Publications 2007
- Decisive Markov Chains. In Logical Methods in Computer Science, volume 3, number 4, pp 1-32, 2007. (DOI).
- Parameterized Verification of Infinite-state Processes with Global Conditions. In Computer Aided Verification, Proceedings, volume 4590 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 145-157, 2007.
- Zone-Based Universality Analysis for Single-Clock Timed Automata. In International Symposium on Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Proceedings, volume 4767 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 98-112, 2007.
- Bisimulation minimization of tree automata. In International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, volume 18, number 4, pp 699-713, 2007. (DOI).
- Dense-Timed Petri Nets: Checking Zenoness, Token liveness and Boundedness. In Logical Methods in Computer Science, volume 3, number 1, pp 1-61, 2007. (DOI).
- Regular Model Checking without Transducers. In TACAS'07, The 13th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2007. (External link).
- Sampled universality of timed automata. In Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, Proceedings, volume 4423 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 2-16, 2007. (DOI).
- Stochastic Games with Lossy Channels. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-005, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2007. (fulltext). (Updated 14 December 2007. To appear in the proceedings of FoSSaCS 2008.)
- Using Forward Reachability Analysis for Verification of Timed Petri Nets. In Nordic Journal of Computing, volume 14, number 1, pp 1-42, 2007.
- Enhanced covariance matrix estimators in adaptive beamforming. In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol II, Pts 1-3, volume 2 of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp 969-972, 2007.
- Estimation of the parameters of a bilinear model with applications to submarine detection and system identification. In Digital signal processing (Print), volume 17, number 4, pp 756-773, 2007. (DOI).
- ARPD: Asynchronous random key predistribution in the LEAP framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. In 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Sensor Networks Security (IEEE WSNS 2007), 2007. (External link).
- Filtering and restoration of structures in 3D ultrasound images. In Proc. 4th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp 888-891, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2007. (DOI).
- What is the word for "Engineering" in Swedish: Swedish students' conceptions of their discipline. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-018, 2007. (fulltext).
- Image Based Measurements of Single Cell mtDNA Mutation Load. In Image Analysis, Proceedings, volume 4522 of Lecture notes in computer science, pp 631-640, 2007. (DOI).
- Image based measurements of single cell mtDNA mutation load MTD 2007. In Medicinteknikdagarna 2007, 2007.
- Segmentation of Cytoplasms of Cultured Cells. In In Proceedings SSBA 2007, Symposium on image analysis, Linköping, 2007.
- Dynamic Ordered Sets with Exponential Search Trees. In Journal of the ACM, volume 54, number 3, p 1236460, 2007. (DOI).
- Application of a perfectly matched layer to the nonlinear wave equation. In Wave motion, volume 44, pp 531-548, 2007. (DOI).
- Tuneable Peak Deformations in Chiral Liquid Chromatography. In Analytical Chemistry, volume 79, pp 5838-5847, 2007. (DOI).
- The Complexity of Model Checking Higher-order Fixpoint Logic. In Logical Methods in Computer Science, volume 3, number 2:7, pp 1-33, 2007. (DOI).
- 2D Ring Artifact Reduction of X-ray Tomography Images. In Proceedings SSBA 2007: Symposium on Image Analysis, Linköping, March 14-15, 2007.
- 3D Tracking of Cellulose Fibres in Volume Images. In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2007. ICIP 2007., pp IV-309, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- A black-box generalized conjugate gradient minimum residual method based on variable preconditioners and local element approximations. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-033, 2007. (fulltext).
- Double Sobolev gradient preconditioning for nonlinear elliptic problems. In Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, volume 23, pp 1018-1036, 2007. (DOI).
- Mesh independent superlinear PCG rates via compact-equivalent operators. In SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, volume 45, pp 1495-1516, 2007. (DOI).
- Symmetric part preconditioning of the CG method for Stokes type saddle-point systems. In Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, volume 28, pp 1027-1049, 2007. (DOI).
- Comparison of histomorphometrical data obtained with two different image analysis methods. In Journal of materials science. Materials in medicine, volume 18, number 8, pp 1471-1479, 2007. (DOI).
- ExPLoIT: Exploiting Past Location Information and Transitivity for positioning in mobile sensor networks. In SECOND IEEE/Create-Net/ICST International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE, 2007. (External link).
