Learning, learning resources, and
learning environments in computer science
"Learning, learning resources, and learning environments in computer science"
is a research project in cooperation between Uppsala University and
Gävle University, Sweden.
The primary goal of is to gain knowledge about how
students learn aspects of computer science,
in order to improve computer
science education.
The underlying perspective is that knowledge is
actively constructed by the students, and that the
student utilizes a wide variety of resources in the
learning process, e.g., text books, lectures,
interaction with fellow students, WWW documents,
various types of computer support, exercises, projects,
The objectives are to analyze and describe the
variation in how learners select and use resources
for learning, and how/whether this relates to
variations in the ways students understand concepts,
principles, etc., within the area of study.
Phenomenographic approach
To this end, a phenomenographic approach is taken.
The focus is on
- introductory courses in object-oriented programming
- international student
collaboration in advanced, project-based courses in
distributed systems.
The results are expected to be of interest for a wide
range of study programmes at the university level, and
also for high school and continuing education. Moreover,
they contribute to the area-specific didactics
research basis which is a prerequisite for the development
of teacher training in computer science. Finally, the project is
a stepping stone in the establisment of a
graduate education programme in computer science education