Welcome to ITiCSE in Uppsala

ITiCSE 97-- The second conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education

This conference, the second on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education, is really two intertwined events; the Conference and a set of Working groups. This year it will be held in Sweden with Uppsala University, an over 500 year old university, as host at the slightly :-) younger Mathematics and Information technology Campus.

The Conference begins with a reception on the evening of Sunday, 1 June 1997, and concludes Wednesday evening, 4 June 1997. In parallel,seven groups of up to 10 people each will meet in Working Groups to produce documents containing basic knowledge and concrete recommendations on specific topics related to technology in computer science education. The ongoing results of the Working Groups will be presented to Conference attendees for feedback and discussion, both via posters and at Working Group receptions on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. New this year are Tutorials on Sunday, June 1, a different scheduling of Demonstrations and Posters, as well as an increased exhibition.

The Conference offers a variety of opportunities to learn from and interact with a variety of colleagues. Each day, the Conference will open with a plenary presentation by an invited speaker. This year's speakers are Hermann Maurer, who will speak about "The emergence of sophisticated distributed teaching and learning environments", C. Dianne Martin, who will discuss "Empowering Educators and Parents: Content Advisories for the Internet", and Joe Turner, who covers the general issue of "Technology in Computing Education: Yet Another Bandwagon?".

There will be two parallel tracks with paper and panel presentations. The nine long papers and 33 short papers, which represent authors from 15 different countries, were selected from 125 submissions. Three panel sessions promise lively perspectives on a diverse set of topics: "Changing Computer Science Curricula: Planning for the Future", "Using Java in Computer Science Education", and "You learned all you need to design education software in kindergarten".

On Monday and Wednesday, there will be demonstrations (submission deadline 15 March) during the hour following lunch. Most coffee breaks will offer opportunities for attendees to look at posters (submission deadline 15 March) and discuss the contents with the authors. Throughout the conference, with an emphasis on Wednesday, exhibits will be available so that attendees can interact with textbook publishers, software providers, and hardware manufacturers.

On June 1, the day before the conference begins, we are offering a number of interesting tutorials. These tutorials offer attendees the chance to learn about the folloing topics: "Visual Java Development using Borland's Open JBuilder", "Interactive Web Programming", "Framework Tools for Collaborative Software Design Education" , and "Introduction to C++ and a Subset of C++ for use in introductory courses."
Several opportunities will be available to allow attendees to experience Uppsala, the University, and the surrounding area. After lunch on Monday, a brief optional excursion will show the history and some treasures of Uppsala University. Tuesday afternoon is free, which will allow participants the chance to join a planned excursion or explore on their own. The planned excursion will be by a trip on a narrow gauge steam train through the lovely forests and farm lands east of Uppsala, with several stops along the way. On Wednesday afternoon, a one-hour session after lunch will allow attendees to learn more about the teaching of Computer Science at Uppsala University and to meet some students. Finally, in order to assist travelling companions who are not attending the conference, we will have a companion information program with a bulletin board to facilitate matches. Guided tours will be available or you can plan your own explorations.

Conference registration includes a full meal each day during the lunch break, the conference dinner on Monday evening, the opening reception on Sunday evening, the coffee breaks each morning and on Monday/Wednesday afternoons, the Working Group receptions, a copy of the Conference Proceedings, and the document with the Working Group reports (which will be distributed by mail in the autumn). Enrolment to the Tuesday excursion and Tutorial can be made at registration.

Join us in Uppsala! It is not too late to apply to join a Working Group or to submit a demonstration or poster; the deadline for all of these activities is March 15th. Or you may want to attend a tutorial or simply wish to take advantage of the opportunity to meet with your colleagues and take home a variety of new ideas, insights, and inspiration, as well as experiencing very long and hopefully sunny days.

For more information, please contact one of the committee members. Please tell your colleagues about this event by pointing them to the information on the web.

Boots Cassel and Mats Daniels
SIGCSE Chair and ITiCSE 97 Co-Chair, Uppsala University and ITiCSE97 Co Chair.

See the program for Monday or go back to the homepage.