June 2005 in Uppsala.