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Department of Information Technology

DiVA guide at the Department of IT

There are separate guidelines for doctoral theses.


In addition to instructions from the UU Library, there are some departmental guidelines listed below. The guidelines are designed to ascertain

  • appropriate faculty funding, which will partly be determined by the number of refereed publications per research programme;
  • searchability by division, and in applicable cases by research group or project.

Research Programme and Division

In DiVA both research programme (forskningsprogram) and division affiliation (avdelningstillhörighet) are author attributes residing as leaves in the same hierarchical organisation menu. For IT-department authors, there are ordinarily two reasonable menu choices.
For every IT-department author,

  • only mark the research programme
    (this is called the minimalistic approach hereafter)
  • first mark the division, and then mark the research programme
    (this is called the refined approach hereafter).

When taking the minimalistic approach, be very careful not to select your division when thinking that you are selecting your research programme, especially when their names are almost identical, as faculty funding goes to the research programmes and not to the divisions, so make sure to select the appropriate string in the right column of the following table:

Research Programme
Division of Computer Systems
Avdelningen för datorteknik
Computer Architecture and Communication Systems
Datorarkitektur och datorkommunikation
Division of Computer Systems
Avdelningen för datorteknik
Computer Systems
Division of Computing Science
Avdelningen för datalogi
Computing Science
Division of Systems and Control
Avdelningen för systemteknik
Artificial Intelligence
Artificiell intelligens
Division of Systems and Control
Avdelningen för systemteknik
Automatic Control
Division of Scientific Computing
Avdelningen för beräkningsvetenskap
Computational Science
Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap
Division of Scientific Computing
Avdelningen för beräkningsvetenskap
Numerical Analysis
Numerisk analys
Division Vi3
Avdelningen Vi3
Computing Education Research
Datavetenskapens didaktik
Division Vi3
Avdelningen Vi3
Image Analysis and Human-Computer Interaction
Bildanalys och människa-datorinteraktion

The best way to get this right is to check (and update if need be) your authority record (personpost) at DiVA, especially that library personnel import many of our publications from Web of Science and rely on your database entry:

  1. go to ;
  2. click on "DiVA Log in" (DiVA Logga in) within the black stripe at the bottom;
  3. click on "My authority record" (Min personpost);
  4. update your affiliations/organisations according to either the minimalistic approach or the refined approach above, using the table above for reference.

Contact your PAP (professor responsible for your research programme; programansvarig professor) if uncertain about something.

Authorship Claim

In order to ascertain authorship claims in DiVA, always fill in the field Username with the CAS user name for every (co)author at UU (profile pages in Medarbetarportalen).

Content Type

Mark the content type explicitly. Do not rely on the default value.


When a publication has a DOI, fill in the field DOI. If no DOI is available, then use the field URL in order to fill in an available (and stable) URL.

Subject Category

Mark one or a few subject categories at the finest level in the hierarchical National Subject Category menu. It is a Swedish extension of the European Fields of Science and Technology (FoS) classification. Examples of adequate subject categories for IT-department publications have been compiled.

Research Group and Project

In order to enable refined searches, fill in (when applicable) the field(s) Research Group or Part of Project. Do not misuse these fields to (re)state research programme or division.


For publications that are difficult to access (e.g., conference contributions on CD), fulltext is recommended provided copyrights are respected. Self-archiving fulltext in the open archive DiVA is a form of Open Access (accepted by VR, RJ, Formas).

Department of IT in DiVA

To extract IT-department publications from DiVA on Wiki pages, there is Björn Victor's DIVA macro, which is invoked on the following pages:

  • Templates for DiVA items (in IT-department style);
  • Status for refereed publications from the IT-department research programmes as of 2008.

Library Instructions

DiVA Helpdesk has written instructions and a quick reference guide how to register publications in DiVA, especially to register manually.

Pierre Flener, Head of Research (forskningsprefekt),
based on early version from DiVA administrator (2012--2019) Kurt Otto

Updated  2022-12-14 17:43:42 by Pierre Flener.