- A completeness proof for bisimulation in the pi-calculus using Isabelle. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 192, number 1, pp 61-75, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- Formalising the pi-calculus using nominal logic. In FOUNDATIONS OF SOFTWARE SCIENCE AND COMPUTATIONAL STRUCTURES, PROCEEDINGS, volume 4423 of LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, pp 63-77, 2007. (External link).
- Analysis of 3D images of molecules, cells, tissues and organs. In Medicinteknikdagarna 2007, p 1, 2007.
- The biotech industry in the Uppsala region - result of academic research and private entrepreneurship. In Global Human Resources Forum 2007, 2007.
- A doctoral course in research methods in computing education research: How should we teach it?. In Proc. 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 175-178, 2007. (External link).
- Debating the OO debate: Where is the problem?. In Proc. 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 171-174, 2007. (External link).
- Do we teach well? Insights from Engineering Education Research: Keynote talk at the ReflekTori 2007. Helsinki University of Technology, TKK, Helsinki, Finland, 2007. (External link).
- How do students understand computer network protocols?. In proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications (NACCQ), pp 15-29, 2007. (External link).
- Learning computer systems in a project course: Aims and approaches: Keynote speech at First Australasian Workshop on Applications of Phenomenography in Engineering, Computing and Science Education. University Technology, Sydney, Australia, 2007.
- Phenomenography: A way to study learning from the students' perspective.: Keynote presentation at Researching Phenomena: Three methodologies, three perspectives. Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zeeland, 2007.
- Proc. 6th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling. Volume 2007-006 of Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2007. (External link).
- Why I used phenomenography in "Students learn CS in different ways: Insights from an empirical study". In In Annals of Research in Engineering Education, volume 3, number 2, 2007.
- Testbed and Methodology for Experimental Evaluation of Opportunistic Networks. In 7th Scandinavian Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc Networks (ADHOC'07), 2007.
- A combinatorial strongly subexponential strategy improvement algorithm for mean payoff games. In Discrete Applied Mathematics, volume 155, number 2, pp 210-229, 2007. (DOI).
- Schwarz methods for discrete elliptic and parabolic problems with an application to nuclear waste repository modelling. In Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, volume 76, pp 18-27, 2007. (DOI).
- Resolving the geometry of biomolecules imaged by cryo electron tomography. In Journal of Microscopy, volume 228, number 2, pp 174-184, 2007. (DOI).
- Hemmafrun som lyckades. In Nämnaren, volume 34, number 1, pp 18-20, 2007.
- Timed calculus of cryptographic communication. In Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, volume 4691 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 16-30, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007. (DOI).
- Students working with a large software system: Experiences and understandings. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2007-002, Uppsala University, 2007. (fulltext).
- Threshold Concepts in Computer Science: Do they exist and are they useful?. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 39, number 1, pp 504-508, 2007. (DOI).
- Classifying individual tree species under leaf-off and leaf-on conditions using airborne lidar. In ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing (Print), volume 61, number 5, pp 325-340, 2007. (DOI).
- Discrete fundamental solution preconditioning for hyperbolic systems of PDE. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 30, pp 35-60, 2007. (DOI).
- Convergence Analysis of a Recursive Identification Algorithm for Nonlinear ODE Models with a Restricted Black-box Parameterization. In 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Proceedings, 2007.
- MATLAB Software for Feedforward Optimal Control of Systems with Flow Varying Time Delays. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-026, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 2007. (software).
- Finite element block-factorized preconditioners. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-008, 2007. (fulltext).
- Robust Preconditioners Based on the Finite Element Framework. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 296, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2007. (fulltext).
- Automation and E-government Services: A Widened Perspective. In The 1st International Workshop on Design & Evaluation of e-Government Applications and Services: DEGAS, 2007. (External link).
- Evaluating Procurement, Usability and Off-the-Shelf Office Software. In COST294-MAUSE Workshop - Downstream Utility: The Good, the Bad, and the Utterly Useless, pp 22-29, 2007.
- Usability and User’s Health Issues in Systems Development - Attitudes and Perspectives. In Maturing Usability: Quality in Software, Interaction, and Value, Springer Verlag, 2007.
- A Flexible Model for Tree-Structured Multi-Commodity Markets. In Electronic Commerce Research, volume 7, number 1, pp 69-88, 2007. (DOI).
- Group Discovery in a CollaborativeTagging System. Student thesis, supervisor: Jari Koister, examiner: Anders Arweström Jansson, IT nr 07001, 2007. (fulltext).
