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Department of Information Technology

Publications 2022

  1. Noise reduction in Laguerre-domain discrete delay estimation. Mohamed Abdalmoaty and Alexander Medvedev. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, pp 6254-6259, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  2. Consistency and Persistency in Program Verification: Challenges and Opportunities. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ahmed Bouajjani, Bengt Jonsson, K. Narayan Kumar, and Prakash Saivasan. In Principles of Systems Design: Essays Dedicated to Thomas A. Henzinger on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, volume 13660 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 494-510, Springer, 2022. (DOI).
  3. Probabilistic Total Store Ordering. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Raj Aryan Agarwal, Adwait Godbole, and S. Krishna. In Programming Languages And Systems, ESOP 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 317-345, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  4. Verifying Reachability for TSO Programs with Dynamic Thread Creation. Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ahmed Bouajjani, K. Narayan Kumar, and Prakash Saivasan. In Networked Systems, NETYS 2022, volume 13464 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 283-300, Springer, 2022. (DOI).
  5. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: JavaScript Edition. Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Martin Henz, and Tobias Wrigstad. MIT Press, 2022.
  6. Task adapted reconstruction for inverse problems. Jonas Adler, Sebastian Lunz, Olivier Verdier, Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb, and Ozan Öktem. In Inverse Problems, volume 38, number 7, Institute of Physics (IOP), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  7. Optimal Scheduling of Age-centric Caching: Tractability and Computation. Ghafour Ahani, Di Yuan, and Sumei Sun. In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 21, pp 2939-2954, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  8. Co-adaptive Human-Robot Cooperation: Summary and Challenges. Sofie Ahlberg, Agnes Axelsson, Pian Yu, Wenceslao Shaw Cortez, Alex Yuan Gao, Ali Ghadirzadeh, Ginevra Castellano, Danica Kragic, Gabriel Skantze, and Dimarogonas, Dimos, V. In Scientific World Journal, volume 10, number 02, pp 187-203, World Scientific, 2022. (DOI).
  9. Designing for Human Well-Being: A Case Study with Informal Caregivers of Individuals with Cancer. Awais Ahmad, Åsa Cajander, Birgitta Johansson, Ylva Tiblom Ehrsson, and Ulrica Langegård. In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, volume 294, pp 214-218, IOS Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  10. Emotion and memory model for social robots: a reinforcement learning based behaviour selection. Muneeb Imtiaz Ahmad, Yuan Gao, Fady Alnajjar, Suleman Shahid, and Omar Mubin. In Behavior and Information Technology, volume 41, number 15, pp 3210-3236, Taylor & Francis, 2022. (DOI).
  11. Genetics of liver fat and volume associate with altered metabolism and whole body magnetic resonance imaging. Shafqat Ahmad, Germán Carrasquilla, Taro Langner, Uwe Menzel, Filip Malmberg, Ulf Hammar, Jenny C. Censin, Sergi Sayols-Baixeras, Diem Nguyen, Andrés Martínez Mora, Jan W. Eriksson, Robin Strand, Joel Kullberg, Håkan Ahlström, and Tove Fall. In Journal of Hepatology, volume 77, pp S40-S40, 2022. (DOI).
  12. TriCo—Triple Co-piloting of Implementation, Specification and Tests. Wolfgang Ahrendt, Dilian Gurov, Moa Johansson, and Philipp Rümmer. In ISoLA 2022: Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Verification Principles, volume 13701 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 174-187, Springer, Cham, 2022. (DOI).
  13. Data-Out Instruction-In (DOIN!): Leveraging Inclusive Caches to Attack Speculative Delay Schemes. Pavlos Aimoniotis, Amund Bergland Kvalsvik, Magnus Själander, and Stefanos Kaxiras. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED 2022), pp 49-60, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  14. FedQAS: Privacy-Aware Machine Reading Comprehension with Federated Learning. Addi Ait-Mlouk, Sadi Alawadi, Salman Toor, and Andreas Hellander. In Applied Sciences, volume 12, number 6, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  15. Speech emotion recognition using optimized genetic algorithm-extreme learning machine. Musatafa Abbas Abbood Albadr, Sabrina Tiun, Masri Ayob, Fahad Taha AL-Dhief, Khairuddin Omar, and Mhd Khaled Maen. In Multimedia tools and applications, volume 81, number 17, pp 23963-23989, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, External link).
  16. ASSERT: A Blockchain-Based Architectural Approach for Engineering Secure Self-Adaptive IoT Systems. Fahed Alkhabbas, Mohammed Alsadi, Sadi Alawadi, Feras M. Awaysheh, Victor R. Kebande, and Mahyar T. Moghaddam. In Sensors, volume 22, number 18, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  17. A comparison of machine learning algorithms on design smell detection using balanced and imbalanced dataset: A study of God class. Khalid Alkharabsheh, Sadi Alawadi, Victor R. Kebande, Yania Crespo, Manuel Fernández-Delgado, and José Á. Taboada. In Information and Software Technology, volume 143, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  18. Prioritization of god class design smell: A multi-criteria based approach. Khalid Alkharabsheh, Sadi Alawadi, Karam Ignaim, Nabeel Zanoon, Yania Crespo, Esperanza Manso, and Jose A. Taboada. In JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY-COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, volume 34, number 10, pp 9332-9342, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  19. A parallel low-rank solver for the six-dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell equations. F. Allmann-Rahn, R. Grauer, and Katharina Kormann. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 469, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI).
  20. End-to-end Multiple Instance Learning with Gradient Accumulation. Axel Andersson, Nadezhda Koriakina, Nataša Sladoje, and Joakim Lindblad. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), pp 2742-2746, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  21. Deep probabilistic models for sequential and hierarchical data. Carl Andersson. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2139, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image, fulltext).
  22. Deep microlocal reconstruction for limited-angle tomography. Hector Andrade-Loarca, Gitta Kutyniok, Ozan Öktem, and Philipp Petersen. In Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, volume 59, pp 155-197, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  23. Time-Varying Normalizing Flows for Dynamical Signals. Ghosh Anubhab, Aleix Espuña Fontcuberta, Mohamed Abdalmoaty, and Saikat Chatterjee. In , 2022. (External link).
  24. From a National Meeting to an International Conference: A Scientometric Case Study of a Finnish Computing Education Conference. Mikko Apiola, Sonsoles Lopez-Pernas, Mohammed Saqr, Arnold Pears, Mats Daniels, Lauri Malmi, and Matti Tedre. In IEEE Access, volume 10, pp 66576-66588, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  25. The deal.II library, Version 9.4. Daniel Arndt, Wolfgang Bangerth, Marco Feder, Marc Fehling, Rene Gassmöller, Timo Heister, Luca Heltai, Martin Kronbichler, Matthias Maier, Peter Munch, Jean-Paul Pelteret, Simon Sticko, Bruno Turcksin, and David Wells. In Journal of Numerical Mathematics, volume 30, number 3, pp 231-246, Walter de Gruyter, 2022. (DOI).
  26. mafba and mafbb differentially regulate lymphatic endothelial cell migration in topographically distinct manners. Hannah Arnold, Virginia Panara, Melina Hussmann, Beata Filipek Gorniok, Renae Skoczylas, Petter Ranefall, Marleen Gloger, Amin Allalou, Benjamin M. Hogan, Stefan Schulte-Merker, and Katarzyna Koltowska. In Cell Reports, volume 39, number 12, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  27. Applying Symbolic Execution to Test Implementations of a Network Protocol Against its Specification. Hooman Asadian, Paul Fiterau-Brostean, Bengt Jonsson, and Konstantinos Sagonas. In 2022 IEEE 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION (ICST 2022), IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation, pp 70-81, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  28. Free Atomics: Hardware Atomic Operations without Fences. Ashkan Asgharzadeh, Juan M. Cebrian, Arthur Perais, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Alberto Ros. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2022 THE 49TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (ISCA '22), Conference Proceedings Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp 14-26, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI).
  29. A Spatially Detailed Approach to the Assessment of Rooftop Solar Energy Potential based on LiDAR Data. Mohammad Aslani and Stefan Seipel. In GISTAM: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, pp 56-63, SciTePress, Setúbal, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  30. Automatic identification of utilizable rooftop areas in digital surface models for photovoltaics potential assessment. Mohammad Aslani and Stefan Seipel. In Applied Energy, volume 306, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  31. The Computing Journal gratefully acknowledges the editorial work of the scientists listed below on the special issue entitled "SI: NETYS 2019". Mohamed Faouzi Atig. In Computing, volume 104, number 10, pp 2157-2157, Springer, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  32. A deep learning framework for characterization of genotype data. Kristiina Ausmees and Carl Nettelblad. In G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, volume 12, number 3, Oxford University Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  33. An empirical evaluation of genotype imputation of ancient DNA. Kristiina Ausmees, Federico Sanchez-Quinto, Mattias Jakobsson, and Carl Nettelblad. In G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, volume 12, number 6, Oxford University Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  34. Methodology and Infrastructure for Statistical Computing in Genomics: Applications for Ancient DNA. Kristiina Ausmees. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2129, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  35. Security by Design for Big Data Frameworks Over Cloud Computing. F. M. Awaysheh, M. N. Aladwan, M. Alazab, Sadi Alawadi, J. C. Cabaleiro, and T. F. Pena. In IEEE transactions on engineering management, volume 69, number 6, pp 3676-3693, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  36. Exploring visual maturity: A first look at eye behavior in train traffic control. Carl-Anton Werner Axelsson and Anders Jansson. In Journal of Expertise, volume 5, number 2-3, pp 58-71, 2022. (Journal of Expertise, fulltext:print).
