Uppsala University, Uppsala,
June 1-5, 1997
- Pictures from the conference
- The original conference site
Upcoming events
- SIGCSE '98 - The 29thACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium, Atlanta, GA, USA, Feb-March1998
- LeTTeT '98 and MaTILDA '98, Joint Conferencein Pori, FINLAND, 11-12 May 1998.
- Kvalitet och förbättringsarbetet vid universitet och högskolor, 10-11juni 1998 - Luleå, Sweden
- International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, 8-12 juni 1998 - Uppsala, Sweden
- The Fourth International Conference on Computer Aided Learning and Instruction in Science and Engineering (CALISCE’98) - June 15-17, 1998, Göteborg, Sweden
- World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, June 20-25 1998, Freiburg in Breisgau, GERMANY
- ACSE'98 - Third Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education, Brisbane, Australia, 8-10 July 1998.
- 6th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Computing and 3rd Annual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer ScienceEducation - ITiCSE '98, Changing the Delivery of Computer ScienceEducation 18th - 21st August 1998 - Dublin, Ireland
- IFIP WG3.4 INTERNATIONALWORKING CONFERENCE - Educating Professionals for Network-Centric Organisations, 23 - 28 August 1998, Saitama, Japan.
- Entrepreneurship, Management and Engineering Education, 2-4 September 1998, Helsinki University of Technology, in Espoo, Finland
- Improving Student Learning OutcomesSeptember 7th - 9th, 1998, University of Brighton, England
- International Conference on Learning and Information Technology, 26th to 29th of October 1998 in Stockholm, Sweden.
- Frontiers in Education '98 November 4-7, 1998, Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, Tempe, Arizona
- International Education: Interactions With the Wider Community10th Annual EAIE Conference, 22 to 24 November 1998, Stockholm, Sweden
European Association for International Education- 8th EARLI Conference, August 25 - 29, 1999 , Göteborg, Sweden.
- Engineering Education: Rediscovering the Centre, 1 - 3 September 1999, Zurich, Switzerland
- Computer Science Education research in Uppsala