Publications within eSSENCE from IT
- Bayesian inference in epidemics: linear noise analysis. In Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, volume 20, number 2, pp 4128-4152, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2023. (DOI, Fulltext, Preprint in arXiv, fulltext:print).
- Quantum Perturbation Theory Using Tensor Cores and a Deep Neural Network. In Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, volume 18, number 7, pp 4255-4268, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2022. (DOI).
- Robust and integrative Bayesian neural networks for likelihood-free parameter inference. In 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp 1-10, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
- An empirical evaluation of genotype imputation of ancient DNA. In G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, volume 12, number 6, Oxford University Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Towards Confident Bayesian Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Chemical Kinetics. In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019: European Conference, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, September 30 - October 4, volume 139 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering (LNCSE), pp 373-380, Springer Nature, 2021. (DOI).
- Quantum-Based Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Tensor Cores. In Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, volume 17, number 10, pp 6180-6192, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2021. (DOI).
- A multiscale compartment-based model of stochastic gene regulatory networks using hitting-time analysis. In Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 154, number 18, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2021. (DOI, Fulltext, External link, fulltext:print).
- Epidemiological modeling in StochSS Live!. In Bioinformatics, volume 37, number 17, pp 2787-2788, Oxford University Press, 2021. (DOI, Fulltext, External link).
- Mixed Precision Fermi-Operator Expansion on Tensor Cores from a Machine Learning Perspective. In Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, volume 17, number 4, pp 2256-2265, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2021. (DOI).
- Scalable machine learning-assisted model exploration and inference using Sciope. In Bioinformatics, volume 37, number 2, pp 279-281, Oxford University Press, 2021. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- A density matrix approach to the convergence of the self-consistent field iteration. In Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, volume 11, number 1, pp 99-115, 2021. (DOI).
- Sparse approximate matrix-matrix multiplication for density matrix purification with error control. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 438, Elsevier, 2021. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Localized inverse factorization. In IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, volume 41, number 1, pp 729-763, 2021. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Towards Smart e-Infrastructures, A Community Driven Approach Based on Real Datasets. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), IEEE Green Technologies Conference, pp 109-114, 2020. (DOI).
- Impact of Force Function Formulations on the Numerical Simulation of Centre-Based Models.. In Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, volume 82, number 10, Springer Nature, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Bayesian epidemiological modeling over high-resolution network data. In Epidemics, volume 32, Elsevier BV, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Flash X-ray diffraction imaging in 3D: a proposed analysis pipeline. In Journal of the Optical Society of America A, volume 37, number 10, pp 1673-1686, 2020. (DOI).
- MaRe: Processing Big Data with application containers on Apache Spark. In GigaScience, volume 9, number 5, Oxford University Press, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- A first meshless approach to simulation of the elastic behaviour of the diaphragm. In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations: ICOSAHOM 2018, volume 134 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 501-512, Springer, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Apache Spark Streaming, Kafka and HarmonicIO: A performance benchmark and architecture comparison for enterprise and scientific computing. In Benchmarking, Measuring, and Optimizing, volume 12093 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 335-347, Springer, 2020. (DOI).
- A full Stokes subgrid scheme in two dimensions for simulation of grounding line migration in ice sheets using Elmer/ICE (v8.3). In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 13, pp 2245-2258, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
- High-order cut finite elements for the elastic wave equation. In Advances in Computational Mathematics, volume 46, number 3, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Local meshless methods for second order elliptic interface problems with sharp corners. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 416, 2020. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- High-order cut discontinuous Galerkin methods with local time stepping for acoustics. In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, volume 121, number 13, pp 2979-3003, 2020. (DOI).
- A high order method for pricing of financial derivatives using radial basis function generated finite differences. In Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, volume 174, pp 205-217, 2020. (DOI).
- Parameter sensitivity analysis of dynamic ice sheet models — numerical computations. In The Cryosphere, volume 14, pp 673-691, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Modelling long-range interactions in multiscale simulations of ferromagnetic materials. In Advances in Computational Mathematics, volume 46, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Multiscale approach for magnetization dynamics: unraveling exotic magnetic states of matter. In Physical Review Research, volume 2, number 1, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Hierarchical algorithm for the reaction–diffusion master equation. In Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 152, number 3, 2020. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A multiscale model to design therapeutic strategies that overcome drug resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in multiple myeloma. In Mathematical Biosciences, volume 319, 2020. (DOI).
