The Department has newer and better lists of publications.
Please see
technical reports,
licentiate thesis
These older publications below are provided here, as they are
not available in the department's new listings. No new entries will be
added to this list.
Each publication is color-coded as follows:
Control | Humans and complex systems. |
Medical informatics | Design and implementation, efficiency of use. |
User centred | Establishing, analysing and evaluating methods. |
Reference | More... |
Användarcentrerad systemdesign - en process med fokus på användare och användbarhet Gulliksen, J. & Göransson, B. ISBN 9144020295. Studentlitteratur. 2002. | 2002/Oct |
Providing design knowledge to system developers by domain-specific style guides Olsson, E. Licentiate thesis in Human-Computer Interaction, September 1999. IT/Human-Computer Interaction, Uppsala University. | 1999/Sep |
Adding Usability - Methods for Modelling, User Interface Design and Evaluation Lif, M. 1998. Adding Usability. Methods for Modelling, User Interface Design and Evaluation. Acta Univ. Ups., Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala < Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 359, VIII+42 pp. Uppsala. ISBN 91-554-4186-6 | 1998 |
A Teleradiology System Design Case Borälv E, Göransson B. Conference proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems 1997, pp. 27-30, ACM's Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) in co-operation with the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIPWG 13.2), Amsterdam, 18-20 August 1997. ISBN 0-89791-863-0. | 1997/Aug |
The role of Human-Computer Interaction in design of new Train Traffic Control Systems Bengt Sandblad, Arne W. Andersson World Congress on Railway Research, 16-19 November 1997, Florence, Italy. In proceedings volume A, pp. 777-783. | 1997/Nov |
A systems analysis approach to modelling train traffic control Arne W. Andersson, Ingemar Frej, Anders Gideon, Peter Hellström and Bengt Sandblad World Congress on Railway Research, 16-19 November 1997, Florence, Italy. Proceedings volume C, pp. 673-679. | 1997/Nov |
Algorithms and control systems for computer-aided train dispatching Peter Hellström, Ingemar Frej, Anders Gideon, Bengt Sandblad World Congress on Railway Research, 16-19 November 1997, Florence, Italy. Proceedings volume C, pp. 613-619. | 1997/Nov |
Improving interface usability for train dispatchers in future traffic control systems Arne W Andersson, Bengt Sandblad & Alexander Nilsson COMPRAIL 98: Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Design, Manufacture and Operation in The Railway and Other Advanced Mass Transit Systems. Computers in Railways VI, 2-4 September 1998, Lisbon, Portugal. Organised by Wessex Institute of Technology, UK. In Mellit, B., Hill, R. J., Allan, J., Scuttio. G., & Brebbia, C. A. (Eds.), COMPRAIL '98: Human Interface and Decision Support. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on "Computers in Railways", pp. 929-938, Wessex Institute of Technology, 1998. | 1998/Sep |
Människa-maskininteraktion och gränssnittsutformning i samband med tågtrafikstyrning Arne W. Andersson, Bengt Sandblad. Slutrapport, projekt med Banverket. | 1999/Feb |
New Interface Primitives. Extending the OSF/Motif widget set Erik Borälv. Report no. 47, CMD, Uppsala University, 1994. | 1994/ |
Some old CMD papers are still online.