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Department of Information Technology

Publications 2005

  1. Bias analysis in LS estimation of periodic signals using nonlinear ODE's. E. Abd-Elrady and T. Söderström. In Proc IFAC 16th World Congress, 2005.
  2. Least squares periodic signal modeling using orbits of nonlinear ODE's and fully automated spectral analysis. E. Abd-Elrady and J. Schoukens. In Automatica, volume 41, number 5, pp 857-862, 2005.
  3. Nonlinear Approaches to Periodic Signal Modeling. Emad Abd-Elrady. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 59, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  4. Decidability and Complexity Results for Timed Automata via Channel Machines. Parosh Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Joël Ouaknine, and James Worrell. In LNCS, volume 3580, 2005.
  5. Simulating perfect channels with probabilistic lossy channels. Parosh Abdulla, Christel Baier, S. Purushotaman Iyer, and Bengt Jonsson. In Information and Computation, volume 197, number 1-2, pp 22-40, 2005.
  6. Direct and Inverse Methods for Waveguides and Scattering Problems in the Time Domain. Erik Abenius. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 102, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  7. Modeling of inhomogeneous waveguides using hybrid methods. Erik Abenius and Christer Johansson. 2005.
  8. Waveguide Truncation Using UPML in the Finite-Element Time-Domain Method. Erik Abenius, Fredrik Edelvik, and Christer Johansson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-026, 2005. (fulltext).
  9. Numerical Methods for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization. Olivier Amoignon. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 135, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  10. An Auction Mechanism for Polynomial-time Execution with Combinatorial Constraints. Arne Andersson, Jim Holmström, and Mattias Willman. In Proc. 7th International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, pp 17-24, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2005. (DOI).
  11. Balanced Binary Search Trees. Arne Andersson. In Handbook of Data Structures and Applications, p 1392, CRC Press, 2005.
  12. Searching and Priority Queues in o(log n) Time. Arne Andersson. In Handbook of Data Structures and Applications, p 1392, CRC Press, 2005.
  13. Computing and analysing convex deficiencies to characterise 3D complex objects. Carlo Arcelli, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, and Stina Svensson. In Image and Vision Computing: Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, volume 23, number 2, pp 203-211, 2005. (External link).
  14. Accurate and rapid estimation of adsorption isotherms in liquid chromatography using the inverse method on plateaus. Robert Arnell, Patrik Forssén, and Torgny Fornstedt. In Journal of Chromatography A, volume 1099, pp 167-174, 2005. (DOI).
  15. Individual pore segmentation in 3D volumes of fibrous materials. Maria Axelsson, Ida-Maria Sintorn, Stina Svensson, and Gunilla Borgefors. In SSBA Symposium on Image Analysis 2005, 2005.
  16. Decidability and Complexity Results for Timed Automata via Channel Machines. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Johann Deneux, Joel Ouaknine, and James Worrell. In Proc. ICALP'05, 32nd Int. Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, 2005.
  17. From Monotonic Transition Systems to Monotonic Games. Parosh Aziz Abdulla. In Spring School on Infinite Games and Their Applications, 2005.
  18. Simulating Perfect Channels with Probabilistic Lossy Channels. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Christel Baier, Purushothaman Iyer, and Bengt Jonsson. In The Journal of Information and Computation, volume 197, number 1-2, pp 22-40, 2005.
  19. Simulation-Based Iteration of Tree Transducers. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Axel Legay, Julien d'Orso, and Ahmed Rezine. In Proc. TACAS'05, 11th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2005.
  20. Verification of Parameterized Timed Systems. Parosh Aziz Abdulla. In FORMATS'05, International Conference on Formal ModUppsala, Sweden, 2005 modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 2005.
  21. Verification of Probabilistic Systems with Faulty Communication. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Nathalie Bertrand, Alexander Rabinovich, and Philippe Schnoebelen. In The Journal of Information and Computation, 2005.
  22. Verifying Infinite Markov Chains with a Finite Attractor or the Global Coarseness Property. Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Noomene Ben Henda, and Richard Mayr. In, 2005. (External link).
  23. A Fully Abstract Encoding of the pi-Calculus with Data Terms. Michael Baldamus, Joachim Parrow, and Björn Victor. In Proceedings of ICALP 2005, volume 3580 of Lecture notes in computer science, pp 1202-1213, Springer, Berlin, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  24. USE AND USEFULNESS OF HCI METHODS: RESULTS FROM AN EXPLORATORY STUDY AMONG NORDIC HCI PRACTITIONERS. Ida Bark, Asbjørn Følstad, and Jan Gulliksen. In People and Computers XIX: The Bigger Picture, 2005. (External link).
  25. Connected Minimal Acceleration Trigonometric Curves. Tony Barrera, Anders Hast, and Ewert Bengtsson. In SIGRAD 2005 The Annual SIGRAD Conference Special Theme – Mobile Graphics November 23-24, 2005 Lund, Sweden, 2005. (External link).
  26. Minimal Acceleration Hermite Curves. Tony Barrera, Anders Hast, and Ewert Bengtsson. In Game Programming Gems 5, pp 225-231, Charles River Media, Hingham, Massachusetts, 2005.
  27. The tree constraint. Nicolas Beldiceanu, Pierre Flener, and Xavier Lorca. In Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Second International Conference, CPAIOR 2005, Proceedings, pp 64-78, 2005. (External link).
  28. The Re-Design of a PDA-based System for Supporting People with Parkinson’s Disease. Göransson Bengt. In People and Computers XVIII — Design for Life: Proceedings of HCI 2004, pp 181-196, Springer London, 2005. (DOI).
  29. Computerized Cell Image Processing in Healthcare. Ewert Bengtsson. In Proceedings of Healthcomm2005, pp 11-17, 2005. (External link).
  30. Efficient and Flexible Characterization of Data Locality through Native Execution Sampling. Erik Berg. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 101, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  31. Fast Data-Locality Profiling of Native Execution. Erik Berg and Erik Hagersten. In ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, volume 33, number 1, pp 169-180, 2005. (DOI).
  32. Insights to Angluin's Learning. Therese Berg, Bengt Jonsson, Martin Leucker, and Mayank Saksena. In Electr. Notes on Theoret. Comput. Sci., volume 118, pp 3-18, 2005.
  33. Insights to Angluin's Learning. Therese Berg, Bengt Jonsson, Martin Leucker, and Mayank Saksena. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 118, pp 3-18, 2005. (DOI).
  34. Model Checking. Therese Berg and Harald Raffelt. In Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems: Advanced Lectures, volume 3472 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences: Programming and Software Engineering, pp 557-603, Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005.
  35. Model-based Testing of Reactive Systems: 19 Model Checking. Therese Berg and Harald Raffelt. In , pp 557-603, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  36. On the Correspondence Between Conformance Testing and Regular Inference. Therese Berg, Olga Grinchtein, Bengt Jonsson, Martin Leucker, Harald Raffelt, and Bernhard Steffen. In FASE 2005, pp 175-189, 2005.
  37. Learning computer systems in a distributed project course: The what, why, how and where. Anders Berglund. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 62, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  38. Study of the Effects of Non-Traditional Examinatin Methods in Engineering Education Programmes. Anders Berglund. Myndigheten för nätverk och samarbete inom högre utbildning, Stockholm, Sweden, 2005.
  39. What do our students strive for?: Insights from a distributed, project-based course in computer systems. Anders Berglund and Anna Eckerdal. In Proc. 5th Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education: Koli Calling, pp 65-72, Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland, 2005. (Proceedings).
  40. Combinatorial Optimization for Infinite Games on Graphs. Henrik Björklund. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 3, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  41. Robust optimal multilevel preconditioners for non-conforming finite element systems. Radim Blaheta, Svetozar Margenov, and Maya Neytcheva. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 12, pp 495-514, 2005. (DOI).
  42. Specifying and Generating Test Cases Using Observer Automata. Johan Blom, Anders Hessel, Bengt Jonsson, and Paul Pettersson. In Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software (FATES'04), LNCS 3395, Springer, pp 125-139, 2005.