  37. An Exact Schur Complement Method for Time-Harmonic Optimal Control Problems. Owe Axelsson, Dalibor Lukáš, and Maya Neytcheva. In Large-Scale Scientific Computing (LSSC 2021), volume 13127 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 91-100, Springer, 2022. (DOI).
  38. Statistical Convergence via q-Calculus and a Korovkin's Type Approximation Theorem. Mohammad Ayman Mursaleen and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Axioms, volume 11, number 2, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, External link, fulltext:print).
  39. Multiple Hypothesis Testing-Based Cepstrum Thresholding for Nonparametric Spectral Estimation. Prabhu Babu and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters, volume 29, pp 2367-2371, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  40. The Case for Approximate Intermittent Computing. Fulvio Bambusi, Francesco Cerizzi, Yamin Lee, and Luca Mottola. In 2022 21st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (ISPN 2022), pp 463-476, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  41. Topology-Aware Learning for Volumetric Cerebrovascular Segmentation. Subhashis Banerjee, Dimitrios Toumpanakis, Ashis Kumar Dhara, Johan Wikström, and Robin Strand. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE ISBI 2022), IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp 1-4, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  42. Preconditioners for fractional diffusion equations based on the spectral symbol. Nikos Barakitis, Sven-Erik Ekström, and Paris Vassalos. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 29, number 5, John Wiley & Sons, 2022. (DOI).
  43. Rectangular GLT sequences. Giovanni Barbarino, Carlo Garoni, Mariarosa Mazza, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, volume 55, pp 585-617, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verlag, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  44. Certificates of Real-Time Schedulability. Sanjoy Baruah and Pontus Ekberg. In , 2022.
  45. Fixed-Parameter Analysis of Preemptive Uniprocessor Scheduling Problems. Sanjoy Baruah, Pontus Ekberg, and Abhishek Singh. In 2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2022), Real-Time Systems Symposium-Proceedings, pp 185-196, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  46. Identifying Causal Structure in Dynamical Systems. Dominik Baumann, Friedrich Solowjow, Karl Henrik Johansson, and Sebastian Trimpe. In Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2022. (External link).
  47. Dandelion: Certified Approximations of Elementary Functions. Heiko Becker, Mohit Tekriwal, Eva Darulova, Anastasia Volkova, and Jean-Baptiste Jeannin. In 13th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP 2022), volume 237 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pp 6:1-6:19, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  48. Verified Compilation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs in CakeML. Heiko Becker, Robert Rabe, Eva Darulova, Magnus O. Myreen, Zachary Tatlock, Ramana Kumar, Yong Kiam Tan, and Anthony Fox. In 36th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2022), volume 222 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pp 1:1-1:28, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  49. Spatial Statistics for Understanding Tissue Organization. Andrea Behá?ová, Anna H Klemm, and Carolina Wählby. In Frontiers in Physiology, volume 13, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  50. gACSON software for automated segmentation and morphology analyses of myelinated axons in 3D electron microscopy. Andrea Behá?ová, Ali Abdollahzadeh, Ilya Belevich, Eija Jokitalo, Alejandra Sierra, and Jussi Tohka. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, volume 220, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  51. Automated detection of vascular remodeling in human tumor draining lymph nodes by the deep learning tool HEV-finder. Tove Bekkhus, Christophe Avenel, Sabella Hanna, Mathias Franzén Boger, Anna H Klemm, Daniel Vasiliu-Bacovia, Fredrik Wärnberg, Carolina Wählby, and Maria H. Ulvmar. In Journal of Pathology, volume 258, number 1, pp 4-11, John Wiley & Sons, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  52. Arabic named entity recognition in social media based on BiLSTM-CRF using an attention mechanism. B. Ait Benali, S. Mihi, Addi Ait-Mlouk, I. El Bazi, and N. Laachfoubi. In Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, volume 42, number 6, pp 5427-5436, IOS Press, 2022. (DOI).
  53. Rotation-Equivariant Semantic Instance Segmentation on Biomedical Images. Karl Bengtsson Bernander, Joakim Lindblad, Robin Strand, and Ingela Nystrom. In MEDICAL IMAGE UNDERSTANDING AND ANALYSIS, MIUA 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 283-297, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  54. Stochastic Approximation for Identification of Non-Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations with Process Disturbances. Robert Bereza, Oscar Eriksson, Mohamed R.-H. Abdalmoaty, David Broman, and Håkan Hjalmarsson. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, pp 6712-6717, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  55. Global Speed-of-Sound Prediction Using Transmission Geometry. Can Deniz Bezek, Mert Bilgin, Lin Zhang, and Orcun Göksel. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), pp 1-4, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  56. Mean Speed-of-Sound Estimation Using Geometric Disparities. Can Deniz Bezek, Mert Bilgin, Lin Zhang, and Orcun Göksel. In , 2022.
  57. Predicting perinatal health outcomes using smartphone-based digital phenotyping and machine learning in a prospective Swedish cohort (Mom2B): study protocol. Ayesha Bilal, Emma Fransson, Emma Bränn, Allison Eriksson, Mengyu Zhong, Karin Gidén, Ulf Elofsson, Cathrine Axfors, Alkistis Skalkidou, and Fotios Papadopoulos. In BMJ Open, volume 12, number 4, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  58. The games we play: critical complexity improves machine learning. Abeba Birhane and David J. T. Sumpter. In HHAI2022: Augmenting Human Intellect, volume 354 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pp 3-16, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  59. Fast Toeplitz eigenvalue computations, joining interpolation-extrapolation matrix-less algorithms and simple-loop theory. Manuel Bogoya, Sven-Erik Ekström, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Numerical Algorithms, number 91, pp 1653-1676, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  60. Fine spectral estimates with applications to the optimally fast solution of large FDE linear systems. Manuel Bogoya, Sergei M Grudsky, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and Cristina Tablino-Possio. In BIT Numerical Mathematics, volume 62, number 4, pp 1417-1431, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  61. Upper Hessenberg and Toeplitz Bohemian matrix sequences: a note on their asymptotical eigenvalues and singular values. Manuel Bogoya, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, and Ken Trotti. In Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, volume 55, pp 76-91, Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verlag, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  62. Toeplitz momentary symbols: definition, results, and limitations in the spectral analysis of structured matrices. Matthias Bolten, Sven-Erik Ekström, Isabella Furci, and Stefano Serra-Capizzano. In Linear Algebra and its Applications, volume 651, pp 51-82, 2022. (DOI).
  63. Faster Functional Warming with Cache Merging. Gustaf Borgström, Christian Rohner, and David Black-Schaffer. 2022. (fulltext).
  64. Making Sampled Simulations Faster by Minimizing Warming Time. Gustaf Borgström. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2022.
  65. Surface flow for colonial integration in reef-building corals. Thibault Bouderlique, Julian Petersen, Louis Faure, Daniel Abed-Navandi, Anass Bouchnita, Benjamin Mueller, Murtazo Nazarov, Lukas Englmaier, Marketa Tesarova, Pedro R. Frade, Tomas Zikmund, Till Koehne, Jozef Kaiser, Kaj Fried, Christian Wild, Olga Pantos, Andreas Hellander, John Bythell, and Igor Adameyko. In Current Biology, volume 32, number 12, pp 2596-2609, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  66. Label-Free Reverse Image Search of Multimodal Microscopy Images. Eva Breznik, Elisabeth Wetzer, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In , 2022.
  67. Volterra Modeling and Estimation of the Human Smooth Pursuit. Viktor Bro. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2100, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  68. Efficient Parallel Thinning of 3d Objects on the Body-centered Cubic Lattice. David Brunner, Guido Brunnett, Thomas Kronfeld, and Robin Strand. In Computer-Aided Design, volume 151, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI).
  69. Current and Near-Term AI as a Potential Existential Risk Factor. Benjamin S. Bucknall and Shiri Dori-Hacohen. In Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, And Society, AIES 2022, pp 119-129, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI).
  70. Patients' Access to Their Psychiatric Records: A Comparison of Four Countries. Annika Bärkås, Maria Hägglund, Jonas Moll, Åsa Cajander, Hanife Rexhepi, Iiris Hörhammer, Charlotte Blease, and Isabella Scandurra. In Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health: Proceedings of MIE 2022, volume 294 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp 510-514, IOS Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  71. Artificial intelligence, robotisation and the work environment: Literature review. Åsa Cajander, Bengt Sandblad, and Magdalena Stadin. Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, 2022. (External link).
