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Institutionen för informationsteknologi

Publikationer 2003

  1. Periodic signal modeling based on Liénard's equation. Emad Abd-Elrady, Torsten Söderström och Torbjörn Wigren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-036, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2003. (Extern länk, fulltext).
  2. Algorithmic Improvements in Regular Model Checking. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson och Julien d'Orso. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-024, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  3. Algorithmic Improvements in Regular Model Checking. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Marcus Nilsson och Julien d'Orso. I CAV'03, 15th Int. Conf. Computer Aided Verification, pp 236-248, 2003.
  4. Downward Closed Language Generators. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Pritha Mahata och Aletta Nylén. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-001, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  5. Forward Reachability Analysis of Timed Petri Nets. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Pritha Mahata och Aletta Nylén. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-056, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  6. Model checking of systems with many identical timed processes. Parosh Aziz Abdulla och Bengt Jonsson. I Theoretical Computer Science, volym 290, nummer 1, pp 241-264, 2003. (DOI).
  7. The difference between concurrent and sequential computation. Luca Aceto, Giuseppe Longo och Björn Victor (red). Volym 13(4-5) av Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Cambridge University Press, 2003. (DOI).
  8. Challenges in teaching capstone courses. Liz Adams, Mats Daniels, Annegret Goold, Orit Hazzan, Kathy Lynch och Ian Newman. I ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volym 35, nummer 3, pp 219-220, 2003.
  9. Estimation of nominal directions of arrival and angular spreads of distributed sources. M. Agrawal, P. Stoica, O. Besson och P. Åhgren. I Signal Processing, volym 83, pp 1833-1838, 2003.
  10. Special Issue on ASE'00. Perry Alexander och Pierre Flener (red). Volym 10 av Automated Software Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. (Extern länk).
  11. Case studies in admission to and early performance in computer science degrees. Sylvia Alexander, June Amillo, Boyle Roger, Clark Martyn, Mats Daniels, Cary Laxer och Ken Loose. I ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volym 35, nummer 4, pp 149-153, 2003.
  12. Code synthesis for timed automata. Tobias Amnell. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-011, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  13. TIMES: a Tool for Schedulability Analysis and Code Generation of Real-Time Systems. Tobias Amnell, Elena Fersman, Leonid Mokrushin, Paul Pettersson och Wang Yi. I Proceedings of the International Conference of Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 2003. (Extern länk).
  14. Times: a Tool for Schedulability Analysis and Code Generation of Real-Time Systems. Amnell T, Fersman E, Mokrushin L, Pettersson P and Yi W. I To appear in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS'03, 2003.
  15. Adjoint-based aerodynamic shape optimization. Olivier Amoignon. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-012, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  16. Discrete adjoint-based shape optimization for an edge-based finite-volume solver. Olivier Amoignon och Martin Berggren. I Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics: 2003, pp 2190-2193, Elsevier Science, 2003. (DOI).
  17. Preconditioning methods for linear systems arising in constrained optimization problems. Owe Axelsson och Maya Neytcheva. I Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volym 10, pp 3-31, 2003. (DOI).
  18. Robust preconditioners for saddle point problems. Owe Axelsson och Maya Neytcheva. I Numerical Methods and Applications, volym 2542 av Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 158-166, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003. (DOI).
  19. A Backward/Forward Strategy for Verifying Safety Properties of Infinite-State Systems. Michael Baldamus, Richard Mayr och Gerardo Schneider. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-065, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  20. Spi Calculus Translated to pi-Calculus Preserving May-Testing. Michael Baldamus, Joachim Parrow och Björn Victor. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-063, 2003. (fulltext).
  21. The BDD Space Complexity of Different Forms of Complexity. Baldamus, Michael and Schneider, Klaus. I Fundamenta Informaticae, volym 50, nummer 2, pp 111-133, 2003.
  22. A fast all-integer ellipse discretization algorithm. Barrera Tony, Hast Anders, Bengtsson Ewert. I Graphics Programming Methods, pp 121-131, 2003.
  23. A fast and simple all-integer parametric line. Barrera Tony, Hast Anders, Bengtsson Ewert. I , 2003.
  24. The Usability Design Process: Integrating User-Centred Systems Design in the Software Development Process. Göransson Bengt, Jan Gulliksen och Inger Boivie. I Software Process: Improvement and Practice, volym 8, nummer 2, 2003.
  25. Usability Design: Extending Rational Unified Process with a New Discipline. Göransson Bengt, Magnus Lif och Jan Gulliksen. I Interactive Systems: Design, Specification and Verification, 10th International Workshop, DSV-IS 2003, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, June 2003, Revised Papers, LNCS 2844, pp 316-330, 2003.
  26. A feature set for cytometry on digitized microscopic images. Ewert Bengtsson och Karsten Rodenacker. I Analytical Cellular Pathology, volym 24, nummer 1, pp 1-36, 2003.
  27. Computerized Cell Image Analysis: Past, Present and Future. Ewert Bengtsson. 2003.
  28. On Clock Difference Constraints and Termination in Reachability Analysis of Timed Automata. Johan Bengtsson och Wang Yi. I Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 5th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2003, Singapore, November 5-7, 2003, 2003.
  29. Timed Automata: Semantics, Algorithms and Tools. Johan Bengtsson och Wang Yi. I Lectures on Concurrency and Petri Nets, Advances in Petri Nets, pp 87-124, 2003.
  30. Robust Cell Image Segmentation Methods. Bengtsson Ewert, Wählby Carolina, Lindblad Joakim. 2003.
  31. Low-Overhead Spatial and Temporal Data Locality Analysis. Erik Berg och Erik Hagersten. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-057, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  32. Methods for run time analysis of data locality. Erik Berg. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-015, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  33. StatCache: A Probabilistic Approach to Efficient and Accurate Data Locality Analysis. Erik Berg och Erik Hagersten. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-058, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  34. Insights to Angluin's Learning. Therese Berg, Bengt Jonsson, Martin Leucker och Mayank Saksena. IT Technical Report 2003-039, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  35. Multifrequency shape optimization of an acoustic horn. Martin Berggren, Erik Bängtsson och Daniel Noreland. I Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics: 2003, pp 2204-2207, Elsevier Science, 2003. (DOI).
  36. A Framework to study learning in an internationally distributed course.. Anders Berglund. I Communities of Practise.: Research Proceedings of the 10th Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2003), pp 27-39, 2003.
  37. Erfarenheter av att leda ett utvecklingsprojekt (in Swedish): Invited speaker, course for project leaders. Anders Berglund. Rådet för Högre Utbildning ,Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.
  38. Students' Understanding of Networks in an Internationally Distributed Course.. Anders Berglund och Arnold Pears. I Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference of Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2003)., pp 380-381, 2003.
  39. What is good teaching of computer networks?.. Anders Berglund. I Proceedings of 33rd Annual Frontiers in Education, pp 2SD13-2SD19, 2003. (Extern länk).
  40. On parameter estimation of MIMO flat-fading channels with frequency offsets. O. Besson och P. Stoica. I IEEE Trans Signal Process, volym 51, pp 602-613, 2003.
  41. Training sequence selection for frequency offset estimation in frequency selective channels. O. Besson och P. Stoica. I Digital Signal Processing, volym 13, pp 106-127, 2003.
  42. A recursive algorithm for estimating parameters in a one dimensional diffusion system. B. Bhikkaji, T. Söderström och K. Mahata. I 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2003.
  43. Reduced order models for a two-dimensional heat diffusion system. B. Bhikkaji, K. Mahata och T. Söderström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-022, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  44. A note on gramain-based interaction measures. Wolfgang Birk och Alexander Medvedev. I Proceedings of European Control Conference, 2003.
  45. A Discrete Subexponential Algorithm for Parity Games. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. I Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS'2003, 2003.
  46. A discrete subexponential algorithm for parity games. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. I STACS 2003, 20th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, pp 663-674, 2003.
  47. Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization and Games Adapted from Linear Programming. Henrik Björklund och Sven Sandberg. I Proceedings of the Eighth European Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) Student Session, pp 13-24, 2003.
  48. Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization and Games Adapted from Linear Programming. Henrik Björklund och Sven Sandberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-015, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk, fulltext).
  49. An Improved Subexponential Algorithm for Parity Games. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-017, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  50. Complexity of Model Checking by Iterative Improvement: the Pseudo-Boolean Framework. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. I Proceedings of the Andrei Ershov Fifth International Conference ``Perspectives of System Informatics'', pp 381-394, 2003.
