Constraint Technology
for Solving Combinatorial Problems
Level C, 5 credit points, period 5, summer 2003
Constraint technology is a collective term for a set of methods and
tools for solving combinatorial problems. Such problems arise in many
application domains, such as scheduling, planning, design, molecular
biology, transport, logistics, and so on. Many companies are
successfully deploying constraint technology, making knowledge thereof
a useful asset on the job market. This course combines the
theoretical and algorithmic foundations with the practical
modelling and solving of real-life combinatorial problems.
- Lecture 1: Introduction
What is a constraint?
What kind of (real-life) problems can be modelled with constraints?
With what contributing technologies are constraints processed?
Domain declarations.
Some basic comparison and arithmetic constraints.
The alldifferent global constraint.
Basic modelling issues.
(Slides, part 1)
(Slides, part 2)
(Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the textbook)
(Do Exercises 2.1, 2.4, 2.7, and 2.8 of the textbook)
- Lecture 2: Constraint Processing in a Nutshell
Equivalence of problems.
Preprocessing. Propagation. Splitting.
Search. Heuristics. Backtracking. Branch and bound.
(Read Chapter 3 of the textbook)
(No exercises)
- Lecture 3: Consistency
Bounds, arc, and path consistency.
Higher levels of consistency.
(Read Chapter 5 of the textbook)
- Lecture 4: Constraint Propagation
Overview of a typical constraint kernel.
(Read Chapter 7 of the textbook)
- Lecture 5: Search
Search strategies.
General and problem-specific search heuristics.
(Read Chapter 8 of the textbook)
- Lecture 6: Modelling
Reified constraints.
Higher-order constraints.
Redundant decision variables and channelling constraints.
Matrix modelling.
Relational modelling.
(Slides & Exercises)
(Read Chapter 9 of the textbook)
- Lecture 7: Modelling (continued)
Implied and redundant constraints.
Symmetry-breaking by adding constraints before search.
Symmetry-breaking during search.
Symmetry detection and introduction.
Over-constrained problems.
- Lecture 8: Global Constraints
Revisiting the alldifferent global constraint.
Some counting global constraints.
- Lecture 9: Global Constraints (continued)
(Slides & Exercises)
- Lecture 10: Resource Scheduling Constraints
Disjunctive, cumulative, and assignment+disjunctive approaches.
(Slides & Exercises)
- Lecture 11: Routing, Geometric, and Regulation Constraints
Circuit, cycle, disjoint2,
sequence, stretch, etc.
(Slides & Exercises)
- Lecture 12: Filtering Algorithms
Main issues.
(Slides & Exercises)
- Lecture 13: Optimisation Constraints
Global cardinality with costs.
Assignment with costs.
Sum of weights of distinct values.
(Slides & Exercises)
- Lecture 14: Tractability & Conclusion
(Slides, part 1)
(Slides, part 2)
(Read Section 5.10 of the textbook)
Lectures 1, 2, and 14 (also) contain slides prepared by Krzysztof
R. Apt, the author of the used textbook.
40 points in science, technology, systems science, or linguistics,
including 8 points in programming and basic algebra.
So the target audience includes third-year and fourth-year
undergraduate students.
Graduate students are of course also highly welcome;
our expectations will just be higher.
- Pierre Flener, PhD, senior lecturer, docent
at Uppsala University, IT Department, MIC, room 1-336
Email: Pierre.Flener at
- Justin Pearson, PhD, senior lecturer
at Uppsala University, IT Department, MIC, room 1-441
Email: Justin.Pearson at
- Guest lecturers from SICS
Krzysztof R. Apt:
Principles of Constraint Programming.
Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Additional reading:
Recommended Constraint Programming Languages / Libraries
Lecture Schedule
All lectures take place in room 1-111 at Polacksbacken:
- Tuesday 3 June 2003: Lectures 1 and 2
- Wednesday 4 June 2003: Lectures 3 and 4
- Tuesday 10 June 2003: Lectures 5 and 6
- Wednesday 11 June 2003: Lectures 7 and 8
- Monday 18 August 2003: Lectures 9 and 10
- Tuesday 19 August 2003: Lectures 11 and 12
- Monday 25 August 2003: Lectures 13 and 14
Odd-numbered lectures are from 10:15 to 12:00, and
even-numbered lectures are from 13:15 to 15:00.
Project, Assistant, Exercises, and Lessons
- Optional exercises
are given at the end of most lectures.
Solving them is highly recommended!
On the Fridays immediately following lectures,
the course assistant
Magnus Ågren
to some of these exercises
in optional lessons
from 10:15 to 12:00 in room 1-111 at Polacksbacken.
- A mandatory project,
taking 2 weeks of work,
is to be done.
Choose a problem,
for instance in CSPlib,
as well as a programming language (see above), and
contact us
for our approval.
Write several combinations of models and search procedures for the
chosen problem, and empirically compare their performances,
in running time and in the number of backtracks,
for several problem instances.
Especially experiment with redundant decision variables
and implied constraints,
and try to break any symmetries.
Unless you have our permission, projects are to be done individually.
Report to us
a URL to a directory with a self-contained report (in PDF or PS)
and documented programs and instance data used in your experiments.
Late project proposals and reports are of course accepted;
the grading turnaround may just be slower.
A pass grade or a fail grade
is given to each project report.
Exams & Grading
- The exam took place on Sat 30 Aug 2003.
The re-exam is on Tue 13 Jan 2004, from 08:00 to 13:00,
in building 5 of MIC.
Exam study guidelines.
Old exam: August 2003 (revised version).
- The 5 credit points will be awarded upon
passing both the exam and the mandatory project,
using the passing grade (G or VG) earned on the exam.
- For graduate students,
the exam may be replaced by an additional or bigger project
and a presentation thereon, without particular deadlines:
contact us for arrangements.
Last modified: Fri 28 Nov 17:31:26 MEST 2003