UPPAAL Research Group
- Alexandre David, Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Nov. 2003.
- Elena Fersman, A Gereric Approach to Schedulability Analysis of Real Time Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Oct. 2003.
- Johan Bengtsson, Clocks, DBM's and States in Timed Systems, Ph.D. thesis, Jun. 2002.
- Paul Pettersson, Modelling and Verification of Real-Time Systems Using Timed Automata: Theory and Practice, Ph.D. thesis, Feb. 1999.
- Tobias Amnell, Code Synthesis for Timed Automata, Lic Thesis, Oct. 2003.
- Johan Bengtsson, Efficient Symbolic State Exploration of Timed Systems: Theory and Implementation, Lic. Thesis, May. 2001.
- Alexandre David, Practical Verification of Real-time Systems, Lic. Thesis, Oct. 2001.
- Fredrik Larsson, Efficient Implementation of Model-Checkers for Networks of Timed Automata, Lic. Thesis, May. 2000.
- Anders Wall, A Formal Approach to Analysis of Software Architectures for Real-Time Systems, Lic. Thesis, Sep. 2000.