  72. Artificiell intelligens, robotisering och arbetsmiljön. Åsa Cajander, Bengt Sandblad, Magdalena Stadin, and Elena Raviola. Kunskapssammanställning nr 2022:1, 2022. (External link).
  73. Effects of patient accessible electronic health records on nurses’ work environment: a survey study on expectations in Sweden. Åsa Cajander, Isto Huvila, Minna Salminen-Karlsson, Thomas Lind, and Isabella Scandurra. In BMJ Open, volume 12, number 11, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  74. UX professionals’ learning and usage of UX methods in agile. Åsa Cajander, Marta Lárusdóttir, and Johannes L. Geiser. In Information and Software Technology, volume 151, pp 107005-107005, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  75. Walking in the Jungle with a Machete: ICT Leaders' Perspectives on User-Centred Systems Design. Åsa Cajander, Marta K. Lárusdóttir, Thomas Lind, and Gerolf Nauwerck. In Behavior and Information Technology, volume 41, number 6, pp 1230-1244, John Wiley & Sons, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  76. "I have an idea!": Enhancing Children's Verbal Creativity through Repeated Interactions with a Virtual Robot. Natalia Calvo Barajas and Ginevra Castellano. In IVA '22: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, ACM Digital Library, 2022. (DOI).
  77. Understanding Children's Trust Development through Repeated Interactions with a Virtual Social Robot. Natalia Calvo-Barajas and Ginevra Castellano. In 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp 1451-1458, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  78. On keeping the average of an effluent concentration below a limit. Bengt Carlsson. In , 2022.
  79. Process Monitoring And Fault Detection Using A Soft Sensor For The Return Activated Sludge Flow Rate. Bengt Carlsson, Hanna Molin, Eric Lindblom, Ulf Jeppsson, and Ramesh Saagi. In , 2022.
  80. The story of Gustaf – from the early days to his emeritus adventures. Bengt Carlsson, Linda Åmand, Magnus Arnell, and Ulf Jeppsson. In Celebrating passion for Water, Science and Technology: Festschrift in Honour of Gustaf Olsson, pp 43-53, IWA Publishing, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  81. Augmented Reality and Indoor Positioning in Context of Smart Industry: A Review. Kuhelee Chandel, Julia Åhlén, and Stefan Seipel. In Management and Production Engineering Review, volume 13, number 4, pp 72-87, Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  82. DCNN based Oral Cancer Screening using Whole Slide Cytology Images: Effect of Increased Patch Size. Swarnadip Chatterjee, Nataša Sladoje, and Joakim Lindblad. In , 2022. (Conference information).
  83. Solving String Constraints with Regex-Dependent Functions through Transducers with Priorities and Variables. Taolue Chen, Alejandro Flores-Lamas, Matthew Hague, Zhilei Han, Denghang Hu, Shuanglong Kan, Anthony W. Lin, Philipp Rümmer, and Zhilin Wu. In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, volume 6, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  84. Clueless: A Tool Characterising Values Leaking as Addresses. Xiaoyue Chen, Pavlos Aimoniotis, and Stefanos Kaxiras. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security And Privacy, HASP 2022, pp 27-34, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  85. Interval Design for Signal Parameter Estimation From Quantized Data. Yuanbo Cheng, Xiaolei Shang, Jian Li, and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 70, pp 6011-6020, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  86. Spectral Ultrasound Imaging of Speed-of-Sound and Attenuation Using an Acoustic Mirror. Bhaskara Rao Chintada, Richard Rau, and Orcun Göksel. In Frontiers in Physics, volume 10, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  87. A joint use of pooling and imputation for genotyping SNPs. Camille Clouard, Kristiina Ausmees, and Carl Nettelblad. In BMC Bioinformatics, volume 23, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  88. Computational statistical methods for genotyping biallelic DNA markers from pooled experiments. Camille Clouard. Licentiate thesis, IT licentiate theses / Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology nr 2022-003, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2022. (External link, fulltext).
  89. Consistency Study of a Reconstructed Genotype Probability Distribution via Clustered Bootstrapping in NORB Pooling Blocks. Camille Clouard and Carl Nettelblad. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2022-005, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2022. (Report in full-text, fulltext).
  90. A shift from the problematic of "transformation". Paul Cockshott and Dave Zachariah. In WORLD REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, volume 12, number 4, pp 463-471, Pluto Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  91. Risk assessment and optimal allocation of security measures under stealthy false data injection attacks. Sribalaji Coimbatore Anand, André M. H. Teixeira, and Anders Ahlén. In 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Control Technology and Applications, pp 1347-1353, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  92. Risk-averse controller design against data injection attacks on actuators for uncertain control systems. Sribalaji Coimbatore Anand and André M. H. Teixeira. In 2022 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ACC), pp 5037-5042, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  93. Assessment of the percentage of full recombinant adeno-associated virus particles in a gene therapy drug using CryoTEM. Mathieu Colomb-Delsuc, Roman Raim, Christian Fiedler, Stefan Reuberger, Johannes Lengler, Rickard Nordstrom, Martin Ryner, Ioana Mihaela Folea, Barbara Kraus, Juan A. Hernandez Bort, and Ida-Maria Sintorn. In PLOS ONE, volume 17, number 6, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  94. Ultra and Very Long Period Seismic Signatures of Unsteady Eruptions Predicted From Conduit Flow Models. Katherine R. Coppess, Eric M. Dunham, and Martin Almquist. In Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, volume 127, number 6, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  95. Temporal Gaussian Process Regression in Logarithmic Time. Adrien Corenflos, Zheng Zhao, and Simo Särkkä. In 2022 25th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  96. Systematic comparison of modeling fidelity levels and parameter inference settings applied to negative feedback gene regulation. Adrien Coulier, Prashant Singh, Marc Sturrock, and Andreas Hellander. In PloS Computational Biology, volume 18, number 12, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
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  186. Tailoring Gaussian processes and large-scale optimisation. Carl Jidling. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2146, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  187. Awaiting for Godot: Stateless Model Checking that Avoids Executions where Nothing Happens. Bengt Jonsson, Magnus Lång, and Konstantinos Sagonas. In 2022 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), volume 3 of Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, pp 284-293, TU Wien Academic Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  188. Student Perspectives on On-site versus Online Teaching throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. Bjorn Thor Jonsson, Magda Pischetola, Nanna Inie, Mats Daniels, and Claus Brabrand. In , 2022. (DOI).
  189. Direct Transmittance Estimation in Heterogeneous Participating Media Using Approximated Taylor Expansions. Daniel Jönsson, Joel Kronander, Jonas Unger, Thomas B. Schön, and Magnus Wrenninge. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, volume 28, number 7, pp 2602-2614, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  190. An image registration method for voxel-wise analysis of whole-body oncological PET-CT. Hanna Jönsson, Simon Ekström, Robin Strand, Mette A Pedersen, Daniel Molin, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In Scientific Reports, volume 12, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  191. Diversified Retrieval of Spatial Data with Context. Georgios Kalamatianos. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2209, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  192. CertiStr: A Certified String Solver. Shuanglong Kan, Anthony Widjaja Lin, Philipp Rümmer, and Micha Schrader. In CPP 2022: Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, pp 210-224, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  193. AttentionHTR: Handwritten Text Recognition Based on Attention Encoder-Decoder Networks. Dmitrijs Kass and Ekta Vats. In DOCUMENT ANALYSIS SYSTEMS, DAS 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 507-522, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  194. Altered developmental programs and oriented cell divisions lead to bulky bones during salamander limb regeneration. Marketa Kaucka, Alberto Joven Araus, Marketa Tesarova, Joshua D. Currie, Johan Boström, Michaela Kavkova, Julian Petersen, Zeyu Yao, Anass Bouchnita, Andreas Hellander, Tomas Zikmund, Ahmed Elewa, Phillip T. Newton, Ji-Feng Fei, Andrei S. Chagin, Kaj Fried, Elly M. Tanaka, Jozef Kaiser, Andras Simon, and Igor Adameyko. In Nature Communications, volume 13, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  195. Modelling and Analysis of Probabilistic Networks. Amin Kaveh. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2117, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  196. Overlapping Clustering of Probabilistic Networks. Amin Kaveh, Matteo Magnani, and Christian Rohner. 2022.
