How to reach the hotel

Information on how to reach the hotel from Stockholm - Arlanda Airport is available by following this link.


For Working Group members:
Saturday May 31st, 18.00 - 18.30, at the conference site at the building marked with Registration and Large Lecture hall on this map.
For participants in tutorials
Sunday June 1st, 12.30 - 13.00, at the conference site at the building marked with Registration and Large Lecture hall on this map.
For all conference participants:
Sunday June 1st, 18.30 - 20.30, in the main university building. The university building "universitetshuset" is in the city center within walking distance from most hotels. On this map it is marked with a blue number 4. Ask for directions at your hotel. The welcome reception is in the same building, on Sunday June 1st, 19.30.


Monday June 2nd, 8.30 - 11.30, at the conference site at the building marked with Registration and Large Lecture hall on this map.

Late registration is possible at the information desk at the conference site.


Welcome reception

There is a welcome reception at the university building universitetshuset Sunday 1st at 19.30. It is located just one block away from the cathedral. Ask for directions at your hotel.

How to reach the conference site

A nice 20-minutes walk along the river, on the west bank, will take you from the hotels in the city center to our campus where the conference is held. Ask for directions at your hotel.

There are frequent local buses from the city to campus . Ask at your hotel where the nearest bus stop for buses to Polacksbacken and Ulleråker is. You should not need to change - there are several direct buses. The price for a one way trip is 16 SEK.

Get off a the stop Polacksbacken (ask the driver or any of passengers to tell you when you are there) and cross the street.
The MIC buildings
It is normaly not faster taking the bus than to walk.

If you arrive by car, you turn from Dag Hammarskiölds väg just opposit the Shell petrol station. The conference site is just in front of you. The parking lot to the right, before the roundabout is free, but most other parking places in the area are not.

You can take a cab to Polacksbacken from the city center. This is pretty expensive - the average fare would be SEK 75.-.


Information on hotels, banking and telephones as well as site information, a tour of Uppsala university and tourist information is available.

Helena Pettersson will be glad to answer any questions on lodging, and Anders Berglund all other practical questions.

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These pages are maintained by Anders Berglund,,
Last modified: Sun May 18 20:00:12 MET 1997