Call for Participation

Deadline for paper submission, panel submission and proposing a Working group is now past.

Deadline for Demos, Posters and Working Group participation is March 15.

ACM Special Interest Groups in Computer Science Education SIGCSE and Computer Uses in Education (SIGCUE) will join forces in sponsoring a conference and working meeting on the theme of integrating technology into computer science education. Submissions are requested in all areas related to the conference theme.

This includes, but is not limited to, the following topics as applied to computer science/informatics education:

  • Closed laboratories/Practical experiences
  • Computer Science Education Research
  • Computer Supported
    Collaborative Learning
  • Different/new approaches to examination
  • Distance Learning
  • E-mail and bulletin board-based class support
  • Effective use of portable computers
  • Effective use of WWW
  • Emerging technologies
  • Evaluating teaching methods
  • Graphics/Visualisation
  • Impact of technology on curriculum
  • Instructional Technology
  • Integrating networks and distributed computing
  • IT and Ethics
  • Multimedia/Interactive learning
  • Need for future changes to courses

Particular emphasis will be given to issues of computing education in Europe and international cooperation.

Two distinct, intermingled events

This event will consist of both a traditional conference and a set of working group meetings.


The conference will consist of invited speakers, interaction with the working groups, and technical sessions featuring papers, panels, demonstrations, and posters.

Working Groups

Each working group will have a particular aspect of technology in computer science education as its focus. Those who participate in the working groups will meet often and work together to produce a document or other material for publication immediately after the conference.

Working groups will begin work by electronic communication before the conference begins. The working groups will meet one day before the conference, during the conference, and one day after the conference ends. They will present interim reports to the conference and obtain responses from conference attendees. Each working group will determine its own meeting schedule, including when to attend conference events. The groups will work in equipped laboratories.

The results of the groups' work will be edited and widely distributed.

To propose a working group topic:

The deadline for proposing topics is now past.

Send a proposal describing the problem you wish to address and what you expect to produce in a five-day working session. Include information on your experience in the area. Indicate if you are willing to serve as a leader for the group if selected. If you know others who would participate in the group, include their names and contact information in your proposal.

To participate in a working group:

The deadline for working group member applications is March 15th.

If you are interested in joining a working group, send a description of your experience in areas relevant to the theme of technology in computer science/informatics education. If there are topics of particular interest to you, mention them in your submission. Accepted working group topics will available on WWW by Feb 17.
Here are detailed instructions for working group member applications.

All working group submissions: Provide a separate cover page. Topic proposals and participant applications will be accepted based on the mix of ideas and experience submitted with the goal of forming good working groups.


The deadline for paper submissions is past.

Extended abstracts on topics consistent with the themes of the conference are invited. Abstracts will be reviewed. In order to facilitate double-blind reviewing, it is important that all identifying information be confined to the cover page. In other words, do not include your name, institution, etc. in the body of your extended abstract.

A few abstracts will be selected for expansion into full papers. If you are not able to expand the abstract into a full paper if it is chosen, indicate that on the cover sheet. Other accepted abstracts will be presented at the conference as short paper presentations or as posters. The extended abstract should be the equivalent of two or three pages on A4 or 8.5 x 11" paper, single-spaced, 12 point type, one-inch margins.


The deadline for demonstration submissions is March 15th.

Demonstrations of software, multimedia application resources, simulations, or other resources used in computer science education will be an important part of the conference. Submit a description of the material you wish to demonstrate with a cover sheet. In order to facilitate double-blind reviewing, your name and other identifying information should appear only on the separate cover page.

Demonstration submissions must include information on the equipment required to conduct the demonstration. If you would bring your own equipment, state that and describe it. If you require equipment provided by the conference, describe your needs. Here are detailed instructions for demonstration submissions.


The deadline for paper submissions is past.

Panel sessions to address a topic relevant to the theme of the conference are also invited. The submission of a panel should follow the directions for a paper, but state that it is a panel session. Include the names and affiliations of as many panel participants as possible.


The deadline for poster submissions is March 15th.