  197. App-based COVID-19 syndromic surveillance and prediction of hospital admissions in COVID Symptom Study Sweden. Beatrice Kennedy, Hugo Fitipaldi, Ulf Hammar, Marlena Maziarz, Neli Tsereteli, Nikolay Oskolkov, Georgios Varotsis, Camilla A. Franks, Diem Nguyen, Lampros Spiliopoulos, Hans-Olov Adami, Jonas Björk, Stefan Engblom, Katja Fall, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Jan-Eric Litton, Mats Martinell, Anna Oudin, Torbjörn Sjöström, Toomas Timpka, Carole H. Sudre, Mark S. Graham, Julien Lavigne du Cadet, Andrew T. Chan, Richard Davies, Sajaysurya Ganesh, Anna May, Sébastien Ourselin, Joan Capdevila Pujol, Somesh Selvachandran, Jonathan Wolf, Tim D. Spector, Claire J. Steves, Maria F. Gomez, Paul W. Franks, and Tove Fall. In Nature Communications, volume 13, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  198. Schedulability Analysis of WSAN Applications: Outperformance of a Model Checking Approach. Ehsan Khamespanah, Morteza Mohaqeqi, Mohammad Ashjaei, and Marjan Sirjani. In 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  199. BATTERY LIFE-TIME OPTIMIZATION FOR LOW POWER DEVICES. Talha Khan, Per Gunningberg, Olof Liberg, and Yi-Pin Eric Wang. 2022. (External link).
  200. BATTERY LIFE-TIME PREDICTION FOR LOW POWER DEVICES. Talha Khan, Per Gunningberg, Olof Liberg, and Yi-Pin Eric Wang. 2022. (External link).
  201. EU Cybersecurity Act and IoT Certification: Landscape, Perspective and a Proposed Template Scheme. Anum Khurshid, Reem Alsaaidi, Mudassar Aslam, and Shahid Raza. In IEEE Access, volume 10, pp 129932-129948, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  202. Towards Trustworthy and Secure Internet of Things Devices: Using hardware-assisted Trusted Execution and Automated Certification. Anum Khurshid. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2206, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image, cover).
  203. A Computable Definition of the Spectral Bias. Jonas Kiessling and Filip Thor. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 36, number 7, pp 7168-7175, AAAI Press, 2022. (DOI).
  204. Supporting Dynamic Translation Granularity for Hybrid Memory Systems. Bokyeong Kim, Soojin Hwang, Sanghoon Cha, Chang Hyun Park, Jongse Park, and Jaehyuk Huh. In 2022 IEEE 40th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, pp 25-32, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  205. Falska vänner, vassa vrår och språkliga fällor [False friends, sharp corners, and languge traps]. Christer O. Kiselman. In <em>Nämnarens artikelsamling, </em>March 2022, pp 23-31, Nationellt centrum för matematikutbildning (NCM), Göteborg, 2022.
  206. Complex convexity. Christer Oscar Kiselman. In Steven G. Krantz (Ed.), Handbook of Complex Analysis. CRC Press, xi + 534 pages., pp 245-377, CRC Press, London, England, 2022.
  207. Digital geometry, mathematical morphology, and discrete optimization: A survey. Christer Oscar Kiselman. In Discrete geometry and Mathematical Morphology, volume 13493 of Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, pp 26-31, Springer, 2022. (DOI, pp. 26-31).
  208. Elements of Digital Geometry, Mathematical Morphology, and Discrete Optimization. Christer Oscar Kiselman. World Scientific, Singapore, 2022. (DOI).
  209. Which Convexity Properties are Preserved under Linear Mappings?. Christer Oscar Kiselman. In Journal of Convex Analysis, volume 29, number 4, pp 1023-1035, HELDERMANN VERLAG, 2022.
  210. Zamenhof's Yiddish Grammar and His Universal Language: Two Projects in Ashkenazi Culture. Christer Oscar Kiselman. KAVA-PECH, Dobrichovice, Czechia, 2022.
  211. Inferring Interval-Valued Floating-Point Preconditions. Jonas Kramer, Lionel Blatter, Eva Darulova, and Mattias Ulbrich. In Tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems, TACAS 2022, pt I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 303-321, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, fulltext:print).
  212. Multi-Armed Bandit-based Channel Hopping: Implementation on Embedded Devices. Konrad-Felix Krentz, Alex Kangas, and Thiemo Voigt. In Machine Learning for Networking: 4th International Conference, MLN 2021, Virtual Event, December 1–3, 2021, Proceedings, volume 13175 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 29-47, Springer, Cham, 2022. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  213. Reducing Trust Assumptions with OSCORE, RISC-V, and Layer 2 One-Time Passwords. Konrad-Felix Krentz and Thiemo Voigt. In Foundations and Practice of Security: 15th International Symposium, FPS 2022, Ottawa, ON, Canada, December 12–14, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, volume 13877 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), pp 389-405, Springer, Cham, 2022. (DOI, fulltext:preprint).
  214. Dependence-aware Slice Execution to Boost MLP in Slice-out-of-order Cores. Rakesh Kumar, Mehdi Alipour, and David Black-Schaffer. In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), volume 19, number 2, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI).
  215. Broadening participation of biology students in computing: a mixed methods study among bioinformatics students. Thom Kunkeler and Aletta Nylén. In , pp 1-5, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  216. Inequality in Computing Education through the lens of Social Capital: a Methodology. Thom Kunkeler. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on United Kingdom &amp; Ireland Computing Education Research, ACM Publications, 2022. (DOI).
  217. Supporting Shared Responsibility for Integrating Ethics into Science and Technology Education. Mikael Laaksoharju, Thomas Taro Lennerfors, Björn Victor, and Maja Elmgren. In 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  218. Internet-based support for informal caregivers to individuals with head and neck cancer (Carer eSupport): a study protocol for the development and feasibility testing of a complex online intervention. Ulrica Langegård, Åsa Cajander, Maria E. Carlsson, Louise von Essen, Awais Ahmad, Göran Laurell, Ylva Tiblom Ehrsson, and Birgitta Johansson. In BMJ Open, volume 12, number 5, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  219. MIMIR: Deep Regression for Automated Analysis of UK Biobank MRI Scans. Taro Langner, Andrés Martínez Mora, Robin Strand, Håkan Ahlström, and Joel Kullberg. In Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, volume 4, number 3, Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), 2022. (DOI).
  220. A numerical investigation of some RBF-FD error estimates. Elisabeth Larsson, Boštjan Mavri?, Andreas Michael, and Fatemeh Pooladi. In Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, volume 15, number 5, pp 78-95, Padova University Press, 2022. (DOI).
  221. Visualising the digital transformation of research data management and student administration the Milky Way. Monica Lassi, Gerolf Nauwerck, Anna Winckler, and Michael Cederberg. In European Journal of Higher Education IT, 2022.
  222. Occurrence of late-apoptotic symptoms in porcine preimplantation embryos upon exposure of oocytes to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) under in vitro meiotic maturation. Anna Leclercq, Petter Ranefall, Ylva Cecilia Björnsdotter Sjunnesson, and Ida Hallberg. In PLOS ONE, volume 17, number 12, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  223. Friend of a friend models of network growth. Watson Levens, Alex Szorkovszky, and David J. T. Sumpter. In Royal Society Open Science, volume 9, number 10, Royal Society, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  224. A novel cis-regulatory element drives early expression of Nkx3.2 in the gnathostome primary jaw joint. Jake Leyhr, Laura Waldmann, Beata Filipek-Górniok, Hanqing Zhang, Amin Allalou, and Tatjana Haitina. In eLIFE, volume 11, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  225. Auto-weighted Robust Federated Learning with Corrupted Data Sources. Shenghui Li, Edith Ngai, Fanghua Ye, and Thiemo Voigt. In ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, volume 13, number 5, pp 1-20, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI).
  226. Exploring Representation of Horn clauses using GNNs. Chencheng Liang, Philipp Rümmer, and Marc Brockschmidt. In PAAR’22: 8th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning, volume 3201 of CEUR workshop proceedings, Central Europe, 2022. (Proceedings in full-text, fulltext:print).
  227. Exact inverse solution techniques for a class of complex valued block two-by-two linear systems. Zhao-Zheng Liang and Owe Axelsson. In Numerical Algorithms, volume 90, number 1, pp 79-98, Springer, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  228. Serum levels of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and body composition - A cross-sectional study in a middle-aged population. P. Monica Lind, Lars Lind, Samira Salihovic, Håkan Ahlström, Karl Michaëlsson, Joel Kullberg, and Robin Strand. In Environmental Research, volume 209, p 112677, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  229. A roadmap for UX in rail: Changing tracks in train traffic research. Jessica Lindblom and Mikael Laaksoharju. In Conference Proceedings of the 51<sup>st</sup> NES Conference: Work Well - Ergonomics in an unpredictable world, pp 51-58, Nordic Ergonomic Society (NES) & Uppsala University, Uppsala, 2022. (Conference proceedings in fulltext, Conference website, fulltext:print).
  230. Conference Proceedings of the 51<sup>st</sup> NES Conference: Work Well - Ergonomics in an unpredictable world. Jessica Lindblom and Cecilia Österman (eds). NES, Uppsala, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext).
  231. Conference Proceedings of the 51<sup>st</sup> NES Conference: Work Well - Ergonomics in an unpredictable world. Jessica Lindblom and Cecilia Österman (eds). NES, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext).
  232. Machine learning: a first course for engineers and scientists. Andreas Lindholm, Niklas Wahlström, Fredrik Lindsten, and Thomas B. Schön. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2022. (Read book (electronic version)).