  51. Complexity of model checking by iterative improvement: the pseudo-Boolean framework. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. I Perspectives of Systems Informatics: 5th International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, pp 381-394, 2003.
  52. On Combinatorial Structure and Algorithms for Parity Games. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-002, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  53. On Fixed-Parameter Complexity of Infinite Games. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-038, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  54. Randomized Subexponential Algorithms for Parity Games. Henrik Björklund, Sven Sandberg och Sergei Vorobyov. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-019, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  55. Automated test generation for industrial Erlang applications. Johan Blom och Bengt Jonsson. I Erlang Workshop 2003: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang, Uppsala, Sweden, August 29, 2003., pp 8-14, 2003.
  56. Addressing users' health issues in software development - an exploratory study. Boivie, I., Blomkvist, S., Persson, J., Åborg, C.. I Behaviour & Information Technology, special section on Designing IT for Healthy Work, volym 22, nummer 6, pp 411-420, 2003.
  57. Addressing Users' Health Issues in Software Development: An Exploratory Study. Inger Boivie, Carl Åborg, Jenny Persson och Stefan Blomkvist. I Behaviour & Information Technology, volym 22, nummer 6, pp 411-420, 2003.
  58. It’s all in a days work of a software engineer. Inger Boivie, Jan Gulliksen och Bengt Göransson. I Proceedings of HCI International 2003, June 22-27, Crete, Greece, 2003.
  59. Usability and users’ health issues in systems development. Inger Boivie. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-003, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  60. Why Usability Gets Lost or Usability in In-house Software Development. Inger Boivie, Carl Åborg, Jenny Persson och Mats Löfberg. I Interacting with Computers, volym 15, nummer 4, pp 623-639, 2003.
  61. Why usability gets lost or usability in in-house software development. Inger Boivie, Carl Åborg, Jenny Persson och Mats Löfberg. I Interacting with Computers, volym 15, nummer 4, pp 623-639, 2003. (DOI).
  62. Automatic image analysis of concrete cracks. Karl Bolin och Johan Helgesson. CBA Master Thesis Report No. 60, Uppsala: Uppsala University School of Engineering, UPTEC F03 045, 2003.
  63. Deciding LTL over Mazurkiewicz traces. Benedikt Bollig och Martin Leucker. I Data & Knowledge Engineering, volym 44, nummer 2, pp 221-240, 2003. (Extern länk).
  64. Model checking probabilistic distributed systems. Benedikt Bollig och Martin Leucker. I ASIAN 2003: Proceedings of the 8th Asian Computing Science Conference, pp 291-304, 2003. (Extern länk).
  65. Editorial. G. Borgefors, Ingela Nyström och G. Sanniti Di Baja. I Discrete Applied Mathematics, volym 125, nummer 1, pp 1-2, 2003. (DOI).
  66. Weighted digital distance transforms in four dimensions. Gunilla Borgefors. I Discrete Applied Mathematics, volym 125, pp 161-176, 2003.
  67. Weighted distance transforms in four dimensions. Gunilla Borgefors. I Discrete Applied Mathematics, volym 125, pp 161-176, 2003. (Extern länk).
  68. An Algorithm for Computing Fundamental Solutions of Difference Operators. Henrik Brandén och Per Sundqvist. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-006, 2003. (fulltext).
  69. Convergence acceleration for the steady-state Euler equations. Henrik Brandén och Sverker Holmgren. I Computers & Fluids, volym 32, pp 1075-1092, 2003. (DOI).
  70. Discrete Fundamental Solution Preconditioning for Hyperbolic Systems of PDE. Henrik Brandén, Sverker Holmgren och Per Sundqvist. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-007, 2003. (fulltext).
  71. High order accurate solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Arnim Brüger, Bertil Gustafsson, Per Lötstedt och Jonas Nilsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-064, 2003. (fulltext).
  72. Approaches to Reduce the Computational Cost when Solving Linear Systems of Equations Arising in Boundary Element Method Discretizations. Erik Bängtsson och Maya Neytcheva. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-053, 2003. (fulltext).
  73. Shape optimization of an acoustic horn. Erik Bängtsson, Daniel Noreland och Martin Berggren. I Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, volym 192, pp 1533-1571, 2003. (DOI).
  74. A Tractable Mechanism for Time Dependent Markets. Per Carlsson, Arne Andersson och Fredrik Ygge. I CEC 2003, IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce, pp 31-34, 2003.
  75. A Tractable Mechanism for Time Dependent Markets. Per Carlsson, Arne Andersson och Fredrik Ygge. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-027, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  76. Message Analysis for Concurrent Languages. Richard Carlsson, Konstantinos Sagonas och Jesper Wilhelmsson. I In Proceedings of the Static Analysis Symposium, pp 73-90, 2003.
  77. 2D and 3D Introductory Processes in Virtual Groups. Tony Clear och Mats Daniels. I IEEE Frontiers in Education, pp S1F1-S1F6, 2003. (Extern länk).
  78. Estimation of Curvature along Curves with Application to Fibres in 3D Images of Paper. David Coeurjolly och Stina Svensson. 2003.
  79. MEAD, Managing Education with Teachers at a Distance. Mats Daniels, Xristine Faulkner och Ian Newman. I IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, pp S1F26-S1F29, 2003. (Extern länk).
  80. Runestone, the Story. Mats Daniels, Anders Berglund och Arnold Pears. I Grundutbildningsrådets utvecklingskonferens, Gävle, 2003.
  81. A Formal Semantics for UML Statecharts. Alexandre David, Johann Deneux och Julien d'Orso. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-010, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  82. A Tool Architecture for the Next Generation of UPPAAL. Alexandre David, Gerd Behrmann, Kim G. Larsen och Wang Yi. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-011, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  83. Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis of Real Time Systems. Alexandre David. Doktorsavhandling, Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 050, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala, 2003.
  84. Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems. Alexandre David. IT Technical Report 2003-050, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  85. Unification & Sharing in Timed Automata Verification. Alexandre David, Gerd Behrmann, Kim Larsen och Wang Yi. I Model Checking Software, 10th International SPIN Workshop. Portland, OR, USA, May 9-10, 2003, 2003.
  86. Verification of UML Statecharts with Real-Time Extensions. Alexandre David, M. Oliver Möller och Wang Yi. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-009, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  87. A New Technique for Accurate and Stable Modeling of Arbitrarily Oriented Thin Wires in the FDTD Method. Fredrik Edelvik. I IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility (Print), volym 45, pp 416-423, 2003. (DOI).
  88. An Unconditionally Stable Subcell Model for Arbitrarily Oriented Thin Wires in the FETD Method. Fredrik Edelvik, Gunnar Ledfelt, Per Lötstedt och Douglas J. Riley. I IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, volym 51, pp 1797-1805, 2003. (DOI).
  89. Frequency Dispersive Materials for 3-D Hybrid Solvers in Time Domain. Fredrik Edelvik och Bo Strand. I IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, volym 51, pp 1199-1205, 2003. (DOI).
  90. Iterative solution of a hybrid method for Maxwell's equations in the frequency domain. Johan Edlund, Per Lötstedt och Bo Strand. I International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, volym 56, pp 1755-1770, 2003. (DOI).
  91. Adaptive Control of the Nitrate Level in an Activated Sludge Process Using an External Carbon Source - Extended Version. M. Ekman, P. Samuelsson och B. Carlsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-030, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  92. Adaptive control of the nitrate level in an activated sludge process. Mats Ekman, Pär Samuelsson och Bengt Carlsson. I Water Science and Technology, volym 47, nummer 11, pp 137-144, 2003.
  93. Urban water management: Modelling, simulation and control of the activated sludge process. Mats Ekman. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-005, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  94. Problems of high dimension in molecular biology. Johan Elf, Per Lötstedt och Paul Sjöberg. I Proc. 19th GAMM Seminar Leipzig on High-dimensional problems: Numerical treatment and applications, pp 21-30, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2003.
  95. On measuring the intersection length of a line and a digital volume. Daniel Eliasson. CBA Master Thesis Report No. 63, Uppsala: Centre for Image Analysis, 2003.
  96. Analysis of the Execution Time Unpredictability caused by Dynamic Branch Prediction. Jakob Engblom. I RTAS 2003: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, May 27-30, 2003, Toronto, Canada, pp 152-159, 2003.
