U p p s a l a
D a t a b a s e L a b o r a t o r y
Welcome to Uppsala DataBase Laboratory (UDBL). We are a research group within the Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Our group was founded by Tore Risch and is now led by Georgios Fakas.
Current active directions include big data; keyword search and ranking on (semi) structure data and (attributed) graphs; spatial data; online (geo) social networks. We are also interested in workflow management.
Other research direction of the group concentrates on developing methods for representation and scalable extensible processing of queries analyzing different kinds of distributed data in terms of semantic 'NoSQL' data representations. Of particular interest is scalable processing of high level queries analyzing high volume data streams.
Georgios J. Fakas
Associate Proferssor (Docent)Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University
Hus 1, SE-752 37
Uppsala, Sweden.
Email: georgios.fakas@it.uu.se