Stepping Stones
- The 2nd CeTUSS course, Stepping Stones, is based on a model similar to prior courses in computing (for example Bootstrapping, Scaffolding and Brace). Stepping Stones support development in engineering education within Sweden. The Stepping Stones course brings together practitioners and experts in order to 1) equip teachers with tools to make and evaluate changes in their practice, 2) appreciate the nature and value of evidence in the engineering classroom and 3) build community. Robin Adams from Purdue University, Indiana, USA. and Sally Fincher from University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K. are course leaders.
The Stepping Stones course consists of three parts.
Part One: an initial meeting introducing techniques and methodologies with which to investigate engineering education settings, help build collaborative relationships between Swedish higher education institutions, and introducing a shared project. This workshop is at Johannesberg's Slott, June 12-16, 2006.
Part Two: conducting the project during the following academic year: participants will gather data in their own institutions. Throughout the year, there will be electronic contact with the rest of the group, and an optional interim meeting associated with a CeTUSS workshop.
Part Three: a final meeting at Wiks slott, June 11-15, 2007 in order to share results, analyze data, make plans for reporting and disseminating those results within Sweden and abroad, and for collaborating on further projects.