
Wednesday, June 4, 1997

0930-1030 -- Featured Speaker: A. Joe Turner
Technology in Computing Education: Yet Another Bandwagon?

1030 - 1115 -- Break and Poster Presentations

1115 - 1245 -- Session 5: Concurrent Papers

A5 - Computer Mediated Communication

Long Paper

Using Online Seminars to Demonstrate the Social Psychological Impacts of Computer-Mediated Communication Systems
Jacqueline Taylor, Bournemouth University, UK

Short Papers

Groups, Technology and Inter Cultural Exchange: An International Initiative
Anita Jawary , Monash University, Australia
Christiana Birchak, University of Houston-Downtown, USA
Susan Strack Vargo, Indiana University, USA

Use of computer conferencing to teach a course on humans and computers
Jacob Palme and Sirkku Männikö, Stockholm University, Sweden

Ethics, Programming and Virtual Environments
Michael Houle and Simon, University of New Castle, Australia

B5 - Assessment and Evaluation

Long Paper

Teaching Programming through Paperless Assignments: An Empirical Evaluation of Instructor Feedback.
Blaine Price and Marian Petre, Open University, UK

Short Papers

The Automatic Assessment of Z Specifications
Eric Foxley, Omar Salman and Zarina Shukur, University of Nottingham, UK

Computer managed, open question, open book assessment
John Rosbottom, University of Portsmouth, UK

Forms of assessment that develop communication skills in Computer Science and Mathematics - a case study
Mathias Hedenborg and Anders Tengstrand, Växjö University, Sweden

1245 - 1345 -- Mid Day Meal
1345 - 1445 -- Demonstrations or Computer Science Education in Uppsala

1445 - 1615 -- Session 6: Concurrent Papers

A6 - Innovative Ways to Motivate Students

Long Paper

Multi-media Integrated into CS2: An interactive Children's Story as a Unifying Class Project.
Ursula Wolz, Daniel Domen and Michael McAuliffe, The College of New Jersey, USA

Short Papers

VIBDaST: A Virtual Interactive Book as a Data Structures Teach ing aid
Dimitrios Theotokis, George Gyftodimos, Panagiotis Georgiadis and George Philokyprou, University of Athens, Greece

A Fantasy Adventure Game as a Learning Environment: Why learning to program is so difficult and what can be done about it.
Rob Moser, University of New South Wales, Australia

Excel as an Algorithm Animation Environment
Erkki Rautama, Erkki Sutinen, Jorma Tarhio, University of Helsinki, Finland

B6 - Evaluation/Assessment Experience to Enhance Learning

Long Paper

CS Student Research Experience Applied to Developing Instructional Technology
Dawn Cizmar, St. Edward's University, USA

Short Papers

WebCT and First Year Computer Science: Student Reaction to and Use of a Web-Based Resource in First Year Computer Science
Murray W. Goldberg, University of British Columbia, Canada

Does collaborative hypertext support better engagement in learning of the basics in information?
Pekka Makkonen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

OBOA Model of Explanation Module in Intelligent Tutoring Shell
Ljubomir Jerinic and Vladan Devedzic, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

1615 - 1700 -- Break and Poster Presentations
1700 - 1800 -- Session 7: Concurrent Panel and Paper Sessions

A7 - Panel

You Learned All You Need to Design Educational Software In Kindergarten

Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan, USA

Cathleen Norris, University of North Texas, USA

Harriet Taylor, Louisiana State University, USA

A. Joe Turner, Clemson University, USA

Hal Berghel, University of Arkansas, USA

B7 - Distance Education: Systems and Practices

Short Papers

Distance Learning of the Management of Software Projects
Marie-Michèle Boulet, Université Laval, Canada

Computer Science Unit Management Challenges in the 'Enwebbed' Age
Maria Jean Hall and Timo Vuori, Department of Computer Science, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia

Programming practical work and problem sessions via the Internet
Marian Petre and Blaine Price, Centre for Informatics Education Research, Faculty of Mathematics and Computing, The Open University, UK

1800 - 1930 -- Reception and Status Reports of the Working Groups // Closing Session

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