  43. A new evolutionary algorithm for image segmentation. Leonardo Bocchi, Lucia Ballerini, and Signe Hässler. In Applications of evolutionary computing, volume 3449 of Lecture notes in computer science, pp 264-273, 2005. (DOI).
  44. A Fine Balance: Addressing Usability and Users’ Needs in the Development of IT Systems for the Workplace. Inger Boivie. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 95, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  45. An Approximation of the Maximal Inscribed Convex Set of a Digital Obj. Gunilla Borgefors and Robin Strand. In In F. Roli and S. Vitulano, editors, Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'05), pp 438-445, 2005.
  46. Centre for Image Analysis Annual Report 2004. Gunilla Borgefors, Ida-Maria Sintorn, Robin Strand, and Lena Wadelius. Centrum för bildanalys, 2005. (External link).
  47. Digital distance transforms in 2D, 3D, and 4D. Gunilla Borgefors. In Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 3rd Edition, pp 157-176, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005.
  48. Discrete Skeletons from Distance Transforms in 2D and 3D. Gunilla Borgefors, Ingela Nyström, and Gabriella Sanniti di Baja. CBA Internal Report nr 34, 2005.
  49. Kedjekod - ett sätt att beskriva former i digitala bilder. Gunilla Borgefors. In Problemlösning är # 1, pp 38-42, Liber, Stockholm, 2005.
  50. Design in Telemedicine: Development and Implementation of Usable Computer Systems. Erik Borälv. Ph.D. thesis, Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 5, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  51. Preconditioners Based on Fundamental Solutions. Henrik Brandén and Per Sundqvist. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-001, 2005. (fulltext).
  52. Preconditioners based on fundamental solutions. Henrik Brandén and Per Sundqvist. In BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 45, pp 481-494, 2005. (DOI).
  53. Power saving in wireless ad hoc networks without synchronization. Torsten Braun and Laura Marie Feeney. In 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOC'05), 2005.
  54. Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems: Advanced Lectures. Manfred Broy, Bengt Jonsson, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Martin Leucker, and Alexander Pretschner (eds). Volume 3472 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2005.
  55. Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, Advanced Lectures: outcome of a research seminar. Manfred Broy, Bengt Jonsson, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Martin Leucker, and Alexander Pretschner (eds). Volume 3472 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2005.
  56. Nonlinear Identification of a Solar Heating System. Linda Brus. Technical reports nr 2005-008, Dept. of Information Technology, 2005. (External link).
  57. Nonlinear Identification of an Anaerobic Digestion Process. Linda Brus. Technical Reports nr 2005-007, Dept. of Information Technology, 2005. (External link).
  58. Nonlinear identification of a solar heating system. Linda Brus. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Control Application, pp 1491-1497, 2005.
  59. Nonlinear identification of an anaerobic digestion process. Linda Brus. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, pp 137-142, 2005.
  60. High order accurate solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Arnim Brüger, Bertil Gustafsson, Per Lötstedt, and Jonas Nilsson. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 203, pp 49-71, 2005. (DOI).
  61. Splitting methods for high order solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in 3D. Arnim Brüger, Bertil Gustafsson, Per Lötstedt, and Jonas Nilsson. In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, volume 47, pp 1157-1163, 2005. (DOI).
  62. A consistent stabilized formulation for a nonsymmetric saddle-point problem. Erik Bängtsson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-030, 2005. (fulltext).
  63. Algebraic preconditioning versus direct solvers for dense linear systems as arising in crack propagation problems. Erik Bängtsson and Maya Neytcheva. In Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, volume 21, pp 73-81, 2005. (DOI).
  64. Numerical simulations of glacial rebound using preconditioned iterative solution methods. Erik Bängtsson and Maya Neytcheva. In Applications of Mathematics, volume 50, pp 183-201, 2005. (DOI).
  65. Robust preconditioned iterative solution methods for large-scale nonsymmetric problems. Erik Bängtsson. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-006, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  66. SaveCCM: An Analysable Component Model for Real-Time Systems. Jan Carlson, John Håkansson, and Paul Pettersson. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software, 2005.
  67. A Flexible Model for Tree-Sructured Multi-Commodity Markets. Per Carlsson and Arne Andersson. In CEC 2005: Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology, pp 50-58, 2005.
  68. A Flexible Model for Tree-Structured Multi-Commodity Markets. Per Carlsson and Arne Andersson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-011, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  69. Better Grid Integration of Distributed Generation Using Supply - Demand Matching. Per Carlsson, J.C.P Kester, C.J Warmer, J.K. Kok, and I.G. Kamphuis. 2005. (External link).
  70. IP Quality of Service Support for Soft Real-Time Applications. Karthik Channakeshava, Kaustubh Phanse, Luiz DaSilva, Binoy Ravindran, Scott Midkiff, and Douglas Jensen. In Fourth International Workshop on Real-time Networks, 2005. (External link).
  71. Shape signaturs of fuzzy star-shaped sets based on distance from the centroid. Jocelyn Chanussot, Ingela Nyström, and Natasa Sladoje. In Pattern Recognition Letters, volume 26, number 6, pp 735-746, Elsevier, 2005. (DOI).
  72. Automatic Tracking of Neural Stem Cells. Tang Chunming and Ewert Bengtsson. In WDIC 2005: Workshop Proceedings, pp 61-66, 2005.
  73. Managing cross-cultural differences in an open ended group project course. Mats Daniels, Lecia Barker, Åsa Cajander, Cary Laxer, and Dan Moore. In IEEE Frontiers in education conference, pp T4D22-23, 2005.
  74. Widening the horizon using the OEIGP. Mats Daniels, Xristine Faulkner, and Ian Newman. In HCI International, Las Vegas, 2005.
  75. Janus: an architecture for flexible access to sensor networks. Adam Dunkels, Richard Gold, Sergio Angel Marti, Arnold Pears, and Mats Uddenfeldt. In DIN '05: Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic interconnection of networks, pp 48-52, 2005. (DOI).
  76. Janus: an architecture for flexible access to sensor networks. Adam Dunkels, Richard Gold, Sergio Angel Marti, Arnold Pears, and Mats Uddenfeldt. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic interconnection of networks, pp 48 - 52, 2005.
  77. Stationary behavior of an anti-windup scheme for recursive parameter estimation under lack of excitation. Magnus E and Alexander Medvedev. In in IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  78. Comparing student software designs using semantic categorization. Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe, and Carol Zander. In Proc. 5th Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education: Koli Calling, pp 57-64, Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland, 2005.
  79. Novice Java Programmers' Conceptions of "Object" and "Class", and Variation Theory. Anna Eckerdal and Michael Thuné. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 37, number 3, pp 89-93, 2005. (DOI).
  80. What Does It Take to Learn 'Programming Thinking'?. Anna Eckerdal and Anders Berglund. In Proc. 1st International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 135-142, ACM Press, New York, 2005. (DOI).
  81. On the modeling of small geometric features in computational electromagnetics. Fredrik Edelvik. In Multiscale Methods in Science and Engineering, volume 44 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 133-148, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (DOI).
  82. Identification of linear systems with errors in variables using separable nonlinear least squares. Mats Ekman. In Proc of 16:th IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  83. Modeling and Control of Bilinear Systems: Application to the Activated Sludge Process. Mats Ekman. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 65, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  84. Suboptimal control for the bilinear quadratic regulator problem: Application to the activated sludge process. Mats Ekman. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 13, number 1, pp 162-168, 2005.
  85. Developing Embedded Networked Products using the Simics Full-System Simulator. Jakob Engblom, David Kågedal, Johan Runeson, and Andreas Moestedt. In Proc. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications: (PIMRC 2005), Berlin, Germany September 2005, 2005.
  86. Guidelines for a curriculum on embedded software and systems: The ARTIST Education Group. Jakob Engblom. In ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), volume 4, number 3, pp 587-611, 2005.
  87. Computing the moments of high dimensional solutions of the master equation. Stefan Engblom. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-020, 2005. (fulltext).