- SWEEP: Accelerating scientific research through scalable serverless workflows. In Companion Proc. 12th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, pp 43-50, ACM Press, New York, 2019. (DOI).
- SimInf: An R package for data-driven stochastic disease spread simulations. In Journal of Statistical Software, volume 91, number 12, pp 1-42, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- On-demand virtual research environments using microservices. In PeerJ Computer Science, volume 5, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- DuctTeip: An efficient programming model for distributed task-based parallel computing. In Parallel Computing, volume 90, 2019. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Parallelization and scalability analysis of inverse factorization using the chunks and tasks programming model. In Parallel Computing, volume 89, pp 102548:1-12, 2019. (DOI).
- The presence and impact of reference bias on population genomic studies of prehistoric human populations. In PLOS Genetics, volume 15, number 7, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Higher order cut finite elements for the wave equation. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 80, pp 1867-1887, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Adapting the secretary hiring problem for optimal hot–cold tier placement under top-<em>K</em> workloads. In Proc. 19th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, pp 576-583, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2019. (DOI).
- Multigrid for matrix-free high-order finite element computations on graphics processors. In ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing, volume 6, number 1, pp 2:1-32, 2019. (DOI).
- Spatial lymphocyte dynamics in lymph nodes predicts the cytotoxic T cell frequency needed for HIV infection control. In Frontiers in Immunology, volume 10, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Smart computational exploration of stochastic gene regulatory network models using human-in-the-loop semi-supervised learning. In Bioinformatics, volume 35, pp 5199-5206, 2019. (DOI).
- Mathematical modeling reveals that the administration of EGF can promote the elimination of lymph node metastases by PD-1/PD-L1 blockade. In Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, volume 7, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A 3D multiscale model to explore the role of EGFR overexpression in tumourigenesis. In Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, volume 81, pp 2323-2344, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Tail distribution and extreme quantile estimation using non-parametric approaches. In High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications, pp 69-87, Springer, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Parallelization of hierarchical matrix algorithms for electromagnetic scattering problems. In High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications, pp 36-68, Springer, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Why high-performance modelling and simulation for big data applications matters. In High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications, pp 1-35, Springer, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A multiscale model of platelet-fibrin thrombus growth in the flow. In Computers & Fluids, volume 184, pp 10-20, 2019. (DOI).
- Linear scaling pseudo Fermi-operator expansion for fractional occupation. In Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, volume 15, pp 190-200, 2019. (DOI).
- BENCHOP–SLV: The BENCHmarking project in Option Pricing – Stochastic and local volatility problems. In International Journal of Computer Mathematics, volume 96, pp 1910-1923, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Preconditioned smoothers for the Full Approximation Scheme for the RANS equations. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 78, pp 995-1022, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Container-based bioinformatics with Pachyderm. In Bioinformatics, volume 35, pp 839-846, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Stochastic simulation of pattern formation in growing tissue: A multilevel approach. In Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, volume 81, pp 3010-3023, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- The linear noise approximation for spatially dependent biochemical networks. In Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, volume 81, pp 2873-2901, 2019. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Hyperparameter optimization for approximate Bayesian computation. In Proc. 50th Winter Simulation Conference, pp 1718-1729, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2018. (DOI).
- Orchestral: a lightweight framework for parallel simulations of cell–cell communication. In Proc. 14th International Conference on e-Science, pp 168-176, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2018. (DOI).
- A statistical approach to detect protein complexes at X-ray free electron laser facilities. In Communications Physics, volume 1, pp 92:1-11, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Dynamically coupling full Stokes and shallow shelf approximation for marine ice sheet flow using Elmer/Ice (v8.3). In Geoscientific Model Development, volume 11, pp 4563-4576, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Multi-objective optimization driven construction of uniform priors for likelihood-free parameter inference. In Proc. 32nd European Simulation and Modelling Conference, pp 22-27, EUROSIS, 2018.
- The Kolmogorov forward fractional partial differential equation for the CGMY-process with applications in option pricing. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 76, pp 2330-2344, 2018. (DOI).