  97. Der ausgequetschte Code (3 part article). Jakob Engblom, Thomas Watzlawick och Andreas Barth. I Elektronik, nummer 8, 10, 12, 2003.
  98. Embedded Systems Computer Architecture: Extended abstract in the Proc. of European Summer School on Embedded Systems. Jakob Engblom. I Proceedings of European Summer School on Embedded Systems: Västerås, September 2003, 2003.
  99. Execution-Time Analysis for Embedded Real-Time Systems. Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Mikael Sjödin, Jan Gustafsson och Hans Hansson. I International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volym 4, nummer 4, pp 437-455, 2003.
  100. Full-System Simulation Technology: Extended abstract in the proceedings of ESSES 2003 (European Summer School on Embedded Systems). Jakob Engblom. I Proc. of the European Summer School on Embedded Systems: Västerås, September 2003, 2003.
  101. Full-System Simulation Technology: Extended abstract appearing in the proceedings of ESSES 2003 (European Summer School on Embedded Systems). Jakob Engblom. 2003.
  102. Fast, accurate, and stable algorithm for the stress field around a zig-zag-shaped crack. Jonas Englund. I Engineering Fracture Mechanics, volym 70, pp 355-364, 2003. (DOI).
  103. Make Haste, Not Waste: Automated System Testing. Carl Erickson, Ralph Palmer, David Crosby, Michael Marsiglia och Micah Alles. I Extreme Programming and Agile Methods: XP Agile Universe 2003, Springer, 2003.
  104. Make Haste, Not Waste: Automated System Testing. Carl Erickson, Ralph Palmer, David Crosby, Michael Marsiglia och Micah Alles. I Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2003, pp 120-128, 2003. (Extern länk).
  105. Finding tree-stems in laser range images of young mixed stands to perform selective cleaning. Mats Erikson och Vestlund Karin. I Proceedings of the ScandLaser Scientific Workshop on Airborne Laser Scanning of Forest, pp 244-250, 2003.
  106. Segmentation of individual tree crowns in colour aerial photographs using region growing supported by fuzzy rules. Mats Erikson. I Canadian Journal of Forest Research, volym 33, nummer 8, pp 1557-1563, 2003.
  107. Structure-preserving Segmentation of Individual Tree Crowns by Brownian Motion. Mats Erikson. I Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pp 283-289, 2003.
  108. Abnormal expression pattern of cyclin E in tumor cells. Fredrik Erlandsson, Carolina Wählby, Susanna Ekholm-Reed, Ann-Cathrin Hellström, Ewert Bengtsson och Anders Zetterberg. I International Journal of Cancer, volym 104, pp 369-375, 2003.
  109. Abnormal expression pattern of cyclin E in tumour cells. Fredrik Erlandsson, Carolina Wählby, Susanna Ekholm-Reed, Ann-Cathrin Hellström, Ewert Bengtsson och Anders Zetterberg. I Int J Cancer, volym 104, pp 369-375, 2003. (DOI).
  110. A Modular Tool Architecture for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis. Andreas Ermedahl. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 45, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  111. Clustered Calculation of Worst-Case Execution Times. Andreas Ermedahl, Friedhelm Stappert och Jakob Engblom. I Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES 2003), 2003.
  112. Anisotropic grid adaptation for Navier-Stokes' equations. Lars Ferm och Per Lötstedt. I Journal of Computational Physics, volym 190, pp 22-41, 2003. (DOI).
  113. Space-Time Adaptive Solution of First Order PDES. Lars Ferm och Per Lötstedt. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-061, 2003. (fulltext).
  114. A Generic Approach to Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time Systems. Elena Fersman. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 49, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  115. Schedulability Analysis using Two Clocks. Elena Fersman, Leonid Mokrushin, Paul Pettersson och Wang Yi. I Proceedings of the International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2003. (Extern länk).
  116. Breaking symmetries in matrix models: A brief overview.. Pierre Flener, Alan M. Frisch, Brahim Hnich, Chris Jefferson, Zeynep Kiziltan, Ian Miguel, Justin Pearson och Toby Walsh. I Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Automated Reasoning (ARW'03), 2003. (Extern länk).
  117. Simuleringsmotor för tågtrafik med stöd för experimentell konfiguration. Jimmy Flink. IT Technical Report 2003-047, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  118. Theoretical and experimental study of binary perturbation peaks with focus on peculiar retention behaviour and vanishing peaks in chiral liquid chromatography. Patrik Forssén, Johan Lindholm och Torgny Fornstedt. I Journal of Chromatography A, volym 991, pp 31-45, 2003. (DOI).
  119. Latency-hiding and Optimizations of the DSZOOM Instrumentation System. Oskar Grenholm, Zoran Radovic och Erik Hagersten. IT Technical Report 2003-029, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  120. ENGINEERING THE HCI PROFESSION OR SOFTENING DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES. J. Gulliksen, S. Blomkvist och B. Göransson. I Proceedings of HCI International 2003, 2003.
  121. DESIGN VERSUS DESIGN – FROM THE SHAPING OF PRODUCT TO THE CREATION OF USER EXPERIENCES. Gulliksen, J., Lantz, A.. I International journal of Human Computer Interaction, volym 15, nummer 1, pp 5-20, 2003.
  122. Designing IT for Healthy Work. Jan Gulliksen (red). Behaviour and Inforamtion Technology, Vol 22, No 6, 2003.
  123. Key Principles for User-Centred Systems Design. Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Göransson, Inger Boivie, Stefan Blomkvist, Jenny Persson och Åsa Cajander. I Behaviour & Information Technology, volym 22, nummer 6, pp 397-409, 2003.
  124. Key Principles for User-Centred Systems Design. Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Göransson, Inger Boivie, Stefan Blomkvist, Jenny Persson och Åsa Cajander. I Behaviour & Information Technology, volym 22, nummer 6, p 397 – 409, 2003.
  125. Key principles for user centred systems design. Jan Gulliksen, Bengt Göransson, Inger Boivie, Stefan Blomkvist och Åsa Cajander. I Behaviour and Information Technology, volym 22, nummer 6, pp 397-409, 2003. (Extern länk).
  126. Beyond adhoc networking. Selfconfiguring Networks and Terminal. Per Gunningberg. I The first COST-IST(EU)NSF(USA) Workshop on Exchanges and Trends in Networking, 2003. (Extern länk).
  127. A fourth order difference method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Bertil Gustafsson, Per Lötstedt och Anders Göran. I Numerical Simulations of Incompressible Flows, pp 263-276, World Scientific Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 2003.
  128. Time Compact Difference Methods for Wave Propagation in Discontinuous Media. Bertil Gustafsson och Per Wahlund. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-023, 2003. (fulltext).
  129. Time Compact High Order Difference Methods for Wave Propagation. Bertil Gustafsson och Eva Mossberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-016, 2003. (fulltext).
  130. USABILITY DESIGN—EXTENDING RATIONAL UNIFIED PROCESS WITH A NEW DISCIPLINE. B. Göransson, Magnus Lif och Jan Gulliksen. I In LNCS volume 2844, DSV-IS 2003, 2003.
  131. The Usability Design Process: Integrating User-Centered Systems Design in the Software Development Process. Bengt Göransson, Jan Gulliksen och Inger Boivie. I Software Process Improvement and Practice: Special Issue on Bridging the Process and Practice Gaps Between Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction, volym 8, nummer 2, pp 111-131, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  132. Communication error reporting mechanism in a multiprocessing computer system. Erik Hagersten. 2003.
  133. Methods and apparatus for a directory-less memory access protocol in a distributed shared memory computer system. Erik Hagersten. 2003.
  134. Multiprocessing systems employing hierarchical spin locks. Erik Hagersten. 2003.
  135. Queuing delay limiter. Erik Hagersten. 2003.
  136. Selective address translation in coherent memory replication. Erik Hagersten. 2003.
  137. System and method for accessing a shared computer resource using a lock featuring different spin speeds corresponding to multiple states. Erik Hagersten. 2003.
  138. Analysis of extrapolation boundary conditions for the linearized Euler equations. Thomas Hagstrom och Jan Nordström. I Applied Numerical Mathematics, volym 44, pp 95-108, 2003. (DOI).
  139. Bias compensated least squares estimate of the center of rotation. Kjartan Halvorsen. I Journal of Biomechanics, volym 36, nummer 7, pp 999-1008, 2003.