  88. Multiscale Methods in Science and Engineering. Björn Engquist, Per Lötstedt, and Olof Runborg (eds). Volume 44 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005.
  89. Verification and generation of geographical data using domain theory. Lars-Henrik Eriksson. In TRain Workshop at the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM’05), 2005, 2005. (fulltext:postprint).
  90. Autonomy method: Acquiring skills for ethichal analysis of computerisation in car driving. Mikael Erlandsson and Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In ETHICOMP 2005: Looking back to the future, pp CD-ROM, 2005.
  91. Clustered Worst-Case Execution-Time Calculation. Andreas Ermedahl, Friedhelm Stappert, and Jakob Engblom. In IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 54, number 9, 2005.
  92. Gas jet impinging on liquid surface: Cavity shape modelling and video based estimation. Magnus Evestedt and Alexander Medvedev. In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  93. Gas jet impinging on liquid surface: Cavity shape modelling and video-based estimation. Magnus Evestedt and Alexander Medvedev. In in IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  94. Parameter and state estimation using audio and video signals. Magnus Evestedt. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-009, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  95. Stationary behaviour of an anti-windup scheme for recursive parameter estimation under lack of excitation. Magnus Evestedt and Alexander Medvedev. In Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  96. Windup properties of recursive parameter estimation algorithms in acoustic echo cancellation. Magnus Evestedt, Alexander Medvedev, and Torbjörn Wigren. In , volume 38:1 of IFAC-PapersOnLine, pp 113-118, 2005. (DOI).
  97. Enabling limited traffic scheduling in asynchronous ad hoc networks. Laura Marie Feeney, Bengt Ahlgren, and Per Gunningberg. In 3rd Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop (SNCNW 2005), 2005.
  98. Modelling Fusion Calculus using HD-Automata. Gianluigi Ferrari, Ugo Montanari, Emilio Tuosto, Björn Victor, and Kidane Yemane. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-038, 2005.
  99. Modelling and Minimising the Fusion Calculus using HD-automata. Gianluigi Ferrari, Ugo Montanari, Emilio Tuosto, Björn Victor, and Kidane Yemane. In Proceedings of CALCO 2005, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  100. Amos II Release 8 User's Manual. Staffan Flodin, Martin Hansson, Vanja Josifovski, Timour Katchaounov, Tore Risch, and Martin Sköld. 2005. (External link).
  101. Framework for Querying Distributed Objects Managed by a Grid Infrastructure. Ruslan Fomkin and Tore Risch. In Data Management in Grids: First VLDB Workshop, DMG 2005, Trondheim, Norway, September 2-3, 2005, Revised Selected Papers, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  102. An augmented-reality approach to co-located visual exploration of indoor climate data in real rooms.. A-K Forsberg, Lars W Pettersson, E. Lindén, M. Sandberg, and Stefan Seipel. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Indoor Air, 2005.
  103. Simple 3D glyphs for Spatial Multivariate Data. Camilla Forsell, Stefan Seipel, and Mats Lind. In IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization: InfoVis 05, p 244, 2005.
  104. Adsorption Isotherm Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Liquid Chromatography. Patrik Forssén. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 96, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  105. Centerline-based colon segmentation for CT colonography. Hans Frimmel, Janne Näppi, and Hiroyuki Yoshida. In Medical physics (Lancaster), volume 32, pp 2665-2672, 2005. (DOI).
  106. Clustering of Objects in 3D Electron Tomography Reconstructions of Protein Solutions Based on Shape Measurements. Magnus Gedda. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2005, Bath, UK, August 2005, Proceedings, Part II, p 809, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  107. An Indirection Architecture for the Internet. Richard Gold. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 128, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  108. Inference of Timed Transition Systems. Olga Grinchtein, Martin Leucker, and Bengt Jonsson. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems (INFINITY), 2005.
  109. User-Centered Design and the Offshoring Model. Jan Gulliksen, Andy Smith, and Liam Bannon. In CSI Communication, volume 29, number 1, pp 14-18, 2005.
  110. Microwave imaging via adaptive beamforming methods for breast cancer detection. B. Guo, Y. Wang, Jian Li, and Peter Stoica. In Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2005.
  111. Time compact high order difference methods for wave propagation, 2D. Bertil Gustafsson and Per Wahlund. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 25, pp 195-211, 2005. (DOI).
  112. Bit-level Binaries and Generalized Comprehensions in Erlang. Per Gustafsson and Konstantinos Sagonas. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, pp 1-8, 2005.
  113. Multi-node computer system employing multiple memory response states. Erik Hagersten. 2005.
  114. Multi-node computer system where active devices selectively initiate certain transactions using remote-type address packets. Erik Hagersten. 2005.
  115. Multi-node system in which home memory subsystem stores global to local address translation information for replicating nodes. Erik Hagersten. 2005.
  116. Parallella program ger paradigmskifte. Erik Hagersten, Lars Albertsson, and Jakob Engblom. In Elektroniktidningen, number 13, 2005.
  117. Applications of Coupling Analysis on Bioreactor Models. Björn Halvarsson, Pär Samuelsson, and Bengt Carlsson. In Proceedings of 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  118. Using an Extended Kalman Filter for Rigid Body Pose Estimation. Kjartan Halvorssen, Torsten Söderström, Virgil Stokes, and Håkan Lanshammar. In Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, volume 127, number 3, pp 475-483, 2005.
  119. Camera-spectrometer for instantaneous multi- and hyperspectral imaging. Hamed Hamid Muhammed and Fredrik Bergholm. In 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, p 1008, 2005.
  120. Camera-spectrometer for multi- and hyperspectral imaging. Hamed Hamid Muhammed and Fredrik Bergholm. In Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis Symposium - SSBA 2005, pp 45-48, 2005.
  121. Hyperspectral Crop Reflectance Data for characterising and estimating Fungal Disease Severity in Wheat. Hamed Hamid Muhammed. In Biosystems Engineering, volume 91, number 1, pp 9-20, 2005.
  122. Hyperspectral Crop Reflectance Data for characterising and estimating Fungal Disease Severity in Wheat. Hamed Hamid Muhammed. In Biosystems Engineering, volume 91, number 1, pp 9-20, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  123. Hyperspectral Image Generation, Processing and Analysis. Hamed Hamid Muhammed. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 82, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, summary, cover).
  124. Shading by Quaternion Interpolation. Anders Hast. In WSCG2005, pp 53-56, 2005. (External link).
  125. Exploring optimal solution to hardware/software partitioning for synchronous model. Jifeng He, Dang Huang, Geguang Pu, Zongyan Qiu, and Wang Yi. In Formal Aspects of Computing, volume 17, number 4, pp 587-611, 2005.
  126. Laplace's equation and the Dirichlet-Neumann map: a new mode for Mikhlin's method. Johan Helsing and Eddie Wadbro. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 202, pp 391-410, 2005. (DOI).
  127. Towards markerless analysis of human motion. Björn Holmberg. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-011, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  128. UppDMC: A Distributed Model Checker for Fragments of the mu-Calculus.. Fredrik Holmen, Martin Leucker, and Marcus Lindström. In PDMD 2004: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in Verification, pp 91-105, 2005.
  129. Easy-to-use object selection by color space projections and watershed segmentation. Per Holting and Carolina Wählby. In Image Analysis and Processing: ICIAP 2005 13th International Conference, Cagliari, Italy, September 6-8, 2005. Proceedings, volume 3617 of Lecture notes in computer science, pp 269-276, 2005. (DOI).
  130. Accuracy analysis of bias-eliminating least squares estimates for identification of errors in variables systems. Mei Hong, Torsten Söderström, and Wei Xing Zheng. Technical Report nr 2005-021, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala, 2005. (External link).
  131. On two methods for identifying dynamic errors-in-variables systems. Mei Hong. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-007, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  132. Field performance of Pinus contorta trees propagated vegetatively via adventitious buds. Karl-Anders Högberg, Gunnar Flygh, Roland Grönroos, and Sara von Arnold. In Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, volume 20, number 4, pp 318-321, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  133. Customizable Parallel Execution of Scientific Stream Queries. Milena Ivanova and Tore Risch. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-012, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  134. Customizable parallel execution of scientific stream queries. Milena Ivanova and Tore Risch. In 31st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2005. (External link).
