Old CMD publications
dissertations |
reports |
conferences |
books |
- 79.
A method for treatment of outliers in reaction-time data.
Alexander Allard
- 78.
ITS V1.0. An Interface Test System
Alexander Allard
- 76.
Analysis of Information Utilisation
Jan Gulliksen, Magnus Lif, Mats Lind, Else Nygren, Bengt Sandblad
- 75.
Åborg C, Sandblad B, Lif M (1996)
A practical method for evaluation
of human-computer interfaces.
Report no. 75/97 from Uppsala University
Center for Human-Computer Studies,
Uppsala, Sweden.
Åborg C, Sandblad B, Lif M
- 74.
Development of and preliminary studies
using secondary task software for
measuring cognitive workload.
Lars Hedman
- 73.
Some pointers to the
psychological literature of relevance to user
interface design.
E. Nygren
- 72.
Empirical results relevant to user interface design.
E. Nygren
- 71.
Interaction with Dynamic Documents.
A field study of information use in
intensive care.
E. Nygren
- 70.
A workflow system prototype for the modelling
of a regulatory and other
processes in the pharmaceutical area.
Strandberg, O.
- 69.
A Structural Approach to Prototype Design in Iterative Systems Development
Magnus Lif, Jan Gulliksen, Mats Lind, Bengt Sandblad
- 67.
Domain Specific Design in Practice: Tax Handling Work
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad, Magnus Lif, Eva Olsson
- 66.
Work Spaces and Documents in User Interface Design
Bengt Sandblad, Jan Gulliksen, Magnus Lif
- 65.
Navigation in Hyper-paper
E. Nygren
- 64.
Display design principles based on a Model of Visual Search.
E. Nygren, A. Allard
- 63.
Skilled Users Interpretation of Visual Displays.
E. Nygren, A. Allard, M. Lind
- 62.
Learning simple and complex patterns in a diagnostic task
M. Lind, E. Nygren, A. Allard
- 60.
Grafiska användargränssnitt, några
tips. (Graphical user interfaces, some hints.)
E. Nygren
- 59.
Prediction of the search time in a
complex screen scanning task.
E. Nygren, A. Allard, M. Lind
- 58.
Effects of positional correlations on time order assessment.
E. Nygren, A. Allard, M. Lind
- 57.
Effects of patterns of varying probability on
scanning strategies.
E. Nygren, A. Allard, M. Lind
- 56.
Effects of figural patterns on trend assessment.
E. Nygren, A. Allard, M. Lind
- 55.
Effects of patterns of highlighted items on list search.
E. Nygren, A. Allard, M. Lind
- 54.
Kompetens och informationssystem för
- mål, syften och
kravspecifikation för info-systemet.
Delrapport 3 från Kompisprojektet vid Kemira Kemi AB.
Göran Olsson, Eric Wagner
- 53.
Kognitiv arbetsmiljö vid BGC.
Ny design av blanketter och användargränssnitt
Bruno von Niman, Vicki Schalin
- 52.
Kompetens och informationssystem för
- en studie av operatörernas
processkunskaper. Delrapport 2 från
Kompisprojektet vid Kemira Kemi AB
Bo Staflund, Göran Olsson
- 51.
The domain of case handling -
field studies and identification of basic work flow elements
Jan Gulliksen
- 50.
A framework for a domain specific interface design process
Jan Gulliksen, Mats Lind, Bengt Sandblad
- 49.
Design of domain specific data entry elements
Jan Gulliksen
- 48.
Domain specific design of user interfaces
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad
- 47.
New Interface Primitives.
Extending the OSF/Motif widget set
E. Borälv
- 46.
Ett interaktivt demonstrationssystem för
design av användargränssnitt
M. Lif
- 45.
Verktyg för utprovning av olika sätt att
grafiskt visa sidantal vid bildskärmspresenterad text
V. Schalin
- 44.
Kompetens och informationssystem för
- en socioteknisk arbetsanalys.
Delrapport 1 från Kompisprojektet vid Kemira kemi AB
G. Olsson, B. Staflund
- 43.
Indatapersonalens kognitiva arbetsmiljö vid
Ett examensarbete inom projektet
Kundnära arbete inom den finansiella tjänstesektorn
B. von Niman
- 42.
Processinformationssystem på avloppsreningsverk -
En fallstudie av operatör-process gränssnittet
vid Kungsängsverket i Uppsala
A. Nygårds, G. Olsson
- 41.