- Mesoscopic modeling of random walk and reactions in crowded media. In Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, volume 98, pp 033304:1-16, 2018. (DOI).
- HarmonicIO: Scalable data stream processing for scientific datasets. In Proc. 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, pp 879-882, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2018. (DOI).
- Ventral hippocampal OLM cells control type 2 theta oscillations and response to predator odor. In Nature Communications, volume 9, pp 3638:1-15, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Using convex optimization of autocorrelation with constrained support and windowing for improved phase retrieval accuracy. In Optics Express, volume 26, pp 24422-24443, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Radial line Fourier descriptor for historical handwritten text representation. In Journal of WSCG, volume 26, number 1, pp 31-40, 2018. (DOI).
- Spatio-temporal modelling of verotoxigenic <em>Escherichia coli</em> O157 in cattle in Sweden: exploring options for control. In Veterinary research (Print), volume 49, pp 78:1-13, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Scalable population-level modelling of biological cells incorporating mechanics and kinetics in continuous time. In Royal Society Open Science, volume 5, pp 180379:1-17, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Multiscale modelling via split-step methods in neural firing. In Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, volume 24, pp 426-445, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Assessing uncertainties in x-ray single-particle three-dimensional reconstruction. In Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, volume 98, pp 013303:1-12, 2018. (DOI).
- BAMSI: a multi-cloud service for scalable distributed filtering of massive genome data. In BMC Bioinformatics, volume 19, pp 240:1-11, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Learning surrogate models of document image quality metrics for automated document image processing. In Proc. 13th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, pp 67-72, IEEE, 2018. (DOI).
- Anisotropic radial basis function methods for continental size ice sheet simulations. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 372, pp 161-177, 2018. (DOI).
- Effective slip over partially filled microcavities and its possible failure. In Physical Review Fluids, volume 3, pp 054201:1-17, 2018. (DOI).
- Ergo: An open-source program for linear-scaling electronic structure calculations. In SoftwareX, volume 7, pp 107-111, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Multidimensional performance and scalability analysis for diverse applications based on system monitoring data. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: Part I, volume 10777 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 417-431, Springer, 2018. (DOI).
- TaskUniVerse: A Task-Based Unified Interface for Versatile Parallel Execution. In Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: Part I, volume 10777 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 169-184, Springer, 2018. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- An intelligent user interface for efficient semi-automatic transcription of historical handwritten documents. In Proc. 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces Companion, ACM Press, New York, 2018. (DOI).
- Towards Bayesian parametrization of national scale epidemics. In MATHMOD 2018 Extended Abstracts, pp 65-66, ARGESIM Publisher, Vienna, Austria, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Efficient iterative virtual screening with Apache Spark and conformal prediction. In Journal of Cheminformatics, volume 10, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A general high order two-dimensional panel method. In Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 60, pp 1-17, 2018. (DOI).
- Pathwise error bounds in multiscale variable splitting methods for spatial stochastic kinetics. In SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, volume 56, pp 469-498, 2018. (DOI).
- Stabilized equal low-order finite elements in ice sheet modeling: accuracy and robustness. In Computational Geosciences, volume 22, pp 951-974, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- High-order numerical methods for 2D parabolic problems in single and composite domains. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 76, pp 812-847, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Atomistic-continuum multiscale modelling of magnetisation dynamics at non-zero temperature. In Advances in Computational Mathematics, volume 44, pp 1119-1151, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- <em>TexT</em> – Text extractor tool for handwritten document transcription and annotation. In Digital Libraries and Multimedia Archives, volume 806 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp 81-92, Springer, 2018. (DOI).
- On-the-fly computation of frontal orbitals in density matrix expansions. In Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, volume 14, pp 139-153, 2018. (DOI).
- Radial basis function generated finite differences for option pricing problems. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 75, pp 1462-1481, 2018. (DOI).
- Radial basis function methods for the Rosenau equation and other higher order PDEs. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 75, pp 1555-1580, 2018. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Coupling atomistic and continuum modelling of magnetism. In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, volume 329, pp 219-253, 2018. (DOI).