  135. Scalable Scientific Stream Query Processing. Milena Ivanova. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 66, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005.
  136. Actin or reacting?: A cognitive work analysis approach to the train driver task. Anders Jansson, Eva Olsson, and Lena Kecklund. In Rail Human Factors: Supporting the Integrated Railway, pp 40-49, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2005.
  137. Using parallel computing and grid systems for genetic mapping of multifactorial traits. Mahen Jayawardena, Kajsa Ljungberg, and Sverker Holmgren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-036, 2005. (fulltext).
  138. Efficient IT support in care for the elderly: Experiences from the VIHO project. Niklas Johansson and Bengt Sandblad. Technical Report series from the Department of Information Technology nr 2005-032, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, 2005. (External link).
  139. Usability in IT Systems for Mobile Work. Niklas Johansson, Torbjörn Lindh, and Bengt Sandblad. In Mobile Virtual Work – A new Paradigm?, pp 177-202, 2005.
  140. Usability in Mobile IT systems. Niklas Johansson and Stina Nylander. Technical Report series from the Department of Information Technology nr 2005-029, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, 2005. (External link).
  141. Usable IT systems for mobile work. Niklas Johansson. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-008, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  142. Finite State Machines. Bengt Jonsson. In Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems: Advanced Lectures, pp 611-614, Springer, 2005.
  143. Computer assisted second language learning. Katerina Kalimikeraki and Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In Open and Distance Education and Education Technology, volume 1, number 2, pp 74-97, 2005.
  144. Exploring Processor Design Options for Java Based Middleware. Martin Karlsson, Kevin Moore, Erik Hagersten, and David Wood. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-05), 2005.
  145. Memory System Design for Chip-Multiprocessors. Martin Karlsson. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 134, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  146. Approaches to P2P Applications Development. Thabotharan Kathiravelu and Arnold Pears. In Seventh International Workshop on Protocols for High-Speed Networks (PfHSN 2002), 2005. (DOI, External link).
  147. Computers for ethical competence. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In ETHICOMP 2005: Looking back to the future, pp CD-ROM, 2005.
  148. Kan vi lära oss hantera moraliska problem?. Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In Etik i medborgarnas tjänst: En antologi om förvaltningsetik, pp 43-54, Statens kvalitets- och kompetensråd, Stockholm, 2005.
  149. Reachability Relations and Sampled Semantics of Timed Systems. Pavel Krcal and Radek Pelanek. FIMU-RS nr 2005-09, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno, Czechia, 2005. (External link).
  150. Improvement of fault detection method for nonlinear black-box systems based on multi-form quasi-ARMAX modeling. K. Kumamaru, K. Inoue, F. Tsuboushi, and T. Söderström. In Proc. 16th IFAC World Congress, 2005.
  151. Time reversal and zero forcing for WLAN applications. P. Kyritsi, G. Papanicolaou, and Peter Stoica. In The Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Conf. WPMC 05, Aalborg, Denmark, 2005.
  152. Time reversal and zero-forcing equalization for fixed wireless access channels. P. Kyritsi, Peter Stoica, G. Papanicolaou, P. Eggers, and A. Oprea. In 39th ASILOMAR Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, 2005.
  153. The Complexity of Model Checking Higher Order Fixpoint Logic. Martin Lange and Rafa? Somla. In Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2005: 30th International Symposium, MFCS 2005, Gdansk, Poland, August 29–September 2, 2005. Proceedings, 2005. (DOI).
  154. Measuring crop status using multivariate analysis of hyperspectral field reflectance with. Anders Larsolle and Hamed Hamid Muhammed. In 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture: Precision Agriculture ‘05, p 1008, 2005.
  155. Measuring crop status using multivariate analysis of hyperspectral field reflectance with application on disease severity and amount of plant density. Anders Larsolle and Hamed Hamid Muhammed. In Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, volume Precision Agriculture ’05, pp 217-225, 2005.
  156. The Cramer-Rao bound for estimation of continuous-time ARX parameters from irregularly sampled data. E K Larsson, M. Mossberg, and T. Söderström. In Proc IFAC 16th World Congress, 2005.
  157. Theoretical and computational aspects of multivariate interpolation with increasingly flat radial basis functions. Elisabeth Larsson and Bengt Fornberg. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 49, pp 103-130, 2005. (DOI).
  158. Adaptive equalization for frequency-selective channels of unknown length. Erik G. Larsson, Yngve Selén, and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 54, number 2, pp 568-579, 2005.
  159. Functional programming languages for verification tools: a comparison of Standard ML and Haskell. Martin Leucker, Thomas Noll, Perdita Stevens, and Michael Weber. In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, volume 7, number 2, pp 184-194, 2005.
  160. Doubly constrained robust Capon beamformer. Jian Li, Peter Stoica, and Zhizong Wang. U.S. Patent, 2005.
  161. Surface Area Estimation of Digitized 3D Objects using Weighted Local Configurations. Joakim Lindblad. In Image and Vision Computing, volume 23, number 2, pp 111-122, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  162. Surface Volume Estimation of Digitized Hyperplanes Using Weighted Local Configurations. Joakim Lindblad. In Proceedings of Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, pp 252-262, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  163. Efficient algorithms for multi-dimensional global optimization in genetic mapping of complex traits. Kajsa Ljungberg, Kateryna Mishchenko, and Sverker Holmgren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-035, 2005. (fulltext).
  164. Efficient evaluation of the residual sum of squares for quantitative trait locus models in the case of complete marker genotype information. Kajsa Ljungberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-033, 2005. (fulltext).
  165. Numerical Algorithms for Mapping of Multiple Quantitative Trait Loci in Experimental Populations. Kajsa Ljungberg. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 133, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  166. High performance generative programming with a Fortran 95 application. Malin Ljungberg. 5th Workshop on Parallel/High-Performance Object-Oriented Scientific Computing, Glasgow, Scotland, 2005.
  167. Delayed effects on plasma concentration of testosterone and testicular morphology by intramuscular low-dose di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate or oestradiol benzoate in the prepubertal boar. K. Ljungvall, Patrick Karlsson Edlund, F. Hultén, A. Madej, L. Norrgren, S. Einarsson, H. Rodriguez-Martinez, and U. Magnusson. In Theriogenology, volume 64, number 5, pp 1170-1184, 2005. (DOI).
  168. Efficiently Compiling a Functional Language on AMD64: The HiPE Experience. Daniel Luna, Mikael Pettersson, and Konstantinos Sagonas. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, pp 176-186, 2005.
  169. Experimental Evaluation of Three Ad Hoc Routing Protocols. Henrik Lundgren. 2005.
  170. Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Ad hoc Routing Protocols. Henrik Lundgren. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 17, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  171. affinity-on-next-touch: Increasing the Performance of an Industrial PDE Solver on a cc-NUMA System. Henrik Löf and Sverker Holmgren. In Proc. 19th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, pp 387-392, ACM Press, New York, 2005. (DOI).
  172. Dimensional reduction of the Fokker-Planck equation for stochastic chemical reactions. Per Lötstedt and Lars Ferm. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-023, 2005. (fulltext).
  173. Using boundary conditions for estimation of complex modulus from flexural wave experiments. K. Mahata, S. Mousavi, T. Söderström, and U. Valdek. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 13, number 6, pp 1093-1099, 2005.
  174. Model Checking Parameterized Timed Systems. Pritha Mahata. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 61, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  175. Wireless Communication in Orienteering. Sergio Angel Marti and Christian Rohner. 2005. (External link).
  176. People and Computers XIX: The Bigger Picture. Tom McEwan, Jan Gulliksen, and David Benyon (eds). Springer, 2005. (External link).
  177. Dynamic breast MRI visualised through colour mapping. Andrew Mehnert, Ewert Bengtsson, Kerry McMahon, Dominic Kennedy, Stepehen Wilson, and Stuart Crozier. In Proceedings SSBA 2005, pp 9-12, 2005.
