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Department of Information Technology

Thursday Afternoon Program Verification Seminars (TAPVES)



The TAPVES is a seminar series held every Thursday Afternoon. The seminars are given by people working with verification or related topics. Presentations may give a broad overview of the person's research area, or go into details on some specific topic the student has worked on. The presentations should be accessible to anyone who is at least a PhD student in computer science without reading any related research papers. Of course, anyone is welcome to attend, including PhD students, senior researchers, and undergraduate students near finishing.

The purpose of the seminar is to meet every Thursday Afternoon and learn what people in related areas are doing. It is necessary for any researcher to make presentations, and this is a great opportunity to train your presentation skills in a context that is more relaxed than a big conference. Your colleagues want to know what you are doing, and you can get PhD course credits ( disclaimer ) for making a presentation.

After the first seminar, there was a discussion on form of TAPVES.


Date Time Room Speaker Title (link to abstract, co-authors, slides, etc)
2008-10-02 13:00 1213 Jakob Engblom, VirtuTech AB Multicore software development and tools -- industry experience

If you want to present, please sign up by editing this page.

Previous Seminars

Date Time Room Title (link to abstract, co-authors, slides, etc) Speaker
2006-11-02 13:30 1245 Limiting Behavior of Infinite-State Systems Sven Sandberg
2006-11-09 13:30 2245 Parametrized Systems, Simplifying safety Ahmed Rezine
2006-11-16 13:30 2247 Verifying liveness properties of parameterized systems Mayank Saksena
2006-11-23 13:30 1213 Eager Markov Chains Noomene Ben Henda
2006-11-30 13:15 2345 No TAPVES this week, but there is a testing seminar at 13:15. The scope is similar. Note: (1) the time is different. (2) You are supposed to read the related article before the seminar.
2006-12-07 13:30 1245 Partial Order Reduction for Model Checking of Real-Time Components John Håkansson
Tue. 2006-12-12 13:30 1145 Spatio-Temporal Verification of Mobile Real-Time Systems Andreas Schäfer, University of Oldenburg, Germany
2007-02-01 13:30 2244 Timed Automata and Clock Difference Relations Pavel Krcal
2007-02-08 13:30 1113 Compositional Analysis of Timed Systems by Abstraction Leonid Mokrushin
2007-02-15 13:30 1145 Formalising the pi-calculus using nominal logic Jesper Bengtson
2007-02-22 13:30 1113 Success Typings - type signatures from a dynamic point of view Tobias Lindahl
2007-03-01 13:30 1113 Compositional Representation of Simulink/Stateflow-Models in HLang Simon Tschirner
2007-03-08 13:30 1113 Learning of Timed Systems Olga Grinchtein
2007-03-15 13:30 1113 The Good, The Bad, and the Random. Stochastic Games with Lossy Channels. Sven Sandberg
2007-04-12 13:30 1113 Automata-Based Techniques for the Verification of Programs with Linked Data Structures Ahmed Bouajjani, University of Paris 7
Fri. 2007-04-27 13:15 1146 Towards the Engineering of Modular Software for Increased Predictability Michel Schellekens
2007-05-03 13:30 1145 Attack Trees for Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment Jonathan Mörndal
2007-05-10 13:30 1145 Proving Termination of Tree Manipulating Programs Tomas Vojnar
2007-05-22 13:15 1113 Static Analysis of Dynamic Communication Systems Jörg Bauer
2007-05-31 13:30 2446 Mobility and Expressiveness: an introduction Björn Victor
2007-10-04 13.30 1245 Coherence and Memory Ordering: a hardware perspective Erik Hagersten
2007-10-11 13.30 1145 Security types for F# Jesper Bengtson
2007-10-18 13.30 1212 Introduction to and Overview of the MODEX tool forSoftware Verification Bengt Jonsson
2007-10-25 13.30 1145 Validating QoS properties of Biomedical Sensor Networks Simon Tschirner
2007-11-05 13.15 1245 Hydra Flash Memory Solid State Disk Architecture Sang Lyul Min
2007-11-08 14.15 2214 Industrilogik's formal metods process and tools Lars-Henrik Eriksson
2007-11-15 13.30 2344 Use of (Application) Domain Theories in Applied Formal Methods Lars-Henrik Eriksson
2007-11-29 13.30 1111 Model Checking Parameterized Systems Parosh Abdulla
2007-12-06 13.30 2145 DYMO verification using graph grammars Oskar Wibling
2007-12-13 13.30 1113 The Symbolic Applied Pi-calculus Magnus Johansson
2008-02-14 13.30 1113 A completeness proof for bisimulation in the pi-calculus using Isabelle Jesper Bengtson
2008-02-21 13.30 2144 R-automata Pavel Krcal
2008-03-06 13.30 1213 Using a parallel data stream management system to achieve higly-scalable trip grouping for collective transportation. Erik Zeitler
2008-03-13 13.30 1213 Constraint Programming: A Programming Paradigm on the Rise Pierre Flener
2008-03-19 13.30 1213 A Kleene-Schutzenberger Theorem for Weighted Timed Automata Karin Quaas
2008-03-27 13.30 1213 Regular Inference for State Machines using Domains with Equality Tests Therese Berg
Tue 2008-04-08 10.15 2145 Specification and Verification of Dynamic Topology Systems Bernd Westphal
Wed 2008-04-09 15.00 1245 Computational Linguistics Resarch in Uppsala Joakim Nivre m.fl
2008-04-16 10.30 1145 What else is decidable about integer arrays? Tomas Vojnar
2008-04-16 13.30 1145 Local Proofs for Global Properties Kedar Namjoshi
2008-04-16 10.30-16 1145 Rewriting Systems with Data Ahmed Bouajjani
2008-04-17 13.30 2344 Abstract Algebra and Program Theory Kim Solin
2008-05-08 13.30 2344 Model Checking of Concurrent programs on Relaxed Memory Models Bengt Jonsson
2008-05-15 13.30 1113 A framework for high-level descriptions of concurrent systems Joachim Parrow
2008-05-29 13.30 1145 Parameterized Tree Systems Frédéric Haziza
2008-06-12 13.30 1113 New Schedulability Test Conditions for Non-preemptive Scheduling on Multiprocessor Platforms Guan Nan
2008-06-17 13.30 1113 Shape analysis through monotonic abstraction Jonathan Mörndal
Updated  2008-10-02 12:47:43 by Frédéric Haziza.