  140. Feature Vector Based Analysis of Hyperspectral Crop Reflectance Data for Discrimination and Quantification of Fungal Disease Severity in Wheat. H. Hamid Muhammed och A. Larsolle. I Biosystems Engineering, volym 86, nummer 2, pp 125-134, 2003. (Extern länk).
  141. Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering and Image Segmentation Using Weighted Neural Networks. H. Hamid Muhammed. 2003.
  142. Feature Vector Based Analysis of Hyperspectral Crop Reflectance Data for Discrimination and Quantification of Fungal Disease Severity in Wheat. Hamed Hamid Muhammed och Anders Larsolle. I Biosystems Engineering, volym 86, nummer 2, pp 125-134, 2003.
  143. Unsupervised Fuzzy Clustering and Image Segmentation Using Weighted Neural Networks. Hamed Hamid Muhammed. I Proceedings of 12th International Conference for Image Analysis and Processing, pp 308-313, 2003.
  144. A modified Phong-Blinn light model for shadowed areas. Anders Hast, Tony Barrera och Ewert Bengtsson. I Graphics programming methods, pp 231-235, Charles River Media, Hingham, 2003.
  145. A modified Phong-Blinn light model for shadowed areas. Anders Hast, Tony Barrera och Ewert Bengtsson. I Proceedings of 3rd conference for the promotion of research in IT, 2003.
  146. Fast Specular Highlights by modifying the Phong-Blinn Model. Anders Hast, Tony Barrera och Ewert Bengtsson. I SIGGRAPH03, 2003.
  147. Shading by Spherical Linear Interpolation using De Moivre's Formula. Anders Hast, Tony Barrera och Ewert Bengtsson. I WSCG03, pp 57-60, 2003.
  148. A ntialiasing for bump maps and a fast normalization trick. Hast Anders, Barrera Tony, Bengtsson Ewert. I , 2003.
  149. Fast setup for bilinear and biquadratic interpolation over triangles. Hast Anders, Barrera Tony, Bengtsson Ewert. I , 2003.
  150. Experimental evaluation of decision support tools for train traffic control. Peter Hellström, Bengt Sandblad, W Arne Andersson, Thomas Kvist, Arvid Kauppi, Johan Wikström och Anders Gideon. I The World Congress on Railway Research, pp 670-677, 2003.
  151. Time-Optimal Test Cases for Real-Time Systems. Anders Hessel, Kim Larsen, Brian Nielsen, Paul Pettersson och Arne Skou. I 1st International Workshop on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 2003.
  152. Towards automatic generation and evaluation of implied constraints.. Brahim Hnich, Julian Richardson och Pierre Flener. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-014, 2003. (fulltext).
  153. The Swedish National Graduate School in Scientific Computing (NGSSC). Sverker Holmgren och Anders Ynnerman. I Future Generation Computer Systems, volym 19, pp 1275-1283, 2003. (DOI).
  154. Segmentation of T1-MRI of the Human Cortex Using a 3D Grey-level Morphology Approach. R. Hult. I Image Analysis: 13th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA2003 , Halmstad, Sweden, p 462–469, 2003.
  155. Grey-Level Morphology Combined with an Artificial Neural Networks Aproach for Multimodal Segmentation of the Hippocampus. Roger Hult. 2003.
  156. Segmentation and Visualisation of Human Brain Structures. Roger Hult. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 885, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  157. Segmentation of T1-MRI of the Human Cortex Using a 3DGrey-level Morphology Approach. Roger Hult. 2003.
  158. Generating on-line test oracles from temporal logic specifications. John Håkansson, Bengt Jonsson och Ola Lundqvist. I International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volym 4, nummer 4, pp 456-471, 2003.
  159. Categorization of coral reeef bottoms for change detection using IKONOS. Center for Remote Sensing of Environment International (red). 2003.
  160. Improved delineation of coral areas, for detection of coral bleaching, using multispectral an panchromatic IKONOS data. Center for Remote Sensing of Environment International (red). 2003.
  161. CoVASE: Collaborative Visualization for Constructivist Learning. N. Jansen, W. Nejdl, S. Olbrich och S. Seipel. I Proceedings of CSCL Conf. 2003, pp 249-253, 2003.
  162. Optimal Yule-Walker method for pole estimation of ARMA signals. M. Jansson och P. Stoica. I 13th IFAC Symp on System Identification, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2003.
  163. CoVASE: Collaborative Visualization for Constructivist Learning. N. Jensen, S. Seipel, W. Nejdl och S. Olbrich. I Computer Support for Collaborative Learning 2003, 2003.
  164. Array Signal Processing in the known waveform and steering vector case. Y. Jian, J. Li och P. Stoica. I ICASSP 2003, the 28th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, 2003.
  165. An observer for systems with nonlinear output map. Andreas Johansson och Alexander Medvedev. I Automatica, volym 39, nummer 5, pp 909-918, 2003.
  166. The development of the HiPE system: Design and experience report. Erik Johansson, Mikael Pettersson, Konstantinos Sagonas och Thomas Lindgren. I International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volym 4, nummer 4, pp 421-436, 2003. (DOI).
  167. The Generation of N Dimensional Shape Primitives. Pieter P. Jonker och Stina Svensson. I Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 11th International Conference, DGCI 2003, Naples, Italy, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  168. ASTEC: An Experience in the Establishment of Collaboration between Academia and Industry. Bengt Jonsson och Konstantinos Sagonas. I Springer International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volym 4, nummer 4, pp 401-404, 2003.
  169. Color Correction of Underwater Images Based on Estimation of Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients. Julia Åhlén, Bengtsson Ewert, Lindell Tommy. 2003.
  170. A comparison of manual enumeration and image analysis of Gloeotrichia echinulata. Irene Karlsson, Patrick Karlsson och Niklas Strömbeck. I Verhandlungen IVL: 28th Congress in Melbourne 2001, p 458, 2003.
  171. Market based programming and resource allocation. Maria Karlsson. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-007, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  172. Cache memory design trade-offs for current and emerging workloads. Martin Karlsson. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-009, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  173. Memory System Behavior of Java-Based Middleware. Martin Karlsson, Kevin Moore, Erik Hagersten och David Wood. I Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, 2003. (Extern länk).
  174. TImestamp-based Selective Cache Allocation. Martin Karlsson och Erik Hagersten. I High Performance Memory Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2003.
  175. Interface Capabilities for Query Processing in Peer Mediator Systems. Timour Katchaounov och Tore Risch. IT Technical Report 2003-048, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  176. Query Processing for Peer Mediator Databases. Timour Katchaounov. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 901, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  177. Scalable View Expansion in a Peer Mediator System. Timour Katchaounov, Vanja Josifovski och Tore Risch. I Proc. 8th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA 2003), 2003. (Extern länk).
  178. Scalable view expansion in a peer mediator system. Timour Katchaounov, Vanja Josifovski och Tore Risch. I Eighth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Application, (DASFAA'03), pp 107-116, 2003.
  179. Information technology and moral stress: How to avoid moral stress and how to promote health. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Jenny Persson och Carl Åborg. I Human Computer Interaction: Cognitive, Social and Ergonomis Aspects, pp 78-82, 2003.
  180. The activities of school psychologists in the contemporary education system. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. I Psychologika Themata, volym 9, nummer 2, pp 151-165, 2003.
  181. The contribution of information and communication technology to distance learning. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. I Proceedings of the 2nd Greek Congress of Open and Distance Education, pp 66-70, 2003.
  182. The use of information and communication technology in the training for ethical competence in business. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. I Journal of Business Ethics, volym 48, nummer 1, pp 43-51, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  183. The TRAIN-project: Effects of Organizational Factors, Automatic Train Control, Work Hours, and Environment: Suggestions for Safety-Enhancing Measures. Lena Kecklund, Eva Olsson, Anders Jansson, Göran Kecklund och Michael Ingre. I Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 47th Annual Meeting, pp 1835-1839, 2003.
  184. Decidable and Undecidable Problems in Schedulability Analysis Using Timed Automata. Pavel Krcal och Wang Yi. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-051, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  185. A Compact Fourth Order Time Discretization Method for the Wave Equation. Wendy Kress. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-041, 2003. (fulltext).
  186. Boundary conditions and estimates for the linearized Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grids. Wendy Kress och Jonas Nilsson. I Computers & Fluids, volym 32, pp 1093-1112, 2003. (DOI).
  187. Error Estimates for Deferred Correction Methods in Time. Wendy Kress. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-040, 2003. (fulltext).