  233. Predicting Political Violence Using a State-Space Model. Andreas Lindholm, Johannes Hendriks, Adrian Wills, and Thomas B. Schön. In International Interactions, volume 48, number 4, pp 759-777, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022. (DOI).
  234. Measurement-based Admission Control in Sliced Networks: A Best Arm Identification Approach. Simon Lindståhl, Alexandre Proutiere, and Andreas Johnsson. In GLOBECOM 2022: 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE Global Communications Conference, pp 1484-1490, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  235. Finite Difference Methods for Time-Dependent Wave Propagation Problems. Ylva Ljungberg Rydin. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2109, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (Online public defence, fulltext, preview image).
  236. Is image-to-image translation the panacea for multimodal image registration?: A comparative study. Jiahao Lu, Johan Öfverstedt, Joakim Lindblad, and Nataša Sladoje. In PLOS ONE, volume 17, number 11, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  237. Contextual Personas: A Method for Capturing the Digital Work Environment of Users. Marta Lárusdóttir, Ruochen Wang, and Åsa Cajander. In Sense, Feel, Design: INTERACT 2021, volume 13198 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 98-112, Springer Nature, Cham, 2022. (DOI).
  238. Adaptive time integration of mechanical forces in center-based models for biological cell populations. Per Lötstedt and Sonja Mathias. 2022. (DOI, External link).
  239. A New Graph-Based Fractality Index to Characterize Complexity of Urban Form. Lei Ma, Stefan Seipel, Sven Anders Brandt, and Ding Ma. In ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, volume 11, number 5, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  240. Towards an information-theoretic framework of intrusion detection for composed systems and robustness analyses. Tobias Mages, Magnus Almgren, and Christian Rohner. In Computers & security (Print), volume 116, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  241. Generation of temporal multilayer networks from population-scale register data. Matteo Magnani, Miia Bask, Mikael Bask, and Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen. In , 2022.
  242. MM4Drone: A Multi-Spectral Image and mmWave Radar Approach for Identifying Mosquito Breeding Grounds via Aerial Drones. K.T.Y Mahima, Malith Weerasekara, Kasun De Zoysa, Chamath Keppitiyagama, Markus Flierl, Luca Mottola, and Thiemo Voigt. In Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare: 16th EAI International Conference, PervasiveHealth 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece, December 12-14, 2022, Proceedings, volume 488 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST), pp 412-426, Springer, Cham, 2022. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  243. Guest Editorial: Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. Filip Malmberg, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, volume 64, number 7, pp 691-692, Springer, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  244. Computational Modeling, Parameterization, and Evaluation of the Spread of Diseases. Robin Marin. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2157, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  245. When bounds consistency implies domain consistency for regular counting constraints. Barnaby Martin and Justin Pearson. In Constraints, volume 27, number 3, pp 161-167, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  246. CBMOS: a GPU-enabled Python framework for the numerical study of center-based models. Sonja Mathias, Adrien Coulier, and Andreas Hellander. In BMC Bioinformatics, volume 23, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  247. Robust and Efficient Cell-Based Models of Tissue Mechanics. Sonja Mathias. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2164, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  248. Phronesis: Deliberative Judgement as a Key Competence in the Post-Covid Educational Environment. Roger McDermott and Mats Daniels. In , 2022. (DOI).
  249. Linear time-invariant discrete delay systems in Laguerre domain. Alexander Medvedev, Viktor Bro, and Rosane Ushirobira. In IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, volume 67, number 5, pp 2677-2683, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  250. Time-delay estimation with non-persistent input. Alexander Medvedev. In 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp 251-256, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  251. Haptic-Assisted Surgical Planning (HASP) in a Case of Bilateral Mandible Fracture. Roya Moafi, Fredrik Nysjö, Johan Kämpe, Christopher Riben, and Andreas Thor. In International Medical Case Reports Journal, volume 15, pp 707-712, Dove Medical Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  252. Counting Priority Inversions: Computing Maximum Additional Core Requests of DAG Tasks. Morteza Mohaqeqi, Gaoyang Dai, and Yi Wang. In Proceedings Of The 2022 Design, Automation &amp; Test In Europe Conference &amp; Exhibition (DATE 2022), Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, pp 1281-1286, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  253. Precision medicine and artificial intelligence: Ethical considerations about human identity. Aristidis Moustakas and Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In , 2022. (Keynote speakers).
  254. Healthcare Professionals' Experiences of the Work Environment After Patients' Access to Their Electronic Health Records - A Qualitative Study in Primary Care.. Irene Muli, Isabella Scandurra, Åsa Cajander, and Maria Hägglund. In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, volume 294, pp 530-534, IOS Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  255. Efficient Application of Hanging-Node Constraints for Matrix-Free High-Order FEM Computations on CPU and GPU. Peter Munch, Karl Ljungkvist, and Martin Kronbichler. In HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 133-152, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  256. Visualisation of Numerical Query Results on Industrial Data Streams. Miran Ismaiel Nadir and Kjell Orsborn. In New Trends in Database and Information Systems, ADBIS 2022, volume 1652 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp 34-42, Springer, 2022. (DOI).
  257. Sequential Detection of Replay Attacks with a Parsimonious Watermarking Policy. Arunava Naha, André Teixeira, Anders Ahlén, and Subhrakanti Dey. In 2022 American Control Conference (ACC), Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp 4868-4875, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  258. Structural analyses of a parsimonious watermarking policy for data deception attack detection in networked control systems. Arunava Naha, André Teixeira, Anders Ahlén, and Subhrakanti Dey. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp 7648-7655, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  259. Towards a Sector Specific Higher Education Reference Model: Introducing HERM. Gerolf Nauwerck, Patrik Maltusch, Valérie Le Strat, and Esa Suominen. In European Journal of Higher Education IT, volume 1, 2022.
  260. A Single-Adversary-Single-Detector Zero-Sum Game in Networked Control Systems. Anh Tung Nguyen, André Teixeira, and Alexander Medvedev. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, volume 55, number 13, pp 49-54, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  261. A Zero-Sum Game Framework for Optimal Sensor Placement in Uncertain Networked Control Systems under Cyber-Attacks. Anh Tung Nguyen, Sribalaji C. Anand, and André M. H. Teixeira. In 2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, pp 6126-6133, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Preprint in arXiv, fulltext:postprint).
  262. Spectral Analysis of the Finite Element Matrices Approximating 3D Linearly Elastic Structures and Multigrid Proposals. Quoc Khanh Nguyen, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Cristina Tablino-Possio, and Eddie Wadbro. In Mathematical and Computational Applications, volume 27, number 5, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  263. Spectral analysis of the finite element matrices approximating 2D linearly elastic structures and multigrid proposals. Quoc Khanh Nguyen, Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Cristina Tablino-Possio, and Eddie Wadbro. In Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, volume 29, number 4, John Wiley & Sons, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  264. Special Issue on Collaborative Edge Computing for Social Internet of Things Systems. Zhaolong Ning, Meng Chu Zhou, Yong Yuan, Edith Ngai, and Ricky Yu-Kwong Kwok. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, volume 9, number 1, pp 59-63, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  265. Compressed Forwarding Tables Reconsidered. Jonas Norlinder, Erik Österlund, and Tobias Wrigstad. In MPLR '22: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes, pp 45-63, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  266. From Visual Forms to Metaphors: Targeting Cultural Competence in Image Analysis. Lars Oestreicher and Jan von Bonsdorff. In Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), volume 3232 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp 343-351, 2022. (Conference proceedings i full-text, fulltext:print).
  267. Robust machine learning methods. Muhammad Osama. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2147, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  268. Segmentation of Major Cerebral Vessel from MRA images and Evaluation using U-Net Family. Subhash Pal, Subhashis Banerjee, Dimitrios Toumpanakis, Johan Wikström, Robin Strand, and Ashis Dhara. In 2022 IEEE 6th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems (CATCON), pp 235-238, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  269. Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Time-Delay Based Multistatic Target Localization. Kuntal Panwar, Prabhu Babu, and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Signal Processing Letters, volume 29, pp 847-851, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  270. A Literature Review for the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Maintenance of Railway Operations with an Emphasis on Data. Mauro José Pappaterra. In DEPENDABLE COMPUTING, EDCC 2022 WORKSHOPS, Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp 59-75, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  271. Every Walk's a Hit: Making Page Walks Single-Access Cache Hits. Chang Hyun Park, Ilias Vougioukas, Andreas Sandberg, and David Black-Schaffer. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS ’22), February 28 – March 4, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:postprint, fulltext:print).
  272. Hierarchical graph representations in digital pathology. Pushpak Pati, Guillaume Jaume, Antonio Foncubierta-Rodriguez, Florinda Feroce, Anna Maria Anniciello, Giosue Scognamiglio, Nadia Brancati, Maryse Fiche, Estelle Dubruc, Daniel Riccio, Maurizio Di Bonito, Giuseppe De Pietro, Gerardo Botti, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Maria Frucci, Orcun Göksel, and Maria Gabrani. In Medical Image Analysis, volume 75, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  273. The need for multiple approaches for ethics in technology education. Norberto Patrignani and Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos. In Effectiveness of ICT ethics: How do we help solve ethical problems in the field of ICT?, pp 8-15, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 2022. (External link).
