Times provides automatic generation of the executable
code from the system description. Currently the only supported target is
Hitachi H8 processor of a LEGO Mindstorms RCX brick running
brickOS 0.2.6. (Note that brickOS was formerly known as legOS and
that the version supported by Times was released
under the old name. The pre-releases of brickOS, version etc. are not
Installing brickOS
To use the code generation for a RCX brick you need to have the brickOS
operating system installed on the brick. You will find instructions on how to
get and install operating system from the brickOS
Here we only provide a brief summary of the installation process.
Configuring brickOS:
Open the file Makefile.common in the brickOS root directory. About
line 116 there is a line:
CFLAGS=$(COPT) $(CWARN) $(CINC)change it to: CFLAGS=$(COPT) $(CWARN) $(CINC) $(CMACROS) Configuring Times:
Generating Code
To generate code from a system description use the menu command
Run->Code synthesis . This will generate several files
in the directory specified in the base name. The code generation does not
require brickOS to be installed.
What are the files generated?
Compiling Generated Code
To compile the generated code you can either use the GUI or a
separate shell. The compilation requires legOS and the cross compiler to be
installed. To compile from the GUI use the menu option Run->Compile .
To compile, using a separate shell, go to the output directory and enter
execute the following command:
bash$ make Uploading and Executing Compiled Binaries
To upload the generated and compiled code to the RCX-brick you must
connect and switch on the IR-tower. Place the brick in front of the tower and
turn it on.
To upload binaries to the RCX brick execute the following command:
bash$ make uploadTo execute an uploaded program simply press the Run button on a brick.
If the code is generated with the logging option a module that sends LNP
messages at events in the kernel is included. The logged events are:
(C) 2004 DARTS, IT Dept, CS, Uppsala University, Sweden |