Computer Systems
Research at the Division of Computer Systems contains all of formal specification, verification, experimental systems development, and evaluation. Our application areas in these respects are computer networks, computer architecture, and embedded systems.
Specification and Verification
- For Algorithmic Verification of concurrent and distributed systems, we primarily use model checking techniques, which are extended to cope with infinite state-spaces by incorporating techniques from SAT-solving, constraint-solving and abstract interpretation.
- For Specification and Analysis of Real-Time Systems our work on verification of timing properties, analysis of scheduling policies, component specification, and tool development, has resulted in the UPPAAL and TIMES toolsets. The overall goal is to develop technology and tools for model-based design of real-time embedded systems.
- Model Generation and Testing: We develop techniques for generating test suites from models of concurrent systems, and techniques for generating component models by observing test executions.
- We develop sampling techniques for estimating and tuning performance of high-performance software applications with respect to architectural parameters.
Experimental Systems Development and Evaluation
- techniques are developed for improving high-performance multi-threaded computer system architectures, such as multicore, SMP and NUMA.
- Our Communications research deals with wireless mobile networking. We develop and evaluate protocols that support mobility and new applications more efficiently than current Internet protocols. A significant part of our research studies spontaneous, ad-hoc, autonomic networks. Such networks must be self-managed, reliable and secure.
Centres and Networks
- We coordinate UPMARC, a center of excellence supported by the Swedish Science Council aiming to develop insights and techniques that make parallel programming easier.
- We coordinated WISENET, Uppsala VINN Excellence Center for Wireless Sensor Networks between 2007-2014.
- Our broad ranging international collaborations include participation in EU Networks of Excellence: ARTIST2, HIPEAC, the FET project HAGGLE and recently concluded project PROFUNDIS.
- We have been coordinating the SSF network programme ARTES, A network for Real-Time research and graduate Education in Sweden, during 1997-2008 and the VINNOVA Competence center ASTEC, Advanced Software Technology. We have also been a driving force in PSCI, Parallel and Scientific Computing.