In this paper, we report on an application of the validation and verification tool kit \uppaal \ in the design and analysis of a prototype gear controller, carried out in a joint project between industry and academia. The gear controller is a component in the control system operating in a modern vehicle, implementing the gear change algorithm. We give a detailed description of the formal model of the gear controller and its surrounding environment, and its correctness formalized in $46$ logical formulas according to the informal requirements delivered by our industrial partner of the project. The second contribution of this paper is a solution to the problem we met in this case study, namely how to use a tool like \uppaal, which only provides reachability analysis to verify bounded response time properties e.g. {\sl if $\FF_1$ (a request) becomes true at a certain time point, then $\FF_2$ (a response) must be guaranteed to hold within a given time bound}. We present a logic and a method to characterize and model--check such properties for networks of timed automata by syntactical transformation and reachability analysis. The advantage of this approach is that we need no additional implementation work to extend the existing model--checker, but simple manual syntactical manipulation on the system description. The method has been demonstrated in verifying the correctness of the gear controller design. It takes 2.99 seconds to check the 46 logical formulas by \uppaal\ installed on a Pentium 75MHz PC equipped with 24 MB of primary memory.