Driftmaskinist på avloppsreningsverk -
En fallstudie av driftmaskinisternas arbete och
arbetsförhållanden på
Kungsängsverket i Uppsala
A. Nygårds, G. Olsson
- 28.
Demonstrationssystem av nya dialogelement
för informationssystem i arbetslivet
Jan Gulliksen
- 27.
Utformning av användargränssnitt II.
Förslag till en uppsättning av byggbara
dialogelement. Implementationsmöjligheter och problem
Else Nygren, Mats Lind, Bengt Sandblad
- 26.
Utformning av användargränsnitt I.
Erfarenheter, teorier och förslag till principer
Else Nygren
- 25.
Microtasks in reading.
Automatically processed components of the
task of reading frequently used documents.
Implications for human computer interface design.
Else Nygren
- 22.
- Reading documents in intensive care II.
Documents used as tools for the control of a dynamic process
Else Nygren
- 21.
- Reading documents in intensive care I.
Pattern recognition and encoding of
characteristics of the information media
Else Nygren
- 20.
Kognitiva arbetsmiljöproblem och gränssnittsdesign
Mats Lind, Else Nygren, Bengt Sandblad
- 19.
Effects of Sequential and Simultaneous
Presentations of information
Three experimental studies on
information layout for decision making.
Mats Lind
- 18.
Sequential and Simultaneous Presentations of
Information III.
Why there is a difference
Mats Lind
- 17.
Sequential and Simultaneous Presentations of
Information II.
The role of experience
Mats Lind
- 16.
Sequential and Simultaneous Presentations of Information I.
Is there a difference?
Mats Lind
- 10.
Reading the medical record II.
Design of a human computer interface for
basic reading of the medical record
Else Nygren, Mats Johnson, Peter Henriksson
- 9.
Reading the medical record I.
Analysis of physicians ways of reading the medical record
Else Nygren, Peter Henriksson
- 8.
Styrsystem och operatörsarbete vid Berol Nobels EO-fabrik.
-En fallstudie inom
Gammaprojektet. Slutrapport (sekretessbehandlad)
Olsson G
- 7.
Processstyrning och Utsläpp.
En pilotstudie av människa-maskin interaktioner i
svenska avfallsförbränningsanläggningar. With English Summary.
Olsson G, Brehmer B
- 6.
Computers in a human perspective
- an alternative way of teaching
informatics to health professionals.
Werner Schneider
- 5.
Distributed decision making, some notes on the literature
Berndt Brehmer
- 4.
Brännskadeintensivvård som hierarkiskt
organiserat system
Annica Brehmer
- 3.
Learning in and about dynamic work environments
Berndt Brehmer
- 2.
Operatörer och styrsystemet -
Vad kan vi lära oss från beteendevetenskaperna?
Berndt Brehmer
- 1.
Processreglering som dynamiskt beslutsfattande
Berndt Brehmer
Färg och seende
I: ADB i verksamhetens tjänst.
Dokumentation från konferensen Sundsvall 42,
14-16 oktober, 1997.
Allard A
Multimedia och virtuella världar.
I: ADB i verksamhetens tjänst.
Dokumentation från konferensen Sundsvall 42,
14-16 oktober, 1997.
Schneider W
User interface modeling for the design
of administrative information systems.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International '97,
San Francisco, U.S.A., Elsevier.
Magnus Lif
- A Teleradiology system.
Borälv E, Göransson B.
Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems 1997,
ACM, Amsterdam, 18-20 August 1997.
Borälv E, Göransson B.
Participation in Practice - Give Users a Chance. (1997) In
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, HCI International '97,
San Francisco, U.S.A., Elsevier.
Jan Gulliksen
Agility in Case Handling. (1997) In Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,
HCI International
'97, San Francisco, U.S.A., Elsevier.
Jan Gulliksen
- From paper to computer screen.
Human information processing and interfaces
to patient data. IMIA WG6 Conference on Natural Language and Medical
Concept Representation. January 19-22, 1997,
Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Nygren E
- Between the clicks.
Skilled users scanning of pages. In: Designing for the
Web: Empirical studies. October 30, 1996, Redmond, WA, USA.
Nygren E, Allard, A
A practical method for evaluation of human-computer interfaces.
In book of short papers.
In 4 th international scientific
conference "Work With Display Units".
2-5 october 1994, Milano.
Calle Åborg, Bengt Sandblad, W. Strigård, Else Nygren
Domain-specific Evaluation,
during the Design of Human-Computer Interfaces.
