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The DoCS Technical Report series
The following is an index of the DoCS Technical Report series
(including PhD, Licentiate and Master's theses). This series has ISSN
The corresponding BibTeX file is also
available, as well as a formatted
postscript file.
If you want to produce a DoCS report, please read these instructions.
Most of the recent reports can be ordered from the Department of Computer Systems, Box 325, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden. Many reports can be fetched directly by following the hyperlinks below.
You can also view a separate list of our
PhD and Licentiate theses.
- 02/119
Thiemo Voigt.
Architectures for Service Differentiation in Overloaded Internet
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, May
Available as report DoCS 02/119.
- 01/118
Björn Knutsson.
Architectures for Application Transparent Proxies: A Study of
Network Enhancing Software.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, May
Available as report DoCS 01/118.
- 00/117
Mikael Sjödin.
http://www.docs.uu.se/~mic/thesis.html">Predictable High-Speed Communications for
Distributed Real-Time
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, May
Available as report DoCS 00/117.
- 00/116
Jakob Carlström.
Reinforcement Learning for Admission Control and Routing.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, May
Available as report DoCS 00/116.
- 00/115
Jan Gustafsson.
Analyzing Execution-Time of Object-Oriented Programs Using
Abstract Interpretation.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, May
Available as report DoCS 00/115.
- 00/114
Kristina Lundqvist.
Distributed Computing and Safety Critical Systems in Ada.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, April
Available as report DoCS 00/114.
- 113
Thiemo Voigt.
Providing Quality of Service Guarantees to
Networked Applications Using the Nemesis Operating
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, November 1999.
Available as report DoCS 113.
- 112
Daniel Häggander.
Software Design when Migrating to Multiprocessors.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, November 1999.
Available as report DoCS 112.
- 111
Marcus Nilsson.
Analyzing Parameterized Distributed
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
June 1999.
Available as report DoCS 111.
- 99/110
Mats Kindahl.
Verification of Infinite State Systems: Decision Problems and
Efficient Algorithms.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, June
Available as report DoCS 99/110.
- 109
Jakob Engblom, Andreas Ermedahl, Mikael Sjödin, Jan Gustafsson and Hans
Towards Industry Strength Worst-Case Execution
Time Analysis.
Technical Report DoCS 109, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, April 1999.
Also available as ASTEC report 99/02 and as MDH-MRTC-2-SE.
- 107
Mattias Tenhunen.
Load Regulation in the Signalling Control Channel
of the CMS30 Mobile Telephone
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
February 1999.
Available as report DoCS 107.
- 106
Fredrik Larsson, Paul Pettersson and Wang Yi.
Efficient Memory Deallocation Techniques in
Technical Report DoCS 106, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, January 1999.
To be included in the proceedings of TACAS'00.
- 105
Gerd Behrmann, Kim G. Larsen, Justin Pearson, Carsten Weise and Wang Yi.
Efficient Timed Reachability Analysis Using Clock Difference
Technical Report DoCS 105, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, January 1999.
- 104
Björn Knutsson.
http://www.docs.uu.se/~bjorn/lic.html">Improving Computer Communication and
Operating System Performance by Utilizing Domain Specific
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, January 1999.
Available as report DoCS 104.
- 103
Björn Knutsson and Per Gunningberg.
Exokernels, Protocol Implementation and
Technical Report DoCS 103, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, January 1999.
- 98/102
Jakob Engblom.
Static Properties of Commercial Real-Time and
Technical Report DoCS 98/102, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1998.
Also available as ASTEC report 98/05.
- 99/101
Paul Pettersson.
http://www.docs.uu.se/~paupet/thesis.shtml">Modelling and Verification of Real-Time
Systems Using Timed Automata: Theory and
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
February 1999.
Available as report DoCS 99/101.
- 98/100
Ernst Nordström.
Markov Decision Problems in ATM Traffic Control.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
December 1998.
Available as report DoCS 98/100.
- 98/99
Kim G. Larsen, Carsten Weise, Wang Yi and Justin Pearson.
Clock Difference
Technical Report DoCS 98/99, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, August 1998.
- 98/98
Björn Victor.
http://www.docs.uu.se/~victor/thesis.shtml">The Fusion Calculus: Expressiveness and
Symmetry in Mobile
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, June
Available as report DoCS 98/98.
- 98/97
Fredrick B. Beste.
The Model Prover -- a sequent-calculus based
-calculus model checker tool for finite control
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
March 1998.
Available as report DoCS 98/97.