  178. Visualisation of the pattern of contrast enhancement in dynamic breast MRI. Andrew Mehnert, Ewert Bengtsson, Kerry McMahon, Dominic Kennedy, Stephen Wilson, and Stuart Crozier. In WDIC 2005: Workshop Proceedings, 2005.
  179. A Unifying Model of Variables and Names. Marino Miculan and Kidane Yemane. In Proceedings of FoSSaCS 2005, 2005. (DOI).
  180. HD-Automata for Open Bisimulation. Marino Miculan, Emilio Tuosto, and Kidane Yemane. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-037, 2005. (fulltext).
  181. A new, fast and semi-automated size determination method (SASDM) for studying multicellular tumor spheroids. Azita Monazzam, Pasha Razifar, Örjan Lindhe, Raymond Josephsson, Bengt Långström, and Mats Bergström. In Cancer Cell International, number 5, p 32, 2005. (DOI).
  182. Load balancing by changing the graph connectivity on heterogeneous clusters. Kalyani Munasinghe and Richard Wait. In Advances in Grid Computing – EGC 2005, volume 3470 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 1040-1047, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (DOI).
  183. Developing and testing distributed CAN-based real-time control-systems using a single PC. Anders Möller, Per Åberg, Fredrik Löwenhielm, Jakob Brundin, Jakob Engblom, and Mikael Nolin. In Proc. 10th International CAN Conference, CAN in Automation: Roma, Italy, March 2005, 2005.
  184. Strictly stable high order difference approximations for computational aeroacoustics. Bernhard Müller and Stefan Johansson. In Comptes rendus. Mecanique, volume 333, pp 699-705, 2005. (DOI).
  185. Towards High Order Numerical Simulation of Aeolian Tones. Bernhard Müller. In Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM, volume 5, number 1, pp 473-474, 2005. (DOI).
  186. Modeling and control of a viscoelastic piezolaminated beam. P. Naucler, H. Norlander, A. Jansson, and T. Söderström. In Proc. IFAC 16th World Congress, 2005.
  187. Modeling and control of vibration in mechanical structures. Peter Nauclér. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-005, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  188. Regular Model Checking. Marcus Nilsson. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 60, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005.
  189. Multipole solution of electromagnetic scattering problems with many, parameter dependent incident waves. Martin Nilsson and Per Lötstedt. In Multiscale Methods in Science and Engineering, volume 44 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 195-203, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (DOI).
  190. Rapid solution of parameter-dependent linear systems for electromagnetic problems in the frequency domain. Martin Nilsson. In IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, volume 53, pp 777-784, 2005. (DOI).
  191. A Testbed and Methodology for Experimental Evaluation of Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Erik Nordström, Per Gunningberg, and Henrik Lundgren. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM), 2005.
  192. A Testbed and Methodology for Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks. Erik Nordström, Per Gunningberg, and Henrik Lundgren. In Proceedings of The First International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TRIDENTCOM), IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
  193. Interaction between TCP and UDP flows in Wireless Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks. Erik Nordström and Christian Rohner. In Proceedings of the 5th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (Adhoc'05), 2005. (External link).
  194. Mythbusters: Whatever You Thought About MANET Routing, Think Again.... Erik Nordström, Richard Gold, and Per Gunningberg. Uppsala University, 2005. (External link).
  195. A stable and efficient hybrid method for aeroacoustic sound generation and propagation. Jan Nordström and Jing Gong. In Comptes rendus. Mecanique, volume 333, pp 713-718, 2005. (DOI).
  196. Boundary Conditions for a Divergence Free Velocity-Pressure Formulation of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Jan Nordström, Ken Mattsson, and Charles Swanson. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-031, 2005. (fulltext).
  197. Well-posed boundary conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations. Jan Nordström and Magnus Svärd. In SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, volume 43, pp 1231-1255, 2005. (DOI).
  198. Ubiquitous Service Access through Adapted User Interfaces on Multiple Devices. Stina Nylander, Markus Bylund, and Annika Waern. In Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, volume 9, number 3, pp 123-133, 2005.
  199. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 147(2-3):147-361: Special issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, and Stina Svensson (eds). 2005.
  200. Image and Vision Computing 23(2):87-269: Special issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Ingela Nyström, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, and Stina Svensson (eds). 2005.
  201. Skeletonization in 3D Discrete Binary Images. Ingela Nyström and Gabriella Sanniti di Baja. In Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 3rd edition, pp 137-156, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005.
  202. UPPMAX Progress Report. Ingela Nyström and Sverker Holmgren (eds). Uppsala University, 2005.
  203. Region-based supine-prone correspondence for the reduction of false-positive CAD polyp candidates in CT colonography. Janne Näppi, Akihiko Okamura, Hans Frimmel, Abraham Dachman, and Hiroyuki Yoshida. In Academic Radiology, volume 12, pp 695-707, 2005. (DOI).
  204. Virtual endoscopic visualization of the colon by shape-scale signatures. Janne Näppi, Hans Frimmel, and Hiroyuki Yoshida. In IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, volume 9, pp 120-131, 2005. (DOI).
  205. Active Vibration Control of Multibody Systems: Application to Automotive Design. Claes Olsson. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 59, Institutionen för informationsteknologi, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  206. Disturbance Observer-Based Automotive Engine Vibration Isolation Dealing With Non-linear Dynamics and Transient Excitation. Claes Olsson. In Technical Report, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Number 2005-009, 2005.
  207. Structure Flexibility Impacts on Robust Active Vibration Isolation Using Mixed Sensitivity Optimisation. Claes Olsson. In Technical Report, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Number 2005-003, January, 2005.
  208. A Participatory Process Supporting Design of Future Work. Eva Olsson, Niklas Johansson, Jan Gulliksen, and Bengt Sandblad. Technical Report series from the Department of Information Technology nr 2005-018, 2005. (External link).
  209. Participatory design with train drivers - a process analysis. Eva Olsson and Anders Jansson. In Interacting with computers, volume 17, number 2, pp 147-166, 2005. (DOI).
  210. Databasteknik. Thomas Padron-McCarthy and Tore Risch. Studentlitteratur, 2005.
  211. Constructing a Core Literature for Computing Education Research. Arnold Pears, Stephen Seidman, Crystal Eney, Päivi Kinnunen, and Lauri Malmi. In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 37, number 4, pp 152-161, 2005. (External link).
  212. Visualizations of symbols in a horizontal multiple viewer 3D display environment. Lars W Pettersson, Mats Lind, U. Spak, and Stefan Seipel. In IEEE Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Visualization, pp 357-362, 2005.
  213. Visualizations of Symbols in a Horizontal Multiple Viewer 3D Display Environment. Lars Winkler Pettersson, Mats Lind, Ulrik Spak, and Stefan Seipel. In IV '05: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation, pp 357-362, 2005.
  214. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: Third International Conference, FORMATS 2005, Uppsala Sweden, September 2005, Proceedings. Paul Pettersson and Yi Wang (eds). Volume 3829 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  215. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, Third International Conference. Paul Pettersson and Yi Wang (eds). Volume 3829 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2005.
  216. Nordic Journal of Computing: Selected Papers of the Sixteenth Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, October 6-8, 2004. Paul Pettersson and Yi Wang (eds). Publishing Accociation Nordic Journal of Computing, Helsinki, 2005.
  217. Nordic Journal of Computing. Paul Pettersson and Yi Wang (eds). Publishing Accociation Nordic Journal of Computing, Helsinki, 2005.
  218. Option pricing using radial basis functions. Ulrika Pettersson, Elisabeth Larsson, Gunnar Marcusson, and Jonas Persson. In Proc. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Meshless Methods, pp C24.1-6, Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005.
  219. Design and Demonstration of Policy-Based Management in a Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Network Testbed. Kaustubh Phanse, Luiz DaSilva, and Scott Midkiff. In International Journal of Ad Hoc Networks, volume 3, number 3, 2005. (External link).