  188. High Order Finite Difference Methods in Space and Time. Wendy Kress. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 880, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  189. Fault detection of nonlinear systems based on multi-form quasi-ARMAX modeling and its application to the ship benchmark. K. Kumamaru, K. Inoue, Y. Hosoyamada och T. Söderström. I 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2003.
  190. Solos in Concert. Cosimo Laneve och Björn Victor. I Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, volym 13, nummer 5, pp 657-683, 2003. (DOI).
  191. Biotechnological Advancement in Human Movement Analysis. H. Lanshammar. I 6th International Conference: Biotechnology and Public Health, Cavtat, October 2003., 2003.
  192. Compact Data Structure and State-Space Reduction for Model-Checking Real-Time Systems. Kim Larsen, Fredrik Larsson, Paul Pettersson och Wang Yi. I The International Journal of Time-Critical Computing Systems, volym 25, nummer 2, pp 255-275, 2003. (Extern länk).
  194. Mean-square-error optimality of orthogonal space-time block codes. E. Larsson och P. Stoica. I IEEE Signal Processing Lett, volym 10, pp 327-330, 2003.
  195. Mean-square-error optimality of orthogonal space-time block codes. E. Larsson och P. Stoica. I IEEE International Conference on Communications, Anchorage, Alaska, 2003.
  196. Orthogonal space-time block codes: maximum likelihood detection for unknown channels and unstructured interferences. E. Larsson, P. Stoica och J. Li. I IEEE Trans Signal Process, volym 51, pp 362-372, 2003.
  197. SPACE-TIME BLOCK CODING FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. E. Larsson och P. Stoica. Cambridge University Press, UK, 2003. (Extern länk).
  198. On Possibilities for Estimating Continuous-time ARMA Parameters. E K Larsson och M. Mossberg. I Proc. of IFAC SYSID 2003, 2003.
  199. The CRB for Parameter Estimation in Irregularly Sampled Continuous-time ARMA Systems. E K Larsson och E G Larsson. I Proc. of IEEE ISSPIT'03, 2003.
  200. Limiting Properties of Sampled Stochastic Systems. E. K. Larsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-028, 2003. (fulltext).
  201. A numerical study of some radial basis function based solution methods for elliptic PDEs. Elisabeth Larsson och Bengt Fornberg. I Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volym 46, pp 891-902, 2003. (DOI).
  202. Helmholtz and parabolic equation solutions to a benchmark problem in ocean acoustics. Elisabeth Larsson och Leif Abrahamsson. I Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, volym 113, pp 2446-2454, 2003. (DOI).
  203. Parallel solution of the Helmholtz equation in a multilayer domain. Elisabeth Larsson och Sverker Holmgren. I BIT Numerical Mathematics, volym 43, pp 387-411, 2003. (DOI).
  204. Theoretical and Computational Aspects of Multivariate Interpolation with Increasingly Flat Radial Basis Functions. Elisabeth Larsson och Bengt Fornberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-035, 2003. (fulltext).
  205. Parallel model checking for LTL, CTL* and Lmu2. Martin Leucker, Rafal Somla och Michael Weber. I PDMC 2003: 2nd International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Model Checking, pp 4-16, 2003. (Extern länk).
  206. Channel order and RMS delay spread estimation with application to AC power line communications. H. Li, J. Liu, J. Li och P. Stoica. I Digital Signal Processing, volym 13, pp 284-300, 2003.
  207. Doubly constrained robust Capon beamforming. J. Li, P. Stoica och Z. Wang. I 37th ASILOMAR Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2003, 2003.
  208. On robust Capon beamforming and diagonal loading. J. Li, P. Stoica och Z. Wang. I IEEE Trans Signal Process, volym 51, nummer 1702-1715, 2003.
  209. On robust Capon beamforming and diagonal loading. J. Li, P. Stoica och Z. Wang. I ICASSP 2003, the 28th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, 2003.
  210. Robust Capon beamforming in the presence of coherent interference. J. Li, Y. Jiang, P. Stoica och Z. Wang. I Adaptive Sensor Array Processing Workshop, MIT Lincoln Lab, MA, 2003.
  211. Effective visualizations for large displays – the role of transsaccadic memory. Mats Lind, Camilla Forsell och Alexander Allard. I Third IASTED International Conference on visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing 2003 (VIIP’03), 2003.
  212. Metric 3D structure in visualizations. Mats Lind, Geoffrey P. Bingham och Camilla Forsell. I Information Visualization, volym 2, nummer 1, pp 51-57, 2003.
  213. Surface area estimation of digitized planes using weighted local configurations. Joakim Lindblad. I 11th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI), volym 2886 av LNCS, pp 348-357, 2003. (Extern länk).
  214. Can coral reefs be monitored from space?. Tommy Lindell och Petra Philipson. I AMBIO, volym 32, nummer 8, pp 586-593, 2003.
  215. Categorization of coral reef bottoms for change detection using IKONOS. Tommy Lindell och Petra Philipsson. I Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, November 10-14, 2003, 2003.
  216. A MIMO system with backward compatibility for OFDM based WLANs. J. Liu, J. Li och P. Stoica. I The 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC 2003, Rome, Italy, 2003.
  217. Numerical methods for mapping of multiple QTL. Kajsa Ljungberg. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-014, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  218. Simultaneous search for multiple QTL using the global optimization algorithm DIRECT. Kajsa Ljungberg, Sverker Holmgren och Örjan Carlborg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-043, 2003. (fulltext).
  219. Handling of curvilinear coordinates in a PDE solver framework. Malin Ljungberg. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-004, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  220. DIMA: Distributed Instant Messaging System. Henrik Lundgren, Erik Nordström, Richard Gold och Mattias Wiggberg. I 1st Swedish National Computer Networking Conference, 2003.
  221. A combined Intensity and Gradient-Based Similarity Criterion for Interindividual SPECT Brain Scan Registration. Lundqvist Roger, Bengtsson Ewert, Thurfjell Lennart. I EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, volym 2003, nummer 5, pp 461-469, 2003.
  222. THROOM: Running POSIX Multithreaded Binaries on a Cluster. Henrik Löf, Zoran Radovi? och Erik Hagersten. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-026, 2003. (fulltext).
  223. THROOM — Supporting POSIX Multithreaded Binaries on a Cluster. Henrik Löf, Zoran Radovi? och Erik Hagersten. I Euro-Par 2003: Parallel Processing, volym 2790 av Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 760-769, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003. (DOI).
  224. Preconditioned implicit solution of linear hyperbolic equations with adaptivity. Per Lötstedt, Alison Ramage, Lina von Sydow och Stefan Söderberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-034, 2003. (fulltext).
  225. Computationally efficient estimation of wave propagation functions of viscoelastic materials. K. Mahata, T. Söderström och L. Hillström. I 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2003.
  226. On the use of flexural wave propagation experiments for identification of complex modulus. K. Mahata, S. Mousavi, T. Söderström, M. Mossberg, U. Valdek och L. Hillström. I IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volym 11, nummer 6, pp 863-874, 2003.
  227. Subspace estimation of real-valued sine wave frequencies. K. Mahata och T. Söderström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-004, 2003. (fulltext).
  228. Estimation Using Low Rank Signal Models. Kaushik Mahata. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 48, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  229. Scalability aspects of validation. Tiziana Margaria och Wang Yi. I International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volym 5, nummer 1, 2003.
  230. Accuracy requirements for transient aerodynamics. Ken Mattsson, Magnus Svärd, Mark Carpenter och Jan Nordström. I Proc. 16th AIAA CFD Conference, volym 2003-3689 av Conference Proceeding Series, AIAA, 2003.
  231. Boundary Procedures for Summation-by-Parts Operators. Ken Mattsson. I Journal of Scientific Computing, volym 18, pp 133-153, 2003. (DOI).
  232. Finite Difference Approximations of Second Derivatives on Summation by Parts Form. Ken Mattsson och Jan Nordström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-012, 2003. (fulltext).
  233. Stable Artificial Dissipation Operators for High Order Finite Difference Schemes. Ken Mattsson, Magnus Svärd och Jan Nordström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-013, 2003. (fulltext).
  234. Summation-by-Parts Operators for High Order Finite Difference Methods. Ken Mattsson. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 828, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  235. Stability of an wind-up prevention scheme in recursive estimation. Alexander Medvedev. I IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003.