- 98/96
Björn Victor.
Symbolic Characterizations and Algorithms for
Technical Report DoCS 98/96, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, December 1998.
- 97/95
Peter Altenbernd and Hans Hansson.
The Slack Method: A new method for static
allocation of hard real-time
Technical Report DoCS 97/95, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, November 1997.
Also available as ASTEC report 97/12.
- 97/94a
Jakob Engblom.
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Optimized
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
September 1997.
Available as report DoCS 97/94.
- 97/94b
Peter Altenbernd.
Cross-Compiling Software Circuits to
Technical Report DoCS 97/94, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, October 1997.
Also available as ASTEC report 97/11.
- 97/93
Joachim Parrow and Björn Victor.
The Update
Technical Report DoCS 97/93, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, September 1997.
An extended abstract appeared in Proc. AMAST'97, LNCS 1349.
- 97/92
Mikael Sjödin.
Response-Time Analysis for ATM Networks.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, May 1997.
Available as report DoCS 97/92.
- 97/91
Mats Kindahl.
Results on the Decidability of Simulation and Bisimulation for
Lossy Channel Systems.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, May 1997.
Available as report DoCS 97/91.
- 97/90
Jakob Carlström.
Reinforcement Learning and Neural Networks for ATM Connection
Admission Control.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, May 1997.
Available as report DoCS 97/90.
- 97/89
Harmen van der Velde.
Description of the FPSCALC program.
Technical Report DoCS 97/89, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
- 97/88
Harmen van der Velde.
Real-Time FPS simulation with TPKSIM.
Technical Report DoCS 97/88, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
- 97/87
Harmen van der Velde.
Distributed Marble Sorter Controller.
Technical Report DoCS 97/87, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
- 97/86
Harmen van der Velde.
Development of a Real-Time Laboration Environment.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 97/86.
- 97/85
Mikael Sjödin and Hans Hansson.
Hard Real-Time Communication in ATM Networks.
Technical Report DoCS 97/85, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
- 97/84
Kristina Lundqvist.
Distribution of Ada by Means of Software and Hardware.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
Available as report DoCS 97/84.
- 97/83
Göran Wall.
Performance Analysis and Communication Models for Ada
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
Available as report DoCS 97/83.
- 97/82
Jens Larsson.
Fixed Priority Scheduling Analysis of the
Powertrain Management Application Example Using the ScheduLite
Technical Report DoCS 97/82, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
- 97/81
Jens Larsson.
Information Interface to the Scheduling Level of a
Hard Real-Time System Design
Technical Report DoCS 97/81, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1997.
- 97/80
Bengt Ahlgren.
Improving Computer Communication Performance by Reducing Memory
Bandwidth Consumption.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, March
Available as report DoCS 97/80. Also as SICS Dissertation
Series 24.
- 96/71
Björn Knutsson.
GNAT as Basis for Implementation of Task-Based Distribution.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 96/71.
- 96/70
Lars Björnfot.
Specification and Implementation of Distributed Real-Time
Systems for Embedded Applications.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1996.
Available as report DoCS 96/70.
- 96/69
H. Börjesson.
Incorporating Worst Case Execution Time in a
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
January 1996.
Available as report DoCS 96/69.
- 96/68
Stefan Johansson.
Implementation of Backward Reachability Analysis
of Feature Interaction in Telecommunication
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
February 1996.
Available as report DoCS 96/68.
- 95/65
Xiaoyuan Yang.
A computer based steppermotorcontrol of a high precision manipulator
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 95/65.
- 95/64
Olle Gällmo.
Learning Issues in Artificial Neural Networks for ATM Traffic
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
Available as report DoCS 95/64.
- 95/63
Vanja Kvarnström and Kristina Sirhuber.
XCESS: X Course Evaluation System.
Technical Report DoCS 95/63, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
- 95/62
Daniel Blomqvist and Johan Skantze.
Intrusion Detection: A
Technical Report DoCS 95/62, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 95/61
Johan Blom, Roland Bol and Lars Kempe.
Automatic Detection of Feature Interactions in
Temporal Logic.
Technical Report DoCS 95/61, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
- 95/60
Ernst Nordström.
Neural Networks for Traffic Control in ATM Networks.
Technical Report DoCS 95/60, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, September 1997.
- 95/59
Shangyou Dong.
A computer based control and data acquisition system for the soft
X-ray spectrometer.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 95/59.
- 95/58
Bengt Jonsson and Yih-Kuen Tsay.