  220. Digital image processing for multiplexing of single molecule detection. Amalka Pinidiyaarachchi, Jenny Göransson, Carlos Gonzalez-Rey, Mathias Howell, Jonas Melin, Jonas Jarvius, Mats Nilsson, Ewert Bengtsson, and Carolina Wählby. In Medicinteknikdagarna: Stockholm/Södertälje September 27-28, 2005, 2005.
  221. Seeded watersheds for combined segmentation and tracking. Amalka Pinidiyaarachchi and Carolina Wählby. In Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2005, volume 3617/2005 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 336-343, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2005. (DOI).
  222. Model-Based Testing - A Glossary. Alexander Pretschner and Martin Leucker. In Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems,: Advanced Lectures, pp 607-609, Springer, 2005.
  223. Software Techniques for Distributed Shared Memory. Zoran Radovic. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 67, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  224. LearnLib: a library for automata learning and experimentation. Harald Raffelt, Bernhard Steffen, and Therese Berg. In Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on Formal methods for industrial critical systems, p 10, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  225. A Dynamic MPI-OpenMP Model for Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement. Jarmo Rantakokko. In Parallel Processing Letters, volume 15, pp 37-47, 2005.
  226. Noise correlation in PET, CT, SPECT and PET/CT data evaluated using autocorrelation function: a phantom study on data, reconstructed using FBP and OSEM. Pasha Razifar, Mattias Sandström, Harald Schneider, Bengt Långström, Ewert Bengtsson, and Mats Bergström. In BMC Medical Imaging, volume 5, number 5, 2005.
  227. Noise correlation in PET, CT, SPECT and PET/CT data evaluated using autocorrelation function: a phantom study on data, reconstructed using FBP and OSEM.. Pasha Razifar, Mattias Sandström, Harald Schneider, Bengt Långström, Enn Maripuu, Ewert Bengtsson, and Mats Bergström. In Bio Medical Central (BMC): Medical Imaging, volume 5, number 5, 2005. (DOI, External link).
  228. Non-isotropic noise correlation in PET data reconstructed by FBP but not by OSEM demonstrated using auto-correlation function. Pasha Razifar, Mark Lubberink, Harald Schneider, Bengt Långström, Ewert Bengtsson, and Mats Bergström. In Bio Medical Central (BMC): Medical Imaging, volume 5, number 3, 2005. (DOI).
  229. Non-isotropic noise correlation in PET data reconstructed by FBP but not by OSEM demonstrated using auto-correlation function. Pasha Razifar, Mark Lubberink, Harald Schneider, Bengt Långström, Ewert Bengtsson, and Mats Bergström. In BMC Medical Imaging, volume 5, number 3, 2005.
  230. Novel Approaches for Application of Principal Component Analysis on Dynamic PET Images for Improvement of Image Quality and Clinical Diagnosis. Pasha Razifar. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 114, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  231. Report on the Workshop on Wrapper Techniques for Legacy Data Systems. Tore Risch, Ph Thiran, C. Costilla, J. Henrard, J. Kabisch, Johan Petrini, W-J van den Heuvel, and J-L Hainaut. In SIGMOD Record, volume 34, number 3, pp 85-86, 2005.
  232. Interactions between TCP, UDP and Routing Protocols in Wireless Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks. Christian Rohner, Erik Nordström, Per Gunningberg, and Christian Tschudin. In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE ICPS Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from theory to reality (REALMAN 2005), 2005. (External link).
  233. Gaussian maximum-likelihood channel estimation with short training sequences. O. Rousseaux, G. Leus, Peter Stoica, and M. Moonen. In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, volume 4, pp 2945-2955, 2005.
  234. On optimal sensor locations for nonparametric identification of viscoelastic materials. Agnes Runqvist, Magnus Mossberg, and Torsten Söderström. Technical Report series from the Department of Information Technology nr 2005-006, 2005. (External link).
  235. Optimal sensor locations for nonparametric identification of viscoelastic materials. Agnes Runqvist, Magnus Mossberg, and Torsten Söderström. In Proc. IFAC 16th World Congress, 2005.
  236. Bit-level binaries and generalized comprehensions in Erlang. Konstantinos Sagonas and Per Gustafsson. In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang, 2005.
  237. Efficiently Compiling a Functional Language on AMD64: The HiPE Experience. Konstantinos Sagonas, Mikael Pettersson, and Daniel Luna. In PPDP 2005: 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, 2005.
  238. Experience from Developing the Dialyzer: A Static Analysis Tool Detecting Defects in Erlang Applications. Konstantinos Sagonas. In Proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, 2005.
  239. Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Erlang. Konstantinos Sagonas and Joe Armstrong (eds). ACM 2005, Tallinn, Estonia, 2005.
  240. TypEr: A Type Annotator of Erlang Code. Konstantinos Sagonas and Tobias Lindahl. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop, pp 17-25, 2005.
  241. An integrating linearization method for Hammerstein models. Pär Samuelsson, Hans Norlander, and Bengt Carlsson. In Automatica, volume 41, number 10, pp 1825-1828, 2005.
  242. Control of Nitrogen Removal in Activated Sludge Processes. Pär Samuelsson. Ph.D. thesis, Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 64, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  243. Cost-Efficient Operation of a Denitrifying Activated Sludge Process - An Initial Study. Pär Samuelsson, Björn Halvarsson, and Bengt Carlsson. Technical reports from the Department of Information Technology nr 2005-010, 2005.
  244. Interaction analysis and control structure selection in a wastewater treatment plant model. Pär Samuelsson, Björn Halvarsson, and Bengt Carlsson. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 13, number 6, pp 955-964, 2005. (DOI).
  245. Homing and Synchronizing Sequences. Sven Sandberg. In Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, pp 5-33, Springer Verlag, 2005.
  246. Pedagogik och jämställdhet på IT-institutionen: Miniprojekt för UPI:s pedagogiska grundkurs för universitetsläarare. Sven Sandberg. 2005. (fulltext).
  247. Frequency-Selective Analysis of Multichannel Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Data. Niclas Sandgren and Peter Stoica. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005.
  248. Spectral analysis of multichannel MRS data. Niclas Sandgren, Peter Stoica, Frigo Frederick J., and Yngve Selén. In Journal of Magnetic Resonance, volume 175, number 1, pp 79-91, 2005. (External link).
  249. Sub-Band Cramer-Rao Bounds for Frequency-Selective Spectral Analysis. Niclas Sandgren and Peter Stoica. In Proceedings of the 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp 1439-1442, 2005.
  250. Discrete 3D tools applied to 2D grey-level images. Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Ingela Nyström, and Gunilla Borgefors. In Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2005: 13th International Conference, pp 229-236, 2005.
  251. An introduction to human-centered software engineering: Integrating usability in the development process. Ahmed Seffah, Jan Gulliksen, and Michel Desmarais. In Human-centered software engineering: Integrating usability in the software development lifecycle, pp 3-14, Springer, 2005. (External link).
  252. Human-Centered Software Engineering: Integrating Usability in the Software Development Lifecycle. Ahmed Seffah, Jan Gulliksen, and Michel Desmarais. Springer, 2005. (External link).
  253. Real-time visualization of animated trees. Stefan Seipel and D. Wesslén. In Visual Comput., number 21, pp 397-405, 2005.
  254. Optimal Bayesian RAKE receiver for sparse channels. Yngve Selén and Erik G. Larsson. In Conference Record of the 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2005.
  255. Sparse matrix storage revisited. Malik Silva and Richard Wait. In Computing Frontiers: 2005, pp 230-235, ACM Press, New York, 2005. (DOI).
  256. Medial grey-level based representation for proteins in volume images. Ida-Maria Sintorn, Magnus Gedda, Stina Svensson, and Susana Mata. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Second Iberian Conference (IbPRIA 2005), Proceedings, Part II, volume 3523 of Lecture notes in computer science, pp 421-428, 2005. (External link).
  257. Segmentation of individual pores in 3D paper images. Ida-Maria Sintorn, Stina Svensson, Maria Axelsson, and Gunilla Borgefors. In Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, volume 20, number 3, pp 316-319, 2005.