  274. Computational analysis of subscapularis tears and pectoralis major transfers on muscular activity. Fabien Pean, Philippe Favre, and Orcun Göksel. In Clinical Biomechanics, volume 92, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  275. Special Section on Analysis and control design for neurodynamics. Sergio Pequito, Erfan Nozari, and Fabio Pasqualetti. In Annual Reviews in Control, volume 54, pp 324-326, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI).
  276. ENGAGE-DEM: A Model of Engagement of People with Dementia. Giulia Perugia, Marta Díaz-Boladeras, Andreu Català-Mallofré, Emilia Barakova, and Matthias Rauterberg. In IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, volume 13, number 2, pp 926-943, IEEE Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, Full paper, fulltext:print).
  277. Incorporating Sum Constraints into Multitask Gaussian Processes. Philipp Pilar. In Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2022. (External link).
  278. Variational Framework for Structure-Preserving Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Methods. Martin Campos Pinto, Katharina Kormann, and Eric Sonnendruecker. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 91, number 2, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  279. Association Between Objectively Assessed Sleep and Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Post-partum. Tryfonas Pitsillos, Anna-Karin Wikström, Alkistis Skalkidou, Birgit Derntl, Manfred Hallschmid, Nicolas D Lutz, Edith Ngai, Inger Sundström Poromaa, and Anna Wikman. In Frontiers in Global Women's Health, volume 2, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  280. HarmonicID: An Identification System for Low-Power Analog Backscatter Tags. Dilushi Piumwardane, Madhushanka Padmal, Vaishnavi Ranganathan, Christian Rohner, and Thiemo Voigt. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), volume 2022 of IEEE International Conference on RFID, pp 1-6, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, fulltext:postprint).
  281. So Many Fuzzers, So Little Time: Experience from Evaluating Fuzzers on the Contiki-NG Network (Hay)Stack. Clément Poncelet, Konstantinos Sagonas, and Nicolas Tsiftes. In ASE '22: Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, volume 37 of IEEE ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  282. AnhörigCoach: Role of Culture in Persuasive design of E-Coaching Application in the Swedish Context. Shweta Premanandan and Pär Ågerfalk. In , Bratislava, Slovakia, 2022.
  283. A meshless solution of the compressible viscous flow in axisymmetric tubes with varying cross-sections. Khush Bakhat Rana, Bostjan Mavric, Rizwan Zahoor, and Bozidar Sarler. In Engineering analysis with boundary elements, volume 143, pp 340-352, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  284. A method for Boolean analysis of protein interactions at a molecular level. Doroteya Raykova, Despoina Kermpatsou, Tony Malmqvist, Philip J Harrison, Marie Rubin Sander, Christiane Stiller, Johan Heldin, Mattias Leino, Sara Ricardo, Anna H Klemm, Leonor David, Ola Spjuth, Kalyani Vemuri, Anna Dimberg, Anders Sundqvist, Maria Norlin, Axel Klaesson, Caroline Kampf, and Ola Söderberg. In Nature Communications, volume 13, number 1, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  285. Minimum structural sensor placement for switched linear time-invariant systems and unknown inputs. Emily A. Reed, Guilherme Ramos, Paul Bogdan, and Sergio Pequito. In Automatica, volume 146, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI).
  286. Demokratins villkor eller villkorad demokrati? Värdegrund som teknokratiskt styrmedel. Sharon Rider. In Skör Demokrati: Det öppna samhällets motkrafter i svensk offentlig debatt, kultur och forskning, Fri tanke, 2022.
  287. Efficient Learning of the Parameters of Non-Linear Models Using Differentiable Resampling in Particle Filters. Conor Rosato, Lee Devlin, Vincent Beraud, Paul Horridge, Thomas B. Schön, and Simon Maskell. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 70, pp 3676-3692, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  288. Transformation-Driving Education: Perspectives Emerging in a Dialogue between Teachers with Experiences from Challenge-Driven Education. Anders Rosen, Anne-Kathrin Peters, Mats Daniels, Mats Danielsson, Jens Hemphala, Maria Hakansson, and Gunilla Olundh Sandstrom. In , 2022. (DOI).
  289. The Social Robot Expectation Gap Evaluation Framework. Julia Rosen, Jessica Lindblom, and Erik Billing. In HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION: TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION, PT II, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 590-610, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  290. Cross-Lingual Link Discovery for Under-Resourced Languages. Michael Rosner, Sina Ahmadi, Elena-Simona Apostol, Julia Bosque-Gil, Christian Chiarcos, Milan Dojchinovski, Katerina Gkirtzou, Jorge Gracia, Dagmar Gromann, Chaya Liebeskind, Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviene, Gilles Serasset, and Ciprian-Octavian Truica. In LREC 2022: Thirteen International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp 181-192, EUROPEAN LANGUAGE RESOURCES ASSOC-ELRA, 2022. (Table of Contents, fulltext:print).
  291. The Chunks and Tasks Matrix Library. Emanuel H. Rubensson, Elias Rudberg, Anastasia Kruchinina, and Anton G. Artemov. In SoftwareX, volume 19, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, External link, fulltext:print).
  292. Impulsive time series modeling with application to luteinizing hormone data. Håkan Runvik and Alexander Medvedev. In Frontiers in Endocrinology, volume 13, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  293. Input Sequence and Parameter Estimation in Impulsive Biomedical Models. Håkan Runvik and Alexander Medvedev. In 2022 European Control Conference (ECC), pp 253-258, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  294. Delay-on-Squash: Stopping Microarchitectural Replay Attacks in Their Tracks. Christos Sakalis, Stefanos Kaxiras, and Magnus Sjalander. In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), volume 20, number 1, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  295. De novo spatiotemporal modelling of cell-type signatures in the developmental human heart using graph convolutional neural networks. Sergio Marco Salas, Xiao Yuan, Christer Sylven, Mats Nilsson, Carolina Wählby, and Gabriele Partel. In PloS Computational Biology, volume 18, number 8, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  296. Information systems in nurses' work: Technical rationality versus an ethic of care. Minna Salminen-Karlsson and Diane Golay. In New technology, work and employment, volume 37, number 2, pp 270-287, John Wiley & Sons, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  297. Bias detectability during sensor validation with grab samples. Oscar Samuelsson, Erik U. Lindblom, Anders Björk, and Bengt Carlsson. In , 2022. (Conference information).
  298. Automated multilabel diagnosis on electrocardiographic images and signals. Veer Sangha, Bobak J. Mortazavi, Adrian D. Haimovich, Antônio Horta Ribeiro, Cynthia A. Brandt, Daniel L. Jacoby, Wade L. Schulz, Harlan M. Krumholz, Antonio Luiz P. Ribeiro, and Rohan Khera. In Nature Communications, volume 13, number 1, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  299. Exploring Approaches for Heterogeneous Transfer Learning in Dynamic Networks. Fernando Garcia Sanz, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, and Andreas Johnsson. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE/IFIP NETWORK OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM 2022, IEEE IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  300. AirLogic: Embedding Pneumatic Computation and I/O in 3D Models to Fabricate Electronics-Free Interactive Objects. Valkyrie Savage, Carlos E. Tejada, Mengyu Zhong, Raf Ramakers, Daniel Ashbrook, and Hyunyoung Kim. In UIST '22: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  301. Migrating to Long-Read Sequencing for Clinical Routine <em>BCR-ABL1</em> TKI Resistance Mutation Screening. Wesley Schaal, Adam Ameur, Ulla Olsson-Strömberg, Monica Hermansson, Lucia Cavelier, and Ola Spjuth. In Cancer Informatics, volume 21, pp 1-8, Sage Publications, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  302. Editorial: Affective shared perception. Alessandra Sciutti, Pablo Barros, Ginevra Castellano, and Yukie Nagai. In Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, volume 16, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  303. SLOT-V: Supervised Learning of Observer Models for Legible Robot Motion Planning in Manipulation. Wallkötter Sebastian, Mohamed Chetouani, and Ginevra Castellano. In 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), IEEE RO-MAN, pp 1421-1428, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Manuscript in arXiv).
  304. Analysing and Predicting Energy Consumption of Garbage Collectors in OpenJDK. Marina Shimchenko, Mihail Popov, and Tobias Wrigstad. In MPLR '22: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Managed Programming Languages and Runtimes, pp 3-15, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  305. Analysing software prefetching opportunities in hardware transactional memory. Marina Shimchenko, Rubén Titos-Gil, Ricardo Fernández-Pascual, Manuel E. Acacio, Stefanos Kaxiras, Alberto Ros, and Alexandra Jimborean. In Journal of Supercomputing, volume 78, number 1, pp 919-944, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  306. ISO-based Annotated Multilingual Parallel Corpus for Discourse Markers. Purificacao Silvano, Mariana Damova, Giedre Valunaite Oleskeviciene, Chaya Liebeskind, Christian Chiarcos, Dimitar Trajanov, Ciprian-Octavian Truic?, Elena-Simona Apostol, and Anna Baczkowska. In LREC 2022: Thirteen International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp 2739-2749, European Language Resources Association, 2022. (Table of Contents, fulltext:print).
