
Monday, June 2, 1997

0900 - 1030 Opening Session. Welcome Remarks. Featured Speaker: Hermann Maurer
The emergence of sophisticated distributed teaching and learning environments

1030 - 1115 -- Break and Poster Presentations

1115 - 1245 -- Session 1: Concurrent Paper Sessions

A1 - Distance Learning

Long Paper:

Teaching via the Internet: The Impact of the Internet as a communication medium on Distance Learning Introductory Computing Students
Linda Carswell, The Open University UK

Short Papers

Using Multimedia Communication Technologies in Distance Learning
Thomás Robles, David Fernandéz, Encarna Pastor and Santiago Alamillo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

The Use of the WWW to Support Distance Learning through NTU
Douglas D. Dankel II, University of Florida, USA

Teaching C++ on the WWW
Martin Hitz, Universität Wien, Austria
Stefan Kögeler, IBM, Austria

B1 - Computer Graphics

Long Paper:

Improving Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms Curricula with LINK
Jonathan Berry, Elon College, USA

Short Papers

An interactive learning system visualizing Computer Graphics Algorithms
Achim W. Janser, Gerhard-Mercator-Universität-GH, Germany

CLAP: Teaching Data Structures in a Creative Way
Veijo Meisalo, Erkki Sutinen, Jorma Tarhio, University of Helsinki, Finland

A Genetic Algorithms Tutorial Tool for Numerical Function Optimisation
E. K. Burke, D. B. Varley, University of Nottingham, UK

1245 - 1345 -- Mid Day Meal
1345 - 1445 -- Demonstrations or Optional Tour of Uppsala University
1445 - 1615 -- Session 2: Concurrent Paper Sessions

A2 - Interactive Learning

Long Paper:

A Model for the Creation of Online Courseware
Pamela B. Lawhead, University of Mississippi, USA

Short Papers

Monitoring and Evaluating a Redesigned First Year Programming Course
Dianne Hagan, Judy Sheard, Ian Macdonald, Monash University Australia

Instructional Software for Closed Laboratories in CS1
Mohsen Beheshti, Bill Waller, University of Houston - Downtown, USA

Integrating Design and Simulation into a Computer Architecture Course
Deborah L. Knox, The College of New Jersey, USA

B2 - Issues and Solutions

Long Paper

Cost Effective Multimedia Courseware Development
C. J. Pilgrim, Y. K. Leung and D. D. Grant, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Short Papers

Teaching Software Engineering and Project Management to 300 Participants without Drain of Quality or Intensity
Stefan Biffl, Thomas Grechenig, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Evaluation Software: Improving Consistancy and Reliability of Performance Rating
Jon Preston, USA

A Pedagogical Pattern for Bringing Service into the Curriculum via the Web
Carl Erickson, Grand Valley State University, USA

1615 - 1700 -- Break and Poster Presentations

1700 - 1800 -- Session 3: Concurrent Panel and Paper Sessions

A3 - Panel

Changing Computer Science Curricula: Planning for the future

Barbara Boucher Owens, St. Edward's University, USA

Shirley Booth, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden

Anders Berglund, Uppsala University, Sweden

Marian Petre, The Open University, UK

B3 - Algorithm Visualization / Java

Short Papers

Visual programming with Java; an alternative approach to introductory programming
Frank Wester and Marleen Sint, Dutch Open University
Peter Kluit, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Algorithm Visualization on the World Wide Web - the Difference Java Makes!
Thomas L. Naps, Lawrence University, USA

Distributed Algorithms in Java
Mordechai Ben-Ari, Weizmann Institute of Technology, Israel

1800 - 1900 -- Reception and Presentation of Working Group Status
2000 -- Conference Dinner and Social
(Included in Registration. Extra tickets available for guests)

See the program for Tuesday or go back to the homepage.