- The Multi-Pitch Estimation Problem: Some New Solutions. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing: April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007. (To appear.)
- Balancing Scaffolding and Complexity in Open Ended Group Projects (OEGPs): A Learning Theory View. In IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, pp F2G1-F2G2, 2007. (External link).
- Ill-structured Problem Solving in Engineering Education. In IEEE Frontiers in Education conference, pp F3F1-F3F2, 2007. (External link).
- Ill-structured problem solving: Invited panel. In , 2007. (External link).
- Signal power estimation via vector and matrix approaches.. In 41st ASILOMAR Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers., 2007.
- From Limen to Lumen: Computing students in liminal spaces. In Proc. 3rd International Computing Education Research Workshop, pp 123-132, ACM Press, New York, 2007. (DOI).
- Mobile phones and virtuous cycles: in search of empirical evidence. In Beyond mobility, volume 2007 of EFI yearbook, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2007.
- Mobile phones, managers and new configuration of time and space. In Work With Computing Systems, WWCS, Stockholm 2007, 2007. (External link).
- Parameter estimation of continuous-time bilinear systems based on numerical integration and separable non-linear least-squares. In International Journal of Control, volume 80, number 3, pp 329-339, 2007. (DOI).
- Correlation between clinical assessment and force plate measurement of postural control after stroke. In Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, volume 39, number 6, pp 448-453, 2007. (DOI).
- Seamless Formal Verification of Complex Event Processing Applications. In Proceedings of the 6th Inaugural International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, 2007.
- Sensemaking and Knowledge Building in System Development. In Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2007, Pt 2, Proceedings, volume 4663 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 571-572, 2007.
- The GTO Toolset and Method. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, volume 185, pp 77-91, 2007. (DOI).
- Simulations of Ground Effects on Wake Vortices at Runways. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-019, 2007. (fulltext).
- Collegial verbalisation: a case study on a new method on information acquisition. In Behaviour & Information Technology, volume 26, number 6, pp 535-543, 2007. (DOI).
- Cavity Shape Dynamical Modelling and Estimation in a Water Model of the Steel Converter Process. In Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, volume 7, pp s93-s98, 2007.
- Parameter and State Estimation with Information-rich Signals. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 368, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2007. (fulltext, cover).
- Leveraging a power save protocol to improve performance in ad hoc networks. In ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, volume 11, number 2, pp 51-52, 2007. (DOI).
- Multi-rate relaying for performance improvement in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. In , 2007.
- The impact of wakeup schedule distribution in asynchronous power save protocols on the performance of multihop wireless networks. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference: WCNC 2007, 2007.
- A hierarchy of approximations of the master equation scaled by a size parameter. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-011, 2007. (fulltext).
- Adaptive solution of the master equation in low dimensions. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-023, 2007. (fulltext).
- Numerical method for coupling the macro and meso scales in stochastic chemical kinetics. In BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 47, pp 735-762, 2007. (DOI).
- Task automata: Schedulability, decidability and undecidability. In Information and Computation, volume 205, number 8, pp 1149-1172, 2007. (DOI).
- Air-Traffic Complexity Resolution in Multi-Sector Planning. Technical reports from the Department of Information Technology nr 2007-003, 2007. (External link).
- Air-traffic complexity resolution in multi-sector planning. In Journal of Air Transport Management, volume 13, number 6, pp 323-328, 2007. (DOI).
- Air-traffic complexity resolution in multi-sector planning using constraint programming. In Proceedings of ATM'07, the 7th USA/Europe R&D Seminar on Air Traffic Management, 2007. (External link).
- Design of financial CDO squared transactions using constraint programming. In Constraints, volume 12, number 2, pp 179-205, 2007. (DOI).
- Efficient structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems. In International Symmetry Conference, 2007. (External link).
- Structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems. Technical reports from the Department of Information Technology nr 2007-032, 2007. (External link).
- Cost-based Optimization of Complex Scientific Queries. In 19th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2007), 2007. (External link).
- Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices. In Pattern Recognition, volume 40, number 9, pp 2453-2474, 2007. (DOI).
- Reduction of attenuation effects in 3D transrectal ultrasound images. In Medical Imaging 2007: Ultrasonic Imaging and Signal Processing, volume 6513 of Proc. SPIE, pp 65130Z:1-8, Bellingham, WA, 2007. (DOI).