In A.G. Sutcliffe, F.Van Assche, & D. Benyon (eds.) Domain
Knowledge for Interactive System Design.
Proceedings of the IFIP WG
8.1/13.2 Joint Working Conference
on Domain Knowledge for Interactive
System Design, Geneva Switzerland, 8-10 May,
Chapman-Hall: London.
Magnus Lif, Bengt Sandblad
The Nature of User Interface Design -
The Role of Domain Knowledge.
Proceedings of the IFIP WG 8.1/13.2 Joint
Working Conference on Domain
Knowledge for Interactive System Design, Geneva, 1996.
In A.G. Sutcliffe, F. Van Assche, & D. Benyon (Eds.),
Domain Knowledge
for Interactive System Design.
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad, Mats Lind
Designing Graphical User Interfaces under
the Limitation of Old Alphanumeric Mainframe Systems.
Proceeding of the 1st International
Conference on Applied Ergonomics,
Istanbul, Turkey, 1996.
Jan Gulliksen
Case Handling Models as a
Basis for Information System Design.
In C.A. Ntuen & E.H. Park (Ed.)
Human Interaction with Complex Systems-II,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA.
Proceedings of the Symposium on Human Interaction
with Complex Systems, North Carolina, USA, 1995.
Jan Gulliksen
Efficient Development of Organisations and
Information Technology - A Design Approach.
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, HCI International '95.
Jan Gulliksen, Mats Lind, Magnus Lif, Bengt Sandblad
Åborg C, Sandblad B, Strigård W, Nygren E (1994)
A practical method for evaluation of human
computer interfaces. In book of
short papers.
In 4 th international scientific
conference "Work With Display Units". 2-5
October 1994, Milano.
Åborg C, Sandblad B, Strigård W, Nygren E
The Need for New Application Specific Interface Elements.
Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction, HCI International '93.
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad, Mats Johnson, Mats Lind, Else Nygren
Domain Specific Style Guides - Design and Implementation.
Proceedings of Motif/COSE user conference. Washington, 1993.
Eva Olsson, Bengt Göransson, Erik Borälv, Bengt Sandblad
"Arg fruktsallad", "fönstersjukan" och andra fenomen.
I: ADB i verksamhetens tjänst.
Dokumentation från konferensen Sundsvall 42,
19-21 oktober, 1993.
Nygren E
Modelling and analysis of human
work situations as a basis for design of human-
computer interfaces.
In: Ashlund S et al. (eds.) Bridges between
worlds. INTERCHI ´93 adjunct
proceedings, 24 - 29 April 1993, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands, p. 217.
Nygren E
Omänsklig telekommunikation med omänniskor - eller?
I: ADB i verksamhetens tjänst.
Dokumentation från konferensen Sundsvall 42,
13-15 oktober, 1992.
Schneider W
Design of human-computer interfaces in
health care, based on task analysis
and theories of human cognition.
In: Proceedings of MEDINFO 92, Lun et al. (eds.) Elsevier Science
Publishers B. V. North-Holland 1992.
Sandblad B, Lind M, Nygren E
The Art of the Obvious. Automatically processed
components of the task of
reading frequently used documents. Implications for task analysis and
interface design.
In J. P. Baursefeld, J. Bennett & G. Lynch (Eds.) Striking a Balance:
Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 92 Proceedings. New York,
Association of Computing Machinery, 235 - 239.
Nygren E, Lind M, Johnson M, & Sandblad B
- Automatic information processes in document reading.
A study of information
handling in two intensive care units.
In Proceedings of the First European Conference on Computer Supported
Cooperative Work. London.
Pettersson E
Lind M, Pettersson E, Sandblad B and Schneider W (1988)
Computer Based Workstations in Health Care.
Proceedings of IMIA Working Conference:
Towards New Hospital Information
Systems. Nijmegen, 14-18 May. North Holland.
Lind M, Pettersson E, Sandblad B and Schneider W
- The Interface is Often not the Problem.
In Proceedings of Computer Human Interaction, CHI 87 in Toronto,
Association of Computing Machinery.
Göransson B, Lind M, Pettersson E, Sandblad B and Schwalbe P
Domain Specific Design of User Interfaces -
Case Handling and Data
Entry Problems, in David Benyon & Philippe Palanque (eds.),
Critical Issues in User Interface
Systems Engineering, Springer Verlag, London.
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad
Domain Specific Design of User Interfaces
In G. Salvendy, M.J. Smith, & M. Oshima (eds.)