- Forward deterministic pricing of options using Gaussian radial basis functions. In Journal of Computational Science, volume 24, pp 209-217, 2018. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- A fast massively parallel two-phase flow solver for microfluidic chip simulation. In The international journal of high performance computing applications, volume 32, pp 266-287, 2018. (DOI).
- Surrogate assisted model reduction for stochastic biochemical reaction networks. In Proc. 49th Winter Simulation Conference, pp 1773-1783, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2017. (DOI).
- SNIC Science Cloud (SSC): A national-scale cloud infrastructure for Swedish academia. In Proc. 13th International Conference on e-Science, pp 219-227, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2017. (DOI).
- Automatic document image binarization using Bayesian optimization. In Proc. 4th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, pp 89-94, ACM Press, New York, 2017. (DOI).
- A least squares radial basis function partition of unity method for solving PDEs. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 39, pp A2538-A2563, 2017. (DOI).
- The role of chromatin density in cell population heterogeneity during stem cell differentiation. In Scientific Reports, volume 7, pp 13307:1-11, 2017. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Stability and strong convergence for spatial stochastic kinetics. In Stochastic Processes, Multiscale Modeling, and Numerical Methods for Computational Cellular Biology, pp 109-125, Springer, 2017. (DOI).
- Multiscale simulation of stochastic reaction–diffusion networks. In Stochastic Processes, Multiscale Modeling, and Numerical Methods for Computational Cellular Biology, pp 55-79, Springer, 2017. (DOI).
- Data-driven computational disease spread modeling: from measurement to parametrization and control. In Disease Modelling and Public Health: Part A, volume 36 of Handbook of Statistics, pp 305-328, Elsevier, 2017. (DOI).
- Numerical solution of the viscous flow past a cylinder with a non-global yet spectrally convergent meshless collocation method. In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations: ICOSAHOM 2016, volume 119 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 495-507, Springer, 2017. (DOI).
- A fast direct solver for the advection–diffusion equation using low-rank approximation of the Green's function. In Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations: ICOSAHOM 2016, volume 119 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 423-435, Springer, 2017. (DOI).
- Robustness analysis of spatiotemporal models in the presence of extrinsic fluctuations. In SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, volume 77, pp 1157-1183, 2017. (DOI).
- Artifact reduction in the CSPAD detectors used for LCLS experiments. In Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, volume 24, pp 1092-1097, 2017. (DOI).
- Human fat tissue: A microwave communication channel. In Proc. 1st MTT-S International Microwave Bio Conference, IEEE, 2017. (DOI).
- The generation of turbulent inflow boundary conditions using precursor channel flow simulations. In Computers & Fluids, volume 156, pp 21-33, 2017. (DOI).
- Estimates for the upscaling error in heterogeneous multiscale methods for wave propagation problems in locally periodic media. In Multiscale Modeling & simulation, volume 15, pp 948-976, 2017. (DOI).
- Vascular sprouts induce local attraction of proangiogenic neutrophils. In Journal of Leukocyte Biology, volume 102, pp 741-751, 2017. (DOI).
- Intra-body microwave communication through adipose tissue. In Healthcare Technology Letters, volume 4, number 4, pp 115-121, 2017. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
- Cost-aware application development and management using CLOUD-METRIC. In Proc. 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, pp 515-522, SciTePress, Setúbal, Portugal, 2017. (DOI).
- Oriented clonal cell dynamics enables accurate growth and shaping of vertebrate cartilage. In eLIFE, volume 6, 2017. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Large-scale virtual screening on public cloud resources with Apache Spark. In Journal of Cheminformatics, volume 9, 2017. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A hybrid method for the imputation of genomic data in livestock populations. In Genetics Selection Evolution, volume 49, 2017. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Accurate and stable time stepping in ice sheet modeling. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 329, pp 29-47, 2017. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- A meshfree approach to non-Newtonian free surface ice flow: Application to the Haut Glacier d'Arolla. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 330, pp 633-649, 2017. (DOI).
- A flexible computational framework using R and Map-Reduce for permutation tests of massive genetic analysis of complex traits. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, volume 14, pp 381-392, 2017. (DOI).
- Micromechanics of semicrystalline polymers: Towards quantitative predictions. In Mechanics research communications, volume 80, pp 4-9, 2017. (DOI).
