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Department of Information Technology

Division of Computer Systems: Publications from between 1993 - 1998

  1. Building a Rigorous Research Agenda into Changes to Teaching. Mats Daniels, Marian Petre, and Anders Berglund. In ACM Australasian computing education conference, pp 203-209, 1998. (External link).
  2. Assessment to increase students' creativity: Two case studies. Anders Berglund, Mats Daniels, Mattias Hedenborg, and Anders Tengstrand. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 23, number 1, 1998. (External link).
  3. RUNESTONE, an International Student Collaboration Project. Mats Daniels, Marian Petre, Vicki Almstrum, Lars Asplund, Christina Björkman, Carl Erickson, Bruce Klein, and Mary Last. In IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, 1998. (External link).
  4. Performance modeling of multiprocessor implementations of protocols. Mats Björkman and Per Gunningberg. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 6, number 3, pp 262-273, 1998. (DOI).
  5. The applicability of integrated layer processing. Bengt Ahlgren, Mats Björkman, and Per Gunningberg. In IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, volume 16, number 3, pp 317-331, 1998. (DOI).
  6. A smorgasbord of pedagogical dishes. Anders Berglund, Mats Daniels, and Vicki Almstrum. In ACM Australasian computing education conference, Melbourne, 1997. (External link).
  7. Improving education quality: a full scale study. Anders Berglund and Mats Daniels. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 29, number 1, pp 330-334, 1997. (DOI).
  8. UPPAAL in a nutshell. Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Paul Pettersson, and Wang Yi. In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volume 1, number 1-2, pp 134-152, 1997. (DOI).
  9. Encouraging active participation in programming classes. Anders Berglund, Mats Daniels, Kristina Lundqvist, and Elvy Westlund. In 7th National conference on college teaching and learning, Jacksonville, 1996. (External link).
  10. Verifying programs with unreliable channels. PA Abdulla and B. Jonsson. In Information and Computation, volume 127, number 2, pp 91-101, 1996. (DOI).
  11. Teaching computer science: Experiences from four continents. Mats Daniels, Judith Gal-Ezer, Ian Sanders, and Joy Teague. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 28, number 1, pp 102-106, 1996.
  12. Increasing communication performance with a minimal-copy data path supporting ILP and ALF. Bengt Ahlgren, Per Gunningberg, and Kjersti Moldeklev. In Journal of High Speed Networks, volume 5, number 2, pp 203-214, 1996. (DOI).
  13. Towards predictable ILP performance controlling communication buffer cache effects. Bengt Ahlgren, Mats Björkman, and Per Gunningberg. In Australian Computer Journal, volume 28, number 2, pp 66-71, 1996.
  14. How a large ATM MTU causes deadlocks in TCP data transfers. Kjersti Moldeklev and Per Gunningberg. In IEEE-ACM transactions on networking, volume 3, number 4, pp 409-422, 1995. (DOI).
  15. Learning issues in artificial neural networks for ATM traffic control. Olle Gällmo. Licentiate thesis, DoCS nr 64, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1995.
  16. HIPPARCH proposal for project. Reactive Long Term Research. Jon Crowcroft, Michael Fry, Per Gunningberg, and Christian Huitema. 1994.
  17. Deciding Bisimulation Equivalences for a Class of Non-Finite-State Programs. Bengt Jonsson and Joachim Parrow. In Information and Computation, volume 107, number 2, pp 272-302, 1993. (DOI).

Updated  2016-12-09 16:28:12 by Peter Waites.