0930 - 1030 -- Featured Speaker: C. Dianne Martin
| |
1030 - 1115 -- Break and Poster Presentations | |
1115 - 1245 -- Session 4: Concurrent Papers | |
A4 -PanelUsing Java in CS Education Moderator: Panel Members: Judith Bishop, University of Pretoria South Africa Paddy Nixon, Trinity College Ireland Evelyn Rozanski, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Peter Welch, University of Kent, UK |
B4 - New Settings for Teaching CS TopicsLong Paper Design and Realization of an Interactive Multimedia Server in
Education Short Papers Using a Network Simulation Package to Teach the Client-Server
Model Recursion and Grammars for CS2 Concurrent Programming CAN be Introduced into the Lower-Level
Undergraduate Curriculum.
Mid Day Meal | |
Afternoon Excursion (Separate Registration) |
See the program for Wednesday or go back to the homepage.