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Department of Information Technology

Building Dependable Cyberphysical Systems

Marjan Sirjani, Mälardalen University and Reykjavik University

Date and Time
Friday, September 7th, 2018 at 14:15.

Polacksbacken, ITC, room 1245.

In the era of Cyber-Physical systems and Internet of Things, software system developers have to deal with increasing complexity of huge and heterogenous systems. Building distributed, asynchronous, and event-based systems is a complicated task. Moreover, because of the dynamic and evolving nature of autonomous systems, a key challenge is providing runtime quality assurance techniques - in form of verification and performance analysis – that can react to changes in a timely manner.

Software needs to react to the uncertainty and possible changes in the system and environment. A family of actor-based languages are introduced to enable model driven development and provide a natural and usable model for building distributed, asynchronous, and event-based systems with least effort. To provide dependability in the context of a model-driven approach, model checking and simulation tools are built based on the formal semantics of the language. I will show how these models can be used in safety assurance and performance evaluation of different systems, like self-driving cars, Network on Chip architectures, sensor network applications, train scheduling, and quadricopters.

Marjan Sirjani is a Professor and chair of Software Engineering at Mälardalen University, and the leader of Cyber-Physical Systems Analysis research group. She is also a part-time Professor at School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University. Her main research interest is applying formal methods in Software Engineering. She works on modeling and verification of concurrent, distributed, and self-adaptive systems. Marjan and her research group are pioneers in building model checking tools, compositional verification theories, and state-space reduction techniques for actor-based models. She has been working on analyzing actors since 2001 using the modeling language Rebeca Rebeca and its extensions are designed to bridge the gap between model-based software development and formal analysis, and has been used for analyzing different network and system applications. Her research is now focused on safety assurance and performance evaluation of self-adaptive systems, in which she is collaborating with Ptolemy group at UC Berkeley. Marjan has been the PC member and PC chair of several international conferences including SEFM, iFM, Coordination, FM, FMICS, SAC, FSEN, and guest editor for special issues of the journals Science of Computer Programming and Fundamenta Informaticae. Before joining academia as a full-time faculty, she has been the managing director of Behin System Company for more than ten years, developing software and providing system services. Marjan served as the head of the Software Engineering Department of School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tehran prior to joining the School of Computer Science at Reykjavik University in 2008.

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Updated  2018-09-04 13:01:27 by Philipp Rümmer.