- GillesPy: A Python package for stochastic model building and simulation. In IEEE Life Sciences Letters, volume 2, pp 35-38, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Preconditioned Metropolis sampling as a strategy to improve efficiency in posterior exploration. In , volume 49:26 of IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp 89-94, 2016. (DOI).
- Stochastic Simulation Service: Bridging the gap between the computational expert and the biologist. In PloS Computational Biology, volume 12, number 12, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Pricing of basket options using dimension reduction and adaptive finite differences in space, and discontinuous Galerkin in time. In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: ENUMATH 2015, volume 112 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 607-615, Springer, 2016. (DOI).
- Parameterless stopping criteria for recursive density matrix expansions. In Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, volume 12, pp 5788-5802, 2016. (DOI).
- A note on terminology in multigrid methods. In Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM, volume 16, number 1, pp 721-722, 2016. (DOI).
- Scale transitions in magnetisation dynamics. In Communications in Computational Physics, volume 20, pp 969-988, 2016. (DOI).
- An adaptive interpolation scheme for molecular potential energy surfaces. In Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 145, pp 084104:1-10, 2016. (DOI).
- Data-driven network modelling of disease transmission using complete population movement data: spread of VTEC O157 in Swedish cattle. In Veterinary research (Print), volume 47, pp 81:1-17, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Analysis of neural crest-derived clones reveals novel aspects of facial development. In Science Advances, volume 2, number 8, pp e1600060:1-16, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A matrix-free Legendre spectral method for initial–boundary value problems. In Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, volume 45, pp 283-304, 2016. (Article).
- Locality-aware parallel block-sparse matrix–matrix multiplication using the Chunks and Tasks programming model. In Parallel Computing, volume 57, pp 87-106, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- A stabilized Nitsche cut element method for the wave equation. In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, volume 309, pp 364-387, 2016. (DOI).
- Graph-based linear scaling electronic structure theory. In Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 144, pp 234101:1-8, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Efficient computation of the quasi likelihood function for discretely observed diffusion processes. In Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, volume 103, pp 426-437, 2016. (DOI).
- A study of multigrid smoothers used in compressible CFD based on the convection diffusion equation. In Proc. 7th ECCOMAS Congress, pp 2648-2663, European Community on Computional Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), 2016. (DOI).
- A direct solver for the advection–diffusion equation using Green's functions and low-rank approximation. In Proc. 7th ECCOMAS Congress, pp 7302-7316, European Community on Computional Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), 2016. (DOI).
- On grid resolution requirements for LES of wall-bounded flows. In Proc. 7th ECCOMAS Congress, pp 7454-7465, European Community on Computional Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS), 2016. (DOI).
- MOLNs: A cloud platform for interactive, reproducible, and scalable spatial stochastic computational experiments in systems biology using PyURDME. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 38, pp C179-C202, 2016. (DOI).
- Mesoscopic modeling of stochastic reaction–diffusion kinetics in the subdiffusive regime. In Multiscale Modeling & simulation, volume 14, pp 668-707, 2016. (DOI).
- Hummingbird: monitoring and analyzing flash X-ray imaging experiments in real time. In Journal of applied crystallography, volume 49, pp 1042-1047, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Fast event-based epidemiological simulations on national scales. In The international journal of high performance computing applications, volume 30, pp 438-453, 2016. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Radial basis function partition of unity operator splitting method for pricing multi-asset American options. In BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 56, pp 1401-1423, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Fast Matlab compatible sparse assembly on multicore computers. In Parallel Computing, volume 56, pp 1-17, 2016. (DOI).
- Discretized dynamical low-rank approximation in the presence of small singular values. In SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, volume 54, pp 1020-1038, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:print).
- A time dependent approach for removing the cell boundary error in elliptic homogenization problems. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 314, pp 206-227, 2016. (DOI).
- Scalable long-term preservation of relational data through SPARQL queries. In Semantic Web, volume 7, number 2, pp 117-137, 2016. (DOI).
- Shallow ice approximation, second order shallow ice approximation, and full Stokes models: A discussion of their roles in palaeo-ice sheet modelling and development. In Quaternary Science Reviews, volume 135, pp 103-114, 2016. (DOI).
