Constraint Technology
for Solving Combinatorial Problems

Level C, 5 credit points, period 5, summer 2003


Constraint technology is a collective term for a set of methods and tools for solving combinatorial problems. Such problems arise in many application domains, such as scheduling, planning, design, molecular biology, transport, logistics, and so on. Many companies are successfully deploying constraint technology, making knowledge thereof a useful asset on the job market. This course combines the theoretical and algorithmic foundations with the practical modelling and solving of real-life combinatorial problems.


Lectures 1, 2, and 14 (also) contain slides prepared by Krzysztof R. Apt, the author of the used textbook.


40 points in science, technology, systems science, or linguistics, including 8 points in programming and basic algebra.
So the target audience includes third-year and fourth-year undergraduate students.
Graduate students are of course also highly welcome; our expectations will just be higher.



Krzysztof R. Apt:
Principles of Constraint Programming.
Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Additional reading:

Recommended Constraint Programming Languages / Libraries


Lecture Schedule

All lectures take place in room 1-111 at Polacksbacken: Odd-numbered lectures are from 10:15 to 12:00, and even-numbered lectures are from 13:15 to 15:00.

Project, Assistant, Exercises, and Lessons

Exams & Grading

Last modified: Fri 28 Nov 17:31:26 MEST 2003