Licentiate thesis 2019-006

Efficient Computational Methods for Applications in Genomics

Kristiina Ausmees

November 2019


During the last two decades, advances in molecular technology have facilitated the sequencing and analysis of ancient DNA recovered from archaeological finds, contributing to novel insights into human evolutionary history. As more ancient genetic information has become available, the need for specialized methods of analysis has also increased. In this thesis, we investigate statistical and computational models for analysis of genetic data, with a particular focus on the context of ancient DNA.

The main focus is on imputation, or the inference of missing genotypes based on observed sequence data. We present results from a systematic evaluation of a common imputation pipeline on empirical ancient samples, and show that imputed data can constitute a realistic option for population-genetic analyses. We also discuss preliminary results from a simulation study comparing two methods of phasing and imputation, which suggest that the parametric Li and Stephens framework may be more robust to extremely low levels of sparsity than the parsimonious Browning and Browning model.

An evaluation of methods to handle missing data in the application of PCA for dimensionality reduction of genotype data is also presented. We illustrate that non-overlapping sequence data can lead to artifacts in projected scores, and evaluate different methods for handling unobserved genotypes.

In genomics, as in other fields of research, increasing sizes of data sets are placing larger demands on efficient data management and compute infrastructures. The last part of this thesis addresses the use of cloud resources for facilitating such analysis. We present two different cloud-based solutions, and exemplify them on applications from genomics.

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