- Micromechanical modeling of roll-to-roll processing of oriented polyethylene terephthalate films. In Journal of Applied Polymer Science, volume 133, number 18, pp 43384:1-11, 2016. (DOI).
- Segmentation and track-analysis in time-lapse imaging of bacteria. In IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, volume 10, number 1, pp 174-184, 2016. (DOI).
- Analysis and design of jump coefficients in discrete stochastic diffusion models. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 38, pp A55-A83, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:print).
- A method to measure moisture induced swelling properties of a single wood cell. In Experimental mechanics, volume 56, pp 723-733, 2016. (DOI).
- Dynamically coupling the non-linear Stokes equations with the shallow ice approximation in glaciology: Description and first applications of the ISCAL method. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 308, pp 1-19, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Radial basis function partition of unity methods for pricing vanilla basket options. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 71, pp 185-200, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Explicit filtering and exact reconstruction of the sub-filter stresses in large eddy simulation. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 306, pp 117-136, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Preconditioning for radial basis function partition of unity methods. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 67, pp 1089-1109, 2016. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Evaluation of the deflated preconditioned CG method to solve bubbly and porous media flow problems on GPU and CPU. In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, volume 80, pp 666-683, 2016. (DOI).
- Conformal prediction in Spark: Large-scale machine learning with confidence. In Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Big Data Computing, pp 61-67, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2015. (DOI).
- Strong convergence for split-step methods in stochastic jump kinetics. In SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, volume 53, pp 2655-2676, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:print).
- Canonical density matrix perturbation theory. In Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, volume 92, pp 063301:1-8, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:print).
- Stochastic focusing coupled with negative feedback enables robust regulation in biochemical reaction networks. In Journal of the Royal Society Interface, volume 12, number 113, pp 20150831:1-10, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- SuperGlue: A shared memory framework using data versioning for dependency-aware task-based parallelization. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 37, pp C617-C642, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:print).
- Adaptive finite differences and IMEX time-stepping to price options under Bates model. In International Journal of Computer Mathematics, volume 92, pp 2515-2529, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- BENCHOP—The BENCHmarking project in Option Pricing. In International Journal of Computer Mathematics, volume 92, pp 2361-2379, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Coupling of Gaussian beam and finite difference solvers for semiclassical Schrödinger equations. In Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, volume 7, pp 687-714, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Swedish eScience Education – a Graduate School in eScience. In Proc. 11th International Conference on e-Science, pp 31-35, IEEE Computer Society, 2015. (DOI).
- Wave packet simulations of antiproton scattering on molecular hydrogen. In Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, volume 48, number 19, pp 195204:1-7, 2015. (DOI).
- Imputation of single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes in biparental, backcross, and topcross populations with a hidden Markov model. In Crop science, volume 55, pp 1934-1946, 2015. (DOI, Fulltext).
- A scalable RBF–FD method for atmospheric flow. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 298, pp 406-422, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Numerical option pricing without oscillations using flux limiters. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 70, pp 1-10, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Self-adaptive multiprecision preconditioners on multicore and manycore architectures. In High Performance Computing for Computational Science – VECPAR 2014, volume 8969 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 115-123, Springer, 2015. (DOI).
- Accuracy of the Michaelis–Menten approximation when analysing effects of molecular noise. In Journal of the Royal Society Interface, volume 12, number 106, pp 20150054:1-10, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Stiff convergence of force-gradient operator splitting methods. In Applied Numerical Mathematics, volume 94, pp 33-45, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Reaction rates for mesoscopic reaction-diffusion kinetics. In Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, volume 91, pp 023312:1-12, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:print).
- Machine learning for ultrafast X-ray diffraction patterns on large-scale GPU clusters. In The international journal of high performance computing applications, volume 29, pp 233-243, 2015. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
- Data structures and algorithms for high-dimensional structured adaptive mesh refinement. In Advances in Engineering Software, volume 82, pp 75-86, 2015. (DOI).
- Resource-aware task scheduling. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, volume 14, number 1, pp 5:1-25, 2015. (DOI, Fulltext).
- Stable difference methods for block-oriented adaptive grids. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 65, pp 486-511, 2015. (DOI).