  258. Shape based identification of proteins in volume images. Ida-Maria Sintorn and Gunilla Borgefors. In Image Analysis: 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, SCIA 2005, pp 253-262, 2005.
  259. Fokker-Planck approximation of the master equation in molecular biology. Paul Sjöberg, Per Lötstedt, and Johan Elf. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-044, 2005. (fulltext).
  260. Numerical solution of the Fokker–Planck approximation of the chemical master equation. Paul Sjöberg. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-010, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  261. A Brief Review on Benno Artman's "Euclid - The Creation of Mathematics". Natasa Sladoje. Intern rapport, CBA nr 36, Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala, 2005.
  262. Estimation of moments of digitized objects with fuzzy borders. Natasa Sladoje and Joakim Lindblad. In Proc. of 13th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing: Cagliari, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 188-195, Springer, 2005. (DOI).
  263. Measurements of digitized objects with fuzzy borders in 2D and 3D. Natasa Sladoje, Ingela Nyström, and Punam Kumar Saha. In Image and Vision Computing, volume 23, number 2, pp 123-132, 2005. (DOI).
  264. Review of scientific papers on fuzzy shape analysis. Natasa Sladoje. Intern rapport, CBA nr 32, Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala, 2005.
  265. BUILDING USABILITY IN INDIA: REFLECTIONS FROM THE INDO EUROPEAN SYSTEMS USABILITY PARTNERSHIP. Andrew Smith, Jan Gulliksen, and Liam Bannon. In People and Computers XIX: The Bigger Picture, 2005. (External link).
  266. New Algorithms for Solving Simple Stochastic Games. Rafa? Somla. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Games in Design and Verification (GDV 2004), 2005. (DOI).
  267. Skewed Caches from a Low-Power Perspective. Mathias Spjuth, Martin Karlsson, and Erik Hagersten. In Proceedings of Computing Frontiers, Ischia, Italy, May 2005, 2005.
  268. A new type of parameter estimation algorithm for missing data problems. Peter Stoica, L. Xu, and J. Li. In Statistics and Probability Letters, volume 75, pp 219-229, 2005.
  269. Extended derivations of MUSIC in the presence of steering vector errors. Peter Stoica, Z. Wang, and J. Li. In IEEE Trans Signal Process, volume 53, pp 1209-1211, 2005.
  270. On MIMO channel capacity: an intuitive discussion. Peter Stoica, Y. Jiang, and J. Li. In IEEE Signal Processing Mag, pp 83-84, 2005.
  271. On nonexistence of the maximum likelihood estimate in blind multichannel identification. Peter Stoica and Jian Li. In IEEE Signal Processing Mag., pp 99-101, 2005.
  272. Parameter estimation with missing data via equalization-maximization. Peter Stoica, L. Xu, and Jian Li. In ICASSP 2005, the 30th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.
  273. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS. Peter Stoica and R. Moses. J Wiley&Sons, 2005.
  274. The heuristic, GLRT, and MAP detectors for double differential modulation are identical. Peter Stoica, J. Liu, J. Li, and M A Prasad. In IEEE Trans Info Theory, volume 51, pp 1860-1865, 2005.
  275. A Classification of Centres of Maximal Balls in Z^3. Robin Strand. 2005.
  276. Distance Transforms for Three-Dimensional Grids with Non-Cubic Voxels. Robin Strand and Gunilla Borgefors. In Computer Vision and Image Understanding, volume 100, number 3, pp 294-311, 2005. (External link).
  277. Resolution Pyramids on the FCC and BCC Grids. Robin Strand and Gunilla Borgefors. In Proceedings of Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, pp 68-78, 2005.
  278. The Euclidean Distance Transform Applied to the FCC and BCC Grids. Robin Strand. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Proceedings of Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2005: volume 1, pp 243-250, 2005.
  279. The face-centered cubic grid and the body-centered cubic grid: a literature survey. Robin Strand. Internrapport, Centrum för Bildanalys nr 35, 2005.
  280. Navier-Stokes equations for low Mach number flows solved by boundary summation. Per Sundqvist and Sverker Holmgren. 2005.
  281. Numerical Computations with Fundamental SolutionsNumeriska beräkningar med fundamentallösningar. Per Sundqvist. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 45, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext).
  282. High-Performance Longest Prefix Matching supporting High-Speed Incremental Updates and Guaranteed Compression. Mikael Sundström and Lars-Åke Larzon. In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2005, 2005.
  283. An Accuracy Evaluation of Unstructured Node-Centred Finite Volume Methods. Magnus Svärd, Jing Gong, and Jan Nordström. NIA Report nr 2005-04, National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA, 2005.
  284. Stable Artificial Dissipation Operators for Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Grids. Magnus Svärd, Jing Gong, and Jan Nordström. NIA Report nr 2005-05, National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA, 2005.
  285. Steady-State Computations Using Summation-by-Parts Operators. Magnus Svärd, Ken Mattsson, and Jan Nordström. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 24, pp 79-95, 2005. (DOI).
  286. Accuracy analsyis of the Frisch estimates for identifying errors-in-variables systems. T. Söderström. In Proc. 44th IEEE CDC/European Control Conference, 2005.
  287. Convergence of bias-eliminating least squares methods for errors-in-variables identification. T. Söderström, M. Hong, and W X Zheng. In Proc. 44th IEEE CDC/European Control Conference, 2005.
  288. Convergence properties of bias-eliminating algorithms for errors-in-variables identification. T. Söderström, M. Hong, and W X Zheng. In International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, volume 19, pp 703-722, 2005.
  289. Identification of dynamic errors-in-variables systems with periodic data. T. Söderström and M. Hong. In Proc. IFAC 16th World Congress, 2005.
  290. Approaches for Continuous-Time Modeling in Errors-in-Variables Identification. Torsten Söderström, Erik K. Larsson, Kaushik Mahata, and Magnus Mossberg. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-024, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  291. Computing the Covariance Matrix for PEM Estimates and the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Linear State Space Models. Torsten Söderström. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-019, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  292. Periodic signal analysis by maximum likelihood modeling of orbits of nonlinear ODEs. Torsten Söderström, Torbjörn Wigren, and Emad Abd-Elrady. In Automatica, volume 41, number 5, pp 793-805, 2005. (DOI).
  293. Students designing software: a multi-national, multi-institutional study. Josh Tenenberg, Sally Fincher, Ken Blaha, Dennis Bouvier, Tzu-Yi Chen, Donald Chinn, Stephen Cooper, Anna Eckerdal, Hubert Johnson, Robert McCartney, Alvaro Monge, Jan Erik Moström, Marian Petre, Kris Powers, Mark Ratcliffe, Anthony Robins, Dean Sanders, Leslie Schwartzman, Beth Simon, Carol Stoker, Allison Elliott Tew, and Tammy VanDeGrift. In Informatics in Education. An International Journal, volume 4, pp 143-162, 2005.
  294. Lessons from Experimental MANET Research. Christian Tschudin, Per Gunningberg, Henrik Lundgren, and Erik Nordström. In Ad hoc networks, volume 3, number 2, pp 221-233, 2005. (DOI).
  295. The Design and Implementation of an Architecture for Flexible Access to Sensor Networks. Mats Uddenfeldt. 2005. (External link).
  296. Compositional derivation of symmetries for constraint satisfaction. Pascal Van Hentenryck, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, and Magnus Ågren. In Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation: 6th International Symposium, SARA 2005, Airth Castle, Scotland, UK, July 26-29, 2005. Proceedings, pp 234-247, 2005. (DOI).
  297. A haptic interaction technique for volume images based on gradient diffusion. Erik Vidholm and Ingela Nyström. In World Haptics Conference, pp 336-341, 2005.
  298. A haptic interaction technique for volume images based on gradient diffusion. Erik Vidholm and Ingela Nyström. In Proceedings of WorldHaptics, pp 336-341, 2005.
  299. Haptic volume rendering based on gradient vector flow. Erik Vidholm and Ingela Nyström. In Proceedings of SSBA (Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis) Symposium on Image Analysis, Malmö, Sweden, pp 97-100, 2005.