  236. Probing-Based Approaches to Bandwidth Measurements and Network Path Emulation. Bob Melander. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 784, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  237. 3D visualisation of sonar coverage data. Hannah Myerscough. CBA Master Thesis Report No. 59, Uppsala: Uppsala University School of Engineering, UPTEC F03 037, 2003.
  238. High-Order Numerical Simulation of Rocket Launch Noise. Bernhard Müller och Johan Westerlund. I Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation: WAVES 2003, pp 95-100, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2003.
  239. Strictly Stable High Order Difference Approximations for Computational Aeroacoustics. Bernhard Müller och Stefan Johansson. I Proc. Computational Aeroacoustics: From acoustic sources modeling to far-field radiated noise prediction, volym 449 av EUROMECH Colloquium, p 4, ONERA, France, 2003.
  240. Strictly Stable High Order Difference Approximations for the Euler Equations. Bernhard Müller och Stefan Johansson. I Proc. 10th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, pp 3883-3890, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2003.
  241. Evaluating the educational impact of visualization. Thomas Naps, Guido Rößling, Jay Anderson, Stephen Cooper, Wanda Dann, Rudolf Fleischer, Boris Koldehofe, Ari Korhonen, Marja Kuittinen, Charles Leska, Lauri Malmi, Myles McNally, Jarmo Rantakokko och Rockford J. Ross. I SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volym 35, nummer 4, pp 124-136, 2003. (DOI).
  242. Open Ended Group Projects a 'Tool' for More Effective Teaching. Ian Newman, Mats Daniels och Xristine Faulkner. I Australian Computer Science Communications, volym 25, nummer 5, pp 95-103, 2003.
  243. Open Ended Group Projects a 'tool' for more effective teaching. Ian Newman, Mats Daniels och Xristine Faulkner. I ACM Australasian computing education conference, Adelaide, 2003.
  244. High order difference method on staggered, curvilinear grids for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Jonas Nilsson, Bertil Gustafsson, Per Lötstedt och Arnim Brüger. I Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics: 2003, pp 1057-1061, Elsevier Science, 2003. (DOI).
  245. A Parallel Shared Memory Implementation of the Fast Multipole Method for Electromagnetics. Martin Nilsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-049, 2003. (fulltext).
  246. Fast Numerical Techniques for Electromagnetic Problems in Frequency Domain. Martin Nilsson. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 916, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  247. Rapid Solution of Parameter-Dependent Linear Systems for Electromagnetic Problems in the Frequency Domain. Martin Nilsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-055, 2003. (fulltext).
  248. Stability of the Fast Multipole Method for Helmholtz Equation in Three Dimensions. Martin Nilsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-054, 2003. (fulltext).
  249. The minimum residual interpolation method applied to multiple scattering in MM-PO. Martin Nilsson. I Proc, volym 2003:3 av Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, pp 828-831, IEEE, 2003. (DOI).
  250. Datorkulturen - en manlig historia. Jörgen Nissen. I Vem tillhör tekniken? : kunskap och kön i teknikens värld, Lund: Arkiv, 2003.
  251. A Stable and Efficient Hybrid Method for Aeroacoustic Sound Generation and Propagation. Jan Nordström och Jing Gong. I Proc. Computational Aeroacoustics: From acoustic sources modeling to far-field radiated noise prediction, volym 449 av EUROMECH Colloquium, p 4, ONERA, France, 2003.
  252. Finite volume methods, unstructured meshes and strict stability for hyperbolic problems. Jan Nordström, Karl Forsberg, Carl Adamsson och Peter Eliasson. I Applied Numerical Mathematics, volym 45, pp 453-473, 2003. (DOI).
  253. High Order Finite Difference Approximations of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Close to Material Discontinuities. Jan Nordström och Rikard Gustafsson. I Journal of Scientific Computing, volym 18, pp 215-234, 2003. (DOI).
  254. A gradient based optimisation algorithm for the design of brass-wind instruments. Daniel Noreland. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-033, 2003. (fulltext).
  255. Ill-posedness of absorbing boundary conditions applied on convex surfaces. Daniel Noreland. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-031, 2003. (fulltext).
  256. Impedance boundary conditions for acoustic waves in a duct with a step discontinuity. Daniel Noreland. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-032, 2003. (fulltext).
  257. Numerical Techniques for Acoustic Modelling and Design of Brass Wind Instruments. Daniel Noreland. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 862, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  258. Parameterization of state feedback gains for pole placement. Hans Norlander. I Proceedings, European Control Conference 2003, Cambridge, UK, 2003.
  259. The ubiquitous interactor: Mobile services with multiple user interfaces. Stina Nylander. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-013, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  260. Compact Constraints for Verification of Well Quasi-Ordered Programs. Aletta Nylén. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 51, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003.
  261. 2D grey-level convex hull computation: a discrete 3D approach. Ingela Nyström, Gunilla Borgefors och Gabriella Sanniti di Baja. 2003. (Extern länk).
  262. A Polyvariant Type Analysis for Erlang. Sven-Olof Nyström. IT Technical Report 2003-045, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  263. A soft-typing system for Erlang. Sven-Olof Nyström. I Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Erlang, pp 56-71, 2003.
  264. On Hazards of Using Fundamental Anti-windup Technique for H2 State-space Controllers With an Explicit Observer. Claes Olsson. I Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Cambridge, UK, 2003.
  265. Bootstrapping and decentralizing recommender systems. Tomas Olsson. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-006, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  266. Representing Matrices using Multi-Directional Foreign Functions. Kjell Orsborn och Tore Risch. I Functional Approaches to Computing with Data, 2003.
  267. Undecidability of LTL for Timed Petri Nets. Parosh, Aziz Abdulla and Aletta Nylén. 2003.
  268. Verification of Probabilistic Systems with Faulty Communication. Parosh, Aziz Abdulla and Alexander Rabinovich. I FOSSACS'03, Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, 2003.
  269. Deciding Monotonic Games.. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Ahmed Bouajjani, and Julien d'Orso.. I CSL/KGC'03, Computer Science Logic and 8th Kurt Gödel Colloquium, 2003.
  270. Enriching Online Learning Resources with "Explanograms". Arnold Pears och Carl Erickson. I ISICT '03: Proceedings of the 1st international symposium on Information and communication technologies, pp 261-266, 2003. (Extern länk).
  271. Structuring CSEd Research Studies: Connecting the Pieces. Arnold Pears och Mats Daniels. I ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volym 35, nummer 3, pp 149-153, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  272. Where Are You? Wireless Way's to Enhance Collaboration.. Arnold Pears och Marc-Aurele Brothier. I Frontiers in Education, p 2300, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  273. Clifford Networks. Justin Pearson. I Complex-Valued Neural Networks Theories and Applications, 2003.
  274. Comma-free codes. Justin Pearson. 2003. (Extern länk).
  275. Basic values in software development and organizational change. Jenny Persson. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-002, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  276. Pricing European Multi-asset Options Using a Space-time Adaptive FD-method. Jonas Persson och Lina von Sydow. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-059, 2003. (fulltext).
  277. A Virtual laboratory for Computer Graphics Education. Lars W Pettersson, N. Jensen och Stefan Seipel. I Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS Conf. 2003, 2003.
  278. A Virtual Laboratory for Computer Graphics Education. Lars Winkler Pettersson, Nils Jensen och Stefan Seipel. I Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS Conference 2003, pp 17-21, 2003.
  279. A Virtual Laboratory for Computer Graphics Education. Pettersson L.W., Jensen N., Seipel S. I Proc. EUROGRAPHICS Conference 2003: Educational Presentations, pp 17-21, 2003.
  280. Addressing the Requirements of QoS Management for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Kaustubh Phanse och Luiz DaSilva. I International Journal on Computer Communications, volym 26, nummer 12, 2003. (Extern länk).
  281. Environmental Applications of Aquatic Remote Sensing. Petra Philipson née Ammenberg. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 812, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  282. Efficient synchronization and coherence for nonuniform communication architectures. Zoran Radovi?. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-008, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  283. Hierarchical Backoff Locks for Nonuniform Communication Architectures. Zoran Radovic och Erik Hagersten. I Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-9), Anaheim, California, USA, February 2003., 2003. (Extern länk).
  284. Measuring Slipperiness - Human Locomotion and Surface Factors. M. Redfern, R. Cham, K. Gielo-Perczak, R. Grönqvist, M. Hirvonen, H. Lanshammar, M. Marpet, C. Yi-Chung Pai och C. Powers. 2003.
