General Verification Theories for Infinite State Systems

[Abdulla et al., 1996]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Karlis Cerans and Bengt Jonsson and Yih-Kuen Tsay (1996).
General Decidability Theorems for Infinite-State Systems.
In: Proc. LICS '96-11th IEEE Int. Symp. on Logic in Computer Science. pp. 313--321.
[Abdulla et al., 2000]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Karlis Cerans and Bengt Jonsson and Yih-Kuen Tsay (2000).
Algorithmic Analysis of Programs with Well Quasi-Ordered Domains.
In: Information and Computation, 160:109--127.
[Abdulla, 1997]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla (1997).
Model Checking through Constraint Solving.
Invited contribution for the Grenoble-Alpe d'Huez European School of Computer Science - Methods and Tools for the Verification of Infinite State Systems.
[Abdulla and Jonsson, 1998]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson (1998).
Verifying Networks of Timed Processes.
In: Bernhard Steffen (ed.), Proc. TACAS '98-4th Int. Conf. on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Volume 1384 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 298--312.
[Abdulla and Cerans, 1998]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Karlis Cerans (1998).
Simulation is Decidable for One-counter Nets.
In: Proc. CONCUR '95-9th Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory. Volume 1466 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 253--268.
[Kindahl, 1999]
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M. Kindahl (1999).
Verification of Infinite-State Systems: Decision Problems and Efficient Algorithms.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, Swden.
[Abdulla et al., 1999]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aurore Annichini and Saddek Bensalem and Ahmed Bouajjani and Peter Habermehl and Yassine Lakhnech (1999).
Verification of Infinite-State Systems by Combining Abstraction and Reachability Analysis.
In: Proc. CAV '99-11th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification. Volume 1633 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 146--160.
[Abdulla et al., 2003]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Johann Deneux and Pritha Mahata and Aletta Nylén (2003).
Forward Reachability Analysis of Timed Petri Nets.
Technical Report Nr. 2003-056. Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
[Abdulla and Nylén, 2004]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén (2004).
Better-Structured Transition Systems.
Technical Report Nr. 2004-017. Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
[Abdulla and Jonsson, 2000]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson (2000).
Model Checking of Infinite-State Systems.
In: Proc. CAV '00-12th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification. Volume 1855 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Published by Springer Verlag. Invited Contribution.
[Abdulla and Nylén, 2000]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén (2000).
Better is Better than Well: On Efficient Verification of Infinite-State Systems.
In: Proc. LICS '00-15th IEEE Int. Symp. on Logic in Computer Science. pp. 132--140.
[Abdulla and Nylén, 2001]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén (2001).
Timed Petri Nets and BQOs.
In: Proc. ICATPN'2001: 22nd Int. Conf. on application and theory of Petri nets. Volume 2075 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 53--70.
[Abdulla and Nylén, 2002]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén (2002).
Undecidability of LTL for Timed Petri Nets.
In: INFINITY 2002, 4th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems.
[Abdulla et al., 2001]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Luc Boasson and Ahmed Bouajjani (2001).
Effective Lossy Queue Languages.
In: Proc. ICALP '01-28nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Volume 2076 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 639--651.
[Abdulla and Jonsson, 2001]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson (2001).
Ensuring Completeness of Symbolic Verification Methods for Infinite-State Systems.
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 256:145--167.
[Abdulla and Nylén, 2002]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén (2002).
Undecidability of LTL for Timed Petri Nets.
In: Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems.
[Abdulla and Jonsson, 2003]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson (2003).
Model checking of systems with many identical timed processes.
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 290(1):241--264.
[Abdulla et al., 2003]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Ahmed Bouajjani and Juilen d'Orso (2003).
Deciding Monotonic Games.
In: Proc. CSL 2003. Volume 2803 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 1--14.
[Mahata, 2005]
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P. Mahata (2005).
Model Checking Parameterized Timed Systems.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, Uppsala, Sweden.
[Abdulla et al., 2005]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Johann Deneux and Joël Ouaknine and James Worrell (2005).
Decidability and Complexity Results for Timed Automata via Channel Machines.
In: Proc. ICALP '05-32nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Volume 3580 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
[Abdulla, 2005]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla (2005).
Verification of Parameterized Timed Systems.
In: Proc. FORMATS'05, International Conference on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems.
[Abdulla et al., 2006]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Christel Baier and Purushothaman Iyer and Bengt Jonsson (2006).
Software Verification: INfinite-State Model Checking and Static Program Analysis.
Dagstuhl seminar series.
[Abdulla and Delzanno, 2006]
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Parosh Aziz Abdulla and Giorgio Delzanno (2006).
On the Coverability Problem for Constrained Multiset Rewriting.
In: Proc. AVIS'06-5th Int. Workshop on on Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems.