ITiCSE 97-- The second conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education
This conference, the second on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education, is really two intertwined events; the Conference and a set of Working groups. This year it will be held in Sweden with Uppsala University, an over 500 year old university, as host at the slightly :-) younger Mathematics and Information technology Campus.
The Conference begins with a reception on the evening of Sunday, 1 June 1997, and concludes Wednesday evening, 4 June 1997. In parallel,seven groups of up to 10 people each will meet in Working Groups to produce documents containing basic knowledge and concrete recommendations on specific topics related to technology in computer science education. The ongoing results of the Working Groups will be presented to Conference attendees for feedback and discussion, both via posters and at Working Group receptions on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. New this year are Tutorials on Sunday, June 1, a different scheduling of Demonstrations and Posters, as well as an increased exhibition.
The Conference offers a variety of opportunities to learn from and interact with a variety of colleagues. Each day, the Conference will open with a plenary presentation by an invited speaker. This year's speakers are Hermann Maurer, who will speak about "The emergence of sophisticated distributed teaching and learning environments", C. Dianne Martin, who will discuss "Empowering Educators and Parents: Content Advisories for the Internet", and Joe Turner, who covers the general issue of "Technology in Computing Education: Yet Another Bandwagon?".
There will be two parallel tracks with paper and panel presentations. The nine long papers and 33 short papers, which represent authors from 15 different countries, were selected from 125 submissions. Three panel sessions promise lively perspectives on a diverse set of topics: "Changing Computer Science Curricula: Planning for the Future", "Using Java in Computer Science Education", and "You learned all you need to design education software in kindergarten".
On Monday and Wednesday, there will be demonstrations (submission deadline 15 March) during the hour following lunch. Most coffee breaks will offer opportunities for attendees to look at posters (submission deadline 15 March) and discuss the contents with the authors. Throughout the conference, with an emphasis on Wednesday, exhibits will be available so that attendees can interact with textbook publishers, software providers, and hardware manufacturers.
On June 1, the day before the conference begins, we are offering a number of interesting tutorials. These tutorials offer attendees the chance to learn
about the folloing topics: "Visual Java Development using Borland's Open JBuilder", "Interactive Web Programming", "Framework Tools for
Collaborative Software Design Education" , and "Introduction to C++ and a Subset of C++ for use in introductory courses."
Several opportunities will be available to allow attendees to experience Uppsala, the University, and the surrounding area. After lunch on Monday, a brief optional excursion will
show the history and some treasures of Uppsala University. Tuesday afternoon is free, which will allow participants the chance to join a planned
excursion or explore on their own. The planned excursion will be by a trip on a narrow gauge steam train through the lovely forests and farm lands east
of Uppsala, with several stops along the way. On Wednesday afternoon, a one-hour session after lunch will allow attendees to learn more about the
teaching of Computer Science at Uppsala University and to meet some students. Finally, in order to assist travelling companions who are not attending
the conference, we will have a companion information program with a bulletin board to facilitate matches. Guided tours will be available or you can
plan your own explorations.
Conference registration includes a full meal each day during the lunch break, the conference dinner on Monday evening, the opening reception on Sunday evening, the coffee breaks each morning and on Monday/Wednesday afternoons, the Working Group receptions, a copy of the Conference Proceedings, and the document with the Working Group reports (which will be distributed by mail in the autumn). Enrolment to the Tuesday excursion and Tutorial can be made at registration.
Join us in Uppsala! It is not too late to apply to join a Working Group or to submit a demonstration or poster; the deadline for all of these activities is March 15th. Or you may want to attend a tutorial or simply wish to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with your colleagues and take home a variety of new ideas, insights, and inspiration, as well as experiencing very long and hopefully sunny days.
For more information, please contact one of the committee members. Please tell your colleagues about this event by pointing them to the information on the web.
Boots Cassel and Mats Daniels
SIGCSE Chair and ITiCSE 97 Co-Chair, Uppsala University and ITiCSE97 Co Chair.
0900 - 1030 Opening Session. Welcome Remarks.
Featured Speaker: Hermann Maurer
| |
1030 - 1115 -- Break and Poster Presentations | |
1115 - 1245 -- Session 1: Concurrent Paper Sessions | |
A1 - Distance LearningLong Paper: Teaching via the Internet: The Impact of the Internet as a
communication medium on Distance Learning Introductory
Computing Students
Short Papers Using Multimedia Communication Technologies in Distance
Learning The Use of the WWW to Support Distance Learning through NTU
Teaching C++ on the WWW |
B1 - Computer GraphicsLong Paper: Improving Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms Curricula with
Short Papers An interactive learning system visualizing Computer Graphics
Algorithms CLAP: Teaching Data Structures in a Creative Way A Genetic Algorithms Tutorial Tool for Numerical Function
Optimisation |
1245 - 1345 -- Mid Day Meal | |
1345 - 1445 -- Demonstrations or Optional Tour of Uppsala University | |
1445 - 1615 -- Session 2: Concurrent Paper Sessions | |
A2 - Interactive LearningLong Paper:
A Model for the Creation of Online Courseware
Short Papers Monitoring and Evaluating a Redesigned First Year Programming
Course Instructional Software for Closed Laboratories in CS1 Integrating Design and Simulation into a Computer Architecture
B2 - Issues and SolutionsLong Paper
Cost Effective Multimedia Courseware Development
Short Papers Teaching Software Engineering and Project Management to 300
Participants without Drain of Quality or Intensity Evaluation Software: Improving Consistancy and Reliability of
Performance Rating A Pedagogical Pattern for Bringing Service into the Curriculum via the
1615 - 1700 -- Break and Poster Presentations | |
1700 - 1800 -- Session 3: Concurrent Panel and Paper Sessions | |
A3 - PanelChanging Computer Science Curricula: Planning for the future
Moderator: Participants:
Anders Berglund, Uppsala University, Sweden Marian Petre, The Open University, UK |
B3 - Algorithm Visualization / JavaShort Papers Visual programming with Java; an alternative approach to
introductory programming Algorithm Visualization on the World Wide Web - the Difference Java
Makes! Distributed Algorithms in Java |
1800 - 1900 -- Reception and Presentation of Working Group Status | |
2000 -- Conference Dinner and Social
(Included in Registration. Extra tickets available for guests) |
0930 - 1030 -- Featured Speaker: C. Dianne Martin
| |
1030 - 1115 -- Break and Poster Presentations | |
1115 - 1245 -- Session 4: Concurrent Papers | |
A4 -PanelUsing Java in CS Education Moderator: Panel Members: Judith Bishop, University of Pretoria South Africa Paddy Nixon, Trinity College Ireland Evelyn Rozanski, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Peter Welch, University of Kent, UK |
B4 - New Settings for Teaching CS TopicsLong Paper Design and Realization of an Interactive Multimedia Server in
Education Short Papers Using a Network Simulation Package to Teach the Client-Server
Model Recursion and Grammars for CS2 Concurrent Programming CAN be Introduced into the Lower-Level
Undergraduate Curriculum.
Mid Day Meal | |
Afternoon Excursion (Separate Registration) |
0930-1030 -- Featured Speaker: A. Joe Turner
| |
1030 - 1115 -- Break and Poster Presentations | |
1115 - 1245 -- Session 5: Concurrent Papers | |
A5 - Computer Mediated CommunicationLong Paper Using Online Seminars to Demonstrate the Social
Psychological Impacts of Computer-Mediated Communication
Short Papers Groups, Technology and Inter Cultural Exchange: An
International Initiative Use of computer conferencing to teach a course on humans and
computers Ethics, Programming and Virtual Environments |
B5 - Assessment and EvaluationLong Paper Teaching Programming through Paperless Assignments: An
Empirical Evaluation of Instructor Feedback.
Short Papers The Automatic Assessment of Z Specifications Computer managed, open question, open book assessment Forms of assessment that develop communication skills in Computer Science
and Mathematics - a case study |
1245 - 1345 -- Mid Day Meal | |
1345 - 1445 -- Demonstrations or Computer Science Education in Uppsala | |
1445 - 1615 -- Session 6: Concurrent Papers | |
A6 - Innovative Ways to Motivate StudentsLong Paper Multi-media Integrated into CS2: An interactive Children's Story
as a Unifying Class Project. Short Papers VIBDaST: A Virtual Interactive Book as a Data Structures Teach
ing aid A Fantasy Adventure Game as a Learning Environment: Why
learning to program is so difficult and what can be done about it.
Excel as an Algorithm Animation Environment
B6 - Evaluation/Assessment Experience to Enhance LearningLong Paper CS Student Research Experience Applied to Developing
Instructional Technology Short Papers WebCT and First Year Computer Science: Student Reaction to and
Use of a Web-Based Resource in First Year Computer Science
Does collaborative hypertext support better engagement in learning
of the basics in information? OBOA Model of Explanation Module in Intelligent Tutoring Shell
1615 - 1700 -- Break and Poster Presentations | |
1700 - 1800 -- Session 7: Concurrent Panel and Paper Sessions | |
A7 - PanelYou Learned All You Need to Design Educational Software In Kindergarten Moderator: Participants: Harriet Taylor, Louisiana State University, USA A. Joe Turner, Clemson University, USA Hal Berghel, University of Arkansas, USA |
B7 - Distance Education: Systems and PracticesShort Papers Distance Learning of the Management of Software Projects Computer Science Unit Management Challenges in the 'Enwebbed' Age
1800 - 1930 -- Reception and Status Reports of the Working Groups // Closing Session |
- Judith M. Bishop, Computer Science Department, University of Pretoria
- A philosophy of teaching Java
- Gerd Brandell, Svante Carlsson, Håkan Ekblom and Ann-Charlotte Nord, Luleå Univesity
- A single-sex programme in computer science and engineering
- V. Dagdilelis and M. Satratzemi, Dept. of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia
- Using Emil Post's machine for an introduction to formal programming
- Patricia Magee and Mícheál Ó'hÉigeartaigh, Centre for Teaching Computing, Dublin City University
- The evaluation of computer science education in Europe
- Iouri A. Bogoiavlenski, Andrew A. Pechnikov, Gennady S. Sigovtsev and Anatoly V. Voronin, Department of Computer Science, University of Petrozavodsk
- Using of Computing curricula 1991 for transition from "Mathematics" to "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" Baccalaureate program
- *P. Domingo, *A. García-Crespo, **V. Martinez-Orga, *M. Lancha, *B. Ruiz. ,
* Computer Science Department, Escuela Politecnica Superior, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
**Artificial Intelligence Department, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politecnica Superior de Madrid.- SEDA: an advanced software tool in its generation: developing a Windows tutor using SEDA versus a classical programming approach
- Tatiana Gavrilova, Tatiana Sankina and S. Udaltsov, State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Teletutor workbench for Internet distance learning environment
- Mirjana Ivanovic, Institute of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
- Toward intelligent tutoring systems using Less
- *Patrick Lambrix, **Maud Göthe Lundgren and *Mariam Kamkar,
* Department of Computer anf Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden
** Department of Mathematics, Linköping University, Sweden- Computer science as an integrated part of engineering education
- Aija Kukuka, Ivars Opelts and Dzintars Tomsons, Department of Mathematics, Liepaja Pedagogical Higher school, Latvia
- Virtual school project for professional IT teachers in Latvia
- Harriet G. Taylor, Louisiana State University
- Distance Education by Distance Education
- *Rolf Carlsson, **Göran Karlsson and ***Bengt Olsen,
* Datakonsult AB
** The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
*** GruppvaruExperterna i Sverige AB- Networked PBL teaching the teacher on flexible learning
- Ursula Wolz, The College of New Jersey
- A multi-media based CS 2 curriculum: parts of the picture
- Deborah L. Knox, The College of New Jersey
- The SIGCSE Computing Laboratory Repository
- Monika Danielsson, Computing Science department, Uppsala University
- Detecting Plagiarism in Introductory Programming Courses
- Dennis Anderson, Computer Information Systems Department, St. Francis College
- Effective organization and management of computer science curriculum with world wide web - schematic model presentation
- Safia Barikzai, School of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics, South Bank University
- Integrating courseware into collaborative learning environments
- Jonathan Berry, Department of Computing Sciences, Elon College
- LINK: a software package for discrete mathematics and algorithms
- Douglas D. Dankel II and James Hearn, University of Florida
- Virtual Office Hours
- Nikolaj M. Glazunov, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS and International Solomon University, Ukraine
- On mathematical assistant CARANT-REDUCE and its application to computer science education
- Demonstration laboratory materials for computation in algebra and informatik (Computer Science)
- Pamela B. Lawhead, Department of Computer and Information Science, The University of Mississippi
- Algorithm demonstrations using Java
- *Janne Markkanen, *Erkki Rautama, *Erkki Sutinen, **Jorma Tarhio and *Tommi Teräsvirta,
* Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki
** Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu- Animation of Algorithms with Eliot and Jeliot
- Murray W. Goldberg, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia
- WebCT, a tool for the creation of sophisticated web-based learning environments
- Ricardo Jiménez-Peris and Marta Patiño-Martínez Depto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
- A Language Independent Plagiarism Detection System
- * Ricardo Jiménez-Peris, ** C. Pareja-Flores , * Marta Patiño-Martínez and * J. A. Velazquez-Iturbide
Depto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
** Depto. Informatica y Automatica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid- Visual HIPE: A prototype for the graphical visualization of functional expressions
- Jorma Sajaniemi and Marja Kopponen, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu
- Three-level teaching material and its implementation in a teaching situation / SHOW: a system for the presentation of three-level teaching material during lectures
Working Groups
In parallel with the Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer
Science Education, seven Working Groups will convene to address
areas related to the integration of technology into computer science
education. The groups will begin working together electronically on
April 1st, in order to prepare themselves and to set a direction for their
On the evening of May 31st, there will be a Working Group Kick-off and, during the next 5 days, June 1 - 5, the groups will work towards producing a set of products. Each group will have a conference room with computing facilities at their disposal and will meet according to schedules they set themselves.
During the conference, the groups will present intermediate results in the form of poster presentations. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, there will be Working Group Receptions for all Conference attendees. These receptions will provide the opportunity for viewing the group's posters, talking to the group members, asking questions, and making observations.
At the end of June 5th, each group will have developed publishable products,
including guidelines, usable exercises, and other curricular materials.
The Working Group reports will be assembled into a single document, which will
be distributed to all conference attendees and to all SIGCSE and SIGCUE
members during the autumn.
Working Group Topics
The seven Working Groups that will convene in conjunction with ITiCSE'97
are described below.
This working group will focus on the practical issue of designing laboratory materials for computing courses. The group will iteratively work on three inter-related areas: 1. Creating samples of innovative laboratory materials, complete with abstracts and cover page information as required for submission to the SIGCSE repository. 2. Critiquing the format for labs, submission guidelines, and instructions for referees for the repository. 3. Creating a lab development manual to help educators design labs specific to their courses and environments. This approach will provide a valuable experience to Working Group participants and valuable resources for the entire community.
An algorithm visualization (AV) system renders the actions of an algorithm as a sequence of graphical snapshots, the viewing of which is controlled by the AV system's user interface. By combining effective visualization with accompanying hypertext materials on the World Wide Web, we can provide students with a rich, exploration-based learning environment. The past year has witnessed the beginning of many projects that use the Web as a delivery mechanism for AV. This working group will explore these projects and provide a summary analysis of their use as pedagogical tools.
This working group will examine the pedagogical issues involved in using the Web for distance learning. What aspects of teaching lend themselves to Web instruction, what aspects do not work? This group will investigate several issues, including: the pros and cons of Web uses in education; guidelines for effective use of the Web as an instrument for distance learning; the ethical issues in delivery of education via the Web; a taxonomy of information to be delivered and appropriate Web-based delivery systems; and an evaluation of what is and is not effective in using the Web for education.
