Uppsala Theses in Computing Science
Two series of theses in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degrees of Licentiate or Doctor of Philosophy at the Computing Science
Department, Uppsala University. The theses were presented in the
subjects of Computing Science in Datalogi and
The first two theses are listed also as
UPMAIL Technical Reports. ISSN 0283-359X
Theses in Computing Science (datalogi)
- Lars Thalmann,
Term-Modal Logic and Quantifier-free Dynamic Assignment Logic,
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
December 2000, 140 pages.
- Greger Ottosson,
Integration of Constraint Programming and Integer Programming
for Combinatorial Optimization,
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
March 2000, 143 pages.
- Erik Johansson,
Performance Measurements and Process Optimization for Erlang
thesis for the degree of licentiate of philosophy.
October 1999, 108 pages.
- Per Mildner,
Type Domains for Abstract Interpretation: A Critical Study
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
June 1999, 236 pages.
- Pierangelo Dell'Acqua,
Reflection Principles in Computational Logic
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy.
September 1998.
- Margus Veanes,
On Simultaneous Rigid E-Unification,
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy,
June 1997.
- Johan Montelius,
Exploiting Fine-grain Parallelism in Concurrent Constraint Languages
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
May 1997.
- Thomas Lindgren,
Compilation Techniques for Prolog
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy,
December 1996.
- Johan Bevemyr,
Data-parallel Implementation of Prolog
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy,
November 1996.
- Sven-Olof Nyström,
Denotational Semantics for Asynchronous Concurrent Languages
thesis for the degree of doctor of philosophy,
April 1996. 182 pages.
- Magnus Nordin,
IGOR: A tool for developing abstract domains for Prolog analyzers
thesis for the degree of licentiate of philosophy.
September, 1995, 61 pages.
- Björn Carlson
Compiling and Executing Finite Domain Constraints,
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
May 1995.
Pierangelo Dell'Acqua,
SLD-Resolution with Reflection,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
January 1995.
Sverker Janson,
AKL --- A Multiparadigm Programming Language ,
thesis for the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy,
June 1994.
Thomas Lindgren,
The Compilation and Execution of Recursion-Parallel Prolog on Shared Memory Multiprocessors,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
November 1993.
Margus Veanes,
Cycletrees: a Novel Class of Interconnection Graphs,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
March 1993.
Johan Bevemyr,
A Recursion Parallel Prolog Engine,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
March 1993.
Björn Carlson,
An Approximation Theory for Constraint Logic Programs,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
December 1991.
Mattias Waldau,
Verification of Logic Programs using Verification Sentences,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
December 1991.
Håkan Millroth,
Reforming Compilation of Logic Programs,
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
October 1990.
Jonas Barklund,
Parallel Unification,
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
October 1990.
Sven-Olof Nyström,
On the Semantics of Concurrent Logic Programming Languages: a Variable-free Concurrent Language and Its Operational Semantics,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
December 1989.
Jonas Barklund,
Efficient Logic Data Structures,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
May 1988.
Lennart Beckman,
Towards an Operational Semantics for Concurrent Logic Programming Languages,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
February 1987.
Mats Carlsson,
LM-Prolog -- the Language and its Implementation,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
October 1984.
Theses in Computing Science (ADB)
- Kent Andersson,
Integrating Heuristic and Model-Based Diagnosis
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy, May 1997.
- Torkel Hjerpe,
High-level Specification and Efficient Solving of Constraint
Satisfaction Problems
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
September 1995.
- Andreas Hamfelt,
Metalogic Representation of Multilayered Knowledge,
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
October 1990.
- Torkel Hjerpe,
A First-order Theory for Representing a Class of Configuration Problems,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
October 1991.
- Lars Oestreicher,
Executable Formal Descriptions for Software Design Logic and Logic Programming as a Design Tool,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
September 1991.
- Andreas Hamfelt,
The Multilevel Structure of Legal Knowledge and its Representation,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
January 1990.
- Agneta Eriksson-Granskog,
An Abstract Description of a Derivation Editor
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
May 1987.
- Göran Hagert,
Logic Modeling of Conceptual Structures: Steps Towards a Computational Theory of Reasoning,
thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
May 1986.
- Anna-Lena Johansson,
Using Symmetry and Substitution in Program Derivation,
thesis for the degree of Licentiate of Philosophy,
December 1985.
Thomas Lindgren / thomasl@csd.uu.se, lindgren@sics.se