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Commercial Licenses

Uppaal is free for academic use only. Any other use requires a license of Uppaal. As academic use, we consider only work performed by researchers or students at institutions delivering academic degrees. In addition, the work or the worker may not be contracted by any non-academic institution. Note that, any use at companies, private use, use at national research agencies, or any other non-academic use requires a license of Uppaal.

For information about commercial licenses and support, please visit

Academic Licenses

The following releases and utilities are available for free only for academic institutions that deliver academic degrees:

Installation Instructions

To download and install (or upgrade to) the current version of Uppaal:

  1. Choose the version from the download area.
  2. Fill in the license agreement and press the "Accept and Download" button.
  3. Download the zip-file containing the installation files.
  4. Unzip the downloaded zip-file. This should created a number of files, including: uppaal.jar, uppaal, and the directories bin-Linux, bin-Win32, and demo. The bin-directories should all contain the two files server(.exe) and verifyta(.exe) plus some additional files, depending on the platform. The directory demo should contain some demo files with suffixes .xml, and .q.
  5. Make sure you have at least Java 7 configured on your system. The Uppaal GUI will not run without Java installed. Java for Windows and Linux can be downloaded from
  6. To run Uppaal on Linux systems run the startup script named uppaal. To run on Windows systems, just double-click the file uppaal.jar.
    New: Launch AddLinks.vbs to create links in programs menu and desktop. This should take care of proxy settings automatically as well.
  7. (Optional) Join the Uppaal mailinglist. The mailinglist is intended for users of the tool. To join the list, email To post to the mailing list, email For more information, see this page.

Please e-mail if you have problems to install, if you find bugs or have suggestions how Uppaal can be improved. Before e-mailing us, please check the Known Issues, the Frequently Asked Questions sections below, and the messages at the Uppaal mailinglist.

Version History

This version history documents the devlopements in Uppaal since the first beta release of Uppaal 3.0 in July 20, 1999. The version history of the previous Uppaal versions (i.e. version 2.17 and earlier) can be found in this README file.