- Scaling predictive modeling in drug development with cloud computing. In Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, volume 55, pp 19-25, 2015. (DOI).
- Sensitivity estimation and inverse problems in spatial stochastic models of chemical kinetics. In Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: ENUMATH 2013, volume 103 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 519-527, Springer, 2015. (DOI).
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- Accelerated convergence for Schrödinger equations with non-smooth potentials. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2013-007, 2013. (fulltext).
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- Inferring haplotypes and parental genotypes in larger full sib-ships and other pedigrees with missing or erroneous genotype data. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2012-026, 2012. (fulltext).
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- Numerical evaluation of the Communication-Avoiding Lanczos algorithm. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2012-001, 2012. (fulltext).
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- Stability at nonconforming grid interfaces for a high order discretization of the Schrödinger equation. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2011-017, 2011. (External link, fulltext).
- High order stable finite difference methods for the Schrödinger equation. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2011-014, 2011. (External link, fulltext).
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- Flexible single molecule simulation of reaction-diffusion processes. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2010-014, 2010. (External link, fulltext).
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- Assessing orthogonality and statistical properties of linear regression methods for interval mapping with partial information. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2010-005, 2010. (External link, fulltext).
- Incorporating active transport of cellular cargo in stochastic mesoscopic models of living cells. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2010-003, 2010. (External link, fulltext).
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- Towards higher order immersed finite elements for the wave equation. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2016-008, Uppsala University, 2016. (fulltext).
- Methods from Statistical Computing for Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1373, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2016. (fulltext, preview image, errata).
- Computational Ice Sheet Dynamics: Error control and efficiency. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1368, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2016. (fulltext, preview image).
- Numerical Methods for Wave Propagation: Analysis and Applications in Quantum Dynamics. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1330, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2016. (fulltext, preview image).
- Radial basis function methods for pricing multi-asset options. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2016-001, Uppsala University, 2016. (fulltext).
- Towards accurate modeling of moving contact lines. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2015-006, Uppsala University, 2015. (fulltext).
- Parallelism and efficiency in discrete-event simulation. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2015-004, Uppsala University, 2015. (fulltext).
- Techniques for finite element methods on modern processors. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2015-001, Uppsala University, 2015. (fulltext).
- Adaptive Solvers for High-Dimensional PDE Problems on Clusters of Multicore Processors. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1199, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2014. (fulltext, preview image).
- Scientific Computing on Multicore Architectures. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1139, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2014. (fulltext, preview image).
- Numerical Quantum Dynamics. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2013-005, Uppsala University, 2013. (fulltext).
- Scientific computing on hybrid architectures. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2013-002, Uppsala University, 2013. (fulltext).
- Scalable Preservation, Reconstruction, and Querying of Databases in terms of Semantic Web Representations. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1052, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2013. (fulltext).
- Stochastic Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Processes. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 1042, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2013. (fulltext).
- Two Optimization Problems in Genetics: Multi-dimensional QTL Analysis and Haplotype Inference. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 973, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2012. (fulltext).
- Leveraging multicore processors for scientific computing. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2012-006, Uppsala University, 2012. (fulltext).
- Efficient and Reliable Simulation of Quantum Molecular Dynamics. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 970, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2012. (fulltext).
- Managing Applications and Data in Distributed Computing Infrastructures. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 940, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2012. (fulltext).
- Towards an adaptive solver for high-dimensional PDE problems on clusters of multicore processors. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2012-003, Uppsala University, 2012. (fulltext).
- High Order Finite Difference Methods with Artificial Boundary Treatment in Quantum Dynamics. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 864, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2011. (fulltext).
- Multiscale Stochastic Simulation of Reaction-Transport Processes: Applications in Molecular Systems Biology. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 832, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2011. (fulltext).
- Querying Data Providing Web Services. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 755, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2010. (fulltext).
- Managing applications and data in distributed computing infrastructures. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2010-003, Uppsala University, 2010. (fulltext).
- Using Markov models and a stochastic Lipschitz condition for genetic analyses. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2010-002, Uppsala University, 2010. (fulltext).
- Absorbing boundary techniques for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2010-001, Uppsala University, 2010. (fulltext).
- An e-Science Approach to Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 708, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2010. (fulltext).