- X-ray Microtomography of Wood-Based Materials: Pulp-Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics and Polythylen Glycol-Impregnated Oak. HASYLAB Annual report, 2007. (fulltext).
- Quantification and Localization of Colocalization. In Proceedings SSBA 2007: Symposium on Image Analysis, Linköping, March 14-15, pp 93-96, Linköping University, Linköping, 2007. (fulltext).
- Flexibility Description of the MET Protein Stalk Based on the Use of Non-Uniform B-Splines. In 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, pp 173-180, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- Groupoids and conditional symmetry. In Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2007, pp 823-830, 2007. (DOI).
- A Hybrid Method for the Unsteady Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-029, 2007. (fulltext).
- A Stable and Efficient Hybrid Scheme for Viscous Problems in Complex Geometries. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-002, 2007. (fulltext).
- A stable and efficient hybrid scheme for viscous problems in complex geometries. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 226, pp 1291-1309, 2007. (DOI).
- Hybrid Methods for Unsteady Fluid Flow Problems in Complex Geometries. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 374, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2007. (fulltext).
- Variational multiscale methods for large eddy simulation of turbulent flows: Fourier analysis and application to diffuser flow. In Proc. 5th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, pp 461-466, TU München, Garching, Germany, 2007.
- Efficient Algorithms for Computing the Capon and APES Filters. In CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE FORTY-FIRST ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS & COMPUTERS, VOLS 1-5, pp 427-430, 2007.
- WISENET Wireless Sensor Networks VINN Excellence Center. 2007. (External link).
- Applications, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Bit Stream Programming in Erlang. In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: PADL 2007, volume 4354 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 94-108, 2007. (DOI).
- Interaction analysis and control of bioreactors for nitrogen removal. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2007-006, Uppsala University, 2007. (fulltext).
- Towards time-stable and accurate LES on unstructured grids. In Complex Effects in Large Eddy Simulations, volume 56 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp 235-249, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007. (DOI).
- Designing Work and IT Systems: A Participatory Process that Supports Usability and Sustainability. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 376, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2007. (fulltext, cover).
- Performing the Vision Seminar Process. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-031, 2007. (fulltext).
- Metalib and Google Scholar: A user study. In Online information review (Print), volume 31, number 3, pp 365-375, 2007. (DOI).
- Metalib and Google Scholar from the students' perspective. In Nord I&D 2007 “The Human side of IT”: The 13th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation Stockholm University, Aula Magna, 18-19 June 2007, 2007.
- Efficient computation of transient solutions of the chemical master equation based on uniformization and Quasi-Monte Carlo. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-027, 2007. (fulltext).
- Hybrid method for the chemical master equation. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 227, pp 100-122, 2007. (DOI).
- A Global Algorithm for Model-Based Test Suite Generation. In Proc. 3rd Workshop on Model Based Testing: MBT 2007, volume 190:2 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pp 47-59, Elsevier, 2007. (DOI).
- Cover - A Real-Time Test Case Generation Tool. In 19th IFIP International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems and 7th International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software, 2007.
- Model-Based Test Case Generation for Real-Time Systems. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 301, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2007. (fulltext, cover).
- Model-based Testing of a WAP Gateway: An Industrial Case-Study. In Formal Methods: Applications and Technology, volume 4346 of LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, pp 116-131, 2007.
- Testing Real-time systems using UPPAAL. In Formal Methods and Testing, Springer-Verlag, 2007.
- A simplified form of the bias-eliminating least squares method for errors-in-variables identification. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 52, number 9, pp 1754-1756, 2007. (DOI).
- Accuracy analysis of bias-eliminating least squares estimates for errors-in-variables systems. In Automatica, volume 43, number 9, pp 1590-1596, 2007. (DOI).
- Partial Order Reduction for Verification of Real-Time Components. In Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, volume 4763 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 211-226, 2007.
- The spatial distribution of nuclei in single skeletal muscle cells as visualised by 3-D images:: the differences in organisation between species and between healthy cells and cells affected by disease. In Biophysical Journal: 637A-637A Suppl. S, 2007.
- Single-cell A3243G mitochondrial DNA mutation load assays for segregation analysis. In Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, volume 55, number 11, pp 1159-1166, 2007. (DOI).
- Mesh deformation using radial basis functions for gradient-based aerodynamic shape optimization. In Computers & Fluids, volume 36, pp 1119-1136, 2007. (DOI).