Assumption/Guarantee Specifications in Linear-Time
Temporal Logic.
Technical Report DoCS 95/58, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
Revised version in TCS 167(1-2):47-72, 1996. An extended abstract
appeared in Proc. TAPSOFT'95, LNCS 915.
- 95/57
Mikael Emanuelsson and Mikael Sjödin.
Vehicle Internal Architecture, BASEMENT Real-Time System: The
Simulator Tool.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
- 95/56
Erik Larsson.
Vehicle Internal Architecture, BASEMENT Real-Time System: The
Scheduling Tool.
Technical Report DoCS 95/56, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
- 95/55
H. Hansson and H. Lawson.
Vehicle Internal Architecture, BASEMENT Real-Time System: Concept
Technical Report DoCS 95/55, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1995.
- 94/54
Bengt Jonsson, Amir Pnueli and Camilla Rump.
Proving Refinement Using Transduction.
Technical Report DoCS 94/54, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
A simultaneous technical report of Lyngby, Uppsala, and Weizmann.
- 94/53
Ed Brinksma, Bengt Jonsson and Fredrik Orava.
Refining Interfaces of Communicating Systems.
Technical Report DoCS 94/53, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
- 93/52
Ola Öhlund.
Formell validering och verifiering av Delphi-specifikationer: En
ansats baserad på NP-Prove.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 93/52.
- 94/51
Lars Kempe.
A Modular Specification of a Telephone
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 94/51.
- 94/50
Björn Victor.
http://www.docs.uu.se/~victor/tr/docs-tr-94-50.html">A Verification Tool for the Polyadic
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
Available as report DoCS 94/50.
- 94/49
Lars åke Fredlund.
The Timing and Probability Workbench: A
Tool for Analysing Timed
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
Available as report DoCS 94/49.
- 94/48
Hans Hansson.
Distributed Real-Time Systems: A
Technical Report DoCS 94/48, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
Final report from a graduate course on Distributed Real-Time Systems.
- 94/47
Parosh Abdulla and Bengt Jonsson.
Undecidable verification problems for programs with unreliable
Technical Report DoCS 94/47, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
- 94/46
Fredrik Orava.
On the Formal Analysis of Telecommunication Protocols.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1994.
Available as report DoCS 94/46.
- 94/45
Björn Victor and Faron Moller.
The Mobility Workbench - A Tool for the
Technical Report DoCS 94/45, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1994.
- 93/44
Mats Kindahl.
Implementation of a Reachability Algorithm for Systems with
Unreliable Channels.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 93/44.
- 93/43
B. Andersson and J. Erlandsen.
DiScO - A Distributed Schedule Organizer.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 93/43.
- 93/42
Per-Erik Martin.
VOPP - A Verification Tool for Probabilistic
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 93/42.
- 93/41
Mats Björkman.
A queuing model for performance predictions of multiprocessor
implementations of communication protocols.
Technical Report DoCS 93/41, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1993.
- 93/40
Mats Björkman.
Architectures for high performance communication.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1993.
Available as report DoCS 93/40.
- 93/39
Mats Björkman.
The xx-kernel - An execution environment for parallel execution of
communication protocols.
Technical Report DoCS 93/39, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1993.
- 93/38
Joakim Nilsson and Ricardo Civalero.
Validation of refinement steps.
Technical Report DoCS 93/38, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1993.
- 93/37
Linda Christoff.
Specification and Verification Methods for Probabilistic
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1993.
Available as report DoCS 93/37.
- 92/36
Neil Harman.
Lecture notes on formal specifications for digital systems.
Technical Report DoCS 92/36, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1992.
- 92/35
Parosh Abdulla.
Using symbolic simulation to verify regular circuits.
Technical Report DoCS 92/35, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1992.
- 92/34
Linda Christoff and Ivan Christoff.
Reasoning about safety and liveness properties for probabilistic
Technical Report DoCS 92/34, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1992.
- 91/33
Linda Christoff and Ivan Christoff.
Modeling and verification of deadlock properties for probabilistic
Technical Report DoCS 91/33, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1991.
- 91/32
Mats Daniels.
CCS with interval time.
Technical Report DoCS 91/32, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1991.
- 91/31
Peter Sjödin.
From LOTOS specifications to distributed implementations.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1991.
Available as report DoCS 91/31.
- 91/30
Lars Asplund.
National Swedish Symposium on Real-Time Systems.
Technical Report DoCS 91/30, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1991.
- 91/29
Björn Victor.
