AvI-index is a usability measurement questionnaire to assess IT systems usability as a factor dependent on efficiency, effectiveness and work environment. It is focused on how personal skills and organizational processes contribute to successful user participation and through that to higher usability, to better work environment, and to higher effectiveness and efficiency.
AvI-index has been applied in many different organizations to evaluate their deployed IT systems. The studies showed that reliability coefficients and correlations to objective criteria were high confirming the original hypotheses.
AvI-index can be used to acquire information about an IT system's usability in an easy and quick way. It can be used to evaluate interventions and changes of IT systems. It is also a suitable method to apply continuously over a longer period of time. Although AvI-index only provides an indicative value, such a diagnosis of usability in an organization s IT infrastructure is valuable as an alert and to determine the extent of further initiatives.
AvI-index questionnaire (in Swedish)
- Partsrådet, Development Council for the Government Sector
- Uppsala Kommun, Uppsala Municipality
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- Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2009). AvI-index: A tool to assess usability (Report No. 2009-024). Uppsala University: Department of Information Technology.
- Gulliksen, J., Cajander, Å., Sandblad, B., Eriksson, E. and Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2009). User-Centred Systems Design as Organizational Change : A Longitudinal Action Research Project to Improve Usability and the Computerized Work Environment in a Public Authority. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 5, 13-53.
- Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2008). AvI-index: Ett instrument för att mäta IT-systems användbarhet [AvI-index: An instrument to assess IT systems usability]. Stockholm: Utvecklingsrådet för den statliga sektorn.
- Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2008). Ett förbättrat verktyg för mätning av användbarhet, stress och nytta: Andra försöket inom CSN [A better tool for assessment of usability, stress and efficiency: A second test in CSN] (Report No. 2008-003). Uppsala University: Department of Information Technology.
- Cajander, Å., Eriksson, E., Gulliksen, J., Kavathatzopoulos, I. and Sandblad, B. (2008). Användbara IT-stöd: En utvärdering av ett forskningsprojekt vid CSN, Centrala studiestödsnämnden [Usable IT systems: Evaluation of a research project at CSN, Swedish National Board of Student Aid] (Report No. 2008-021). Uppsala University: Department of Information Technology.
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- Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2007). Information Technology as a tool for democratic skills. In A. Lionarakis (Ed.), Forms of democracy in education: Open access and distance education (pp. 155-162). Athens: Propobos.
- Kavathatzopoulos, I. (2006). AvI-enkäten: Ett verktyg för att mäta användbarhet, stress och nytta av IT-stöd [Usability questionnaire: A tool for assessment of usability, stress and efficiency of IT systems] (Report No. 2006-050). Uppsala University: Department of Information Technology.