- In situ detection of phosphorylated platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta using a generalized proximity ligation method. In Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, volume 6, number 9, pp 1500-1509, 2007. (DOI).
- Grid-enabling an efficient algorithm for demanding global optimization problems in genetic analysis. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, pp 205-212, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2007. (DOI).
- Parallel algorithms and implementations for genetic analysis of quantitative traits. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2007-005, Uppsala University, 2007. (fulltext).
- Using parallel computing and grid systems for genetic mapping of quantitative traits. In Applied Parallel Computing: State of the Art in Scientific Computing, volume 4699 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 627-636, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007. (DOI).
- A language for specifying type contracts in Erlang and its interaction with success typings. In Proc. 6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ERLANG, pp 11-17, ACM Press, New York, 2007. (DOI).
- A User Centred Process for Specification of Requirements for Usability and a Healthy Work. In Proceedings of Work With Computer Systems <em>Conference</em>: WWCS 2007, 2007. (External link).
- A participatory process supporting design of future work. In Ergonomics: An Introduction, pp 127-160, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2007.
- Systematic Acceleration in Regular Model Checking. In Computer Aided Verification: CAV 2007, volume 4590 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 131-144, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007. (DOI).
- Obtaining the bidirectional transmittance distribution function of isotropically scattering materials using an integrating sphere. In Optics Communications, volume 277, pp 228-236, 2007. (DOI).
- Market-based Approaches to Optimization. In Computational intelligence, volume 23, number 1, pp 92-109, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- Conserving Memory Bandwidth in Chip Multiprocessors with Runahead Execution.. In 21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007.
- Analysis of Skeletal Fibers in Three Dimensional Images: Methodological considerations. In XXXVIth European Muscle Conference of the European Society for Muscle Research: European Muscle Conference 2007, p 130, 2007. (External link).
- Analysis of Skeletal Fibers in Three Dimensional Images. In Medicinteknikdagarna 2007, p 1, 2007.
- Towards content distribution in opportunistic networks. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2007-003, Uppsala University, 2007. (fulltext).
- Information Technology as a tool for democratic skills. In Forms of democracy in education: Open access and distance education, pp 155-162, 2007.
- Simulation and support in ethical decision making. In Globalisation: Bridging the global nature of Information and Communication Technology and the local nature of human beings, pp 278-287, 2007.
- Usability index. In Work with computing systems: Computing systems for human benefits from the 8th international conference on working with computing systems, p 160, 2007. (External link).
- Endothelial Cell Image Enhancement using Non-subsampled Image Pyramid. In Information Technology Journal, volume 6, number 7, pp 1057-1062, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- Multi-processor schedulability analysis of preemptive real-time tasks with variable execution times. In Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems: FORMATS 2007, volume 4763 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 274-289, 2007. (DOI).
- Modeling of contact line dynamics for two-phase flow. In Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM, volume 7, number 1, pp 1141603-1141604, 2007. (DOI).
- Automated and reproducible segmentation of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue from abdominal MRI. In International Journal of Obesity, volume 31, pp 1806-1817, 2007. (DOI).
- Reducing the TCP Acknowledgment Frequency. In Computer communication review, volume 37, number 3, pp 5-16, 2007. (DOI).
- Linear Regression With a Sparse Parameter Vector. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 55, number 2, pp 451-460, 2007. (DOI).
- Identification of Continuous-Time ARX Models From Irregularly Sampled Data. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 52, number 3, pp 417-427, 2007. (DOI).
- Beampattern synthesis via a matrix approach for signal power estimation. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 55, number 12, pp 5643-5657, 2007. (DOI).
- MIMO SAR imaging: signal synthesis and receiver design.. In The 2nd International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing,, 2007.
- MIMO radar with colocated antennas: Review of some recent work. In IEEE signal processing magazine (Print), volume 24, number 5, pp 106-114, 2007. (DOI).
- On Parameter Identifiability of MIMO Radar. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters, volume 14, number 12, pp 968-971, 2007. (DOI).
- Time estimation as a measure of cognitive workload. In Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: 7th International Conference, EPCE 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007. Proceedings, pp 359-365, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- Common cause failure analysis: Methodology evaluation using Nordic experience data. Student thesis (Systems in Technology and Society Programme), supervisor: Gunnar Johanson, examiner: Bengt Carlsson, Elísabet Andrésdottír, UPTEC STS nr 07 024, 2007. (fulltext).
