The world around us evolves in time and space. This is why we say it is dynamic. We observe these changes, analyse them, predict them, try to align with them or adjust them to our benefit. Since the complexity of the physical universe is overwhelming, we focus on manageable parts, so-called systems.
The interdisciplinary area of Control and Dynamical Systems fosters the mathematical methods that allow us to explain why and how natural, engineered, and social systems evolve in time and space, what kind of behaviours they exhibit in their development, as well as how to influence these behaviours.
A system is defined as soon as we have specified what measurements related to it are available and what quantities formed outside of the system effect its behaviour. The former are called system outputs and the latter are system inputs. We seek to explore and exploit the input-output relations by leveraging the inputs that can be manipulated, thus allowing us to improve and enhance the system performance as well as provide specification guarantees. Achieving the highest performance with the least resources, and given uncertainty in our knowledge about the system, is the main focus of Control Theory and Technology.
Research Topics
- Mathematical modelling of dynamical systems
- System identification
- Safety and security in control systems
- State estimation
- Dynamical networks
- Biomedical systems
- Environmental systems
Research Entities
Faculty Members
- Introduction to computer control systems, 1RT485
- Automatic control I, 1RT490
- Automatic control II, 1RT495
- Automatic control III, 1RT496
- Process control, 1RT002
- Introduction to process control, 1RT999
- Safety and security in control systems, 1RT004
- Embedded control systems, project, 1RT911
- Modeling of dynamic systems, 1RT155
- Empirical modelling, 1RT890
- System identification, 1RT885
- Mathematical modelling of footboll, 1RT001
- Applied systems analysis, 1RT242
- Systems analysis and operations research, 1RT316
- André Teixeira: The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
(KAW) has appointed André Teixeira as one of the Wallenberg Academy Fellows in 2023
. Wallenberg Academy Fellows, the career program for young researchers launched by KAW in cooperation with the Swedish Royal Academies in 2012, provides long-term funding for young, promising Swedish and foreign researchers from all academic fields.
- André Teixeira: Lilly and Sven Thuréus prize, technology-economics class, for his work in "designing intelligent autonomous decision-making systems that are secure and resilient to external attacks (cyber threats)", by The Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala
, 2023.
- Sergio Pequito: Hugo Schuck Award (Theory Category), American Automatic Control Council, 2016
- Sergio Pequito: Electrical & Computer Engineering Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Carnegie Mellon University, 2012
- Sergio Pequito: Carnegie Mellon University Graduate Teaching Award, Honorable Mention, 2012
- Thomas Schön: Tage Erlanders prize
for natural sciences and technology by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
, 2017
- Thomas Schön: Arnberg prize
(Arnbergska priset) by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
, 2016.
- Thomas Schön is an elected member of The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
, since 2018, and The Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala
, since 2018.
- Peter Stoica: Life Fellow of IEEE, since 2021
- Peter Stoica: International Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, since 2016
- Peter Stoica: Member of the Royal Society of Sciences, since 2009
- Peter Stoica: Member of the European Academy of Sciences, since 2008
- Peter Stoica: Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, since 2003
- Peter Stoica: Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute, 2021
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the IEEE SPS Gauss Education Award, 2019
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing, 2018
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of Uppsala University's Rudbeck Gold Medal, 2016
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the Atanasios Papoulis Award of EURASIP, 2016
- Peter Stoica: Co-recipient of an IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 2013
- Peter Stoica: Co-recipient of the Barry Carlton Award of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 2008
- Peter Stoica: Fellow of EURASIP, 2007
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the Wiener Society Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 2006
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the IEE Achievement Medal, 2005
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the Bjorkenska Prize (Major Research Award of Uppsala University), 2004
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the EURASIP Individual Technical Achievement Award, 2002
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal, 2000
- Peter Stoica: Co-recipient of the 2000 W.R.G. Baker Paper Prize Award, 2000
- Peter Stoica: Co-recipient of an IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 1999
- Peter Stoica: Co-recipient of the 1998 EURASIP Best Paper Award for Signal Processing, 1998
- Peter Stoica: Recipient of the Shannon-Nyquist Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 1996
- Peter Stoica: Co-recipient of the IEEE ASSP Senior Award, 1994
- Torsten Söderström: IFAC Technical Committee 1.1 Award on System Identification, 2021
- Torsten Söderström: IEEE Life Fellow, 2011
- Torsten Söderström: Rudbeck Medal, Uppsala University, 2010
- Torsten Söderström: Best IFAC (Automatica) paper award, with coauthors, 1981
- Torsten Söderström: IFAC Fellow, 2006
- Torsten Söderström: IFAC Outstanding Service Award, 2002
- Torsten Söderström: IEEE Fellow, 1992