  285. Program schemas as proof methods.. Julian Richardson och Pierre Flener. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-008, 2003. (fulltext).
  286. Functional Data Integration in a Distributed Mediator System. Tore Risch, Vanja Josifovski och Timour Katchaounov. I , 2003. (Extern länk).
  287. Functional Queries to Wrapped Educational Semantic Web Meta-data. Tore Risch. I Functional Queries to Wrapped Educational Semantic Web Meta-data, 2003. (Extern länk).
  288. High-performance Stream-oriented GRID Database Manager for Scientific Data,. Tore Risch och Milena Ivanova. I Proc. 1st European Across Grids Conference, 2003. (Extern länk).
  289. Training based maximum likelihood channel identification. O. Rosseaux, G. Leus, P. Stoica och M. Moonen. I The 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC 2003, Rome, Italy, 2003.
  290. A stochastic method for training based channel identification. O. Rousseaux, G. Leus, P. Stoica och M. Moonen. I The 7th International Symp on Signal Processing and its Applications, ISSPA 2003, Paris, FRANCE, 2003.
  291. Generalized training based channel identification. O. Rousseaux, G. Leus, P. Stoica och M. Moonen. I IEEE Globecom 2003, Signal Processing for Communications Symposium, San Francisco, USA, 2003, 2003.
  292. Retargetable Graph-Coloring Register Allocation for Irregular Architectures. Johan Runeson och Sven-Olof Nyström. I Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems: 7th International Workshop, SCOPES 2003, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2003, Proceedings, p 403, 2003. (Extern länk).
  293. All you wanted to know about the HiPE compiler: (but might have been afraid to ask). Konstantinos Sagonas, Mikael Pettersson, Richard Carlsson, Per Gustafsson och Tobias Lindahl. I Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, pp 36-43, 2003.
  294. Experimental Evaluation and Improvements to Linear Scan Register Allocation. Konstantinos Sagonas och Erik Stenman.. I Software - Practice & Experience, volym 33, nummer 11, pp 1003-1034, 2003.
  295. Work environment and computer systems development. Bengt Sandblad, Jan Gulliksen, Carl Åborg, Inger Boivie, Jenny Persson, Bengt Göransson, Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, Stefan Blomkvist och Åsa Cajander. I Behaviour and Information Technology, volym 22, nummer 6, pp 375-387, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  296. User needs for development of context dependent devices in mobile home care. Isabella Scandurra, Maria Hägglund, Niklas Johansson, Bengt Sandblad och Sabine Koch. I Human-Computer Interaction with mobile devices and services, 2003.
  297. Invariance kernels of Polygonal Differential Inclusions. Gerardo Schneider. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-042, 2003. (fulltext).
  298. MARCH: a distributed content adaptation architecture. Ardon Sebastien, Per Gunningberg, Björn Landfeldt, Yuri Ismailov, Marcus Portmann och Aruna Seneviratne. I International Journal of Communication Systems: Special Issue: Wireless Access to the Global Internet: Mobile Radio Networks and Satellite Systems, volym March, nummer 1, 2003. (Extern länk).
  299. Information Visualization using Transparent Shape Impostors. S. Seipel. I Proc. EUROGRAPHICS Conference 2003, Short Presentations, 2003.
  300. Interactive virtual mummy dissections in a historical anatomic theatre. Lindkvist M. Seipel S.. I Proc. VAST2003: The 4th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 2003.
  301. Using prior knowledge in SVD-based NMR spectroscopy -- the ATP example. Yngve Selén, Peter Stoica, Niclas Sandgren och Sabine Van Huffel. I Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA), Paris, France, July 1-4, pp 33-36, 2003.
  302. Cache aware data laying for the Gauss-Seidel smoother. Malik Silva. I Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, volym 15, pp 66-77, 2003.
  303. Measuring perimeter and area in low resolution images using a fuzzy approach. Natasa Sladoje, Ingela Nyström och Punam K. Saha. I Proceedings of 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 853-860, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  304. Perimeter and Area Estimations of Digitized Objects with Fuzzy Borders. Natasa Sladoje, Ingela Nyström och Punam K. Saha. I Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 368-377, Springer, 2003. (DOI, Extern länk).
  305. Shape Description of Fuzzy Segmented Objects: Area and Perimeter Estimators. Natasa Sladoje, Ingela Nyström och Punam K. Saha. I Proceedings of SSAB (Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis) Symposium on Image Analysis, Stockholm, Sweden, pp 17-20, 2003.
  306. Adaptive control of the steel converter process. Boris Sokolov, Alexander Shepelyavi och Alexander Medvedev. I Saint Petersburg State University Bulletin,, nummer 2, 2003.
  307. Adaptive control of the top blown oxygen converter process with respect to temperature and unknown external disturbances. Boris Sokolov, Alexander Shepelyavi och Alexander Medvedev. I International Conference "Physics and Control" (PhysCon 2003), 2003.
  308. The Elbow Cache: A Power-Efficient Alternative to Highly Associative Caches. Mathias Spjuth, Martin Karlsson och Erik Hagersten. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-046, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  309. Maximum likelihood double differential detection clarified. P. Stoica, J. Liu och J. Li. I The 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC 2003, Rome, Italy, 2003.
  310. Robust Capon beamforming. P. Stoica, Z. Wang och J. Li. I IEEE Signal Processing Lett, volym 10, pp 172-175, 2003.
  311. Space-tim block codes: trained, blind and semi-blind detection. P. Stoica och G. Gansean. I Digital Signal Processing, volym 13, pp 93-105, 2003.
  312. Trained space-time block decoding for flat fading channels with frequency offsets. P. Stoica och G. Gansean. I Wireless Personal Communiccations, volym 27, pp 235-245, 2003.
  313. Training sequence design for frequency offset and frequency-selective channel estimation. P. Stoica och O. Besson. I IEEE Trans Communications, volym 51, pp 1910-1917, 2003.
  314. Frequency-domain method based on the singular value decomposition for frequency-selective NMR spectroscopy. Petre Stoica, Niclas Sandgren, Yngve Selén, Leentje Vanhamme och Sabine Van Huffel. I Journal of Magnetic Resonance, volym 165, pp 80-88, 2003.
  315. Joint Maximum-Likelihood Channel Estimation and Signal Detection for SIMO Channels. P. Stoica P, H. Vikalo och B. Hassibi. I ICASSP 2003, the 28th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, 2003.
  316. Solving the linearized Navier-Stokes equations using semi-Toeplitz preconditioning. Samuel Sundberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-005, 2003. (fulltext).
  317. Preconditioners and fundamental solutions. Per Sundqvist. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-001, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  318. Characterising 3D Objects by Shape and Topology. Stina Svensson, Carlo Arcelli och Gabriella Sanniti di Baja. I Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, pp 124-133, 2003.
  319. Finding Cavities and Tunnels in 3D Complex Objects. Stina Svensson, Carlo Arcelli och Gabriella Sanniti di Baja. 2003.
  320. Using distance transform based algorithms for extracting measures of the fibre network in volume images of paper. Svensson, Stina and Aronsson, Mattias. I IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, volym 33, nummer 4, pp 562-571, 2003.
  321. On the Use of Shape Primitives for Reversible SurfaceSkeletonization. Svensson, Stina and Jonker, Pieter P.. 2003.
  322. Simplifying curve skeletons in volume images. Svensson, Stina and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella. I Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volym 90, pp 242-257, 2003.
  323. A Stable and Accurate Summation-by-Parts Finite Volume Formulation of the Laplacian Operator. Magnus Svärd och Jan Nordström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-003, 2003. (fulltext).
  324. Steady State Computations Using Summation-by-Parts Operators. Magnus Svärd, Ken Mattsson och Jan Nordström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-018, 2003. (fulltext).
  325. Well Posed Boundary Conditions for the Navier-Stokes Equations. Magnus Svärd och Jan Nordström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-052, 2003. (fulltext).
  326. Identification of dynamic errors-in-variables model: approaches based on two-dimensional ARMA modelling of the data. T. Söderström, K. Mahata och U. Soverini. I Automatica, volym 39, nummer 5, pp 929-935, 2003.
  327. Identification of linear systems in time domain. T. Söderström. I Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 2003. (Extern länk).
  328. Prediction error methods. T. Söderström. I Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 2003.
  329. Why are errors-in-variables problems often tricky?. T. Söderström. 2003.
  330. Damping of harmonic disturbances in sampled-data systems { parameterization of all optimal controllers. Hannu Toivonen och Alexander Medvedev. I Automatica, volym 39, nummer 1, pp 75-80, 2003.
