Hotel reservation

Please contact the hotel of your choice directly to make your reservation.
Please note the following:

A city map shows the location of each hotel.
Additional information about each hotel is given on individual pages reached via the following links:


If you arrive by train, you can use the city map to find the best way from the railway station to your hotel.

If you arrive by air to Arlanda, the Stockholm airport located 40 km (25 miles) from Uppsala, there is an airport shuttle (time-table availiable) to Uppsala. The bus makes two stops in Uppsala.

If you choose to take a taxi from Arlanda airport to Uppsala, you should only use the official taxi-stands. Ask for flat fare and agree on the price before sitting down in the car. The aproximate price is 315 kronor (approx. $47)

Transportation between hotels and campus: There are frequent local buses (SEK 14.-, taking approx 20 minutes) to campus. Ask for closest bus stop at your hotel. The campus is called Mathematics and Information Technology Center (MIC) or Polacksbacken. However, walking along the river is as fast and normally a very pleasant walk.

Practical Information

Banking: Pay telephones:

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Last modified: Fri May 16 19:54:43 MET DST 1997