  307. Improved geometric accuracy of whole body diffusion-weighted imaging at 1.5T and 3T using reverse polarity gradients. Therese Sjöholm, Joel Kullberg, Robin Strand, M. Engström, Håkan Ahlström, and Filip Malmberg. In Scientific Reports, volume 12, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  308. Bioimage Data Analysis Workflows ? Advanced Components and Methods. Nataša Sladoje and Kota Miura (eds). Learning Materials in Biosciences, Springer, 2022. (DOI).
  309. Block and Text Programming in Swedish High School: What do students know on their first day?. Johan Snider, Erik Bokström, Kasper Davidsson, Anna Eckerdal, and Robin Kastberg. In 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  310. White matter changes should not exclude patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus from shunt surgery. Carl Snöbohm, Filip Malmberg, Eva Freyhult, Kim Kultima, David Fällmar, and Johan Virhammar. In Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, volume 19, number 1, BioMed Central (BMC), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  311. Predicting protein network topology clusters from chemical structure using deep learning. Akshai P. Sreenivasan, Philip J Harrison, Wesley Schaal, Damian J. Matuszewski, Kim Kultima, and Ola Spjuth. In Journal of Cheminformatics, volume 14, number 1, BioMed Central, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  312. False Discovery Rate (FDR) and Familywise Error Rate (FER) Rules for Model Selection in Signal Processing Applications. Peter Stoica and Prabhu Babu. In IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, volume 3, pp 403-416, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  313. The Cramér-Rao Bound for Signal Parameter Estimation From Quantized Data [Lecture Notes]. Peter Stoica, Xiaolei Shang, and Yuanbo Cheng. In IEEE signal processing magazine (Print), volume 39, number 1, pp 118-125, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  314. The Monte-Carlo Sampling Approach to Model Selection: A Primer. Peter Stoica, Xiaolei Shang, and Yuanbo Cheng. In IEEE signal processing magazine (Print), volume 39, number 5, pp 85-92, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  315. Photon-Counting CT Reconstruction With a Learned Forward Operator. Emanuel Strom, Mats Persson, Alma Eguizabal, and Ozan Öktem. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, volume 8, pp 536-550, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  316. When Are Errors-in-Variables Aspects Important to Consider in System Identification?. Torsten Söderström and Umberto Soverini. In 2022 European Control Conference (ECC), pp 315-320, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  317. Demonstration of Policy-Induced Unsupervised Feature Selection in a 5G network. Jalil Taghia, Farnaz Moradi, Hannes Larsson, Xiaoyu Lan, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, and Andreas Johnsson. In IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  318. Policy-Induced Unsupervised Feature Selection: A Networking Case Study. Jalil Taghia, Farnaz Moradi, Hannes Larsson, Xiaoyu Lan, Masoumeh Ebrahimi, and Andreas Johnsson. In IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2022), IEEE INFOCOM, pp 750-759, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  319. MIMO Multifunction RF Systems: Detection Performance and Waveform Design. Bo Tang and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 70, pp 4381-4394, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  320. A Preliminary Case Study on Gender Norms in Robot-Assisted Diagnosis of Perinatal Depression: A Socio-Legal HRI Perspective. Laetitia Tanqueray, Ginevra Castellano, and Stefan Larsson. In , 2022. (Workshop abstracts in full-text).
  321. Gender Fairness in Social Robotics: Exploring a Future Care of Peripartum Depression. Laetitia Tanqueray, Tobiaz Paulsson, Mengyu Zhong, Stefan Larsson, and Ginevra Castellano. In Proceedings of the 2022 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '22), ACM IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp 598-607, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  322. QoS Aware Robot Trajectory Optimization With IRS-Assisted Millimeter-Wave Communications. Cristian Tatino, Nikolaos Pappas, and Di Yuan. In IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, volume 3, pp 1323-1336, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  323. Living in darkness: Exploring adaptation of <em>Proteus anguinus</em> in 3 dimensions by X-ray imaging. Marketa Tesarova, Lucia Mancini, Edgardo Mauri, Gregor Aljancic, Magdalena Naparus-Aljancic, Rok Kostanjsek, Lilijana Bizjak Mali, Tomas Zikmund, Marketa Kaucka, Federica Papi, Jana Goyens, Anass Bouchnita, Andreas Hellander, Igor Adameyko, and Jozef Kaiser. In GigaScience, volume 11, Oxford University Press, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  324. Differentiable Zooming for Multiple Instance Learning on Whole-Slide Images. Kevin Thandiackal, Boqi Chen, Pushpak Pati, Guillaume Jaume, Drew F. K. Williamson, Maria Gabrani, and Orcun Göksel. In COMPUTER VISION, ECCV 2022, PT XXI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 699-715, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  325. An unfitted radial basis function generated finite difference method applied to thoracic diaphragm simulations. Igor Tominec, Pierre-Frederic Villard, Elisabeth Larsson, Victor Bayona, and Nicola Cacciani. In Journal of Computational Physics, volume 469, p 111496, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  326. Oversampled radial basis function methods for solving partial differential equations. Igor Tominec. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2142, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  327. Detection of Bias Injection Attacks on the Glucose Sensor in the Artificial Pancreas Under Meal Disturbance. Fatih Emre Tosun, André Teixeira, Anders Ahlén, and Subhrakanti Dey. In 2022 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE (ACC), pp 1398-1405, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  328. SLC38A10 Regulate Glutamate Homeostasis and Modulate the AKT/TSC2/mTOR Pathway in Mouse Primary Cortex Cells. Rekha Tripathi, Tanya Aggarwal, Frida A. Lindberg, Anna H Klemm, and Robert Fredriksson. In Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, volume 10SUPPLEMENTARY DATA FOR: SLC38A10 Regulate Glutamate Homeostasis and modulate the AKT/TSC2/mTOR Pathway in mouse cortex cells, Frontiers Media S.A., 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  329. MisRoB ae RTa: Transformers versus Misinformation. Ciprian-Octavian Truica and Elena-Simona Apostol. In Mathematics, volume 10, number 4, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  330. Judo: Addressing the Energy Asymmetry of Wireless Embedded Systems Through Tunnel Diode based Wireless Transmitters. Ambuj Varshney, Wenqing Yan, and Prabal Dutta. In MobiSys '22: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, pp 273-286, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  331. Launching the VASCO Citizen Science Project. Beatriz Villarroel, Kristiaan Pelckmans, Enrique Solano, Mikael Laaksoharju, Abel Souza, Onyeuwaoma Nnaemeka Dom, Khaoula Laggoune, Jamal Mimouni, Hichem Guergouri, Lars Mattsson, Aurora Lago Garcia, Johan Soodla, Diego Castillo, Matthew E. Shultz, Rubby Aworka, Sebastien Comeron, Stefan Geier, Geoffrey W. Marcy, Alok C. Gupta, Josefine Bergstedt, Rudolf E. Bär, Bart Buelens, Emilio Enriquez, Christopher K. Mellon, Almudena Prieto, Dismas Simiyu Wamalwa, Rafael S. de Souza, and Martin J. Ward. In Universe, volume 8, number 11, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  332. A Sociocultural Perspective on Computer Science Capital and its Pedagogical Implications in Computer Science Education. Tina Vrieler and Minna Salminen-Karlsson. In ACM Transactions on Computing Education, volume 22, number 4, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  333. The Role of Gdf5 in the Development of the Zebrafish Fin Endoskeleton. Laura Waldmann, Jake Leyhr, Hanqing Zhang, Amin Allalou, Caroline Öhman, and Tatjana Haitina. In Developmental Dynamics, volume 251, number 9, pp 1535-1549, John Wiley & Sons, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  334. AI based prostate analysis system trained without human supervision to predict patient outcome from tissue samples. Peter Walhagen, Ewert Bengtsson, Maximilian Lennartz, Guido Sauter, and Christer Busch. In Journal of Pathology Informatics, volume 13, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  335. Transparency Mechanisms in HRI: Improving an observer’s understanding of social robots. Sebastian Wallkötter. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2166, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  336. Optimized Volume Control Architecture for Cascaded Audio System. Desheng Wang, Yangjie Wei, Dong Ji, Ye Ma, and Yi Wang. In IEEE transactions on consumer electronics, volume 68, number 2, pp 170-180, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  337. An Energy-Based Summation-by-Parts Finite Difference Method For the Wave Equation in Second Order Form. Siyang Wang, Daniel Appelo, and Gunilla Kreiss. In Journal of Scientific Computing, volume 91, number 2, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  338. Improved breast cancer histological grading using deep learning. Y. Wang, B. Acs, S. Robertson, B. Liu, Leslie Solorzano, Carolina Wählby, J. Hartman, and M. Rantalainen. In Annals of Oncology, volume 33, number 1, pp 89-98, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  339. Scheduling and Analysis of Real-Time Tasks with Parallel Critical Sections. Yang Wang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv, Dong Ji, and Yi Wang. In Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, DAC 2022, pp 1255-1260, ACM Publications, 2022. (DOI).