  331. Embedding MANETs in the Real World. Christian Tschudin, Henrik Lundgren och Erik Nordström. I IFIP-TC6 8th International Conference, Personal Wireless Communications (PWC 2003), Venice, Italy, September 23-25, 2003. Conti, M.; Giardano, S.; Gregori, E.; Olariu, S. (Ed.), pp 578-589, 2003.
  332. LUNAR: Lightweight Underlay Network Ad-hoc Routing. Christian Tschudin och Richard Gold. IT Technical Report 2003-021, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  333. Network Pointers. Christian Tschudin och Richard Gold. I ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, volym 33, nummer 1, pp 23 - 28, 2003.
  334. SelNet: A Translating Underlay Network. Christian Tschudin och Richard Gold. IT Technical Report 2003-020, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  335. Polyadic History-Dependent Automata for the Fusion Calculus. Emilio Tuosto, Björn Victor och Kidane Yemane. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-062, 2003. (fulltext).
  336. Concurrency, Time, and Constraints. Frank Valencia. I Logic Programming, 19th International Conference, pp 72-101, 2003.
  337. Timed Concurrent Constraint Programming: Decidability Results and Their Application to LTL. Frank Valencia. I Logic Programming, 19th International Conference, pp 422-437, 2003.
  338. Tractable symmetry breaking for CSPs with interchangeable values.. Pascal Van Hentenryck, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson och Magnus Ågren. I Proceedings of the eighteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2003), pp 277-282, 2003. (Extern länk).
  339. A tool for filtering and visualization of digital images in the Fourier domain. Erik Vidholm. CBA Master Thesis Report No. 58, Uppsala: Uppsala University School of Engineering, UPTEC F03 010, 2003.
  340. Feedforward-Feedback Control of an Activated Sludge Process: a simulation study. D. Vrecko, Bengt Carlsson och N. Hvala. I Water, Science and Technology, volym 47, nummer 11, pp 19-26, 2003.
  341. Bundling: Reducing the Overhead of Multiprocessor Prefetchers. Dan Wallin och Erik Hagersten. IT Technical Report 2003-037, Uppsala: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2003. (Extern länk).
  342. Cache Memory Behavior of Advanced PDE Solvers. Dan Wallin, Henrik Johansson och Sverker Holmgren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-044, 2003. (fulltext).
  343. Exploiting data locality in adaptive architectures. Dan Wallin. Licentiatavhandling, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2003-010, Uppsala University, 2003. (fulltext).
  344. Miss Penalty Reduction Using Bundled Capacity Prefetching in Multiprocessors. Dan Wallin och Erik Hagersten. I Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2003.
  345. Miss Penalty Reduction Using Bundled Capacity Prefetching in Multiprocessors. Dan Wallin och Erik Hagersten. I Proceedings of the 17th InternationalParallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2003), Nice, France, 2003.
  346. Wideband Relax and Wideband Clean for aeroacoustic imaging. Y. Wang, J. Li, P. Stoica, M. Sheplak och T. Nishida. I 9th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference & Exhibit, Hilton Head, South Carolina, 2003.
  347. Comparison between norm constrained and robust Capon beamformers. Z. Wang, J. Li och P. Stoica. I IEEE International Symp on Phased Array Systems and Technology, Boston, USA, 2003.
  348. Froth delineation based on image classification. Bergholm Fredrik Wang Weixing. I Minerals engineering, 2003.
  349. Modelling non-linearities in images using an auto-associativeneural network. Felix Wehrmann och Ewert Bengtsson. 2003. (Extern länk).
  350. Modelling of shapes without landmarks. Felix Wehrmann och Ewert Bengtsson. 2003. (Extern länk).
  351. A fast algorithm for constructing parameterizations of three-dimensional simply connected digital objects. Ola Weistrand. I Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, pp 385-392, 2003. (DOI).
  352. Inter-networking MPLS and SelNet. Andreas Westling. Uppsala Universitet, 2003.
  353. Harmonic signal analysis with Kalman filters using periodic orbits of nonlinear ODEs. Torbjörn Wigren, Emad Abd-Elrady och Torsten Söderström. I Proc. 28th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pp 669-672, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2003. (DOI).
  354. Least squares harmonic signal analysis using periodic orbits of ODEs. Torbjörn Wigren, Emad Abd-Elrady och Torsten Söderström. I , volym 36:16 av IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp 1543-1548, 2003. (DOI).
  355. Second order ODEs are sufficient for modeling of many periodic signals. Torbjörn Wigren och Torsten Söderström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2003-025, Uppsala University, uppsala, 2003. (Extern länk, fulltext).
  356. User choices and model validation in system identification using nonlinear Wiener models. Torbjörn Wigren. I , volym 36:16 av IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp 837-842, 2003. (DOI).
  357. Utveckling av dynamisk tidsgraf för tågtrafikstyrning. Johan Wikström. 2003.
  358. Industrial Requirements for WCET Tools -- Answers to the ARTIST Questionnaire. Reinhard Wilhelm, Jakob Engblom, Stephan Thesing och David Whalley. I WCET 2003: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, WCET 2003 - a Satellite Event to ECRTS 2003, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, July 1,, pp 39-43, 2003.
  359. Algorithms for Applied Digital Image Cytometry. Carolina Wählby. Doktorsavhandling, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 896, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  360. Robust methods for image segmentation and measurements.. Carolina Wählby, Ingela Nyström och Ewert Bengtsson. I Proceedings for Modern Methods for Quantitative Metallography, 2003.
  361. Segmentation of cell nuclei in tissue by combining seeded watersheds with gradient information. Carolina Wählby och Ewert Bengtsson. I Proceedings of SCIA-03: Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, pp 408-414, 2003. (Extern länk).
  362. Segmentation of cell nuclei in tissue by combining watersheds with gradient information.. Carolina Wählby och Ewert Bengtsson. I Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2749: Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA 2003), pp 408-414, 2003.
  363. Watershed techniques for segmentation in image cytometry. Carolina Wählby och Ewert Bengtsson. I Proceedings of the 1st International Cytomics Conference: Newport, Wales, United Kingdom, 2003.
  364. High Order Symmetric Finite Difference Schemes for the Acoustic Wave Equation. Abraham Zemui. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 46, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003.
  365. New Directions in Symbolic Model Checking. Julien d'Orso. Doktorsavhandling, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 50, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2003. (fulltext).
  366. INTEGRATING WORK ENVIRONMENT CONSIDERATIONS INTO USABILITY EVALUATION METHODS – THE ADA APPROACH. Åborg, C, Sandblad, B, Gulliksen, J, & Lif, M. I Interacting with Computers, volym 22, nummer 6, pp 453-471, 2003.
  367. INTEGRATING WORK ENVIRONMENT CONSIDERATIONS INTO USABILITY EVALUATION METHODS: THE ADA APPROACH. Carl Åborg, Bengt Sandblad, Jan Gulliksen och Magnus Lif. I Interacting with Computers, volym 15, nummer 3, pp 453-471, 2003.
  368. A simple method for estimating the impulse responses of loudspeakers. P. Åhgren och P. Stoica. I IEEE Trans Consumer Electronics, volym 49, pp 889-893, 2003.
  369. Supporting tensor symmetries in EinSum. Krister Åhlander. I Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volym 45, pp 789-803, 2003. (DOI).
  370. Color correction of underwater images based on estimation of diffuse attenuation coefficients. Julia Åhlen. I Proceedings of 3rd conference for the promotion of research in IT, 2003.
  371. Bottom Reflectance Influence on a Color Correction Algorithm for Underwater Images. Julia Åhlén och David Sundgren. I Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Proceedings of the 13th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (SCIA), volym 2749, pp 922-926, 2003.
  372. Color Correction of Underwater Images Based on Estimation of Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients. Julia Åhlén, Ewert Bengtsson och Tommy Lindell. I Proceedings of the PICS 2003: The PICS Conference, An International Technical Conference on The Science and Systems of Digital Photography, including the Fifth International Symposium on Multispectral Color Science, pp 325-329, 2003.
  373. Bottom Reflectance Influence on a Color Correction Algorithm for Underwater Images. Sundgren David Åhlén Julia. I 13th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2003 Göteborg, Sweden, June 29-July 2, 2003, pp 922-926, 2003.

Uppdaterad  2009-12-17 17:06:22 av Björn Victor.