Work in progress may be submitted for presentation in poster format at the conference. Submit a cover page and the equivalent of one full page of description of the work. In order to facilitate double-blind reviewing, your name and other identifying information should appear only on the separate cover page. Here are detailed instructions for poster submissions.

Send all submissions to

Papers and Panels
(send to one, not both)
Deadline is past
Mats Daniels
Dept of Comp. Systems
Box 325
S-751 05 Uppsala
tel: +46 18 18 31 60
fax: +46 18 55 02 25
Boots Cassel
Dept of Comp. Sciences
Villanova University
Villanova, PA 19085-1699
tel: +1 610 519 7341
fax: +1 610 519 7889
Posters and demos
Deadline is March 15
Jonas Barklund
Comp. Science Dept
Box 311
S-751 05 Uppsala
tel: +46 18 18 10 50
fax: +46 18 51 15 30
Working group participation
(email application preferred)
Vicki L. Almstrum
Dept of Computer Systems
Uppsala University
Box 325
S-751 05 Uppsala
fax: +46-18-55 02 25

All submissions must be original work.

Send electronic mail (preferred), 4 copies of all printed materials, or a fax. Electronic submissions may be in text, or compressed or uncompressed PostScript. If you plan to use another encoding, check first with the committee person receiving your work. Use fax only if necessary. Electronic submissions can more easily be distributed for review in our tight time schedule.

Cover Page for all Submissions

A separate cover page should be included with all submissions. Include your name and contact information (including fax, e-mail, postal mail, and phone), the title of your proposal, the conference theme in which it best fits, and an abstract of not more than 100 words. Clearly state whether the submission is a paper, panel, poster, demonstration, working group topic proposal, or working group participant application.


The official language of the meeting is English. Submissions should use clear, ordinary grammar and avoid the use of colloquialisms that might be difficult for those who speak English as a second language.


All conference participants/presenters/working group members are expected to register at the regular conference registration fee. No support for travel to the conference is expected. Approximate registration fee USD 295.- includes lunches. receptions, and a dinner.

Contact information

For further information about the conference, contact one of the Conference Co-chairs
Mats Daniels or Boots Cassel.

For information about the conference site and facilities, contact Organizing Committee Chair: Anders Berglund
tel: + 46 18 18 31 67
fax: +46 18 55 02 25
Department of Computer Systems
Box 325
S-75105 Uppsala

Important Dates

Deadline for receipt of working group proposals, papers, panels 6 Dec 96
Notification of acceptance of working groups, papers, panels 17 Feb 97
Deadline for receipt of posters, demonstration proposals and working group participation 15 March 97
Working groups planning and groundwork begins (electronically) 1 April 97
Notification of acceptance of posters, demonstrations 15 April 97
Working groups meet 1-5 June 97
Conference 2-4 June 97

Site information

The Uppsala castle
The conference will be held at the Mathematics and Information Technology Center (MIC) campus of Uppsala universitet (the oldest universi ty in Scandinavia, founded 1477). The MIC campus is a former military base with beautiful buildings from the beginning of the century, which has been transformed to become the center of Information Technology of Upps ala University. The campus houses approximately 100 senior faculty and 1.300 undergraduate students.

Hammarby, Linné's
Uppsala, with about 200.000 inhabitants, is situated 66 km (40 miles) north of Stockholm (the capitol of Sweden) and 30 km north of the Stockholm-Arlanda A irport. A bus service is available to take you from the airport to Uppsala. The conference site is within walking distance (about 15-25 minutes) from the city cent er, where most hotels (detailed information availiable) are located. Special shuttle busses will run between the hotels and the conference site in the morning and afternoon; city buses, which run all day, are an inexpensive option. Hourly trains go to/from Stockholm daily.

The weather in Uppsala is usually sunny and warm in June (about 20 C, 69F). However, since cooler days and rain showers are not uncommon during the Swedish summer, a sweater and a raincoat can be useful items to pack along.

If you want to know more about Sweden in general, and Uppsala in particular, please visit our tourist information page.

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These pages are maintained by Anders Berglund,,
Last modified: Sat Feb 22 14:24:12 MET 1997