Adding a language with composition to a
verification tool.
Technical Report DoCS 91/29, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1991.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 91/28
Linda Christoff.
Efficient algorithms for verification of equivalences for
probabilistic processes.
Technical Report DoCS 91/28, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1991.
- 91/27
Hans A. Hansson.
Time and probability in formal design of distributed systems.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1991.
Available as report DoCS 91/27.
- 91/26
Linda Christoff.
Synthesis of probabilistic processes from semantics-based
Technical Report DoCS 91/26, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1991.
- 91/25
Olle Gällmo.
An Introduction to Neurocomputer Design.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 91/25.
- 90/24
Lars Asplund and Daniel Wengelin.
A testbed for distributed measurement and control applications in
Technical Report DoCS 90/24, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1990.
- 90/23
Björn Eriksson and Mark Randow.
Specifikation av OSI i Ada.
Technical Report DoCS 90/23, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1990.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 90/22
Ivan Christoff.
Testing Equivalences for Probabilistic Processes.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1990.
Available as report DoCS 90/22.
- 90/21
Parosh A. Abdulla.
Decision problems in systolic circuit verification.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1990.
Available as report DoCS 90/21.
- 89/20
Mats Björkman.
Finding and eliminating bottlenecks in protocol
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1989.
Available as report DoCS 89/20.
- 89/19
Noriko Akinaga.
Decision procedures for relations on probabilistic transition
Technical Report DoCS 89/19, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1989.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 90/18
Parosh Abdulla.
Automatic verification of a class of systolic hardware circuits.
Technical Report DoCS 90/18, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1990.
- 89/17
Erik Nordmark.
A study of the performance of computer communication protocols.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1989.
Available as report DoCS 89/17.
- 89/16
Ivan Christoff.
Distinguishing probabilistic processes through testing.
Technical Report DoCS 89/16, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1989.
- 88/15
Fredrik Orava.
Specification and verification in SDL.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1988.
Available as report DoCS 88/15.
- 88/14
Ivan Christoff.
Test Trees.
Technical Report DoCS 88/14, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1988.
- 88/13
Ivan Christoff.
A method for verification of test equivalence.
Technical Report DoCS 88/13, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1988.
- 88/12
Hamid Afsharazad and Lars Lindberg.
Implementing algorithms and a graphical interface for test trees.
Technical Report DoCS 88/12, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1988.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 88/11
G. Aronsson, S. Backman, T. Lundquist and J. Persson.
TOFU - an ethernet driver for the Macintosh SE.
Technical Report DoCS 88/11, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1988.
Examensarbete på matematikerlinjen.
- 88/10
Peter Abrahamsson, Lars Millberg and Björn Pettersson.
NIX - an ethernet station.
Technical Report DoCS 88/10, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1988.
Examensarbete på matematikerlinjen.
- 87/09
Bengt Jonsson.
Compositional verification of distributed systems.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1987.
Available as report DoCS 87/09.
- 87/08
Ivan Christoff.
Methods for protocol implementation testing.
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1987.
Available as report DoCS 87/08.
- 87/07
Patrik Bruce, Susanne Dyrhage and Roberto Zamparo.
FTAM - implementeringsstudie och LOTOS-specification.
Technical Report DoCS 87/07, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1987.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 87/06
Tomas Backlund and Stig-Olof Åberg.
Tekniska aspekter på ett distribuerat katalogsystem.
Technical Report DoCS 87/06, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1987.
Examensarbete på datavetenskapliga linjen.
- 86/05
Hani Georges Freiwat.
TALKIE - a speech synthesis system.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 86/05.
- 89/04
Linda Christoff.
Communicating in an OSI environment.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University,
Available as report DoCS 89/04.
- 85/03
Joachim Parrow.
Fairness properties in process algebra with applications in
communication protocol verification.
PhD thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala University, 1985.
Available as report DoCS 85/03.
- 85/02a
Mats Daniels.
Asyl/EFSM a language for specification of protocols and
Licentiate thesis, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1985.
Available as report DoCS 85/02.
- 85/02b
S.-E. Hofmann, S. Lundgren, H. Normann and P. Öhrström.
Autonom kommunikationsprocessor - en implementering av ett autonomt
Technical Report DoCS 85/02, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1985.
Examensarbete på matematikerlinjen.
- 85/01
Mats Daniels.
CHDLs in general and Asyl/EFSM in particular.
Technical Report DoCS 85/01, Department of Computer Systems, Uppsala
University, 1985.
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