Division of Computer Systems: Publications from between 1993 - 1998
Building a Rigorous Research Agenda into Changes to Teaching
. In ACM Australasian computing education conference, pp 203-209, 1998. (External link
Assessment to increase students' creativity: Two case studies
. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 23, number 1, 1998. (External link
RUNESTONE, an International Student Collaboration Project
. In IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, 1998. (External link
Performance modeling of multiprocessor implementations of protocols
. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 6, number 3, pp 262-273, 1998. (DOI
The applicability of integrated layer processing
. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 16, number 3, pp 317-331, 1998. (DOI
A smorgasbord of pedagogical dishes
. In ACM Australasian computing education conference, Melbourne, 1997. (External link
Improving education quality: a full scale study
. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 29, number 1, pp 330-334, 1997. (DOI
UPPAAL in a nutshell
. In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volume 1, number 1-2, pp 134-152, 1997. (DOI
Encouraging active participation in programming classes
. In 7th National conference on college teaching and learning, Jacksonville, 1996. (External link
Verifying programs with unreliable channels
. In Information and Computation, volume 127, number 2, pp 91-101, 1996. (DOI
Teaching computer science: Experiences from four continents
. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 28, number 1, pp 102-106, 1996.
Increasing communication performance with a minimal-copy data path supporting ILP and ALF
. In Journal of High Speed Networks, volume 5, number 2, pp 203-214, 1996. (DOI
Towards predictable ILP performance controlling communication buffer cache effects
. In Australian Computer Journal, volume 28, number 2, pp 66-71, 1996.
How a large ATM MTU causes deadlocks in TCP data transfers
. In IEEE-ACM transactions on networking, volume 3, number 4, pp 409-422, 1995. (DOI
Learning issues in artificial neural networks for ATM traffic control
. Licentiate thesis, DoCS nr 64, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1995.
HIPPARCH proposal for project. Reactive Long Term Research
. 1994.
Deciding Bisimulation Equivalences for a Class of Non-Finite-State Programs
. In Information and Computation, volume 107, number 2, pp 272-302, 1993. (DOI