Teleradiology and PACS
CHILI is a general-purpose medical image review workstation with teleradiology and telecardiology functions.
The objective of Teleradiology / Telecardiology is the transmission of radiological images or image sequences between different sites for the purpose of interpretation and consultation. Digitally transmitted images can be presented, analysed and discussed simultaneously at different sites.
Our role
The HCI division has been involved in the medical field for a long time. Over the years, our main focus has been administrative systems for the Ward Information System. We have also been part of more clinical systems development.
In this project our role has been to produce a Conceptual Design as well as a concrete User Interface Design for a teleradiology system.
More information about this teleradiology system may be found at the Division Medical and Biological Informatics at the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center).
The objective of Teleradiology is the transmission of radiological images between different sites for the purpose of interpretation and consultation. Digitally transmitted images can be presented, analysed and discussed simultaneously at different sites.
CHILI is produced by the Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Medizinische Informatik (TZMI) in Heidelberg, a transfer center for new technologies in medical informatics. The basis of CHILI is a general purpose Radiology Workstation with additional functions for Teleradiology.
CHILI is a portable, easy to handle teleradiology system, which is based on standards for communication and exchange of medical image data. CHILI conforms to the requirements of the American College of Radiology concerning teleradiology systems. Furthermore, CHILI is a modular, general purpose Radiology Workstation, which can be extended by new functions, even by those developed by the user himself.
The introduction of CHILI will reduce current costs. We have found savings in film material, the transportation of patients, staff, as well as from the sharing of resources. We know from experience that these clearly savings outweigh the resulting costs of the ISDN lines. With rapid information flow a further reduction of costs is possible, e.g. shorter hospitalization times of patients.
These are some of the publication we at the HCI division have been involved in.
More publications and information about this teleradiology system may be found at the Division Medical and Biological Informatics.
NOTE: the first version of this system was called "Medicus". The newest version is called "CHILI".
Teleradiology System Medicus. Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Schroeder A, Werner O, Wolsiffer K, Baur HJ, Göransson B, Borälv E, Meinzer HP. In: Lemke (Ed). CAR `96: Computer Assisted Radiology, 10th International Symposium and Exhibition, Paris. Amsterdam: Elsevier (1996) 537-542.
Teleradiology System Medicus: Software Architecture and First Experiences. Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Schroeder A, Werner O, Wolsiffer K, Baur HJ, Saurbier F, Göransson B, Borälv E, Meinzer HP. In: Brender J, Christensen JP, Scherrer JR, McNair P (Eds). Medical Informatics Europe ‘96. Amsterdam: IOS (1996) 49-53.
A Teleradiology system. Borälv E, Göransson B. Conference proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems 1997, ACM’s Special Interest Group in Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) in co-operation with the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIPWG 13.2), Amsterdam, 18-20 August 1997. ISBN 0-89791-863-0, pp. 27-30.
Experiences with the German teleradiology system MEDICUS. Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Werner O, Göransson B, Borälv E, Schwab M, Müller H, Bahner M, Meinzer HP. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 54 (1997) 131-139.
This paper was selected “Best of World Wide Papers in Medical Informatics 1997” by the International Medical Informatics Association for their IMIA Yearbook.
The German teleradiology system MEDICUS: System description and experiences in a German field test. Engelmann U, Schröter A, Baur U, Werner O, Schwab M, Müller H, Bahner M, Meinzer HP, Borälv E, Göransson B. European Journal of Radiology 26 (1998) 219-225.
Experiences with the German teleradiology system MEDICUS. Engelmann U. Schröter A, Baur U, Werner O, Göransson B, Borälv E, Schwab M, Müller H, Bahner M, Meinzer HP. van Bemmel JH, McCray AT (eds). Yearbook of Medical Informatics ‘98 - Health Informatics and the Internet. Stuttgart: Schattauer (1998) 199-207. (Reprint from Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine)
Requirements for a new Generation of Personal Digital Assistants intended for medical Use. Borälv E, Engelmann U, Schröter A, Schwab M, Meinzer HP. Gell G, Holzinger A, Wiltgen M (eds). From PACS to Internet/Intranet, Information-Systems, Multimedia and Telemedicine - EuroPACS 2000. Wien: Österreichische Computergeesellschaft (2000) 246-251.
Mobile Teleradiologie: Anwendungsszenarien und Benutzeranforderungen. Engelmann U, Borälv E, Schröter A, Bernauer K, Schwab M, Söllig C, Lopez JL, Pappa A, Bahner MR, Loose R, Meinzer HP. In Jäckel A (Hrsg). Telemedizinführer Deutschland. Ausgabe 2001. Ober-Mörlen: Deutsches Medizin Forum AG (2000) 327-331.
Mobile Teleradiology: All Images Everywhere. Engelmann U, Schröter A, Borälv E, Schweitzer T, Meinzer HP. Lemke HU, Vannier MW, Inamura K, Farman AG, Doi K (Eds). CARS 2001: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress and Exhibition. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2001) 798-803.
Mobile Teleradiologie: Alle Bilder immer und überall. Engelmann U, Schröter A, Schwab M, Schweitzer T, Borälv E, Meinzer HP. Fortschr. Röntgenstr. 173 (2001) S108.
Teleradiologie on a Personal Digital Assistant. Schweitzer T, Engelmann U, Schroeter A, Boräv E, Meinzer HP. Bludau HB, Koop A (eds). Mobile Computing in Medicine. Lecture Notes in Informatics - Proceedings. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik (2002) 73-80.
Ubiquitous radiology: The scalable CHILI architecture on stationary and mobile devices. Schweitzer T, Engelmann U, Schroeter A, Borälv E, Grandy M, Meinzer HP. Proceedings of the 20th EuroPACS annual meeting, 5th-7th September 2002, Oulu, Finland. Niinimaäki J, Ilkko E, Reponen J (eds). Publication series of Radiological Society of Finland. Oulu: Oulu University Press (2002) 113-116.