International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 135-151,
Ablex Publishing
Corporation, Norwood, New Jersey.
Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Sandblad
Moderna Tider. Teknikutveckling inom medicinsk service -
effekter på
yrkesroll och kompetensutveckling för laboratorieassistenter och
röntgensjuksköterskor. Vårdförbundet SHSTF.
Forskning och utvecklingsrapport nr 42. 1994
Else Nygren
Nygren E & Henriksson P (1994)
Reading the Medical Record I.
Analysis of physicians ways of reading the medical record.
In J. H. van Bemmel and A. T. McCray (Eds.)
Yearbook of Medical Informatics 94.
Advanced communications in health care. Stuttgart,
Schattauer, 187 - 198.
Nygren E & Henriksson P
Gulliksen J, Johnson M, Lind M, Nygren E, Sandblad B (1993)
The need for new application specific interface elements.
In: Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics 19B,
Human Computer Interaction:
Software and Hardware Interfaces.
Salvendy G, Smith M. J. (eds.), Elsevier
1993, pp. 15-20.
Gulliksen J, Johnson M, Lind M, Nygren E, Sandblad B
Computer Based Workstations in Health Care.
In: Proceedings of IMIA Working Conference:
Towards New Hospital Information
Systems. Nijmegen, 14-18 May. North Holland.
Elsevier Science Publishers BV
(North Holland), 26 - 32.
Lind M, Pettersson E, Sandblad B and Schneider W
Other publications
Experiences with the German teleradiology system MEDICUS
Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Werner O,
Göransson B, Borälv E, Schwab M, Müller H,
Bahner M, Meinzer HP.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 54
(1997) 131-139.
Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Werner O,
Göransson B, Borälv E, Schwab M, Müller H,
Bahner M, Meinzer HP.
Teleradiology System Medicus.
Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Schroeder A,
Werner O, Wolsiffer K, Baur HJ, Göransson B,
Borälv E, Meinzer HP.
In: Lemke (Ed). CAR `96: Computer Assisted Radiology,
10th International
Symposium and Exhibition, Paris. Amsterdam: Elsevier (1996) 537-542.
Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Schroeder A,
Werner O, Wolsiffer K, Baur HJ, Göransson B,
Borälv E, Meinzer HP.
Teleradiology System Medicus: Software Architecture and First
Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Schroeder A, Werner O,
Wolsiffer K, Baur HJ, Saurbier F, Göransson B, Borälv E, Meinzer HP.
Brender J, Christensen JP, Scherrer JR, McNair P (Eds). Medical Informatics
Europe `96. Amsterdam: IOS (1996) 49-53.
Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Schroeder A, Werner O,
Wolsiffer K, Baur HJ, Saurbier F,
Göransson B, Borälv E, Meinzer HP.
A possible solution - Bibliographic control, archiving and access of
electronic publications as a joint undertaking by author and library.
Borälv E, Hedberg S, Lindé K. TD,
The Nordic Journal of Documentation, 3/4
volume 51, 1996.
Borälv E, Hedberg S, Lindé K.
Design and evaluation of human-computer interfaces in working life.
Thesis for the degree of Teknologie Licentiat in systems Analysis.
Magnus Lif
Design of efficient human-computer interfaces
in working life by means of a
domain specific approach.
Thesis for the degree of Teknologie Licentiat in Systems Analysis publicly
examined by professor Hans Marmolin on June 2, 1994.
Jan Gulliksen
Documentation and information services in the HELIOS project.
In: Engelmann, Jean, Degoulet (eds.)
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, supplement volume 45,
December 1994.
Erik Borälv, Bengt Göransson, Eva Olsson, Bengt Sandblad
Usability and efficiency.
The HELIOS approach to development of user interfaces.
In: Engelmann, Jean, Degoulet (eds.)
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, supplement volume 45,
December 1994.
Erik Borälv, Bengt Göransson, Eva Olsson, Bengt Sandblad
The Helios style guide.
A OSF/Motif based style guide for the medical field.
Eva Olsson
Modelling and analysis of human work situations
as a basis for design of human-computer interfaces..
Thesis for the degree of Teknologie Licentiat in
systems Analysis.
Else Nygren
Reading the medical record I. Analysis of
physicians ways of reading the
medical record.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 39 (1992)
Nygren E, Johnson M, Henriksson P
Reading the medical record II.
Design of a human-computer interface for
basic reading of computerized medical records.
Computer Methods and
Programs in Biomedicine, 39 (1992) 13-25.
Nygren E, Johnson M, Henriksson P
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