  300. Proceedings of the REALWSN'05: Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks. Thiemo Voigt and Christian Rohner (eds). Technical Report T2005:09, SICS - Swedish Institute of Computer Science, 2005. (External link).
  301. A Subexponential Algorithm for a Subclass of P-Matrix Generalized Linear Complementarity Problems. Sergei Vorobyov and Ola Svensson. DIMACS Technical Report nr 2005-20, Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Rutgers University, NJ, USA, 2005.
  302. Combinatorial Structure and Randomized Subexponential Algorithms for Infinite Games. Sergei Vorobyov and Henrik Björklund. In Theoretical Computer Science, number 349(3), pp 347-360, 2005.
  303. LP-Polytopes for Mean Payoff Games. Sergei Vorobyov and Ola Svensson. RUTCOR Research Report RRR nr 34-2005, RUTCOR, Rutgers Center of Operations Research, 2005.
  304. Linear Complementarity Algorithms for Mean Payoff Games. Sergei Vorobyov, Henrik Björklund, and Ola Svensson. DIMACS Technical Report nr 2005-05, Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Rutgers University, NJ, USA, 2005.
  305. Vasa: A Simulator Infrastructure with Adjustable Fidelity. Dan Wallin, Håkan Zeffer, Martin Karlsson, and Erik Hagersten. In In Proceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2005), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 2005., 2005. (External link).
  306. Vasa: A Simulator Infrastructure with Adjustable Fidelity. Dan Wallin, Håkan Zeffer, Martin Karlsson, and Erik Hagersten. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distibuted Computing and Systems, 2005.
  307. Vasa: A Simulator Infrastructure with Adjustable Fidelity. Dan Wallin, Håkan Zeffer, Martin Karlsson, and Erik Hagersten. In Proceedings of the 17th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, 2005.
  308. Bildanalys och bildförbättring. Hans Wallin and Gunilla Borgefors. In Den osynliga matematiken, pp 114-115, Liber Ab, Stockholm, 2005.
  309. Adaptive imaging for forward-looking ground penetrating radar. Y. Wang, X. Li, J. Li, and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, volume 41, pp 922-936, 2005.
  310. Nonparametric spectral analysis with missing data via the EM algorithm. Y. Wang, Peter Stoica, J. Li, and T. Marzetta. In Digital Signal Processing, volume 15, pp 191-206, 2005.
  311. Rank-deficient robust Capon filter bank approach to complex spectral estimation. Y. Wang and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 53, pp 2713-2716, 2005.
  312. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF SIGNALS: THE MISSING DATA CASE. Y. Wang, J. Li, and Peter Stoica. Morgan&Claypool Publishers, 2005.
  313. Two-dimensional nonparametric spectral analysis in the missing data case. Y. Wang, Jian Li, and Peter Stoica. In ICASSP 2005, the 30th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, 2005.
  314. Ad Hoc Routing Protocol Verification Through Broadcast Abstraction. Oskar Wibling, Joachim Parrow, and Arnold Pears. In Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems – FORTE 2005, volume 3731 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 128-142, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (DOI).
  315. Ad hoc routing protocol validation. Oskar Wibling. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-004, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  316. A second order ODE is sufficient for modelling of many periodic signals. Torbjörn Wigren and Torsten Söderström. In International Journal of Control, volume 78, number 13, pp 982-996, 2005. (DOI).
  317. Discussion on: "Subspace-based Identification Algorithms for Hammerstein and Wiener Models". Torbjörn Wigren. In European Journal of Control, volume 11, number 2, pp 148-149, 2005. (DOI).
  318. MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 2. Torbjörn Wigren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-022, Uppsala universitet, 2005. (Report in fulltext, fulltext).
  319. MATLAB software for recursive identification and scaling using a structured nonlinear black-box model: Revision 1. Torbjörn Wigren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-002, Uppsala universitet, 2005. (Report in fulltext, fulltext).
  320. Recursive identification based on nonlinear state space models applied to drum-boiler dynamics with nonlinear output equations. Torbjörn Wigren. In Proc. American Control Conference: ACC 2005, pp 5066-5072, American Automatic Control Council, 2005. (DOI).
  321. Scaling of the sampling period in nonlinear system identification. Torbjörn Wigren. In Proc. American Control Conference: ACC 2005, pp 5058-5065, American Automatic Control Council, 2005. (DOI).
  322. Efficient memory management for message-passing concurrency, Part I: Single-threaded execution. Jesper Wilhelmsson. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-001, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  323. Multi-static adaptive microwave imaging for early breast cancer detection. Y. Xie, B. Guo, L. Xu, Jian Li, and Peter Stoica. In Conference Record of The Thirty-Ninth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, volume 2005 of Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, pp 285-289, 2005. (DOI).
  324. Adaptive Coherence Batching for Trap-Based Memory Architectures. Håkan Zeffer and Erik Hagersten. information Technology - Technical reports nr 2005-016, Uppsala Universitet, dept of information technology, 2005. (External link).
  325. Flexibility Implies Performance. Håkan Zeffer, Zoran Radovic, and Erik Hagersten. Information Technology - Technical reports nr 2005-013, uppsala universitet, dept of information technology, 2005. (External link).
  326. Hardware–Software Tradeoffs in Shared-Memory Implementations. Håkan Zeffer. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-002, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  327. TMA: A Trap-Based Memory Architecture. Håkan Zeffer, Zoran Radovic, Martin Karlsson, and Erik Hagersten. information Technology - Technical reports nr 2005-015, Uppsala Universitet, dept of information technology, 2005. (External link).
  328. Fourth order symmetric finite difference schemes for the acoustic wave equation. Abraham Zemui. In BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 45, pp 627-651, 2005. (DOI).
  329. Moral stress in IT-based work. Carl Åborg, Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos, and Jenny Öhman Persson. In ETHICOMP 2005: Looking back to the future, pp CD-ROM, 2005.
  330. High-level modelling and local search. Magnus Ågren. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2005-003, Uppsala University, 2005. (fulltext).
  331. Incremental algorithms for local search from existential second-order logic. Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener, and Justin Pearson. In Proceedings of Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2005, pp 47-61, 2005. (External link).
  332. Set variables and local search. Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener, and Justin Pearson. In Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems: Second International Conference, CPAIOR 2005, Proceedings, pp 19-33, 2005. (External link).
  333. Applications of the generalized Fourier transform in numerical linear algebra. Krister Åhlander and Hans Munthe-Kaas. In BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 45, pp 819-850, 2005. (DOI).
  334. Mesh generation for symmetrical geometries. Krister Åhlander. In Computational Science and its Applications, volume 3480 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 657-668, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (DOI).
  335. Sorting out the relationships between pairs of iterators, values, and references. Krister Åhlander. In Generative Programming and Component Engineering, volume 3676 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 342-356, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (DOI).
  336. Sparse generalized Fourier transforms. Krister Åhlander. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2005-043, 2005. (fulltext).
  337. Colour Correction of Underwater Images Using Spectral Data. Julia Åhlén. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 120, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2005. (fulltext, cover).
  338. Dissolved Organic Matters Impact on Colour. Julia Åhlén, David Sundgren, Tommy Lindell, and Ewert Bengtsson. In Image Analysis: 14th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2005, pp 1148-1156, 2005.
  339. Dissolved Organic Matters Impact on Colour Reconstruction in Underwater Images. Julia Åhlén, David Sundgren, Tommy Lindell, and Ewert Bengtsson. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, volume 3540, pp 1148-1156, 2005.
  340. Pre-Processing of Underwater Images Taken in Shallow Water for Color Reconstruction Purposes. Julia Åhlén, David Sundgren, and Ewert Bengtsson. In Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, 2005.
  341. Pre-Processing of Underwater Images Taken in shallow Water for Color Reconstruction Purposes. Julia Åhlén, David Sundgren, and Ewert Bengtsson. In IASTED Proceeding (479): IASTED 7th Conference on Signal and Image Processing - 2005, 2005. (External link).

Updated  2009-12-17 17:08:24 by Björn Victor.