  340. MIMOS: A Deterministic Model for the Design and Update of Real-Time Systems. Yi Wang, Morteza Mohaqeqi, and Susanne Graf. In Coordination Models and Languages, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 17-34, Springer, 2022. (DOI).
  341. Stability analysis of high order methods for the wave equation. Ivy Weber, Gunilla Kreiss, and Murtazo Nazarov. In Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 404, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  342. Learning by Doing: Controlling a Dynamical System using Causality, Control, and Reinforcement Learning. Sebastian Weichwald, Søren Wengel Mogensen, Tabitha Edith Lee, Dominik Baumann, Oliver Kroemer, Isabelle Guyon, Sebastian Trimpe, Jonas Peters, and Niklas Pfister. In Proceedings of the NeurIPS 2021 Competitions and Demonstrations Track, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, pp 246-258, PMLR, 2022. (Electronic full text, External link).
  343. Re-Ranking Strategies in Cross-Modality Microscopy Retrieval. Elisabeth Wetzer, Eva Breznik, Joakim Lindblad, and Nataša Sladoje. In , Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (Presentation video on publisher's website).
  344. Rotationally Equivariant Representation Learning for Multimodal Images. Elisabeth Wetzer, Nicolas Pielawski, Johan Öfverstedt, Jiahao Lu, Carolina Wählby, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In , 2022.
  345. Escaping unsustainable digital interactions: Toward "more meaningful" and "moderate" online experiences. Kelly Widdicks, Christian Remy, Oliver Bates, Adrian Friday, and Mike Hazas. In International journal of human-computer studies, volume 165, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  346. Application, Optimisation and Evaluation of Deep Learning for Biomedical Imaging. Håkan Wieslander. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2144, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  347. Defining digital excellence: requisite skills and policy implications for digital transformation. Mattias Wiggberg, Jan Gulliksen, Åsa Cajander, and Arnold Pears. In IEEE Access, volume 10, pp 52481-52507, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  348. Marginalized particle Gibbs for multiple state-space models coupled through shared parameters. Anna Wigren and Fredrik Lindsten. In Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics, 2022. (arXiv:2210.07379, fulltext:preprint). Publication status: Submitted
  349. Nonlinear System Identification: Learning While Respecting Physical Models Using a Sequential Monte Carlo Method. Anna Wigren, Johan Wågberg, Fredrik Lindsten, Adrian G. Wills, and Thomas B. Schön. In IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE, volume 42, number 1, pp 75-102, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  350. Sequential Monte Carlo methods for conjugate state-space models. Anna Wigren. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2201, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).
  351. Constrained optimal average power control for wireless transmission. Torbjörn Wigren and Diana Yamalova. In IEEE Control Systems Letters, volume 6, pp 1922-1927, IEEE, 2022.
  352. MATLAB Software for Nonlinear and Delayed Recursive Identification: Revision 2. Torbjörn Wigren. Technical report / Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University nr 2022-002, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, 2022. (Report in fulltext, fulltext).
  353. Stable Logarithmic Feedback Control of a Disturbance. Torbjörn Wigren. In , 2022. (fulltext:print).
  354. 15 Years of (Who)man Robot Interaction: Reviewing the H in Human-Robot Interaction. Katie Winkle, Erik Lagerstedt, Ilaria Torre, and Anna Offenwanger. In ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, volume 12, number 3, ACM Digital Library, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  355. PISTIS: Composing AWS Spot Instances with Guarantees. Walter Wong, Lorenzo Corneo, Aleksandr Zavodovski, and Jussi Kangasharju. In , pp 5469-5474, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  356. Robust and integrative Bayesian neural networks for likelihood-free parameter inference. Fredrik Wrede, Robin Eriksson, Richard Jiang, Linda Petzold, Stefan Engblom, Andreas Hellander, and Prashant Singh. In 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp 1-10, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  357. Maximum Likelihood Line Spectral Estimation in the Signal Domain: A Rank-Constrained Structured Matrix Recovery Approach. Xunmeng Wu, Zai Yang, Peter Stoica, and Zongben Xu. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, volume 70, pp 4156-4169, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  358. Enabling L3: Low cost, Low complexity and Low Power Radio Frequency Sensing using Tunnel Diodes. Wenqing Yan and Ambuj Varshney. In MobiCom '22: Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking, pp 913-915, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (DOI).
  359. RRF: A Robust Radiometric Fingerprint System that Embraces Wireless Channel Diversity. Wenqing Yan, Thiemo Voigt, and Christian Rohner. In WiSec '22: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, pp 85-97, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, WiSec '22: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, fulltext:print).
  360. Deep Dive into ZGC: A Modern Garbage Collector in OpenJDK. Albert Mingkun Yang and Tobias Wrigstad. In ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, volume 44, number 4, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext).
  361. Stance Classification of Social Media Texts for Under-Resourced Scenarios in Social Sciences. Victoria Yantseva and Kostiantyn Kucher. In DATA, volume 7, number 11, MDPI, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  362. Multi-cell Caching: Fresh Information with Minimum Cost. Zhanwei Yu, Tao Deng, Yi Zhao, and Di Yuan. In 2022 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING CONFERENCE (WCNC), IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, pp 327-332, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  363. Resource Optimization With Interference Coupling in Multi-RIS-Assisted Multi-Cell Systems. Zhanwei Yu and Di Yuan. In IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, volume 3, pp 98-110, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  364. Adaptive Fuzzy Game-Based Energy-Efficient Localization in 3D Underwater Sensor Networks. Yali Yuan, Chencheng Liang, Xu Chen, Thar Baker, and Xiaoming Fu. In ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, volume 22, number 2, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI).
  365. Joint RFI mitigation and radar echo recovery for one-bit UWB radar. Tianyi Zhang, Jiaying Ren, Jian Li, Lam H. Nguyen, and Peter Stoica. In Signal Processing, volume 193, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI).
  366. RFI Mitigation for One-Bit UWB Radar Systems. Tianyi Zhang, Jiaying Ren, Jian Li, Lam H. Nguyen, and Peter Stoica. In IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, volume 58, number 2, pp 879-889, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022. (DOI).
  367. Content Caching with Personalized and Incumbent-aware Recommendation: An Optimization Approach. Yi Zhao, Zhanwei Yu, Qing He, and Di Yuan. In 20th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, ad hoc, and Wireless Networks (WIOPT 2022), pp 97-104, IEEE, 2022. (DOI).
  368. Unimodal vs. Multimodal Prediction of Antenatal Depression from Smartphone-based Survey Data in a Longitudinal Study. Mengyu Zhong, Vera van Zoest, Ayesha Mae Bilal, Fotios C. Papadopoulos, and Ginevra Castellano. In ICMI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, pp 455-467, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  369. Poster: TheDet: A Machine Learning-based Privacy-preserving Occupancy Estimation Method. Shuai Zhu, Joakim Eriksson, Thiemo Voigt, and Daniel F. Perez-Ramirez. In EWSN '22: Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, pp 208-209, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, 2022. (Poster in full-text).
  370. Spatio-temporal predictions of COVID-19 test positivity in Uppsala County, Sweden: a comparative approach. Vera van Zoest, Georgios Varotsis, Uwe Menzel, Anders Wigren, Beatrice Kennedy, Mats Martinell, and Tove Fall. In Scientific Reports, volume 12, number 1, Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, fulltext:print).
  371. Practical thinking in programming education: Novices learning hands-on. Kristina von Hausswolff. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2104, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image, errata).
  372. Convolutional Neural Networks as Summary Statistics for Approximate Bayesian Computation. Mattias Åkesson, Prashant Singh, Fredrik Wrede, and Andreas Hellander. In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, volume 19, number 6, pp 3353-3365, IEEE, 2022. (DOI, External link).
  373. Cross-Sim-NGF: FFT-Based Global Rigid Multimodal Alignment of Image Volumes using Normalized Gradient Fields. Johan Öfverstedt, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In , Springer Nature, 2022. (DOI).
  374. Efficient Algorithms for Global Multimodal Image Registration. Johan Öfverstedt, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In , 2022.
  375. Fast computation of mutual information in the frequency domain with applications to global multimodal image alignment. Johan Öfverstedt, Joakim Lindblad, and Natasa Sladoje. In Pattern Recognition Letters, volume 159, pp 196-203, Elsevier, 2022. (DOI, Fulltext, Pre-print in arXiv, fulltext:print).
  376. Methods for Reliable Image Registration: Algorithms, Distance Measures, and Representations. Johan Öfverstedt. Ph.D. thesis, Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology nr 2107, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2022. (fulltext, preview image).

Updated  2024-03-14 14:43:29 by Pierre Flener.