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Department of Information Technology

UpCERG Members

To contact us, please send an e-mail to Mats Daniels or anyone of us.


Anders Berglund
Homepage: Email

Anders is a lecturer in Computer Systems at the Department of Information Technology. In his research he explores how students learn computer science, and draw, from here, conclusions on teaching. Particularly, he is interested in how qualitative research approaches can be used to enrich the understanding of students' learning of computer science. To reach these aims he also engages in the Computing Education Research community, for example through Workshops on Phenomenography in Computing Education Research - PhICER , a working group on WG4 - Research Perspectives on the Objects-Early Debate at ITiCSE06 and as a programme chair for Sixth Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research - Koli Calling.


Jonas Boustedt
Homepage: Email

Jonas is a PhD student at Uppsala University, with a research interest in students' learning experiences of programming (concepts, problem solving and design) and their approaches. He is also a lecturer in object-oriented programming and design at Högskolan i Gävle (University of Gävle).


Mats Daniels
Homepage: Email

I'm project leader for CeTUSS and a senior lecturer in Computer Systems. My special areas of responsibility are arranging workshops and be the driving force behind creating a community interested in the issues addressed by CeTUSS. Furthermore, I run a special project concerning internationalization of the course IT in Society.

My special interest is research concerning furthering of engineering education, especially the computing area. The main area is methods of education building on open ended group projects (OEGP) and how they can be done in an international setting (OEIGP). This research is to a large extent based on work within the Runestone Project, which was initially a three year project (1997-2000) funded by the Swedish national council of the renewal of higher education, and still running.


Anna Eckerdal
Homepage: Email

Anna is a lecturer and PhD student at the Department of Information Technology, with an research interest in novice students' learning experiences of object-oriented programming and their approaches. Her present research includes students learning of concepts and Threshold concepts in particular, and use of resources. Anna is teaching Java programming.


Arnold Pears
Homepage: Email

Arnold is a senior lecturer at the IT Department with research interests in computing education research, computer networks and ubiquitous and pervasive computing technologies. His present interests in CER include research methods for CER, taxonomy of CER literature, and the technological support for distance learning and communication "Explanograms"


Michael Thuné
Homepage: Email

Michael Thuné, Professor

Michael is professor of Scientific Computing at Uppsala University. During his long career as university teacher, he has been regularly involved in educational development. In recent years, this has led him to engage in computer science education research.


Mattias Wiggberg
Homepage: Email

Mattias holds a PhD from the Department of Information Technology. His dissertation work regarded the connections between the learning goals and outcome of advanced student projects. One contribution of the dissertation is a method to analyze this (possible) mismatch. Mattias is member of the steering committee of Nordic Network in Engineering Education Research (NNEER), and has previously been a member of university board (Konsistoriet).

Updated  2010-12-14 14:57:57 by Arnold Pears.