- Defuzzification by Feature Distance Minimization Based on DC Programming. In 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis, 2007: ISPA 2007, pp 373-378, 2007. (DOI).
- Generating Trace-Sets for Model-based Testing. In The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability (ISSRE '07), pp 171-180, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- Usability: Perspectives from Research, Publishing, and Higher Education Institutions. In ETD, the 10th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, in Uppsala, 13-16 June 2007, 2007.
- Differing Ways that Computing Academics Understand Teaching.. In Australian Computer Science Communications, volume 29, number 5, pp 97-106, 2007. (External link).
- Composable difference operators for coordinate invariant partial differential equations. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-007, 2007. (fulltext).
- Design of High Performance Computing Software for Genericity and Variability. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 285, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2007. (fulltext).
- Students' understandings of concurrent programming. In Proc. 7th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research: Koli Calling, pp 77-86, 2007. (External link).
- Space-time adaptive finite difference method for European multi-asset options. In Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 53, pp 1159-1180, 2007. (DOI).
- A database approach for information communication in a peer-to-peer collaborative CAD environment. In Software, practice & experience, volume 37, number 11, pp 1193-1213, 2007. (DOI).
- Bayesian approaches for identification of the complex modulus of viscoelastic materials. In Automatica, volume 43, number 8, pp 1369-1376, 2007. (DOI).
- Research in engineering education: quality and perspectives. In ReflekTori 2007: Symposium of Engineering Education, 2007. (External link).
- High-order accurate computations for unsteady aerodynamics. In Computers & Fluids, volume 36, pp 636-649, 2007. (DOI).
- Successful Students' Strategies for Getting Unstuck. In SIGCSE Bulletin inroads, volume 39, number 3, pp 156-160, 2007. (DOI).
- Stability of the solutions of the observation error equations at control of the steel converter process. In Automation and remote control, volume 68, number 9, pp 1471-1475, 2007. (DOI).
- Shading correction methods for digital image analysis of confocal wood images. In IAWA Journal, volume 28, number 3, pp 349-364, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, 2007. (External link).
- Analysis of the IMAPCT of GIS/ICT On Wetland ASSESSMENT. In Proceedings of the Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development: 16th-21st December 2007 Kampala Uganda, 2007.
- Assessment of GIS DATA interoperability in Uganda. In Proceedings of the Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development: 16th-21st December 2007 Kampala Uganda, 2007.
- Numerical analysis and adaptive computation for solutions of elliptic problems with randomly perturbed coefficients. In Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: PAMM, volume 7, number 1, pp 1140401-1140402, 2007. (DOI).
- Separation of One-dimensional Waves - a Stochastic Systems Approach. In CONFERENCE RECORD OF THE FORTY-FIRST ASILOMAR CONFERENCE ON SIGNALS, SYSTEMS & COMPUTERS, VOLS 1-5, pp 661-665, 2007.
- A mechanical wave diode: Using feedforward control for one-way transmission of elastic extensional waves. In IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, volume 15, number 4, pp 715-724, 2007. (DOI).
- Polynomial Feedforward Design Techniques for a Mechanical Wave Diode System. 2007.
- A Cross-Environment Study of Routing Protocols for Wireless Multi-hop Networks. IT Technical Reports nr 2007-016, 2007. (External link).
- Evaluating Wireless Multi-hop Networks Using a Combination of Simulation, Emulation, and Real World Experiments. In Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on System evaluation for mobile platforms (MobiEval'07), pp 29-34, ACM Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2007. (DOI).
- Experiences from measuring human mobility using Bluetooth inquiring devices. In In Proceedings of the 1st international In Proceedings of the 1stinternational workshop on System evaluation for mobile platforms (MobiEval'07), pp 15-20, ACM Press, New York, 2007. (DOI, External link).
- A Hybrid Method for Unsteady Fluid Flow. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2007-020, 2007. (fulltext).
- Boundary conditions for a divergence free velocity-pressure formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 225, pp 874-890, 2007. (DOI).
- Error bounded schemes for time-dependent hyperbolic problems. In SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 30, pp 46-59, 2007. (DOI).
- Dynamic data migration for structured AMR solvers. In International journal of parallel programming, volume 35, pp 477-491, 2007. (DOI).
- Grey Weighted Polar Distance Transform for Outlining Circular and Approximately Circular Objects. In 14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing: ICIAP 2007, pp 647-652, 2007. (DOI).
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