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Department of Information Technology

Recent Publications

Our most recent publications in Journals, Conferences and other venues are listed below.

For the full publication list (sorted by publication type), click here

  1. <em>From Assistance to Misconduct: Unpacking the Complex Role of Generative AI Use in Student Learning</em>. Andreas Axelsson, Daniel Tomas Wallgren, Udit Verma, Åsa Cajander, Mats Daniels, Anna Eckerdal, and Roger McDermott. In IEEE Explore, IEEE conference proceedings, 2024.
  2. Block and Text Programming: What do studentsknow on their first and last day of upper-secondaryschool?. Johan Snider and Anna Eckerdal. In Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2024.
  3. How Do You Solve A Problem Like Recruitment? On The Hiring and Retention of Computing Academics. Bedour Alshaigy, Virginia Grande, Natalie Kiesler, and Amber Settle. In , pp 263-266, 2024. (DOI).
  4. Direktiivit autismikirjon oppilaan ja luokkatovereiden yhteistä tarinankerrontaa ohjaamassa. Anniina Kämäräinen, Eija Kärnä, Panu Olli, Lotta Romppanen, Anni Kilpiä, Katja Dindar, Kaisa Pihlainen, and Calkin Suero Montero. In Puhe ja kieli / Tal och språk / Speech and Language, volume 44, number 2, pp 67-86, Puhe ja kieli - Finnish Association of Speech and Language Research, 2024. (DOI).
  5. Teachers and Students Envisioning Mixed Reality Remote Learning: A Qualitative Exploration on Fostering Academic Engagement. Naska Goagoses, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Selma Auala, Nicolas Pope, Erkki Rötkönen, Helvi Itenge, Calkin Suero Montero, Tomi Suovuo, and Erkki Sutinen. In Technology, Knowledge and Learning, Springer, 2024. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print). Publication status: Epub ahead of print
  6. Exploring Students Solutions to Concurrent and Parallel Programming Exercises: Impact of Generative AI. Maxim Mozgovoy and Calkin Suero Montero. In ICER '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research - Volume 2, pp 533-534, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024. (DOI, fulltext:preprint).
  7. Learning programming practice and programming theory in the computer laboratory. Anna Eckerdal, Anders Berglund, and Michael Thuné. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 49, number 2, pp 330-347, 2024.
  8. What Do I Need To Learn? Computing Competence Described by Novice Students. Caroline Uppsäll, Aletta Nylén, and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Washington DC, 2024.
  9. Novice Students Explain: What is Computer Science?. Caroline Uppsäll, Aletta Nylén, and Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic. In Proc. 2024 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Washington DC, 2024.
  10. Applying the Computer Science Capital Framework to Understand Factors Facilitating Children's Decision to Participate in Code Clubs. Tina Vrieler. In Koli Calling '24: Proceedings of the 24th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, pp 1-13, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  11. A Case Study of a Code Club's Inclusion Policy and How It Is Implemented Online and in the Classroom. Tina Vrieler. In 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) Proceedings, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  12. Supplement: Capital in Computing Education, v.2. Thom Kunkeler, Maria Kallia, and Matthew Barr. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2024-003, Uppsala universitet, 2024. (fulltext).
  13. A Plan for a Joint Study into the Impacts of AI on Professional Competencies of IT Professionals and Implications for Computing Students. Tony Clear, Åsa Cajander, Alison Clear, Roger Mcdermott, Andreas Bergqvist, Mats Daniels, Monica Divitini, Matthew Forshaw, Niklas Humble, Maria Kasinidou, Styliani Kleanthous, Can Kultur, Ghazaleh Parvini, Mohammad Polash, and Tingting Zhu. In Proceedings of the 2024 on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp 757-758, ACM Digital Library, 2024. (DOI).
  14. Supplement - Social Capital and Women in Computing: A Comparative Study Between Sweden and Bangladesh. Thom Kunkeler, Klara Hugo, and Fatama Akter. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2024-002, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2024. (fulltext).
  15. Capital and the Social Reproduction of Inequality in Computing Education. Thom Kunkeler. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2024-001, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2024. (External link, fulltext).
  16. From Science to Computing: A Study of Capital Among Bioinformatics Students. Thom Kunkeler and Aletta Nylén. In IEEE Transactions on Education, volume 67, number 2, pp 202-208, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024. (DOI).
  17. Supplement - Capital in Computing Education: Investigating Factors Underlying Participation. Thom Kunkeler and Aletta Nylén. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2024-001, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2024. (fulltext).
  18. The Virtuous, the Caring, and the Free: Ethical Theory to Understand the Ethics of the Teacher as a Role Model in Engineering Education. Virginia Grande, Thomas Taro Lennerfors, Anne-Kathrin Peters, and Kristina von Hausswolff. In European Journal of Engineering Education, volume 49, number 1, pp 1-21, Taylor & Francis, 2024. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  19. Pseudocode: scaffolding student object-oriented software design. Anna Eckerdal, Carol Zander, Lynda Thomas, Jan Erik Moström, and Robert McCartney. In <em>Proceedings of the 23rd Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research</em>, pp 1-2, 2023.
  20. Theory and Approaches to Computing Education Research. Arnold Pears, Mats Daniels, and Anders Berglund. In Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research, pp 33-50, Springer Nature, 2023. (DOI).
  21. What is Computing Education Research (CER)?. Mats Daniels, Lauri Malmi, Arnold Pears, and undefined Simon. In Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research, pp 9-31, Springer Nature, 2023. (DOI).
  22. A Case Study: The Uppsala Computing Education Research Group (UpCERG). Mats Daniels, Anders Berglund, and Arnold Pears. In Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research, pp 245-258, Springer Nature, 2023. (DOI).
  23. Exploring the Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research: An Introduction. Mikko Apiola, Sonsoles Lopez-Pernas, Mohammed Saqr, Lauri Malmi, and Mats Daniels. In Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research, pp 1-7, Springer Nature, 2023. (DOI).
  24. Steps Towards a Philosophy of Computing Education. Roger McDermott, Mats Daniels, and Steve Frezza. In ACM Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, ACM, 2023.
  25. In Search of a Philosophy of Computing Education. Roger McDermott, Mats Daniels, and Stephen Frezza. In 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), College Station, Texas, USA, 2023. (DOI).
  26. What is Skill? (and why does it matter?). Roger McDermott and Mats Daniels. In 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), College Station, Texas, USA, 2023. (DOI).
  27. Learning programming practice and programming theory in the computer laboratory. Anna Eckerdal, Anders Berglund, and Michael Thuné. In European Journal of Engineering Education, pp 1-18, 2023. (DOI). Publication status: Epub ahead of print
  28. A Methodology for Investigating Women's Module Choices in Computer Science. Steven Bradley, Miranda C. Parker, Rukiye Altin, Lecia Barker, Sara Hooshangi, Samia Kamal, Thom Kunkeler, Ruth G. Lennon, Fiona McNeill, Julià Minguillón, Jack Parkinson, Svetlana Peltsverger, and Naaz Sibia. In ITiCSE 2023: Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, pp 569-570, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023. (DOI).
  29. That's How <em>We</em> Role! A Framework for Role Modeling in Computing and Engineering Education: A Focus on the Who, What, How, and Why. Virginia Grande. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2265, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2023. (fulltext, preview image).
  30. "Collect, Understand and Publish" A Workshop on Qualitative Research in STEM Education. Anders Berglund, Jake Reardon, and Mats Daniels. In 2022 7th International Stem Education Conference, ISTEM-Ed, International STEM Education Conference, pp IX-X, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022.

Updated  2022-11-30 13:51:38 by Mats Daniels.