Computer Science (CS) and Information Systems (IS) students must not only learn computing technology and its applications, but must be able to respond responsibly to the social and ethical issues that constantly arise. This Working Group will bring together educators who are interested in using information technology to support instruction for ethical and societal impact topics. Each participant will bring samples of related projects that were used in their curriculum. By working together to modify and improve these sample exercises, participants will create a set of materials for use in classes. These materials will serve as a resource and reference for CS/IS faculty, as well as a model for teaching ethics in other disciplines.
How can higher education use Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) tools? Will CMC foster collaborative learning settings? This group will consider the advantages and disadvantages of CMC, its educational goals, and specific activities for students and teachers. We will consider software availability and requirements, what learning is best supported by CMC (concept communication versus skill acquisition), the range of collaborative relationships possible, and the conflict with entrenched competitiveness. Classroom management issues include mediating student activities and assessing student performance. We will compile resources (bibliographies, web links) and generate a report that addresses both the pedagogical issues and relevant software support.
The Computer Science discipline is well poised to provide leading examples of harnessing communications and computer technologies in order to encourage collaborative practices both within and between institutions. Students, academics, and institutions all potentially have access to their counterparts world-wide, hence the opportunities for sharing knowledge, accessing scarce expertise, making effective re-use of limited resources, collaborating to attract funding and influence policies, etc, are endless. Even so, within our own institutions we regularly miss opportunities to exploit appropriate technology for supporting both educational and administrative collaboration. The goals of this working group are to identify collaborative opportunities, recommend ways of improving and maintaining communications between institutions, and to identify techniques and tools which offer pragmatic approaches to supporting collaborative schemes.
Monday June 2nd, 8.30 - 11.30, at the conference site at the building marked with Registration and Large Lecture hall on this map.
Late registration is possible at the information desk at the conference site.
Universitetshuset |
Welcome reception
There is a welcome reception at the university building
Sunday 1st at 19.30.
It is located just
one block away from the cathedral. Ask for directions at your hotel.
There are frequent local buses from the city to campus . Ask at your hotel where the nearest bus stop for buses to Polacksbacken and Ulleråker is. You should not need to change - there are several direct buses. The price for a one way trip is 16 SEK.
Get off a the stop Polacksbacken (ask the driver or any of passengers to tell you when you are there) and cross the street.
The MIC buildings |
If you arrive by car, you turn from Dag Hammarskiölds väg just opposit the Shell petrol station. The conference site is just in front of you. The parking lot to the right, before the roundabout is free, but most other parking places in the area are not.
You can take a cab to Polacksbacken from the city center. This is pretty expensive - the average fare would be SEK 75.-.
Helena Pettersson will be glad to answer any questions on lodging, and Anders Berglund all other practical questions.
The Uppsala castle |
Hammarby, Linné's summer-house |
The weather in Uppsala is usually sunny and warm in June (about 20 C, 69F). However, since cooler days and rain showers are not uncommon during the Swedish summer, a sweater and a raincoat can be useful items to pack along.
If you want to know more about Sweden in general, and Uppsala in particular, please visit our tourist information page.
Hotel reservation
Please contact the hotel of your choice directly to make your reservation.
Please note the following:
A city map shows the location of each hotel.
Additional information about each hotel is given on individual pages reached via the following links:
If you arrive by air to Arlanda, the Stockholm airport located 40 km (25 miles) from Uppsala, there is an airport shuttle (time-table availiable) to Uppsala. The bus makes two stops in Uppsala.
If you choose to take a taxi from Arlanda airport to Uppsala, you should only use the official taxi-stands. Ask for flat fare and agree on the price before sitting down in the car. The aproximate price is 315 kronor (approx. $47)
Transportation between hotels and campus: There are frequent local buses (SEK 14.-, taking approx 20 minutes) to campus. Ask for closest bus stop at your hotel. The campus is called Mathematics and Information Technology Center (MIC) or Polacksbacken. However, walking along the river is as fast and normally a very pleasant walk.
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Last modified: Sun May 18 19:54:43 MET DST 1997